Dear Hillary: How Very Dare You!

1 Aug

HillaryLet me be as candid and transparent as possible: I was a very strong supporter of Bernie Sanders, and until the past four weeks, held out great hope that he would become our next President. Over the course of the past month, I have had to do a great deal of reflecting and ask myself where does this seemingly irrational antipathy for Hillary Clinton come from? Why have I participated in it? After doing some research and looking hard at systemic misogyny, I have had to confront myself with the truth that I bought into a narrative about Hillary Clinton that has been produced, packaged, and perpetuated by mostly the GOP with the help of many democrats and independents.

This narrative is a 30-year-old vilification of a woman who is bright, independent, wealthy, and powerful — a woman who asks for what she wants and needs. How very dare you, Ms. Clinton? How dare you have a mind of your own? How dare you be bright and powerful? How dare you ask for what you want and need? Don’t you know these rights are still exclusively for white, Christian, cisgender, able-bodied, heterosexual men?

My research indicates that the reality — the facts (I realize facts are immaterial when talking to many Trump supporters) — are that Hillary Clinton is one of the most honest politicians tracked by the Pulitzer Prize winning fact-checking project Politifact. I would also call upon Jill Abramson’s piece in the Guardian. Most of you probably know Abramson from the Wall Street Journal or the New York Times. Abramson writes:

As an editor I’ve launched investigations into her business dealings, her fundraising, her foundation and her marriage. As a reporter my stories stretch back to Whitewater. I’m not a favorite in Hillaryland. That makes what I want to say next surprising. Hillary Clinton is fundamentally honest and trustworthy.

Members of the press, in their misguided attempt to be “balanced”, love to point out that we face a presidential contest between the two least-popular candidates ever. What they fail to do is analyze their own complicity in blindly adhering to the cartoon version of Hillary Clinton. Trump is unpopular — even with many Republicans who weakly support him — because of his stated positions. Secretary Clinton is unpopular largely because of an aggressive campaign of fictions and slander. That campaign has succeeded largely because of systemic misogyny.

Journalist Michael Arnovitz points out in his article Thinking About Hillary–A Plea for Reason (I strongly recommend his piece) that propaganda around Hillary’s “dishonest” nature stems from the pablum written by conservative writer William (I can’t be concerned with facts or evidence) Safire. Safire wrote the 1996 article Blizzard of Lies in which he vilifies and demonizes Hillary as a “congenital liar” without any evidence to support his claims. (How’s that for irony?) What I find profoundly sad is how quickly and how easily I — and so many Americans — bought into this false and misogynistic narrative. This tragically illustrates  how systemic sexism/misogyny is: how it is in the water we drink, the air we breathe, in every fiber we wear.

In fact, most of the resistance to Hillary initially was about how “smug” she was in pushing that “Universal Health Care” agenda. How dare she want all people to have health insurance–why that means that health care is a community health problem–there she goes again, with a mind of her own! Furthermore, apparently she was not behaving as a First Lady should. What the hell is that? How should a First Lady behave? The intense misogyny is too overwhelming to ignore here, and sadly, we are all implicated in this system of oppression. Just this past June, Hillary was shredded by the media for the Armani jacket she wore. Really? The day she was announced as the Democratic Nominee for President, it was a picture of her husband that made the front page of the paper. This is some intense sexism at work. Did anyone ask what Bill Clinton was wearing and who designed it?

Sadly, any time there is a claim of sexism at play, people roll their eyes as though such a thing does not exist, because women, women of color, people of color, LGBT folk, all of the intersecting identities of all targeted communities are always under suspicion. We are disbelieved disproportionately for asking to be treated the same way our white, heterosexual, Christian, cisgender counterparts are treated. All of a sudden being treated equally becomes “special rights.” So say those within the dominant narrative and power structure.

While I have never been a fan of David Brooks, he actually was able to offer some reflection and repair work on Friday’s NPR commentary with  E.J. Dionne. Brooks made the claim that Hillary is too guarded (why wouldn’t she be?).  Kudos to E.J. Dionne for pointing out the double standard to Brooks, that he would not make the same claim about a male candidate for President. Brooks connected and agreed that this was a sexist statement.

What I find profoundly sad is the blatant double standard of how we individually and collectively punish women who seek power, as opposed to how we reward men for the same ambition. As Arnovitz notes in his article:

What I see is that the public view of Hillary Clinton does not seem to be correlated to “scandals” or issues of character or whether she murdered Vince Foster. No, the one thing that seems to most negatively and consistently affect public perception of Hillary is any attempt by her to seek power. Once she actually has that power her polls go up again. But whenever she asks for it her numbers drop like a manhole cover…Even NBC news, looking back over decades of their own polls, stated that, “she’s struggled to stay popular when she’s on the campaign trail.” If this has nothing to do with gender, then wouldn’t the same thing happen to men when they campaign? But it doesn’t. Why not?

When I try to ask people for specific examples of why they “hate” Hillary, or how has she been dishonest, all I get is “everyone knows she is,” or “that’s just the way I feel.”  These two answers are problematic in so many ways. Regardless, this sentiment is testament to how effective the messaging/propaganda from Republicans has been over the past two decades. All I am asking is this: can we slow down and think critically and not accept without caution or question what is presented to us as the narrative of Hillary Clinton? Can we also allow for the fact that she has made mistakes and more importantly that she grows and learns from her mistakes.

I know I have gone from a true supporter of Bernie Sanders to an apathetic supporter of Hillary to now an excited and enthusiastic supporter of our first female President. It’s certainly true that she isn’t as progressive a candidate as I would like. Neither was Bernie and his stand on guns. Neither is absurd long-shot Jill Stein and her strange anti-science positions. That’s the reality of American politics in 2016.

I truly believe that Hillary and her platform are beneficial to targeted communities: people of color, people in poverty, people with disabilities, veterans, LGBTQ people, and all of the intersecting identities thereof. She is a hard-working, fundamentally honest person for whom — as she so nicely framed it — “the service part has always come easier than the public part.” I welcome people’s input here. All I ask is that you put in check any misogynistic comments and please have evidence to support your assertions.

Every election matters, but this one has even deeper resonance than most. Please remember to vote!


1,717 Responses to “Dear Hillary: How Very Dare You!”

  1. Dr. Rex August 1, 2016 at 6:17 am #

    Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    Thank you Michael for this wonderful post. It’s educated me & dispelled some concerns. I hope many stop by and read it!

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 1, 2016 at 6:20 am #

      Thank you for reblogging this, Dr. Rex! I was sad when I realized how quickly I bought into this sexist narrative of Hillary. I hope she can unite the country and we can heal the hate that Trump is spreading. Peace and love, Michael.

      • Dr. Rex August 1, 2016 at 7:43 am #

        Peace & love, dear friend! I didn’t know many details about Hillary … I’m still learning. I like her more, the more I learn. In primaries I voted Bernie … yet, I knew, that if it came to what there’s now, Hillary would get my vote. The DNC sealed it for me! Hugs …

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 1, 2016 at 7:54 am #

        Yes, I voted for Bernie in the primary and held out great hope that he would be the nominee. Like you, the more I am learning about Hillary and the more I put my own ingrained sexism in check, the more I like Hillary! Love, Michael.

      • Jeannine Alexander August 25, 2016 at 12:37 am #

        Wow! I am truley impressed at your insight. I have always been on Hillarys side. She has weathered every storm with grace and dignity and an immutable strength that I firmly believe only women can find, especially when the tide is so evidently against them. I learned very early in my life how words can damage and hurt, sometimes more than fists. I adopted a credo that I have lived by my whole life, never say anything you can’t take back. Because of this I have always looked for the truth in peoples words, the hidden agendas and lies are usually glaringly obvious for those who seek them out. Ignorance and stupidity are never an excuse for making judgments on people. I have found that a great number of people are simply just to lazy to look for the truth or even hostile to facts especially if it is contradictory to their internal narrative ( confirmation bias ). For to long people have allowed others to write HRC’s narrative, willing to believe the worst without evidence or proof, she has been convicted in the court of opinion time and time again and yet she remains standing. Why? Because she is the strong, powerful woman that all women should emulate. The Internet is no longer the place of free flowing ideas and truth, it has become the bastion of every nut case, paranoid, conspiracy touting, hate-mongering troll and the legions of ignorant accollites who are perfectly content to sit back and drink the cool aide. Intelligence has become a defect and ignorance a calling for the legions of indoctrinated. The real HRC is an extraordinary human being, she is flawed like us all and even though the bar for her has been set so much higher than any man, she always rises to the task. There is no convincing tha rabid haters and the far right, but I hope and am optimistic that that intelligent reasoned thinkers in our society have figured out that they are better than the lies, innuendo and hysteria that the GOP have promulgated for more than 30 years and are just that . And when people like you shine a little light into the coners of all of this we will all be the better for it.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 25, 2016 at 6:21 am #

        Jeannine, thank you for your comment here. Sadly, I have been very disappointed with the AP’s recent attacks, without facts. Fortunately, other media are now sharing the FALSE attacks from the AP. Peace, Michael.

      • Elishia September 12, 2016 at 9:57 pm #

        You say the hate that Trump is spreading, what hate is this please provide a link to a full-length video uncut of Trump being hateful. Also, Hilary called me deplorably in the basket of racist homophobic and evil. I may not be LGBT but I as a Christian was raised and taught according to the bible to not judge another human being I have no right to the only god does so with that in mind I happily voted yes for gay rights and marriage rights 🙂 after all, if god gives me a choice they have the same choices. As for racist I’ve dated black men Hispanic men and white men color makes no difference to me its the spiritual connection between two human beings I also have a half latina child. And evil, oh boy sigh and big lol I am an in home medical care provider for disabled vets officers elderly and mentally developmentally disabled children teens and adults as well as incurable diseases as cancer and Parkinsons. I don’t make a large amount of money and I am over qualified as my past in tells financial accounting for my past local city ( big bucks) I was not fired or laid off just felt a calling to be a better woman and community member so please tell me how I am deplorable. Her comment regarding myself as a Trump supporter is extremely hurtful, she wants to lead America into greatness but half of 60% are deplorable are we included in her plans or will I with many others be left behind, again !

    • booksquirm August 2, 2016 at 9:00 am #

      agreed! #gottovoteHillary. basically good (not left enough for me but…)

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 9:03 am #

        Thank you, booksquirm! Yes, not left enough for me either, but I can be excited about her Presidency. Peace, Michael.

      • Dr Rogier Gregoire August 28, 2016 at 5:57 pm #

        With all that power and intelligence and access to power poverty and racism persists and she has continued to deal with the symptoms rather than address the causes of poverty and racism. That makes her the enemy with palatine and parasitical tendencies. It’s the persistence of poverty and racism that taints her otherwise sterling accomplisments

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 29, 2016 at 6:18 am #

        Dr. Gregoire, I’m not certain it is in any way fair to hold a single individual responsible to undo system racism and the intersecting identities of poverty and race and gender.

      • sosipatra9 September 24, 2016 at 5:34 am #

        To Elishia
        Thank you for all the awesome things you do. You asked for a full uncut video of Trump being hateful. What I am sharing I think is really enlightening. It shows what is happening at Trump rallies. You can hear him speak, and you can see what it means and what it does. .

    • barbara August 2, 2016 at 12:51 pm #

      y concern was and still is WHY does she condone GMOs? I can not vote for someone who is telling people GMOs are not bad! WHAT????!

      • milx August 2, 2016 at 4:11 pm #

        GMOs are not bad. That’s just more anti-science hysteria.

      • Dr. Rex August 3, 2016 at 4:52 am #

        Please …. one step at a time!

      • August 9, 2016 at 10:08 pm #

        Thank you for clarifying-the same hatred Obama has endured due to his color Hillary is being pilloried because of her gender. I love Bernie, was all ready to vote for him-now, after hearing his speech @ DNC I’m voting for Hilary-we absolutely cannot have Trump the Chump! Goddess help America grow the hell up!

      • chaplynn03 August 10, 2016 at 3:52 pm #


      • Tina Israel August 10, 2016 at 5:53 pm #

        Barbara, GMO’s are really not bad actually.

      • Elizabeth August 16, 2016 at 2:27 pm #

        So many politicians are pro GMO but so are so many of our citizens. Not sure the issues are understood enough to call a pro-GMO politician corrupt or not

      • L Newman September 1, 2016 at 9:44 pm #

        I agree about the GMO’s and will do everything I can to educate people about the evil Monsanto. Together we can educate Hillary about the danger — she will evolve. There is so much to be done to right the wrongs that have been/are being done in this country. Keep petitioning congress until they listen. Hillary can’t do everything by herself, but we can help get this done !!

