Wednesday Word of the Week, May 11

11 May

Even a child can do it.

This week’s word is ALPHABET, a tribute to American values.

A is for ABORTION, a medical procedure in which a fetus is removed from a woman’s body, which should be safe, legal and rare for all women, not the special province of the privileged.

B is for BIRTH CERTIFICATE, a copy of the official document giving details of a person’s birth, which can never be enough to defuse racism and hysteria.

C is for CONSTITUTION, a set of basic laws or principles for a country that describe the rights and duties of its citizens and the way in which it is governed, which is intended to secure our liberties.

D is for DEMOCRACY, a system of government in which people vote in elections to choose the people who will govern them, which is in fact our form of government, no matter what you might hear.

E is for ELECTION, an occasion when people vote for someone to represent them, especially in government, which is the foundation of democracy until it is corporatized.

F is for FAMILY, any of various social units differing from but regarded as equivalent to the traditional family, which is a much bigger term than you might be told to think.

G is for GUN, a weapon that shoots bullets, for example a pistol or a rifle, ownership of which is not enshrined in the Constitution. Really.

H is for HOMOPHOBIA, prejudice against (fear or dislike of) homosexual people and homosexuality, a regular practice by those who screech about family values.

I is for IGNORANCE, lack of knowledge or facts about a situation or a particular subject, which more people should be willing to admit and fewer people should use as a point of pride.

J is for JUSTICE, treatment of people that is fair and morally right, which is what courts are for, not ideology.

K is for KISS, the act of caressing with the lips, something sweet and good, right?

L is for LESSON, something that you learn from life, an event, or an experience, which intelligent people learn from history.

M is for MEDICINE, the study and practice of treating or preventing illnesses and injuries, which should be available to everyone in a caring society.

N is for NEIGHBOR, someone who lives near you, those people we are supposed to help and protect.

O is for OPPORTUNITY, a chance to do something, or a situation in which it is easy for you to do something, which America is the land of

P is for PLUTOCRACY, a country governed by a group of rich people, which the United States is not, right?

Q is for QUAGMIRE, a situation that is so difficult or complicated that you cannot make much progress, like military intervention in Iraq or Afghanistan or Libya or…

R is for RIGHT, which can mean the political party or the group of people within a society who are conservative in their political view or morally correct, which is more than a little ironic.

S is for SCRIVENER, someone employed to make written copies of documents and manuscripts, like Bartleby, whose famous reluctance, while understandable, ought not to be emulated.

T is for TAXES, money that you have to pay to the government that it uses to provide public services and pay for government institution, unless of course you have enough money to avoid paying any money.

U is for UNION, an organization that represents the workers in a particular industry and tries to improve pay, conditions, etc., until it is gutted by the government, of course.

V is for VIOLENCE, extreme natural force, often causing great damage, from which all people in a just society should be free.

W is for WATCHFUL, looking at something carefully, a reasonable approach to participating in our system of commerce.

X is for X-RAY, to make a radiogram made by exposing photographic film to X rays, which can be used to violate our right of privacy in airports.

Y is for YAMMER, cry loudly, as of animals, which should never be mistaken for discourse.

Z is for ZOO, a large place where many types of wild animals are kept so that people can see them, which is where penguins, who pose no threat to liberty, can be found in many states.

Now I know my ABC’s, may I demand my liberty?

(All definitions courtesy of the Macmillan Dictionary Online)

4 Responses to “Wednesday Word of the Week, May 11”

  1. Podunk May 11, 2011 at 7:11 am #

    I’m down with everything but D and G.
    Last time I checked or what I learned in college anyway, the USA was not in fact a democracy but instead a democratic republic and a constitutional republic.
    And as far as guns go, whether or not it’s enshrined in the constitution, people aren’t going to give them up. Hell, a crap ton of people, in Montana at least, not only load their own ammunition but some even handcraft their own guns. Besides, everyone belongs to a militia up here, it’s not that hard to do.

    • yetanothermind May 12, 2011 at 10:39 am #

      “now i know my abc’s, may i demand my liberty” ? ROFL. 😀

      • webwordwarrior May 12, 2011 at 4:22 pm #

        Glad you liked it, Yet. Hope you aren’t stuck humming the alphasong like I did all day…

    • webwordwarrior May 12, 2011 at 4:20 pm #

      Glad to hear you can go along with so much of this alphabet, Podunk. I’ll grant you “D” as a bit of a shortcut. My point, of course is that we aren’t experiencing socialism. As for “G” I’ll agree that there are plenty of gun lovers, but stick with my argument that the Constitution does nothing to endorse that love.

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