Clouds of NOM

24 Feb

The Princess of Prejudice

In reaction to our Ray of Light from President Obama, yesterday, good old Warrior Maggie, Princess of Prejudice, and NOM are foaming at the mouth, (while hiding all of their secret gay porn stash) to fight for “Marriage.”  In a statement released yesterday, our Princess of  Prejudice’s lap boy, Brian Brown said, “we have not yet begun to fight for marriage.”

I guess this leaves no choice but for my husband and me to take up war arms to do battle. Why even now, I am dressing in my best formal/downtown casual wear (with great flair) and we are going to see how many hetero marriages we can knock out in one day. For I know that just one look at how happy my husband and I are together, it will force all hetero couples to go gay! Bwahahahaha!!!

Click here to see the full article on Jeremy’s blog.

7 Responses to “Clouds of NOM”

  1. jenny68 February 24, 2011 at 9:21 am #

    Yep you have I’ve just left Andrew for – well I dont know yet but you gay people just have so much fun I wanna be one too- so I can fight for my will to be upheld, take abuse from rednecks and just generally be thought of as evil. What’s love got to do with it? To quote a bad eighties song….

  2. jenny68 February 24, 2011 at 10:03 am #

    Im not going gay for her tho- no way she’s butt ugly

  3. jenny68 February 24, 2011 at 10:05 am #

    And the bowl head hair cut does wonders.
    Quick! We need queer eye for the ugly lady quick!

  4. Drew & John February 24, 2011 at 10:07 am #

    Excellent strategy, Michael. We’re going to scan our marriage certificate and post it online with lots of tags so that unsuspecting heteros will stumble across it and be converted. Bwahahaha again!

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt February 24, 2011 at 10:11 am #

      YES! I’m sure once your wedding pictures and certificate hit the press, there will not be a hetero marriage intact left in the state of Massachusetts. E-e-excellent!

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