      • capachistorygenealogy September 18, 2016 at 7:19 am #

        She’s right about GMOs. Science!

      • chaplynn03 September 18, 2016 at 12:40 pm #

        I am certainly not a geneticist, worked very hard for my C in college, but a good friend is and she agrees with you. I’ve seen a few presentations that indicate that modifying foods is not harmful. I would love to have more (and simple) information to share with people like me who are not versed in the science. Any suggestions?

      • brianarbenz September 19, 2016 at 10:38 pm #

        Though GMOs are not known to be harmful, my problem with them is they will do us no good. The technology corporations were touting GMO foods as a way to reduce world hunger, yet the reason for hunger is not that the world does not produce enough food, but unequal distribution, weather problems and wars. Giving more power to multinational corporations will likely only worsen two of those three problems, while increasing food yields in only the affluent parts of the world.

      • chaplynn03 September 20, 2016 at 9:40 am #

        Thank you Brian, I hadn’t thought of the issue in those terms. Mega-corporations are not good for anyone as far as I’m concerne.
        Much appreciated!

      • Jorn September 22, 2016 at 3:49 am #

        Every type of food you eat is in some way genetically modified. What exactly are you scared of?

    • RJASON August 2, 2016 at 2:25 pm #


      • Dr. Rex August 3, 2016 at 4:40 am #

        Ha! Says who? You? …. and who are you? Don’t worry … Who cares? 🙄

    • nolive1999nick olivo August 7, 2016 at 8:08 pm #

      Join Bernie’s Revolution Against the Dark Side

      • Derek Whitman September 3, 2016 at 11:37 am #

        I would be more one board if you wouldn’t frame it as a good vs evil fantasy.

      • Brian Chambers September 3, 2016 at 3:56 pm #

        Well that was lame

    • Carla August 8, 2016 at 1:13 pm #

      Did you forget about our Ambassador and three soldiers that she let die in Libya?? Military was waiting to help and she told them the “stand down”. Then she lied to the parents about their deaths. There are too many lies to list!! She put our military & country at high risk with her private email server and yes, she is smart, smart enough to know better than to do this. She knew she was wrong, that is why she deleted 33,000 emails! And now, in the last 6 weeks, five people who posed a threat to her have died! Shades of 1990.

      • Dr. Rex August 8, 2016 at 3:25 pm #

        …. that’s your belief! I will let it be … 😦 … those are the lies they want to feed you.

      • Dr. Rex August 8, 2016 at 3:28 pm #

        Take a look (from another visitor, listee below) … PolitiFact has rated Hillary the most honest of all 2016 Presidential Candidates (including Bernie Sanders).

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 8, 2016 at 3:28 pm #

        Thank you, Dr. Rex! 🙂

      • Dr. Rex August 8, 2016 at 3:29 pm #

        You’re most welcome, dearest friend … some have definitely rank the kool-aid!

      • David McCullough August 8, 2016 at 4:13 pm #

        I had three people die to whom I owed money. Coincidence? I wish someone would write a conspiracy blog about me.

      • Allison August 9, 2016 at 7:46 am #

        Look into your facts. The army could not have reached the embassy in time, as per them not her. She did not put anything on her emails that was classified and secretary of states have often used different servers including Rice and Powell. And I think you are thinking about Bush for the deleted emails.

        Please do your research.

      • cris August 9, 2016 at 7:11 pm #

        One of the parents of a military soldier that was killed there is suing the lady. I for one will not vote a female for president.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 10, 2016 at 4:53 am #

        “I won’t vote for a female president.” Wow!

      • chaplynn03 August 10, 2016 at 2:13 pm #

        It sure is a good thing that GW didn’t lead anyone to an unnecessary death.

      • G. E. Malc August 12, 2016 at 8:02 pm #

        Carla, get your facts straight. She has been totally exhonerated of any wrong doing for all of mud throwing. She has been vetted more over the past 25 years than anyone in our history. The Republicans have been afraid of her for at least that time period, and have continually thrown mud to see what might stick. Go to Prolitofact and ask questions rather than blindly being manipulated by the Republican right. Systemic mysoginy in this country is the real problem, not Hillary!!!

      • Cary Adams August 13, 2016 at 1:09 am #

        Many forget the Benghazi event was a conspiracy that took place in an ungovernable nation 8,000 miles from the U.S. With only warlords and militias in control, how could Hillary Clinton possibly know anything on the ground?

        Yet, that same conspiracy grew out of the greatest conspiracy in history where the most powerful, sophisticated nation in the world, and possibly in history, was shutdown in every respect, lost 3,000 people and completely humbled. But, no one asked what Bush knew or should have known. While no one thought to hold him responsible, many of his Republican friends only two years earlier, tried to impeach Bill Clinton for lying about a blow job in the White House.

        How dare they! Now, many of the same supporters of Bush and the crackpot tea-baggers will vote for Donald Trump, forgetting they he’s soliciting espionage from a hostile foreign government for political gain.

        Doesn’t that say it all?

      • Jason August 18, 2016 at 8:37 pm #

        It is Fox News, Breitbart, Radical Republican hate mongering drivel. Did you sit and listen to testimony…the wheel thing? Did you read about the ambassador’s wife and family and their opinion. The man who wrote the speech for the son killed in Benghazi says he was wrong to write it. And have you kept your emails all the way back to 2009?

      • lildoggy4u August 22, 2016 at 7:48 am #

        The military “order to stand down” can only come from ONE PERSON and THAT PERSON IS THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!
        Hillary was Secretary of State and therefore could not have given any type of order to the military, only the Commander in Chief. You have bought into the false narrative.

      • Rhonda August 26, 2016 at 12:50 am #

        I recently read that Hillary wasn’t responsible as a Sec of State, that it was the Sec of Defense that made the final decisions about Benghazi. I don’t know about the validity of that, but those men were well trained and knew what their job was and how dangerous to boot going into it. Their commanders on site were ultimately the ones responsible for sending them into any situation, if you truly want to split hairs. Had it went well, I’m sure the opposition would have called her a murderer in the other direction. It’s been a smear campaign since they caught wind of how strong she is as a person. They’re basically scared she’ll make the changes that really need to be made, which will probably change their cushy lifestyles. How many taxpayers dollars are they going to waste on e-mails and total BS before someone puts an end to the lies to discredit her? If they can’t prove one lie, they’ll just invent another and some people eat it up. I look at it this way, if she’s that damn smart and good at doing these heinous feats of covert behavior, things where they can’t prove anything and everyone is so loyal, not one person can prove maleficence, I think I’ll go with her. That’s just crazy as a fox, intelligence! And SMH at a man who won’t vote for a person on the female gender. Where would you be without your mama?

      • Ronalda Carlson August 26, 2016 at 11:21 am #

        Dear Rhonda: Thank you for expressing your views with a logical mind. I agree with you completely! Younger voters have not followed Hillary’s life and career as closely as many of us. I have followed and read everything I could about her for over 25 years. I switch between news channels and came to realize early on that Fox and tabloids perpetuate lies and propaganda against Hillary AND Bill and continue to do so. Hillary was not responsible for Bill’s philandering ways. I know fully well Hillary was not responsible for the Benghazi tragedy. In the spirit of transparency, she shared early information as reasons for the attack that turned out to be erroneous and corrected. #I’mwithHer I intend to volunteer with my local Dem volunteers to get out the vote. Also, this business of investigating the Clinton Foundation is totally bogus. The Foundation earned 5 starts for their charity work and 89% of the funds are directed towards charitable works — providing clean water and medication — HIV drugs, etc. Thanks again for your post.

      • Joyce Triola August 27, 2016 at 12:39 pm #

        Carla, You are right on.

      • La Femme Artiste August 28, 2016 at 8:58 pm #

        When the sister of Ambassador Chris Stevens can come out on behalf of her family to advise the public not to lay blame, I think we can all afford to respect the bereaved:

      • CY August 28, 2016 at 10:39 pm #

        Ugh. They have shown over and over that there was never a stand down order. More lies… That you claim as fact.

      • John Kneeland August 30, 2016 at 3:43 am #

        You are seriously misinformed. read the Benghazi report before you say foolish things.

      • Joyce gardner September 2, 2016 at 1:21 pm #

        And you know your information is absolutely accurate??? HOW?…

      • Timmy2good September 2, 2016 at 8:38 pm #

        Don’t forget she killed Gene Wilder too.

      • Derek Whitman September 3, 2016 at 11:39 am #

        Not every death is Hillary’s fault. And wait – I thought it was Obama’s fault? Maybe it was the fault of the killers actually.

      • Ramtamtam September 4, 2016 at 2:43 pm #

        This may well be your opinion, but it’s not based on facts and it’s obvious you don’t know anything about the military chain of command. Otherwise you would know that even if Hillary Clinton (or any other Secretary of State for that matter) had ordered troops into Benghazi, f*ck all would have happened because they don’t take orders from SoS.

      • Pamala September 9, 2016 at 4:59 am #

        thanks for keeping it real

      • Priscilla Zink September 12, 2016 at 8:15 am #

        Carla, in resurrecting accusations that were debunked 11 times (to the tune of millions of dollars of taxpayer money), you are a prime example of the above-decried anti-Clinton determination to find something…anything…anything at all!!…to justify an unjustifiable hatred of Hillary Clinton. Catch up on your reading and quit spinning your wheels. (Try Politifacts or Fact Check.)

      • Priscilla Zink September 12, 2016 at 8:22 am #

        Carla, in resurrecting accusations that have debunked 11 times (to the tune of millions of dollars of taxpayer money), you are a prime example of the above-decried anti-Clinton determination to find something…anything…anything at all!!…to justify an unjustifiable hatred of Hillary Clinton. Catch up on your reading and quit spinning your wheels. (Try Politifacts or Fact Check.)

      • Pia September 12, 2016 at 8:26 am #

        Carla, in resurrecting accusations that were debunked 11 times (to the tune of millions of dollars of taxpayer money), you are a prime example of the above-decried anti-Clinton determination to find something…anything…anything at all!!…to justify an unjustifiable hatred of Hillary Clinton. Catch up on your reading and quit spinning your wheels. (Try Politifacts or Fact Check.)

      • Deplorable September 22, 2016 at 11:42 am #


    • James Ivan Xavier Forosisky August 9, 2016 at 9:49 am #

      It’s no republican propaganda that Clinton is a career politician who takes speaking fees from Goldman Sachs, petroleum companies, and Time Warner. She voted for the invasion of Iraq, and has encouraged policies that have been used for decades to try black minors as adults. She scorns the concerned citizens who ask her what her plans are to help the environment, accusing them of being part of a smear campaign, and very visibly demonstrates a frightening lack of self-efficacy, just like Trump, when she is posed a question that will not depict her in the best light. People don’t trust her because they know they shouldn’t, and I wish you luck with your bullshit feminist spin doctor articles when you try to convince everyone voting for Jill Stein that they are misogynists.

      • David McCullough August 9, 2016 at 11:07 am #

        The propaganda is not in the telling, but in the hypocrisy of the interpretation. It is not illegal. Voting for the war on Iraq cannot be truly judged, unless you first question the very intentionally wrong misinformation given to those voting by Cheney and Bush. I have no idea what you are saying in the words preceding or following “self-efficacy”. I can’t imagine someone (Hillary) working so hard to effect changes, for so many years, in the face of the unrelenting misogynist barrage attacking her character from the Republican Party. Self-efficacy regarding Trump running for president? I think appropriate words might be egotistic, megalomaniac, or narcissist. The last sentence…you lost me at “bullshit”.

      • phil August 9, 2016 at 12:53 pm #

        The first clause of your last sentence is a perfect example of what Michael writes about…

      • tigerbody September 1, 2016 at 11:57 am #

        ” Voting for the war on Iraq cannot be truly judged,”

        oh, yes it can!

        A vote for War is a vote for War!

      • Michael Lynn Gray September 4, 2016 at 10:10 am #

        honestly,you are so full of crap I’m sure your breath stinks, as far as giving speeches I would distrust anyone stupid enough to turn down a quarter million to give a speech..that would be dumb, it’s just the piling on of lies from the gop, they still are raging mad because a black man got into their white house, by God they aren’t going allow a woman to get in there next…it’s really sad especially how many dimwits believe every lie they spew and how they are willing to vote for and support a maniac they know is bad for the country to keep her out, I’ve never considered myself to be a member of either party, but gotta give a big shout out to the gop, they have made me a confirmed democrat….thanks.

    • Benjamin Gaillard August 10, 2016 at 11:14 am #

      Good read. Question: what about the articles about Hillary’s health problems? Do you think its another smear campaign against her ? Nurturing the systemic misogyny? what’s your take ?

