Hero of the Week Award: January 4, Pat Brady, Illinois Republican Party Chair

4 Jan
Hero of the Week

Hero of the Week

It’s always nice to recognize the best behavior in unexpected places. The Illinois General Assembly is considering a bill that would make the Land of Lincoln the tenth state to legalize marriage equality. Governor Pat Quinn (D) is pressing lawmakers to complete pending legislation before the new Assembly is sworn in on January 9, requiring a fresh start on the process.

Things look fairly promising for the bill, but there are enough recalcitrant Republican state senators that it could be derailed. Enter Pat Brady, Chair of the state’s Republican Party since 2009. Bucking his party’s national platform and its codified homophobia, Brady is encouraging his party members to support equality for all citizens of their state. He’s not just issuing a press release, either; he’s making individual calls to each Republican Senator.

What’s Brady’s message? It’s pretty simple.

It’s time for people to support this. […] Giving gay and lesbian couples the freedom to get married honors the best conservative principles. It strengthens families and reinforces a key Republican value – that the law should treat all citizens equally.

Bravo!! How wonderful to see the word “conservative” used in a meaningful way rather than a destructive one! Some people still use the Tea Party dictionary, however. NOM, a recognized HATE group by the SPLC, not content with the money they wasted in the November elections, has pledged $250,000 to defeat any Republican who votes for equality and has called for Brady’s resignation. That’s just one more sign he’s doing the right thing.  Thank you, Chair Brady, and well done.

11 Responses to “Hero of the Week Award: January 4, Pat Brady, Illinois Republican Party Chair”

  1. Jennifer Carey January 4, 2013 at 7:26 am #

    Yes, facilitating marriage is a conservative principle. It promotes stability and financial prosperity. It’s about allowing equal opportunity, not entitlement.

  2. prideinmadness January 4, 2013 at 8:21 am #

    *Jumps up and down with excitement!*

  3. Rich McIntyre January 4, 2013 at 8:37 am #

    Michael please do not be surprised that a Republican can support the right of someone to marry whoever he or she chooses. As you may have guessed I voted for the other guy but that doesn’t mean I agree with everything “the party” may support.

    I believe that within the next year or so the issue of marriage equality will be decided. I know many people in my demographic (how’s that for saying OLD ) support the idea so sooner or later I hope the rest of the country will as well.

    There are just too many real problems for us to address going forward so hopefully we will not be distracted by something as basic as letting a person decide who he or she wants to live with the rest of their life, misery does love company after all 🙂

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt January 4, 2013 at 8:44 am #


      Please know how much I really appreciate your always thoughtful comments here! You are ABSOLUTELY right. I know many Republicans that are pro-marriage equality and I thank you for being such a splendid ally! Happy New Year, my love to you and Sharon.

  4. nevercontrary January 4, 2013 at 6:07 pm #

    These kind of stories in the news give me warm fuzzies 🙂

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt January 4, 2013 at 6:18 pm #

      Let us hope that Illinois and Rhode Island are the next two states to implement Marriage Equality.

  5. webwordwarrior January 7, 2013 at 7:35 am #

    How wonderful! Let us hope that celebrations like this encourage more reasonable Republicans to buck the Teahadist doctrines and actually work to improve life for American citizens.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt January 7, 2013 at 7:52 am #

      I think Brady is quite wise and realized his party is going to have to reinvent themselves if they want to survive the 21st Century.


  1. Hero of the Week Award: January 4, Pat Brady, Illinois Republican Party Chair « Central Oregon Coast NOW - January 4, 2013

    […] Hero of the Week Award: January 4, Pat Brady, Illinois Republican Party Chair. […]

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