Hero of the Week Award: August 12, Charlie Cavell

12 Aug

Hero of the Week

This week’s hero is a young man who has – at the age of 20 – already committed himself to the cause of social justice. Charlie Cavell, a social work student at Wayne State University in Detroit, isn’t content to wait until he has his degree to start making a difference in the world. Wanting to get involved with the struggling Detroit schools (where he intends his someday children to attend), he ran for a seat on the board of the city’s new charter schools. After winning the seat, he put himself for president (and was elected vice-president).

Charlie has an infectious grin and an astounding energy and enthusiasm. Not content just to work on the schools in his adopted home, he also runs a Facebook initiative, Pay It Forward, the purpose of which is

working every day to partner jobless residents of Detroit with internships at non-profit agencies around town. This helps at 3 different levels! The unemployed person, the non-profit and the new clients the non-profit is now able to serve!

He was recently profiled on NPR for his hard work and lofty goals. A great representative of the Millennial generation, Charlie Cavell is the kind of engaged champion we should hope to see far more often and a fitting recipient of the HWA.

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