    • Nick Delonas August 19, 2016 at 5:56 am #

      Not only is Hillary Clinton not honest, but she’s a crook. The evidence for that is overwhelming. Bill Clinton’s speaking fees more than doubled when she became secretary of state. While I’m no fan of the right wing by any stretch, the sheer number of serious accusations of very serious wrong doing are telling. There’s way too much smoke for there to be no fire.

      The Clinton’s are the most corrupt politicians on the national scene right now. Hillary is the most corrupt presidential candidate we have ever seen and was actually rated the most corrupt politician of 2015 by FACT. Follow the money and there are VAST sums connected to the Clintons.

      Politifact has rated the claims regarding Bill’s huge increase in fees as True. Why such a huge increase? He and Hillary were selling influence. See:

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 19, 2016 at 10:06 am #

        Your reply to Dr. Rex merely proves the veracity of this article.

      • Dr. Rex August 19, 2016 at 10:08 am #

        If you say so …. Any way, I’d rather have her than Trump!

      • Rose Donaldson August 22, 2016 at 5:03 pm #

        You want facts about vast money? How about how Donald Trump and his company are 635 million dollars in debt. Why do think trump won’t show his tax returns. Not only that, he extorts money from his backers, claiming he is “bankrupt”. She’s not a crook or a criminal. There was a private investigator that looked into Hillary’s background and officially announced that what she did with her emails, though not safe, wasn’t considered illegal.

      • Derek Whitman September 3, 2016 at 11:42 am #

        Since when is it wrong to make money giving speeches?

      • brianarbenz September 9, 2016 at 8:10 pm #

        I love how you document your claim — by typing FACT after it! In all caps no less! Wow, that is attribution at its finest!

      • Lauren September 12, 2016 at 2:11 am #

        Correlation does not equal causation. His speaking fees doubled and that’s because she was selling him?! Perhaps you could consider that he became relevant once again, with her in this powerful post. Take a look at his/their accomplishments during this time, that would lead someone to book him as a speaker, and the fact that prior to her becoming SOS he had health issues and had taken time from the spotlight to recover. Correlation NOT causation.

      • kathleeneherndon October 3, 2016 at 5:10 pm #

        Really?? You are going to use FACT to prove Hillary is corrupt? Matthew G. Whitaker (born October 29, 1969 in Des Moines, Iowa) is a lawyer and Republican politician. Whitaker is Executive Director of The Foundation for Accountability & Civic Trust (FACT), a conservative, nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting accountability, ethics, and transparency in government. Sooo, I would expect nothing less.

    • Richard Ocepek August 19, 2016 at 12:57 pm #

      Really?? Every time I read a post such as this I just have to scratch my head in wonderment. Where do you get your information? Is it from the DNC or Hillary’s campaign? I have no problem with a woman being president but I have a big problem with Hillary being president. There is a long record of Hillary’s lies, vindictiveness and poor judgement. Even if only 20% of her alleged miss deeds are true she has no business being president. Just about everything she has touched in politics has been a failure. She did nothing as senator and most of the things she did as Secretary of State are a mess or turned out very badly for the country. In addition her health appears to be very poor and deteriorating. Her husband looks even worse. I have to give the Clinton’s credit when it comes to setting up front organizations such as the Clinton Family Foundation. They are masters at creating things that appear to be for the good of mankind but instead are for the good of the Clintons. The Clinton Foundation collects millions, gives a little to charity for the optics and uses the rest for “expenses” and to keep her campaign staff employed between her runs for the presidency. It is a well conceived con even though it is unethical and illegal. Rather than be in the White House Hillary should probably be in prison along with her husband. When Hillary and Bill left the White House he she said they were “dead broke”. They are now worth over $100 million. How did they make that much money on a government salary? Was it the great book she wrote? She says she will control Wall Street if she is elected yet she takes millions from Wall Street. Bernie was right when he pointed this out on many occasions. Hillary is a fraud. Electing her president simply because she is female is a big mistake.

      • Dr. Rex August 19, 2016 at 4:30 pm #

        My gawd!! You are listening to DT’s talking points & Fox Noise! 🙄

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 20, 2016 at 6:47 am #

        Sadly, yes, Dr. Rex.

      • jbmenzies August 19, 2016 at 9:41 pm #


        The question is where are you getting your information. FOX News? Briebart? Rush Limbaugh? The Trump campaign? Sounds like.

        “Long record of lies…” Such a vague charge. Name the lies you are talking about. One by one. I’ll bet you can’t. Prove them. I know you can’t do that. I was a Sanders supporter who changed after seeing the Sanders campaign in action at my local cause and not liking how sexist it was. Woman shouted down and so fort. As a new Clinton supporter, I decided to chase down many of those supposed lies she was telling, just to be sure I was right to change. And I was appalled at the reporting and the flat out sexism even by supposedly liberal media in the Sanders/Clinton primary and now the media in the general.

        The lies she supposedly told, after years of “investigating” (by Republicans mind you) turned out to be campaigns of lies by people with a political agenda shouting “liar.” Nothing more. Maybe a grain of truth, but pretty much a grain developed to justify the attack on her.

        The lack of accomplishments is another vague and false claim. Here is a list of her accomplishments. It’s pretty amazing to me. I would be happy with one or two of those in a lifetime. Whoever told you she didn’t accomplish anything is lying.

        One thing I noticed about the biggest and most long-lasting claims that Hillary is lying that they are/were usually first announced and later spun out by FOX News, run by Roger Ailes. You know Roger Ailes, right? The guy who has a dozen of sexual harassment cases against him? We can’t know how many really because of secrecy settlements. (
        ) Ailes is a professional liar and bully. So you choose to believe him? What does that make you?

        Ailes latest creation is “Hillary’s Health Problem.” You can always pick out an Ailes creation because he loves a short phrase they can report in the headline and get repeated over and over to cover the lie. Who says that her health is poor and deteriorating? Donald Trump. There is absolutely no evidence she has poor health. She has two good health reports from two well-known doctors–same as every other male candidate for president submits without questions. Donald Trump is down in the polls, people were wondering about his mental health, so he launched this campaign about Mrs.Clinton’s health.

        Here we go again.

        If she doesn’t respond to this nonsense, she is being “secretive.” If she does, she is being “defensive.” If she says she’s healthy, they will suggest she is lying. That’s how they roll. Kind of the modern version of a Salem Witch Trial. No good answer for the woman. Men aren’t even questioned.

        Did those same sources tell you about Donald Trump’s so-called health report? About the hilarious claims that “all his tests are positive” from an unknown gastroenterologist with phony credential claims on his stationary who doesn’t seem to know that positive tests are usually a bad thing. It reads like Trump penned it himself. Here is an analysis of it by an actual doctor. a doctor.

        We all know Bill Clinton had bypass surgery and is now a vegan. It’s one of the things he promotes and is a program of the Clinton Foundation. Why do you bring it up as an issue in your voting in this election? He is not running for president. She is. That IS sexism, dude.

        The Clintons are indeed rich, although they did not grow up with silver spoons in their mouths like their opponents. Net worth $80 million according to their tax returns. The reason we know about the Clinton’s wealth is because they have made all their tax returns public unlike either Trump or Sanders. The reason we don’t know if Donald Trump is up to his hips in Russian mob money is because he won’t release his. The Clintons left the presidency almost broke, in part because of the never ending investigations by Republican Kenneth Starr (who spent years and millions to find nothing except that the Clintons unwisely invested in a real estate scheme that went bad, and they got ripped off along with all the other investors.) They have since have developed a net worth of $80 million, all of it from public speaking, mostly by Bill Clinton. They didn’t try any real estate investments again. Wonder why?

        You can disagree, but I personally don’t have a problem with the public speaking. And I was absolutely amazed and the hue and cry about Mrs. Clintons speeches to Goldman Sachs. Why won’t she release it, a read a reporter asking, right after I had watched it on YouTube. It was about gender equity in the finance industry. And I heard she donated the fee to charity. We can’t limit candidates to trust-fund babies and criticize those who earn their way, even if it is with public speaking. Everybody in politics at the national level these days is rich. I do have a problem with that, but it is not Mrs. Clinton’s personal problem. It’s an issue, especially for Democrats who want to raise taxes on millionaires as does Mrs. Clinton. Because that is the foundation for the FOX opposition in the first place. All these billionaires: Murdoch, Koch’s, Trump who don’t want to pay more taxes–and in Trumps case their bills or their employees. That’s not sexist. That is just politics.

        Your claims about the Clinton Foundation are completely inaccurate. Instead of building a library in their name, they decided to have an Presidential Foundation that is an active charity, that does actual charitable work itself. I think that is great. I would rather have them out helping people that building a presidential monument.

        CharityWatch, and independent charity watch dog, concluded about 89% percent of its budget is spent on programs. (And yes, tens of thousands of children are not dying of diarrhea because of the Clinton Foundation’s programs, among other things. There are real programs staffed all around the world.) The average for public charities is 75%, so they aren’t out of line on administrative expenses. All of their donors are reported publicly, more frequently since the campaign. None of the money goes to the campaign as you claim. Claims that they only give 10% to charity come from a Republican opponent and are just plain wrong because they misunderstood how private charities report. It’s been explained many times. So folk who continute to tell you that are lying.

        Thank you Michael for your original post.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 20, 2016 at 6:46 am #

        Thank you for an extraordinarily eloquent and well stated comment! Peace, Michael.

      • Manzanita August 20, 2016 at 10:56 am #

        Bravo, and thanks for taking the time to write this. Your piece deserves a wider audience. If you have a blog, I encourage you to post it. Or try to get it published elsewhere. At the very least, you can copy and paste it as a reply to any other ignorant attack on Clinton. As I will do (with attribution). Thanks again.

      • David McCullough August 28, 2016 at 1:45 pm #

        Richard, Really? To only one of your “points”, the “corrupt” Foundation. Televangelists. The Biggest Pay for Play scheme that no one seems to care much about. Kenneth Copeland net worth, $760 Million, Pat Robertson $100 Million, Benny Hinn $42 Million, Joel Osteen $40 Million, Creflo Dollar $27 Million, Billy Graham $25 Million, Rick Warren $25 Million, Bishop T. D Jakes $18 Million. That’s a whole hell of a lot of “worth”. Does anyone know what good works they’ve done with the money they take in?

        The Clinton foundation has 12% administration costs, and 88% to the programs they fund. These 8 people have a total net worth of over 1 billion dollars. If you, for argument’s sake, consider this accumulated wealth their administration fee (a huge stretch) and parallel the stats of the Clinton Foundation then you could extrapolate and hope that they have raised 100 Billion Dollars for charitable and worthwhile causes. Hope and pray that they did. They did not.

        If you think that all of the money collected by these televangelists should not wholly go to humans in need, then I guess you are you are okay with pay for play, in the case of salvation. These are the people who are, in your words the “masters at creating things that appear to be for the good of mankind but instead are for…”. Do you care about this? If this does not concern you, or take up equal time in your conversation, then I have to question your motivation of care here.

      • John Kneeland August 30, 2016 at 3:41 am #

        There are so many falsehoods in your post about the Clinton Foundation, Hillary’s “long record of lies” for which you have no proof, and your idiotic remark about her book (she wrote more than one, dummy), that your post is utterly worthless.

      • Al Nassar September 5, 2016 at 10:37 am #

        Let me be very transparent and more importantly honest. This is nothing but worthless political babble. You need to do a serious factual retake.

      • Richard Ocepek November 21, 2016 at 3:54 pm #

        Seems to have gone very quiet on this site since Hillary and Barack went down to defeat. Guess the citizens just couldn’t stomach such a big crook in the Whitehouse. Just had to laugh as I watched the commentators on CNBC, CNN, PBS, NBC, MSNBC, ABC and CBS try to explain how she lost. Pathetic.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt November 21, 2016 at 4:01 pm #

        “such a big crook in the Whitehouse.” Wow! I am embarrassed for you right now, Richard. You have elected a racist, homophobic, misogynistic piece of hell, who has made it clear the only people safe in the United States right now are white, heterosexual, cis gender, able bodied men. You are sadly on the wrong side of history and I feel sorry for you and for this nation.

      • brianarbenz November 22, 2016 at 8:30 am #

        RIchard Ocepek: yes, since Hillary Clinton defeated Donald Trump by (at last count) 1.7 million votes, it appears the voters certainly did not want a crook in the White House. Unfortunately, one will get in in January anyway.😒

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt November 22, 2016 at 8:38 am #

        Well stated, Brian. Peace, Michael.

