Hero of the Week Award: September 2, Cher, Chaz, ABC

2 Sep

Hero of the Week

I want to thank my friend James Queale for inspiring this week’s HWA.  Apparently, ABC’s Dancing With the Stars will feature Chaz Bono–which seems perfectly reasonable to any enlightened and thinking person.  Unfortunately, bigots abound right now and said bigots are putting enormous pressure on ABC to kick Chaz off the show.

Fortunately, Cher has been tweeting and defending her son, demonstrating how much she has grown regarding Chaz over the past two years. Lacey Schwimmer, Chaz’ dance partner is also showing integrity by supporting him, “Everybody should just get over it and accept him as a human being.” ABC is also doing the right thing and standing by their decision. DWTS Executive Producer Conrad Green has said firmly in interviews that it is Bono’s personal story that made him a prime candidate for the show

It’s a fascinating story, his life in the last few years and the changes that he’s made in his life. He’s got a really interesting story to tell and that’s just one facet of it.

This week’s Hero of the Week Award goes to: Chaz for having the courage to do the show and thereby raise the much needed visibility of our transgender brothers and sisters, to Cher for supporting her son, and to ABC for not caving into bullying from right wing bigots!  Kudos to all three heroes!

4 Responses to “Hero of the Week Award: September 2, Cher, Chaz, ABC”

  1. Michelle September 2, 2011 at 8:47 am #

    I think it is fabulous Chaz is doing the show. It takes a lot of courage to be publicly scrutinized for being transgender. At least ABC and others have shown support and have kept an open mind! More people need to!

  2. Jennifer Lockett September 2, 2011 at 9:13 am #

    I’m so excited that DWTS is bringin Chaz onto the show. And kudos to his dance partner Lacy for stepping up to the plate here as well. I may actually watch this season!


  1. One Million Mommies Dearest | Clean Me - September 16, 2011

    […] the craziness continues with 1 Million Mean Maniacal Moms, who are now after ABC and Chaz Bono.  The Statement from the 1 Million Mean Maniacal Moms is: Email ABC Network and let them know that […]

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