A Broken Clock Moment For Alan Simpson

12 Apr

Simpson's Broken Clock Moment

I am starting to believe The Rapture is going to take place quite soon. Conservative Republican Alan Simpson is the voice of reason regarding homosexuality and abortion–well, a broken clock is right twice a day. My first encounter with Simpson (R-Wyoming) was watching him badger and belittle Anita Hill during the Clarence Thomas hearings, or shall we call them the Anita Hill hearings. His behavior was reprehensible and sent out a clear message that if you have been sexually harassed don’t bother reporting it. Click here to see some video footage of Simpson attacking Ms. Hill. Sad that the incompetent, ethically compromised, and bigoted Clarence Thomas is part of Simpson’s legacy.

More recently, Simpson is infamous as co-chair of the Cat Food Commission. So one can only imagine my surprise when I read that the same Simpson was the voice of reason regarding a woman’s right to chose: male lawmakers shouldn’t be allowed to vote on the “deeply intimate and personal decision” of abortion. Not only did Simpson stand up for women, but he also took a stand by condemning all the homophobes within his own party:

We have homophobes on our party. That’s disgusting to me. We’re all human beings. We’re all God’s children. Now if they’re going to get off on that stuff—Santorum has said some cruel things—cruel, cruel things—about homosexuals. Ask him about it; see if he attributes the cruelness of his remarks years ago. Foul.

I’m glad someone finally took Rick (The P is silent) Santorum to task for his homophobic bigoted views and language. I never thought I would say this, but I do believe Simpson is not only redeeming himself, but he is making it safe for Republicans to be thinking individuals again, rather than blind, bigoted, bellicose, bullies. Thank you, Mr. Simpson.  Click here to see the full article and video.

6 Responses to “A Broken Clock Moment For Alan Simpson”

  1. webwordwarrior April 12, 2011 at 3:58 pm #

    I have two questions for Sen. Simpson:
    1) What did he do with the real Senator we’ve come to know and loathe?
    2) Can we keep this one instead?

  2. Jennifer April 12, 2011 at 5:26 pm #

    Bravo! Bravo!

    I’m glad that members of the Republican party are standing up for individual rights.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt April 12, 2011 at 5:30 pm #

      Well, at least one member of the Republican party. I fear he is a bit of an island right now.

  3. Jay April 13, 2011 at 1:55 pm #

    Don’t forget Ted Olson, who has been a mensch.

    I’ve long had a soft-spot for Simpson. While he overplays the folksy straight-talk shtick, he’s consistently been a deficit hawk who acknowledges that increased taxes on the well-to-do must be part of the mix.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt April 13, 2011 at 4:52 pm #

      A nod to Olson duly noted. Simpson lost a great deal of respect from me with his misogynistic treatment of Anita Hill.

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