    • Robert Spurgeon Sr. August 19, 2016 at 4:29 pm #


      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 20, 2016 at 6:47 am #

        Robert, I’m embarrassed for you here! Please learn to engage civilly and with due respect.

      • Dr. Rex August 20, 2016 at 7:01 am #


    • Shannon Morris August 30, 2016 at 8:40 am #

      Yeah, reblog this as much as possible, because we people who don’t like Hillary Clinton just can’t get enough of hearing about what sexist and gullible fools we are.

      • David McCullough August 30, 2016 at 11:34 am #

        I don’t read the article as an indictment of any of today’s voters, at all. I think it is necessary, though, to offer a view of Hillary Clinton with history and context, especially for younger voters who weren’t old enough in the 70’s and 80’s to actually understand the systemic sexism as it was in that time. It is still around, but more nuanced? And then, there are older voters, who may just not have paid attention to its possible/probable beginnings with Hillary Clinton until whenever it came onto their radar, which could have been years removed from its beginnings. For instance, if she came under your radar as secretary of state, most people would not look back 20 years to her beginnings to get a better perspective.

    • Neil B Connelly August 31, 2016 at 11:50 am #

      The problem with HRC is that she’s just not very good at whatever she is called on, or volunteers, to do. She was an unethical member of the Watergate investigative staff, a less than distinguished attorney at the Rose law firm, a US Senator of no consequence, and a Secretary of State with no accomplishments to speak of. As first lady she supported her husband’s efforts to conceal the bimbo erruption by calling his later vindicated accusers a bunch of liars. She voted for the Iraq war when, based on her husband’s knowledge of the truth, she should have known better. After Benghazi, she failed to acknowledge the Al Queda planned attack when she knew the whole video story was nonsense. Her personal email system while SOS shows, at best, a stunning lack of judgment, and, at worst, an intent to conceal a pay for play scheme funded through the Clinton Foundation. Without her husband leading the way, she would likely be an attorney with a big firm, making good money as a back room researcher. She will almost certainly be our next President, thanks mostly to her husband and the comical opponent put up by the Republicans. 4 or 8 years from now, we will be looking back and wondering why she was unable to get anythig done as POTUS. We can blame the Repiblicans, of course, but the reality is she just isn’t very good at anything. Besides marrying well.

    • Carolyn Ramsey Sirk September 8, 2016 at 5:16 am #

      Thanks Michael. You gave us words to express the feelings that I couldn’t. .
      All I could seem to express that I thought She should be our next President and I think trump is an Idiot and dangerous.
      Profanity is the effort of a feeble
      Mind to express itself forcibly.
      Unknown author

    • Adrian Thomas Schlesinger September 11, 2016 at 12:14 pm #

      I lived in Augusta, Georgia, in the 1990s. I remember the bumper stickers “Who Elected HER??!!” –How dare she hyphenate her name? How dare she try to bring health care for all? Make me a sandwich, woman, and STFU. I was ashamed that was my country then, I am ashamed this is the country I identify as mine now. Here is what you can say to people who have bought into the illusion that she is corrupt and tells lies: You don’t know her. I don’t know her. We only know what experts who have an agenda tell us. See it like this: There is a man you know nothing about. For 24 years, his enemies have tried to destroy him. They spent millions of dollars, held dozens of hearings, read his emails, dissected every aspect of his life–and this man survived and prospered. You would say that is a strong man, because he faced his enemies and didn’t crumble, You might even say that is a moral man, because if his enemies could not find anything to bring him down, maybe there was nothing to find. Would you have withstood such scrutiny? I know I wouldn’t.

      • lyme2016 September 11, 2016 at 4:37 pm #

        Very nice.

      • chaplynn03 September 11, 2016 at 6:52 pm #

        Excellent! Thank you for your words.

    • Neil B Connelly September 13, 2016 at 11:40 am #

      Once again, Hillary’s immediate reaction when faced with a difficult choice is to withhold the truth. She was diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday, but only revealed it when she collapsed on Sunday. If she is less than candid on an issue like her health, which, while important because she is a candidate for President, is not a national security issue, what will she do when faced with a truly important matter? Based on her past performance, she will not tell the truth to the American people. She is untrustworthy, and, therefore, unfit to be President.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt September 13, 2016 at 11:50 am #

        Wow! You are really reaching here, Neil. It is disturbing how quickly you will do anything to vilify HRC.

      • chaplynn03 September 13, 2016 at 11:57 am #

        It would have been a sign of weakness I am sure, if she had said that she was getting sick and needed to take a few days off. Pneumonia sneaks up on people, which is why many have “walking pneumonia” for weeks and think that they only have a bad cold. I am so tired of people acting like middle schoolers (sorry for the negative, dear middle schoolers… most of you are much more mature than these critics) and calling out anything and everything they can find. She wasn’t “hiding” her illness, she was trying to take care of it and get better! I am 100% sure that if she had come out earlier and said “I’m sick” she would have been dinged for that too. How did our world turn into such a hating environment?

      • Neil B Connelly September 13, 2016 at 12:57 pm #

        Vilify? Really? That’s a reach. She didn’t disclose her illness. Why? Because she would be criticized for being ill? I didn’t criticize her for being ill, that happens to everyone. I criticized her for not being open about it. It is pretty clearly a pattern with her. Not a quality I want in my President. I’m voting for Gary Johnson. He’s not perfect, but he’s better than the two major party candidates.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt September 13, 2016 at 1:38 pm #

        Gary Johnson, yes of course! Johnson who said, “We need to be worried about East Korea.” Wow! Johnson sadly exemplifies where our education system has failed so many!

      • Neil B Connelly September 13, 2016 at 5:26 pm #

        So it should be Clinton, who claimed to be under fire on the tarmac, who turned over all her emails to the FBI, who didn’t know what a confidential marking was, and whose husband was being falsely accused of cheating on her with all those bimbos? Yah, you go with that. If you’re looking for perfection in your candidate, you need to look somewhere else than this Presidential election.

      • lyme2016 September 13, 2016 at 2:13 pm #

        Neil, the Gary Johnson who didn’t know what Aleppo was? What planet are you going to live on?

      • Neil B Connelly September 13, 2016 at 5:13 pm #

        lyme, the same planet where Clinton claimed to be under fire on the tarmac, and Trump was pro choice before he became pro life. I am assuming you’re from the dark side of the moon, right?

      • lyme2016 September 13, 2016 at 5:38 pm #

        I think her recollection of the landing is excusable, given the alarming briefing they were given beforehand. You don’t appear to be a person who would excuse Clinton for anything, however. I prefer to look at her voting record than at all of these red herrings her detractors are throwing about, and I like much of what I see there. Not everything, but much. She seems to be serious about trying to make life better for Americans.

      • Neil B Connelly September 14, 2016 at 5:36 pm #

        I’m not one of those who blame her for the deaths in Benghazi, although her following the party line post-Benghazi about the video causing a spontaneous demonstration is inexcusable. As for her voting record, she is basically pro-wall street and pro-military, and I am for the return of Glass-Steagel and a smaller military (do we really need 12 aircraft carrier groups?). So I don’t agree with many of her positions. Trump is not an option, which leaves Gary Johnson, or no vote at all.

      • lyme2016 September 15, 2016 at 12:16 am #

        I meant to include this link to Clinton’s financial plans.

      • Dr. Rex September 13, 2016 at 11:52 am #

        Therefore, your choice is Donald Trump? I wonder ….

      • Neil B Connelly September 13, 2016 at 1:17 pm #

        No, it’s Gary Johnson. I’ve had some second hand dealings with the Donald in NYC construction. He doesn’t pay his bills, a trait also followed by Bloomburg. I won’t vote for Trump for the same reason that I won’t vote for Clinton. Untrustworthy.

      • Dr. Rex September 13, 2016 at 2:16 pm #

        Do you think G. Johnson has a chance?

    • Eda October 6, 2016 at 1:55 pm #

      don’t be blinded ! She is fake, self serving and power hungry.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt October 9, 2016 at 3:46 pm #

        Eda, did you even read the article? Sad that you supply no evidence and no substance.

      • chaplynn03 October 9, 2016 at 5:39 pm #

        And if she were a man would you say the same thing?

  2. Jennifer Carey August 1, 2016 at 6:44 am #

    I’m also a Bernie supporter now Hillary supporter. I would also like to point out that PolitiFact has rated Hillary the most honest of all 2016 Presidential Candidates (including Bernie Sanders).

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 1, 2016 at 6:57 am #

      Jennifer, thank you for including these links! Love and Peace, Michael.

    • Brian Harmon August 2, 2016 at 1:40 pm #

      Politifact is a very leftist view and has been called out on it and proven very biased. Not a whole lot better than the National Enquirer. A real researcher would not go to the Guardian or Politifact but actually research from the ground up. This is just more political fluff. I cant vote for either Hillary or the Donald. What Politifact did in this how honest they are is they took thing they new where truthful for one and untruthful for the other to prove their stance, I can make the exact same graph and by using different potential lies have the Donald at 100% factual and Hillary at 100% lying.

      • splashy August 2, 2016 at 2:54 pm #

        Actually, no. In fact, many think Politifact is more right wing, Brian.

      • Marlene Psborn August 2, 2016 at 5:12 pm #

        Politifact is a Pulitizer Prize winning group. If you’re Republican you see a leftist bent; if you’re a Democrat you see a rightist bend. Nevertheless, Hillary is the most truthful of all who had hoped to have the office of president. She has held her head up the past four years while Congress spent millions trying to find something that would halt her presidential aspirations. The truth is: she was the only presidential hopeful prepared for the job. And, she is most likely going to be your next president.

      • Melissa August 3, 2016 at 5:50 am #

        The criticism of Politifact has been around for awhile. I believe their analysis are accurate, but they may be biased in which statements they analyze. But overall, a decent effort. Your suggestion that real researchers do their own research is, in fact, what both ABC and CBS did during the conventions — and Hillary Clinton withstood their scrutiny with flying colors. One could argue that they are biased, but one can argue that everything is biased. Be informed and think. That is what is required of us.

      • alapip August 8, 2016 at 7:01 am #

        You can also very effectively lie to your self, Brian. Congrats. 🙂 pip

    • PapaReptevia August 8, 2016 at 12:06 pm #

      Let’s not get too excited. She IS a politician. 48% of her statements are half true, mostly false, false or pants on fire. Wouldn’t it be nice to have an actual honest person rather than the most honest politician?

      • ticatime August 8, 2016 at 8:16 pm #

        All politicians lie. Most often to CYA (Hilary), and We all have done that and we have much,much less to lose! And they lie when they desperately want something (Trump – the man who would be king)
        But Trump lies every time he speaks. It’s pathological, so easy to see. It takes him no thought time or hesitation. And the sickest parts are that he seems to believe his own lies and feels no shame and gives no apologies when caught out in these lies. Google or go to Youtube and type in “Trumps lies”, they are off the charts. HIS lies are all to fool uneducated people into voting for him. He doesn’t want to do the Work of being president (he doesn’t even read) he just wants to BE President Trump.
        Re her emails: something people don’t seem to think about (I haven’t heard it mentioned) is that with Hilary’s experience, patriotism, and dedication to this country for 50+ years,
        Do you really think she would do something to leak Classified Info on purpose? To what end? Is she really a spy who took 50 years to act out? And does anyone really think she couldn’t tell if something was too hot to talk about on her computer?
        And if she were in any way responsible for the deaths in Ben. it wouldn’t have taken 6-7 investigations by the republicans to find that out, one would have done it. And it’s so easy to critique decisions knowing the outcome!

      • Sashi August 13, 2016 at 10:42 pm #

        There are lies and there are Big Lies and Pathological Lies that harm people. The functional lies is what allows all of us to survive and is conditioned in the brain. These functional lies is what gives us privacy. Would you want a President to spill everything during important negotiations just to 100% truthful ? That would be very harmful. Even the most honest person would have to use these half truths and fibs to function effectively. Every one of us has to do it; heck we lie (fib) to our children as they are not mature enough to handle information. We lie to an old or sick person so as to comfort them. The list is endless. Also mistakes can be spun as lies by opponents. And all humans make mistakes and the competent ones learn from it and make fewer ones. We can never achieve perfection.

  3. rosie49 August 1, 2016 at 6:44 am #

    Thanks for a terrific, thoughtful post. You have articulated my own thoughts through this political season far better than I could. I thank Bernie for incorparating and pushing, and it pains me a bit to recognize my own bias (I’m female, too, so it’s really weird). Watching HRC’s acceptance speech I had the strangest feelings. Watching something historic, unprecedented in American politics, yet, fearful. I found myself holding my breath because I was afraid for her. Afraid she wouldn’t be “perfect.” How’s that for ingrained bias? I’d never, ever had that thought watching a presidential candidate before. HRC is the most prepared candidate for POTUS in history — yet all I could see was her gender. She is breaking new ground — and it’s about time.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 1, 2016 at 6:59 am #

      Rosie, thank you for such candor and vulnerability here! I hope people see your comment, as I think it demonstrates how ingrained and systemic misogyny is. Peace, Michael.

