Christine O’Donnell: Famous Idiot at Large

3 Oct

While most of us have laughed at the anti-woman, Queen of Non-Masturbation, lying Tea Party candidate from Delaware, I worry that we are not realizing the impact she is having on a political dialogue that is getting even more insane and leaning on the precipice of Fascism.  (When the government is in our bedrooms telling us not to masturbate, that is a perverted form of fascism). The perpetual whore, Karl Rove did a complete turn around and endorsed O’Donnell.  The irony is that I’m pretty sure she does not realize she is being used by the Republicans: “By latching on to O’Donnell’s growing presence, the Rove-Boehner-McConnell establishment can claim it represents struggling middle-class Tea Partiers rather than Wall Street potentates and corporate titans. O’Donnell’s value is the same as that other useful idiot, Michael Steele, who remains at the Republican National Committee only because he can wave the banner of “diversity” over a virtually all-white party that alternately demonizes African-Americans, Latinos, gays and Muslims.”  The NYT has a great article about all of these nefarious characters.

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