Target: Have You No Shame?

8 Sep

My husband and I used to love Target and spent a considerable amount of money there.  Of course, we boycott Target now because of their shameless donation to the homophobic gubernatorial candidate in Minnesota.  Our prescriptions used to also be through Target because of their low prices.  I called today to transfer my prescription to our local grocery store, Fred Meyer.  I explained that I would no longer be shopping at Target because of their contribution to someone that was trying to take away a population’s civil rights.  The pharmacist simply said, “good, go to Fred Meyer.”  Wow!  What if Target donated money specifically to an anti-semitic candidate, or a racist candidate?  Poorly done, Target!  You are on the wrong side of history!

We must continue the boycott until they stop funding anti-gay politicians.

13 Responses to “Target: Have You No Shame?”

  1. Karen September 8, 2010 at 4:27 pm #

    Is it possible the pharmacist was encouraging you to switch, to give your money to some place other than Target?

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt September 8, 2010 at 4:30 pm #


      I just love you! You are so generous and kind. I wish that were the case, but his intonation was quite clear. I’m happy to say this was a Target outside of Portland, but not that far.

  2. Joseph Kapcoe Jr. September 8, 2010 at 4:35 pm #

    Michael, I don’t think there’s a good answer for this situation. Target is a business that has generally been very supportive of it’s openly gay workers and their families, but it is also a business that made a decision as a business that their candidate is better on economic issues. Now I’m guessing by your various posts that you are a liberal or progressive on economic as well as social issues, so that probably means you don’t like the candidate on any issue. As for me, I don’t know if the candidate really would be better for the economy or not. But, speaking for myself, elections can drive me insane since the Libertarians are rarely viable, the Democratic candidate is a social liberal AND a supporter of an activist government, and the Republican is an free market advocate AND a Bible-thumping relic (at least that’s how they advertise themselves — Bush’s HUGE spending sprees and Obama’s social waffling have shown us that hypocrisy is bipartisan). So my votes have been cast (and often, it seems, wasted) on liberal Republicans or Blue-Dog Democrats.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt September 8, 2010 at 4:58 pm #

      Joe, I think you give far too much credit to Target. Yes, they have traditionally been quite supportive of the LGBQT community. Can you imagine what it must feel like for their gay employees to have to work for this corporation. I will also report that when the HRC approached Target to give them an opportunity to at least also make a contribution to the HRC or to do something to help mitigate the damage they did, their response was, NO. Joe, regardless of economics, when is it okay to perpetuate a group. This has nothing to do with being a libertarian, republican, or democrat. This has to do with doing the right thing.

  3. Scott Hulshof September 8, 2010 at 4:40 pm #

    I applaud your actions Michael (and Robert). There are so many different ways for citizens like you and me to have our voices heard. Whether it is our vote at the ballot box or where we spend our money. I consider myself a loyal, brand name customer. But when I find out that a company is supporting causes that I disagree with, or conversely openly NOT supporting causes that I do support, I take my business elsewhere. There is so much more to being a responsible consumer than simply finding the best price. Just one more reason for our population to stay informed.


    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt September 8, 2010 at 5:00 pm #

      Thank you. It is difficult for us not to go to Target. We loved that store and it was much easier on our budget to go there. You are very kind. I’m not always sure Robert and I do enough to be responsible citizens of the world.

  4. Joseph Kapcoe Jr. September 8, 2010 at 5:08 pm #

    I wasn’t aware of the other issue you’ve had with Target, Michael, and I am disappointed. I would never give my support to someone who actively persecutes or discriminates against gays, but I have voted for Republicans and conservative Democrats who give lip service to social issues (usually to Pro-Lifers and supporters of the drug war) and have a history of not pushing those agendas while in office. You know, the “I don’t support these liberal activities myself, but I don’t think government should interfere” guys.

  5. Scott Hulshof September 8, 2010 at 6:00 pm #

    Joe, it is great to see that I am not the only voting American that votes the issues not the party line. It is unfortunate that our two party system has, in many ways, created more problems that it has solved. I grow tired of having to of having to choose one candidate over another based on what often ends up as lip service to the social issues. It is difficult enough to pick one candidate who you support on one issue but disagree with on another. It is even more difficult when that candidate then waffles and no longer serves as your voice in the governmental process.


    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt September 8, 2010 at 6:04 pm #

      I’m so glad I have you both commenting on here and love that there are conversations taking place where not all of us agree, yet can be respectful. I thank you both.

  6. Scott Hulshof September 8, 2010 at 7:00 pm #

    Good conversations are a result of having good topics. Respectful conversations are the result of having good friends. 😉 Love you Michael.


  7. brad fairchild September 9, 2010 at 11:59 am #

    I think that if the gay community finds out that a business has donated a large amount of money to an anti-gay candidate, then they have every right to not patronize that store and to encourage others to do the same. because, much in the same way the business may be acting in its own self-interest business-policy-wise, the gays are acting in their own self-interest by doing what they can to make it more difficult for a business they patronize to support (even indirectly) policies which will adversely affect their lives (in many more profound ways than JUST monetarily).

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt September 9, 2010 at 2:14 pm #

      Well said. I do believe that decision that really go against the civil rights of others will ultimately be poor business decisions.

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