      • Julie August 2, 2016 at 3:21 pm #

        I see it. I resonate with it.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 3:22 pm #

        I wish I could make a heart sign here, but I’m not particularly good at the technology! 🙂

    • Linda Warren Seely August 7, 2016 at 6:32 pm #

      Thanks, Rosie. I have to agree with Michael’s assessment. My husband was a Bernie supporter, one of two when the party caucuses to select convention delegates. Watching him change over has been interesting as he became disillusion ed with Bernie and my arguments about how strong and assertive women being maligned and dissed began to persuade him. As a lawyer, and a strong woman, I see myself in Hillary. She’s everything I ever wanted to be.

    • lcollinsdotcom August 9, 2016 at 3:23 pm #

      “I was afraid for her. Afraid she wouldn’t be “perfect.” How’s that for ingrained bias?”
      You speak that for many of us, Rosie!

  4. evelyneholingue August 1, 2016 at 6:48 am #

    Nobody being perfect it is only normal to find flaws in a highly visible woman like Hillary Clinton. Even though, like you, I was supporting a much more liberal and progressive candidate, I applaud Hillary Clinton for her work on universal health care. Without what she did in the early 1990’s and what Nancy Pelosi did later, our current president wouldn’t have been able to move the universal heatlh care forward. I’m not surprised the idea came from a woman. I would have loved her to pick another woman as a VP. But. She must reassure the while male vote, right? Great post, Michael.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 1, 2016 at 7:02 am #

      Evelyne, I always appreciate your insights! Yes, I would have preferred a much more progressive candidate, and I think our Hillary will be a fantastic president. Thank you again for commenting here! Peace, Michael.

      • Sashi August 13, 2016 at 10:58 pm #

        I fear that with an extremist GOP house, all we may see is vitriol and obstruction. They may even try to impeach her based on political disagreement. I have never seen a political party so consumed by pure hate. As Prof. Chomsky says, the GOP is off the spectrum and is no longer a political party, rather a radical insurgency. Despite disagreements he has stated his support for HRC.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 14, 2016 at 8:20 am #

        Sashi, thank you for commenting here! Sad and accurate statement you make. Yes, I’m glad Chomsky is supporting HRC. Peace, Michael.

  5. Dr. Rex August 1, 2016 at 7:46 am #

    I agree!! Yet when faced w the available options, I see there’s no other option but Hillary … and she’s a great option. She has quality, finesse and so much knowledge!!

  6. Gronda Morin August 1, 2016 at 9:14 am #

    I am so in love with you. I also did tons of research on Hillary Clinton and was actually saddened to come to the same conclusion. Now that I have arrived at this conclusion, I see things through a different prism. For example, this morning, Joe Scarborough kept referring to the Washington Post as having awarded her 4 Pinocchio’s based on her sticking to her guns, that she never sent or received emails marked classified in real time while on her personal server (on a Sunday FOX TV show). There was a video that showed the FBI Director Comey stating that there were 3 emails marked classified that were sent via her personal server.

    But that is not all she wrote. Later on in his testimony, in response to questions by democrats, he did clarify that these emails were not marked as classified at the top of the documents as is standard. There was a mark of “C” in the body of the work product. Again, upon prompting, he did admit that even the most sophisticated user of classified information would likely have missed seeing these marks.

    The Washington Post did not write on any of this but did do a clarification.
    This morning, I did comment on this issue in the Washington Post article by Glenn Kessler and I did email MSNBC.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 1, 2016 at 11:58 am #

      Gronda, thank you for your comments here and for adding more resources! I love you, too! Peace, Michael.

  7. trp2011 August 1, 2016 at 10:14 am #

    Thanks, Michael! It’s wonderful for people to learn what I’ve known all along. May this information spread far and wide!

  8. dykewriter August 1, 2016 at 10:41 am #

    Bernie Sanders last did something about 60 years ago in the 1960s and I don’t think Vermont is known for black people and until this year, he was a zero profile. he is Ralph Nader 2.0 and worse given the global conditions.

    Hilary, as First Lady, drafted the original americanization of Canada;s health care and eventually that became Obamare, more or less.

    Bill was the first president to meet with queer groups and say gays and lesbians.

    they laid the Obama groundwork on Health and Queers

    Obama was the first president to include atheists, who are the new queers and have laws against holding office in the USA.

    Bernie never did any work and was too late for the ego run, last century’s man.

    I wish Clinton had gone with other than a Pale Male VP, but that is part of the male bruising in the Democrat party and it’s not sunk in that Bill is gonna be the last White Male President of the Dem Party

    I wish Nina Turner was in the VEEP spot, that would have electrified this election

    or a hispanic male or Gen X ….

    • Jeff August 2, 2016 at 6:22 pm #

      Bernie Sanders was mayor of Burlington, VT for a rather long time before he went to the U.S. House. He was in the House for a rather long time before he became a U.S. Senator. And he threw his support behind Hillary after almost winning the nomination rather than undermine her like Nader did to Al Gore. Don’t sell him short.

      As for “last century’s man”, Bernie Sanders comes from a time when people looked toward this century. In this century, most of us (*especially* GenX) are preoccupied with looking back toward his early years–the years he rebelled against trying to get the 21st Century started early. We needed a reminder to start looking to the future (or , heck, even the present) again, and we’re in such a state that we had to look to the past to do it, because we as a society have lost the knack for it.

      (Not you necessarily, but in general, especially my fellow white men–even young white men, who tend to come across like retreads of the Eisenhower era or something. Pale Males–I like that, BTW!–need liberating, too; they just need to understand that giving up their place atop the pecking order is a price worth paying.)

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 6:26 pm #

        Jeff, thank you for commenting here. To all white men and specifically white heterosexual cisgender able bodied men, I would say this: Our liberation is bound with each other’s! “If you’ve come here to help me, you’re wasting your time. But if you’ve come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together.”
        ― Australian Aboriginal Elder Lilla Watson

      • dykewriter August 2, 2016 at 7:09 pm #

        That is a nice backgrounder; thank you. He was not a national USA figure and he had zero recogition outside of the USA and he came across like Crazy Uncle Grandpa making promises that have nothing to do with the job he was applying for and standing in the way of the Democrats moving forward from Obama and not backwards like a glacier. Women have yet to be equal in America, despite being 51% of the population.

      • dykewriter August 2, 2016 at 7:11 pm #

        Gen X didn;t get to be teenagers, the 1980s was obessed with Woodstock and the 1960s totally annoy me, it’s hetero privileged in action to be self absorb and then 1970s and Disco hets acted like gay men.

  9. Molly Oberweiser Kennedy August 1, 2016 at 10:42 am #

    Thank you for this! I also found myself buying into the rhetoric without doing my own homework. I will be doing my own further research and I’ve shared this with my community for us to chat about.

    Miss your face and energy and hope you’re well!!

    On Aug 1, 2016 5:41 AM, “Social Justice For All” wrote:

    > Michael Hulshof-Schmidt posted: “Let me be as candid and transparent as > possible: I was a very strong supporter of Bernie Sanders, and until the > past four weeks, held out great hope that he would become our next > President. Over the course of the past month, I have had to do a great deal > ” >

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 1, 2016 at 11:54 am #

      Molly, thank you for reading the article and commenting. I miss you, too, dear heart! Love, Michael.

  10. Willysnoutredux (@willysnout) August 1, 2016 at 11:56 am #

    I predicted all along that the Bernistas would sit down, shut up, and follow orders.

  11. abbiewatters August 1, 2016 at 3:37 pm #

    The “We Hate Hillary” movement is even older than Bill Clinton’s presidency. He first won the governorship in Arkansas in 1979 and recognized that the educational system was a shambles. He put Hillary in charge of improving it, and she did a wonderful job. BUT, the reactionary, red-neck voters became irate over being told what to do by a “northern woman.” Consequently, he lost his first bid for reelection in 1981. He ran again the third time in 1983 and won, and poor Hillary had “learned her lesson”, so she took a much more “invisible” part in the process of improving education in Arkansas. Fortunately we were in Arkansas from 1982-1984, and my sons benefited from all the improvements. My husband served on a Gifted and Talented committee with her, and he has nothing but good to say about her.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 1, 2016 at 3:48 pm #

      Abbie, thank you for commenting here. Oy! This is awful and not surprising. It is very clear Hillary has been the victim of such bitter misogyny for most of her life. Thank you for sharing what you experienced in Arkansas. Let us hope that under her Presidency, we will do some healing and evolving as a country. Peace, Michael.

    • David McCullough August 8, 2016 at 10:07 am #

      Thank you, Abbie, for giving me your personal insight into this, prior to Hillary becoming a national figure. I really appreciate it!

  12. Valerie DeLaune August 1, 2016 at 4:16 pm #

    Great article! I have not understood the rhetoric regarding HRC and the hatred toward her, especially coming from democrats and Sanders-supporters. It’s possible to prefer one candidate without hating another, and simultaneously spreading incorrect information. I did one FB post that I encouraged people to fact-check before passing on rumors (about anyone!, but I gave the example of HRC and her server), and I was slammed for it.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 1, 2016 at 4:23 pm #

      Valerie, thank you for commenting here. I’m so sorry you were on the receiving end of some nasty behavior just for sharing your support for HRC. I’m very sad to say that I, too, have had some very nasty bullying behavior from people when I have shared my support for HRC. I am very open to suggestions to creating some space for different opinions without spewing venom. Again, I appreciate your voice here. Peace, Michael.

  13. Central Oregon Coast NOW August 1, 2016 at 5:22 pm #

    Reblogged this on Central Oregon Coast NOW.

  14. Gronda Morin August 1, 2016 at 5:25 pm #

    Where to find correct info on HRC emails:

    Revisiting Clinton and Classified Information –…/revisiting-clinton-and-classified-information… Jul 7, 2016 – Comey said three emails had “portion markings” on them indicating that they wereclassified, but they were not properly marked and therefore..

    From above link:
    At his July 5 press conference, FBI Director James Comey said a “very small number” of emails sent and received by Hillary Clinton over her private server “bore markings indicating the presence of classified information” — contradicting Clinton’s claims that she “never received nor sent any material that was marked classified.”

    But now we are learning more about those emails from Comey, who testified before the House Oversight Committee on July 7, and State Department spokesman John Kirby, who addressed these emails at press briefings on July 6 and 7:
    ◾Comey said three emails had “portion markings” on them indicating that they were classified, but they were not properly marked and therefore could have been missed by Clinton. He said the emails were marked as classified with the letter “C” in the body of the email.
    ◾Kirby said the State Department believes that at least two of the emails were mistakenly marked as confidential. He could not speak to the third email, saying ​the department didn’t have​ “all of the records and documents that the FBI used in their investigation.”
    ◾Comey told the committee he is “highly confident” that FBI investigators consulted with
    the State Department about the marked emails. But he said he did not know that the department believes that any of them were marked in error.

    The issue is a bit complicated, but important, because it provides Clinton with a stronger defense against claims that she sent and received material that was marked as classified over her private server when she was secretary of state.

    At a State Department briefing on July 6, Kirby addressed a report in the New York Times that Comey was “evidently referring to two emails that one of Mrs. Clinton’s close aides, Monica R. Hanley, sent to prepare her for telephone calls with foreign leaders.” The Times report was based on interviews with anonymous State Department officials.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 1, 2016 at 5:31 pm #

      Gronda, thank you for supplying more information and resources! I love this. And, let us not forget that lying piece of hell, Republican Trey Gowdy, who altered documents to try and frame HRC.

    • Gronda Morin August 1, 2016 at 5:33 pm #

      Additional info from

      But later in the hearing, Democratic Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman asked Comey if he knew that the State Department had said that the emails were marked classified in error. Comey replied, “No.”

      Likewise, Rep. Matt Cartwright, also a Democrat, asked Comey if the emails were properly classified, and Comey said they were not. (Executive Order 13526 spells out how documents should be properly classified, including a header on the document clearly identifying the email as classified as “confidential,” “secret” or “top secret.”)

      Cartwright asked if Clinton could have missed the improper markings. Comey said that that was possible.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 1, 2016 at 5:35 pm #

        Gronda, you are so wonderful! Thank you! Love and Peace, Michael.

