Black History Month: Welcome to the New Racist America

1 Feb

We Need Black History Month More Now Than Ever

Thank you to my friend Mary Sauve for inspiring this story. How sad that we have more evidence to support how desperately we still need to celebrate Black History Month.  The absolutely shameful behavior of the Republican Party, in its attempts to prevent President Obama from running in 2012, is nothing less than disgusting and racist.  Probably few people were surprised when CRAZY Arizona recently reintroduced a previously failed bill that would require Obama to provide a copy of his birth certificate in order to be placed on the ballot in the state, but now Connecticut?  Yes, the GOP in Connecticut has introduced legislation that would require potential presidential and vice-presidential candidates to provide the secretary of state with an “original birth certificate” in order to run.  Is Faux News really that powerful that people don’t believe President Obama was born here, or is it that we as a country are very fearful of this brilliant black man?  I think we all know the truth is that there is no leftist media and that we are afraid of a black man that is smarter than most of the country.  Click here to see the full article.

I propose if we are going to go through these ridiculous lengths of proving American Birth, we go farther and force all political candidates to take a reading test and history test–then we could say goodbye to Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Jan Brewer, half of the Supreme Court and probably 2/3 of the Republican party.

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