Dear Justice Thomas: Do We Need a Lesson on Ethics?

19 Jun

I Can't Be Bothered With Ethics

TSM has made no secret of our disdain and disappointment in Clarence Thomas’ behavior, dating back to his sexually harassing Anita Hill.  TSM has also followed the trail of ethics violations attributed to Justice Thomas.  Finally, it was nice to see the New York Times calling Thomas out on his bad behavior.    Thomas’ involvement with the Koch Brothers and with Citizens United may prove to be his undoing as a supreme court justice–let’s hope so, if justice is to be carried out.

In yesterday’s New York Times’ we see yet more controversial behavior leading up to ethics violations.  Thomas’ involvement with real estate magnate and long-time conservative funder Harlan Crow proved to be quite advantageous.  Yet again, we need to look into Thomas’ extrajudicial activities.  We have talked before about his appearing before right wing audiences to raise money for Tea Party candidates, as does his wife Ginni. It is hard to trust a justice who actively campaigns for partisan politics.  Click here to read the full article.

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