      • SueD August 31, 2016 at 5:51 am #

        Great information, Gronda..thank-you! I listened to the Committee hearing with Comey and then later could not believe they way the “she was careless and sent confidential emails” story was still being presented. So much of the way the press (and not just Faux News, Breitbart, etc) has spun these Hillary Clinton stories into clickbait has disappointed me in this election. As for why Hillary felt the need to use private email for her work, I’m sure the reasons are very complex. I was told that, at one time, many government workers could not even access their government email addresses from home (I think that was Colin Powell’s issue and why he chose to use his aol address for some of his work.) But, one issue that is often overlooked is how cumbersome the technological, especially mobile communication, options were for government employees not that long ago. Reportedly, Hillary’s request for a secure Blackberry when she began as Secretary of State was denied by the NSA. Yet, she traveled to, I believe, a record number of countries as Secretary of State. She was so often on the go. How was she supposed to communicate with her staff and others, even on routine matters, while traveling like that? ( ) I believe President Obama was the first POTUS to wish to use a mobile device to access email. I recall reading that he got a lot of pushback about it, too, but because he is the President, the government made it work.

  15. charlesnd2013 August 1, 2016 at 5:53 pm #

    Michael, you have done Hillary and America a profound service by what you have said about her, which so much needed to be said. I posted this on my Facebook page and will continue to refer people to it. Thank you immensely.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 1, 2016 at 6:59 pm #

      Charles, thank you for reading the article. Thank you also for your very kind words here. Peace, Michael.

  16. jg1965 August 1, 2016 at 8:11 pm #

    Hello Michael – Congrats on the epiphany! But I give you high praise for actually looking farther than what is spewed via news and using critical thinking to satisfy your curiosity. Such clarity, questioning and wider thinking is not found in the general population as often as it used to be (read “Assault on Reason” by Al Gore as to why)…I would encourage you to read her 2 books “Living History” and “Hard Choices” to give you a longer, deeper look at her accomplishments, motivation and ‘resume’. I have always been a Hillary supporter, but would have voted Bernie if that was the direction of the primary…Best wishes, keep up the thoughtful work. Joanne

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 1, 2016 at 9:21 pm #

      Joanne, thank you for commenting here. Thank you also for the book recommendations. I shall have to get them both from the library. Peace, Michael.

  17. IAMAPCDEM August 2, 2016 at 1:31 am #

    There is still the double standard. As Mika said on Morning Joe, I wonder what they would say is it was a woman running who had five children by 3 husbands. This has not even been an issue. I just read an earlier posting that referred to Trump as a moral man. What a joke.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 5:53 am #

      Thank you for sharing yet another example of this double standard that only supports sexism, sadly! Peace, Michael.

  18. bravegirl01 August 2, 2016 at 5:19 am #

    Props to you for the introspection to recognize your own sexism. It’s like racism and white supremacy — we’re raised with it, so it’s our normal filter. I went thru a similar process w/HRC, even though I’m a woman & a feminist. The old ways are bone-deep.

  19. Sue Kaufman August 2, 2016 at 5:59 am #

    How often do we judge a woman by the behavior of her children? Apply that standard here and there is no mistaking that she did it right. This is one small measure of her character, yet it is one we judge women by every single day. Not the main reason Ive decided to vote for her, but the most easily obtained fact about her. Thank you for your objective post.

  20. Becque August 2, 2016 at 6:22 am #

    I love Hillary and have since her days as Senator of New York. Sadly, for me, before this I wasted time not allowing her personal choices when I “demanded” she leave Bill for his cheating and lying about Lewinsky. I had a lot of misplaced hatred for her in those days. My reversal on feeling that way is still evolving. First I “got over it” by recognizing how lessened her chances of being part of national politics would be if she was the ex-wife. Sexism sends ex-wives to the back of the line. HRC gave up a lot to marry Bill, and it’s not for me to say if that was a wise choice, though I believe it was, but it’s 100% for her to decide if there is value worth preserving in her private relationship. Second I have spent time thinking about her religious convictions. I have none myself, as a non-participating atheist, and it takes conscious thought and intention for me to allow value in others decisions based on their beliefs. Third, I read her wikipedia page, something I (often) urge others to do. The list of her accomplishments and actions is staggering – truly.

    As an unapologetic feminist, I was outraged at the Sanders campaign. Initially simply because I felt he was running BECAUSE she was a woman. Because he as much as any older white male, thought “I can beat that; America will never elect a woman.” I didn’t think he was politically that far from my beliefs, though, and I know I would have sucked it up and voted for him come November, though I would have been personally devastated.

    Alas, my reluctant acceptance of him as nearing my politics was damaged by things I discovered about the personal man during his run. Then I became outraged. And so I was gutwrenched at the damage his campaign was doing and the seeming impunity it had to lob grenades at her character, record, intelligence, and honesty. She doesn’t participate in payback, she already was living Michelle Obama’s “They go low; we go high” creed.

    Now a lot of us, I believe, are recovering from the anger and fear we had over the Sanders march to “victory” as his troops reluctantly pull back. But it will take time and we will be helped by our trust and admiration and LOVE for Hillary as much as by essays such as yours. You do a lot of repair/healing by laying out your revolution from auto-trust to smart questioner. Thank you, I intend to share your essay. I have relatives who are deeply committed to Trump and I don’t seem to be able to help them become questioners, but I keep trying and need all the “ammunition” I can get. Thanks, again.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 6:26 am #

      Becque, thank you for your comments here. As with most humans, I would like to think we are all always evolving and growing and learning how to put our own biases in check. I still like Bernie’s progressive platform, save for his stand on guns, but I am happily supporting HRC. Peace, Michael.

    • Karen Gregory August 8, 2016 at 7:47 am #

      Finally, someone said it….Bernie played right into the hands of the GOP. Where does all of this venomous hatred from Berniebots stem from? Once cool headed Democrats, now hateful Trumpish crybabies. Thanks Bernie. From Bernie’s wagging finger at Hillary during debates, Bernie talking over Hillary with disrespect, Bernie handing Trump ammunition for the nickname “Crooked Hillary”, to Bernie questioning Hillary being Presidential material….the list goes on….Bernie is every bit as misogynistic as Trump. And should Hillary lose, we can give Bernie a HUUUGE thank you and a middle finger with our hands up!

  21. Daniel Chobshvilli August 2, 2016 at 7:42 am #

    This post commits the very sin it accuses the anti-Hillary folks of: passing off feelings as facts.

    It merely states the anti-Hillary sentiment is all about misogyny, and never mentions a large number of real actions that show Hillary is severely lacking both in judgment and in character, quite independently of any bias in reporting.

    Okay, the post touches a bit on the email scandal, but not dozens of others.

    I’ll leave this with a joke:

    Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are in a bar. Donald leans over, and With A smile on his face, says, “The media are really tearing you apart for That Scandal.”

    Hillary: “You mean my lying about Benghazi?”
    Trump: “No, the other one.”

    Hillary: “You mean the massive voter fraud?”
    Trump: “No, the other one.”

    Hillary: “You mean the military not getting their votes counted?”
    Trump: “No, the other one.”

    Hillary: “Using my secret private server with classified material?”
    Trump: “No, the other one.”

    Hillary: “The NSA monitoring our phone calls, emails and everything else?”
    Trump: “No, the other one.”

    Hillary: “Turning Libya into chaos?”
    Trump: “No the other one:”

    Hillary: “Using the Clinton Foundation as a cover for tax evasion, hiring cronies,
    and taking bribes from foreign countries?
    Trump: “No, the other one.”

    Hillary: “You mean the drones being operated in our own country without
    the benefit of the law?”
    Trump: “No, the other one.”

    Hillary: “Giving 123 Technologies $300 Million, and right afterward it
    declared bankruptcy and was sold to the Chinese?”
    Trump: “No, the other one.”

    Hillary: “You mean arming the Muslim Brotherhood and hiring them in the White House?”
    Trump: “No, the other one.”

    Hillary: “Whitewater, Watergate committee, Vince Foster, commodity Deals?”
    Trump: “No the other one:”

    Hillary: “The IRS targeting conservatives?”
    Trump: “No the other one:”

    Hillary: “Trashing Mubarak, one of our few Muslim friends?”
    Trump: “No the other one:”

    Hillary: “Turning our backs on Israel?”
    Trump: “No the other one:”

    Hillary: “The joke Iran Nuke deal? ”
    Trump: “No the other one:”

    Hillary: “Leaving Iraq in chaos? ”
    Trump: “No, the other one.”

    Hillary: “The DOJ spying on the press?”
    Trump: “No, the other one.”

    Hillary: “You mean HHS Secretary Sibelius shaking down health insurance Executives?”
    Trump: “No, the other one.”

    Hillary: “Giving our cronies in SOLYNDRA $500 MILLION DOLLARS and 3 Months
    later they declared bankruptcy and then the Chinese bought it?”

    Trump: “No, the other one.”
    Hillary: “The State Department interfering with an Inspector General Investigation on departmental sexual misconduct?”

    Trump: “No, the other one.”
    Hillary: “Me, The IRS, Clapper and Holder all lying to Congress?”

    Trump: “No, the other one.”
    Hillary: “Threats to all of Bill’s former mistresses to keep them quiet”

    Trump: “No, the other one.”
    Hillary: “I give up! … Oh wait, I think I’ve got it! When I stole the White House furniture, silverware and china when Bill left Office?”
    Trump: “THAT’S IT! I almost forgot about that one”.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 7:52 am #

      How interesting, Daniel. That you leave NO evidence, no facts, nothing to support your assertions, where as I actually delineated many facts and cited sources to support my thesis. Your “joke” is just a sad support of how you have bought into the misogynistic narrative.

      • Daniel Chobshvilli August 2, 2016 at 8:09 am #

        I thought, having done the research on Hillary, you’d be familiar with the facts of the matter.

        For example, what about Hillary’s enthusiastic support for regime change in Libya and Syria. President Obama himself said her support basically pushed him over the edge on the Lybian bombing campaign.
        In effect, Hillary is the single person most responsible for destroying two countries, the refugee crisis, and the current rise of islamic terrorism – AND she has also made USA complicit in the whole thing. How’s that for a massive failure?

        Hillary’s attacks on women coming forward about her husband’s sexual escapades, shady contributions from foreign countries to the Clinton foundation right after she signed favorable deals as Sec of State, lying to Congress about Benghazi (now that the documents became public, it’s a matter of public record), etc. Speaking about public record, what about DNC leaks?

        But of course, all anti-Hillary bias is simple misogyny and has nothing to do with her extensive, factual record of failure and dishonesty.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 8:21 am #

        Daniel, your cherry picking of facts and acceptance of over-exaggerated myths and memes sadly proves you are more interested in the dominant narrative than the facts of a complicated and dedicated public servant.

      • Daniel Chobshvilli August 2, 2016 at 10:27 am #

        What do you mean “cherry picking of facts”?

        Hillary’s support for destruction of the single most successful country in Africa is “cherry picking”? Arguing for intervention of the side of catastrophic islamist insurrection in Syria isn’t relevant? The fact that the current Democratic primary was rigged isn’t important?

        Pray tell, what else could be more important? Hillary’s debacle of a health reform, which you somehow praise because you think it “paved the way” for Obama (although many say it actually set health reform back by over a decade)? Maybe her Haiti disaster, which someone else has already mentioned here? Disastrous crime bill? Supporting terrorists in Kosovo (ok, that was on Bill, but Hillary is there too)? Being the single most unpopular First Lady in history (and they’re ALL women, so you can’t claim misogyny here)?

        Get real. Republicans love Thatcher, for example. They have plenty of their own female icons, especially in 2016. This has nothing to do with Hillary being a woman, and everything to do with her actual record.

      • Lysana August 2, 2016 at 1:50 pm #

        Daniel, you cited no sources. And there are none for the claim the primaries were rigged. You have no sources for the critiques of the health care reform package Clinton helped forward. Your claim that her lack of popularity as First Lady (something you also failed to cite stats for) is not based on misogyny is fallacious and spurious because she wasn’t acting like a typical First Lady. I could go on. But you’re wasting everyone’s time with your feelings-based lies. Go research the woman and think about her for once.

      • Daniel Chobshvilli August 2, 2016 at 3:28 pm #

        What do you mean “there are no sources” for the claim primaries are rigged? How about DNC backing Clinton, revealed through emails? Contacting the mass media to put her message out? Redirecting DNC funds to Clinton campaign?

        How would you feel if you found out US gov’t was helping Lockheed Martin get a government contract using the same tactics? You’d call it corruption, which is what it is.

        Not to mention the fact that Hillary’s primary results in SOME states differ VERY MUCH from exit polls. Hint: That isn’t supposed to happen. At all. And the only reason it could possibly happen in some states and not others is some form of election fraud.

        And I would assume anyone with a pulse would be able to recall that Hillary’s health reform crashed and burned (or at the very least use google). It was criticized by both parties (as well as basically everyone else), subject to several lawsuits, ultimately failed to gain any traction… and was one of the major factors that gave Republicans control of both House and Senate for the first time since 1953.

        I think it’s you that needs to do some research

    • charlesnd2013 August 2, 2016 at 12:40 pm #

      Daniel, your pathetic joke takes a shotgun approach to everything standing in front of it, whether factual or non-factual, whether of proven guilt or presumptive innocence. You blend fact, fiction, and opinion into a single vilified target, Hillary Clinton. Your verbal aim is like that of an indiscriminate terrorist firing at every possible person crossing his path. And you want to be taken seriously as a man exhibiting no misogyny? You have discredited your claim with your own words. Pray that you never serve on a jury that must separate fact from fiction and prejudicial opinion. Someone could be wrongly executed.

      • Daniel Chobshvilli August 2, 2016 at 3:29 pm #

        You seem to be unfamiliar with the concept of a joke. Try to read this sometime:

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 3:32 pm #

        Daniel, you seem to be a very stereotypical white heterosexual man that gets to define what other people are allowed to find humorous. May I invite you to examine your own privilege?

    • Elle August 2, 2016 at 6:14 pm #

      Having done research on charges at Hillary, here are the FACTS about stealing from the White House. Over 8 years, president Clinton received many gifts as all presidents do. Some meant for Clinton’s, some meant to be left at White House. They disclosed all the gifts they thought they were entitled to take with value of items. Turned out, some were deemed gifts for White House, which they returned AND THEN, some were returned back to the Clinton’s after further investigation. I’ve also researched many of the ‘other jokes’ and they are false/twisted.

    • Nancy Lispector August 2, 2016 at 11:18 pm #

      Daniel Chobshvilli: When you have to resort to jokes and play the clown card to “prove” your claims, you lose all credibility. Parroting and regurgitation of quasi-facts without an ounce of critical thinking and totally devoid of factual evidence is the weapon of choice of arm-chair impressionable political observers. Maybe you can draw us a cartoon on your next post.

    • Mel Hou September 4, 2016 at 4:45 pm #

      Excuse me…you got any facts to back up that poor excuse of a joke?

    • Mary September 4, 2016 at 10:18 pm #

      Love your comments. I can understand who would support Hillary. The only thing possible is the writer got paid for her article.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt September 5, 2016 at 6:07 am #

        Mary et al., I can assure you with 100% certainty, I have received NO compensation whatsoever from any human being for this, or any of my articles. My you are quite cynical.

  22. Marla baber August 2, 2016 at 7:50 am #

    Thank you. It’s all about the “bitch” factor. Strong woman are bitches. We have not moved very far in our systemic beliefs in America. Power is only for the white male and woman still are second class citizens. Woman still have to be soft and never raise there voice and have an opinion. Amazing that Bernie is a white male…yep, we have not moved far. I am a proud Hillary supporter and also a proud bitch!

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 7:53 am #

      Hi Marla, thank you for your comment here! I LOVE that you reclaim the work “bitch.” Yes, sadly, we still have a long way to go in abolishing a double standard. Peace, Michael.

    • Kelli Kercheville Theis August 2, 2016 at 3:17 pm #

      Reminds me of the SNL take by Tina Fey in 2007 referring to Hillary: Bitches get things done. Bitch is the new black.

  23. jeanclaudesanon August 2, 2016 at 8:00 am #

    Thank you for your comments, I am almost convinced into becoming a Hilary supporter after reading your views. However, as a Haitian American, who felt betrayed by the Clintons on two platforms, the incarceration of black in the 90’s and calling our kids predators, plus the 2010 Haiti’s earthquake money usage, her role on the last election of Haiti and the Gold mine to her brother in the northern part of Haiti, of which you have made no mentions. I am ready to forgive, because there will never be a perfect politician here on earth. However, fool me once, shame on you, but fool me twice shame on me.How do you convince, Americans of foreign descent to buy into her role of wrong doing outside of the USA?

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 8:18 am #

      Dear Jean Claude, Thank you so very much for sharing your comments here, and for being so vulnerable! I would also like to apologize for this horrific behavior that you have cited here. As with her vote for the Iraq war, which she now regrets, I hope reasoned voices like yours will help her learn, grow, and reflect. Thank you again for your candor here. Peace, Michael.

      • Jack Logan Oliver August 2, 2016 at 9:04 am #

        In other words, she’s great so long as you ignore the parts about her that aren’t great, and if you don’t ignore those parts you’re a Republican, sexist, and you hate liberty.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 9:10 am #

        What a very grotesque oversimplification. Furthermore, it seems as though you refuse to make any space that as a woman she is experiencing a double standard.

    • Stacey Aldstadt August 2, 2016 at 3:35 pm #

      So much of what people hold against Hillary are things Bill did in office. Women don’t always follow their spouses blindly. I’m glad that the author of this piece nailed the point I’ve tried to make: she was voted the most admired woman when she was Secretary of State. Every time she runs, she gets hammered.

      As for Syria, again, the ultimate responsibility lies with President Obama. We don’t have access to all of the information that they have. But the bottom line is that Hillary was advising Obama. He made the ultimate decision.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 3:52 pm #

        Stacey, thank you for commenting here. Sadly, we are seeing first hand how some folk simply cannot make any space to hear anything positive about Hillary. There seems to be an inability by some to hold tension around messiness. Thank you also for pointing out that she did do a remarkable job as Secretary of State. Peace, Michael.

    • John Kneeland August 30, 2016 at 4:00 am #

      Sanders supported the 1994 crime bill, and so did black leaders. Clinton did not call your kids predators. She spoke of research by a psychologist who coined the term super-predators. Many agreed with this research, which was later found to have shortcomings. She renounced it. What was her “role” in the last election in Haiti? She and Bill Clinton were responsible for much of the aid to Haiti, which has tons of local corruption, so some of the money was misused to help local elites. This is not atypical. The gold mine was given a permit before her brother ever joined the board. She did not get him appointed. Your allegations of her “wrongdoing abroad” sound like standard boilerplate anti-Clinton rhetoric.

  24. Patrice Lamoree August 2, 2016 at 8:14 am #

    “The service part has always come easier than the public part,” because she’s old enough and experienced enough to know, through service, what all of the systemic impediments to service oriented public policy are and that knowledge-base is what make her chary of “the public part,” since there is not only corporate media propaganda but also average people’s strong inclination to hear and see only what they want to hear and see in the public’s issues and that’s especially true when it comes to government policy and program development.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 8:23 am #

      Patrice, thank you for your comments here. Peace, Michael.

    • Lorie August 2, 2016 at 10:49 pm #

      Agreed! My husband was a local “public servant” for 25 years. It is amazing how much abuse is heaped upon good people who work hard for the betterment of their communities, and it comes from the public they serve that know little, if anything, of what it actually takes to make and implement public policy. Excrutiatingly difficult at times at the local level, it is mind boggling to think of the complexity at the national level. I can think of no one better prepared than Hillary Clinton. We bitches get shit done!

  25. Eileen S August 2, 2016 at 8:28 am #

    Thank you for this post. You hit many important points about the way the media have helped sustain and amplify the decades-long propaganda campaign by the right against Hillary Clinton. “Untrustworthy,” “cold and calculating” and “corrupt” were all focus-group tested for efficacy, and then deployed across the whole political and media spectrum. Many social media materials were specifically designed to be passed along by the left to the left. It saddened me to see Bernie’s supporters glom onto the most dishonest talking points in their effort to bring her down, meanwhile claiming their own progressive bona fides, failing to see the misogyny in their own behavior. Even as people have come around to Hillary, the phenomenon has continued with the near-universal assertion that the progressive planks in the platform are only there because of Bernie, even though many of those policies have been part of Hillary’s own views for years. Again, the white male came to the rescue and set the lady straight.

    One more point: if the most extreme negatives about Hillary were true, it would mean that all the people who spoke on her behalf at the convention–people who know her best–are all liars. Is President Obama a liar? Is Michelle? ELizabeth Warren? Bernie Sanders? John Lewis? Tim Kaine? Joe Biden? The desire, the need, to vilify this strong, compassionate, hard-working, PROGRESSIVE woman really saddens me. I hope you can convince a few people to step back and have a second look. Thanks.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 8:36 am #

      Eileen, thank you for your comments here. Yes, let us hope this article can spark some introspection and allow people to hold some cognitive dissonance. I also hope it will ask each of us where we are implicated in systems of misogyny, racism, homophobia, and other overlapping oppressions. Thank you again! Peace, Michael.

  26. DANIEL SEGAL August 2, 2016 at 8:40 am #

    This defense of Hillary addresses none of my concerns, as a progressive. To start, she has been an uncritical champion of an Israeli state that abuses the human rights of our Palestinian sisters and brothers. And more generally she has a militarist approach to foreign affair that often stands on the wrong side of struggles for human rights outside of the US. This has nothing to do with her being a strong and untelligent woman. Both I like. I just want her to have a better moral compass and a greater commitment to social democracy. Full stop.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 8:50 am #

      Daniel, I think you make some good points, and I hope she will be committed to honoring Palestinian voices. Peace, Michael.

    • MTinMO August 7, 2016 at 9:09 pm #

      I have to ask how you think Hillary Clinton ” often stands on the wrong side of struggles for human rights outside of the US”? She has been working for women and children particularly her entire career and at the 1995 Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, while Hillary was First Lady, she took on some of the worst offenders of women’s rights and human rights. Her husbands own State Department didn’t want her to go, concerned about how her words would be received in China. But she did it and spoke to the world. Women worldwide love her for her work to benefit families. They- and I- know she has stood for us and fought for us for a very long time.

      She has changed some beliefs over the years, as most of us do as we grow as human beings. For instance, I used to think a civil commitment in lieu of marriage was sufficient for members of the LGBT community, but I evolved into realizing that nothing short of allowing marriages between LGBT couples would lead to real equality. A lot of us have evolved and come to realize that truth. That doesn’t make us “flip floppers”, it makes us humans doing what we should- never stopping our learning and growth.

  27. Daniel Bush August 2, 2016 at 8:47 am #

    This is how Clinton is dishonest. In her own words.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 8:53 am #

      It is curious how you cherry pick here, Daniel. Nor does the video allow her to complete her thoughts and reflections and address how she has evolved, as many of us do. President Obama was also against same-sex marriage, but he evolved.

      • dee (@dss17) August 2, 2016 at 10:45 am #

        As Barney Frank explained on Bill Maher, the other day, no national candidates came out for same-sex marriage. Both Obama and Biden were publicly against it, before they weren’t. But Frank relayed that few people know that Hillary stood up for the same-sex marriage law in MA, and helped the LBGT community fight, when their SS marriage law came under siege.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 11:13 am #

        Dee, thank you for sharing this information here. I hope this puts to rest any claims of homophobia on behalf of HRC. Peace, Michael.

      • Daniel Bush August 2, 2016 at 11:03 am #

        You seem to be a big fan of the term “cherry-pick”. Aside from that, she straight up lied about this whole sniper fire situation in order to make herself look good. It not only shows how self-serving she is, but how she feels no one is intelligent enough to fact-check her. (You seem to be one of those people, in my opinion.) I am not in any way against a woman as president, but electing her because she is a woman isn’t right. The right person, regardless of gender, race, etc should be chosen. Now that Mr. Sanders is seemingly out of the running, I don’t see the right person being in this race at all.

        If she is willing to lie about something small several times in order to make it the rhetoric and make herself look good, what kind of President will she be? At that point, will she lie to just us, or will she lie to other nations? Other nations that have the wherewithal to destroy us and only need the slightest provocation to take action. She is not the right person to lead this country. Of course you are going to disagree with me, and that’s well within your rights. But I can’t sit back and have you lie to so many readers about Clinton’s honesty.

      • Brian Harmon August 2, 2016 at 1:42 pm #

        Politifact did the same cherry picking. Obama did not evolve he just change his position to get more support from voters.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 2:32 pm #

        Brian, your cynicism is duly noted. I will point out again that Politifact has earned the Pulitzer Prize.

      • David McCullough August 7, 2016 at 9:03 pm #

        I’m gay. I wasn’t for gay marriage when I was younger…I’m 54. I probably didn’t feel yet, as a gay man in that environment, that I deserved it. I selfishly didn’t think others needed to be like “straight” people. To reiterate. I’m gay. People evolve. Mine started by not looking for others to legitimize my worth. I can’t really speak for Hillary.

      • Jason V August 27, 2016 at 12:47 am #

        Here’s what I want to know from ANY politician who has “evolved” on any particular subject:

        “What exactly did you experience/realize that caused a change in sentiment? No, I don’t want to hear that you… evolved. I want to know the moment of empathy you experienced where you realized your views were either wrong or outdated.”

        Anyone can simply state they’ve evolved. It’s a very simple reason/lie/excuse. Without backing up their evolution with the story of the evolution itself, it can be reduced down to nothing more than changing one’s mind to become politically expedient.

        This does not apply to solely HRC, but anyone who claims “I evolved” as a way to justify their changed views, but don’t actually explain why their views changed.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 27, 2016 at 7:54 am #

        Jason, you bring up a very good point here, and I think it is quite messy. People move along on their respective journeys for myriad reasons. I think it is also quite easy for people to be caught up in a storm of shame when they have changed their minds on issues/policies that hurt people. I wonder if it also important to look at impact v. intent. I’m not wholly certain why President Obama changed his views on marriage equality and and full LGBTQ rights, but he did. Was is it because of personal friends he has? Family? And, ultimately I would offer that regardless, we need to look at the impact of President Obama’s change of heart–his evolution. He is currently the biggest Presidential ally of the LGBTQ community this country has ever had. We now have more protections under his administration than ever before.
        Thank you for commenting here. Peace, Michael.

      • jbmenzies August 27, 2016 at 11:26 am #

        I would love it if that could happen. But demanding this of Mrs. Clinton is unreasonable. That politicians could evolve and explain what made them change is certainly an ideal worth holding. But does any candidate have an opportunity to do that in our polarized political world. Evolution explanations don’t fit into sound bites–or they can easily become unattractive sound bites. Witness John Kerry’s “I voted for it until I voted against it” attempt to explain the complexities of the Iraq war vote, much less his evolved thought about it.

        And it’s pretty hard to do. People don’t know history and don’t remember very well. I am trying to remember the world in the year after 9/11 when Geo Bush argued that Saddam Hussein had his hands on weapons of mass destruction and might be whacko enough to use them, so authority was needed to threaten him enough to let inspectors in. Most of us were barely learning who this guy was. But whacko he was. Remember Jeanine Garofalo, a comedian whose career was pretty much tubed by opposing it? Imagine what might happen to a Senator. Even I, pretty confirmed peacenik, felt the drumbeat of it. All the press sent their top reporters. I was in the hospital at the time and could watch nothing else. It was the only thing on the tele 24-7. But I do remember that most of us did not believe that Bush would actually attack Bagdhad until he did. I remember calling my sister saying, “Oh my God. Bush is actually bombing Bagdhad.”

        Although Mrs. Clinton has been much criticized for voting for the Bush resolution and her statement later that it was a mistake discounted, only two senators voted against. One happened to be Bernie Sanders. He made a lot of political hay with that in the primaries. But, he comes from a state with a population the size of the City of Seattle, is safely blue, and did not have the smoking remains of the Twin Towers in his backyard and an opposition party President playing political games with reparation funds. Who can fit all that background into a soundbite as others scream “She’s a hawk! She voted for the war in Iraq.” How about Bernie’s staunch defense of the F38, the plane that even the military didn’t want, but was made in his back yard? Doesn’t that make him a hawk? Has he evolved? And Mr. Trump, who is an un-evolved racist and sexist. He won’t need to explain anything I guess.

        If you want candidates to explain their evolution, you will probably wait a lifetime.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 27, 2016 at 11:34 am #

        Great points here, and I would like to think most of us evolve and would make different decisions. I wonder if it would help to look at intent v. impact. If we could focus on the impact, we also make much greater space for evolution of thought.

      • jbmenzies August 27, 2016 at 1:08 pm #

        I would love discussion of intentions too. There are lots of choices, especially in foreign policy, that are somewhere between rocks and hard places, and those that fall prey to Murphy’s law. The land of unintended consequences is large. But I don’t really think examining intentions is possible either in our current political climate. In the olden days, candidates would sit down with David Frost and talk about such things. There is no such venue any more. It’s all about media getting clicks. And Mrs. Clinton is a favorite target.

        This article is an excellent summary of the “unstated rules for covering Mrs. Clinton” by a reporter who covers Clinton. Note rule number 5.

        “5) Everything she does is fake and calculated for maximum political benefit.”

        Think about this. It is really a modern version of the old “uppity women” canard. Only a hardened, self-centered bitch would have the gall to run for president, so how can she have any good intentions or care about others? I mean none of us know her personally, so how can we tell?

        It’s pretty hard to even state your intentions with that as the unstated press rule for you. I wish she would, actually. But I think she has given up trying. It’s sad. A product of our own cynicism about politicians and governance by sound bite and these sexist press rules for covering Mrs. Clinton. Don’t see that changing any time soon either.

  28. Annie Stratton August 2, 2016 at 9:06 am #

    Thank you for a touchingly honest discussion of the self-examination you went through in reevaluating your take on Hillary Clinton. And thank you to so many people for the similarly honest support. I too supported Bernie in the beginning- but felt safe doing so because I knew my state was going to support him anyway. I expected Hillary to become the Democratic candidate and fully intended to vote for her in the election. I admire Bernie a great deal for his dedication to principles and his willingness to get people to think about them. I worried about the emphasis on “Revolution” because I know that often words like that tend to become a flagpole from which everything else hangs. And then Bernie got so caught up in that role that those very important principles started being ignored. No, not by Bernie, but by many people who simply wanted change and weren’t thinking about how change comes about. I watched sadly as many people turned to slamming Hillary no different from Trump supporters, though they seemed not to hear it) and heard Bernie– and the media– pick up the memes. I was relieved when Bernie seemed finally to recognize what was going on and shifted his focus back to the principles, trying to clarify what “revolution” meant to him. The last weeks before the convention were tense, but the convention itself was beautiful. Most of us seem to have found our way out of the contention and joined together. I am gratified by the many Bernie supporters who began to turn away from the negativity and to learn something of the truth about Hillary. She, like us all, is not perfect. She has made mistakes, and she has owned them. Hidden in all the bizarre rhetoric has been the truth about all the things she has done right. She is a remarkable woman, and by far the most qualified candidate in the entire field that presented in the last year and more. I include Bernie in that assessment. I support Bernie’s principles and hope they are implemented. I am glad he ran. He was right: it was the only way to make sure these issues would be taken seriously. I think he did the right thing in staying in the race long enough to ensure the Democratic party would incorporate them into their platform. The Party will be stronger for it. But Hillary is the person who can do the work.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 9:12 am #

      Annie, thank you for your thoughtful comments here. It was nice to read this after some rather ugly unthoughtful comments. I don’t think it is a coincidence that the only negative comments that appear on this threat are all from men. Peace, Michael.

    • chaplynn03 September 11, 2016 at 8:32 pm #

      Thank you for this Annie. As I reread posts from August, I am bothered by the attacks on Bernie and the Berniebots. I have received similiar attacks from Hillaryites. We have to give up on attacking each other. When one group tells the other that they are stupid it does nothing for unity or harmony (duh). I truly appreciate your post Annie. Thank you,

  29. Jack Logan Oliver August 2, 2016 at 9:07 am #

    There are myriad reasons to still not like Hillary Clinton, and her record or so far from spotless it isn’t even funny. Pre-1994 Hillary Clinton may have been everything Democrats say she is, but she’s not. Her complicity in a lot of rather sketchy global events is enough to turn me off forever. She’s corrupt. The DNC is corrupt. The RNC is corrupt. Our entire government is corrupt, and electing another corrupt politician from one of the two most corrupt political parties will not fix the corruption.

    Hillary Clinton may have been a truly remarkable progressive woman once upon a time. Now she’s a corporate sellout who has her best interest in mind first, her friends’ second, and yours somewhere down the list. But, please, by all means, let’s ignore all the evidence and get behind her, because that makes so much sense.

    • Rick Knight (@GoCatGo) August 2, 2016 at 12:54 pm #

      You’ve presented no evidence that Hillary Clinton is fundamentally corrupt. Please provide same for our consideration. We’ll wait. And, while you’re at it, please identify–and tell us your plan to elect–politicians who aren’t part of this corrupt two-party system.

      Hillary Clinton isn’t perfect. I don’t always agree with her positions, nor do I support every decision she’s made. But the all-too-popular narrative that she is profoundly deceitful and corrupt is, in a word, bullshit.

      The system is flawed; it needs a lot of work. The people we elect are flawed; they need to do better. We are flawed; citizens need to be better informed and more engaged. I think the last point is where we should begin.

    • griffjones August 13, 2016 at 12:46 am #

      Absoluely! Thanks for the comment.

  30. Sheryl Myers August 2, 2016 at 9:12 am #

    Thank you for writing this article. It had made me believe that I am holding out how for Hillary for the right reasons. However, can you enlighten me on this Benghazi crap and the email stuff that’s been shoved down or throats by the media? I really don’t understand it. I’m a Bernie fan, trying to swim through all this stuff to find some truth that I can believe in and help me to vote for the right person.

  31. Gronda Morin August 2, 2016 at 9:16 am #

    There is a history of too much finger pointing versus getting something done.

    President Bush is a decent man who made mistakes but not out of any evil intent. No, he did not deliberately plan the terrorist attack on 9/11, so that he could invade Iraq in 2003. He is human with failings, like all of us.

    President Obama is a decent man who has made errors but his intent has been to do what is best for the USA and its peoples. He is NOT a Muslim, Kenyan born etc. He is human with failings like the rest of us.

    Hillary Clinton is a decent woman who has done her best to serve for years, US families and children, and this country. She is human with failings like the rest of us.

    The past Benghazi hearings is a case in point about what I mean, that this finger pointing game is doing real harm. There were many important questions that I, as a concerned citizen, would have liked addressed but were not because out of 9 hearings, the purpose was to collect data that could be used to Clinton and the republicans were successful. And now, we hear the. current refrain about the “lying, crooked Hillary who should be locked up.”

  32. Debra Parsekian August 2, 2016 at 9:42 am #

    My husband and I are 25 year Hillary fans. Watching what she has gone through and accused of falsely has been agonizing for us. I can only imagine how she must have felt. There is nothing worse than being falsely accused of something. My husband being an attorney has argued in her favor for years. It’s been frustrating to listen to friends and strangers throw unfounded, prejudice lies at her. Thank you for finding the true reason behind it.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 9:57 am #

      Debra, thank you for your comments here. I’m grateful to you and your husband. Let us hope HRC prevails in November. Peace, Michael.

  33. Molly August 2, 2016 at 9:54 am #

    From back in the day she got fired from whitewater for being unethical, and currently Comey saying under oath the truth that happened with the emails (Which is the exact opposite of what Hilary said under oath), not to mention cheated so she could win the democratic primary. But go ahead and paint her as a saint.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 9:59 am #

      Molly, I do not think I’m paining her as a saint, but it sounds like you need this to be very concrete.

    • Manzanita August 8, 2016 at 5:35 pm #

      Molly, you need to read the whole story, not just the headlines on a right-wing site. What were there? 36,000 emails, 3 questionable ones that may not have been marked correctly? Hillary told the truth. The anti-Hillary propaganda spinners have taken part of the story and used it to sway gullible voters. This really should not have been a story, but the right wing has so little of substance to stand on, they have become bottom feeders.

    • Robin Salvadori Allison August 16, 2016 at 9:14 am #

      Fired from Whitewater? Whitewater was a scam that screwed investors, including the Clintons, that the republicans gloomed onto to try and link Bill and Hillary to the guy who ended up in jail over it for bilking investors. It was a smear campaign.
      Now, if you misspoke and meant to say Watergate, Hillary served in her legal capacity (basically researcher) until the investigation ended. One bad source with a bug up his butt is the source of the lie she was fired. If she was fired, so was the rest of the investigative legal team, including her direct boss, who has said 1) she wasn’t fired and 2) the guy who said he fired her didn’t have the authority, as he was not in her department/area.
      Again, no one knows why the one guy has a hard on for Hillary-maybe she turned him down, maybe she didn’t bring him a cup of coffee when he demanded one thinking her a glorified secretary, maybe some other reason, but only he has ever criticized her competence when working with the Watergate committee.
      Now, you conveniently leave out that Comey-a long time Clinton opponent BTW- when quetioned backtracked. 3 emails had markings that could be construed as being classified, though even an expert could have easily missed the small “c” in the body of the text-they were not properly marked- of which 2 were actually not even classified. The third we don’t have info about, but if an expert would miss the classification, I can forgive missing it especially if she was reading it on her phone, as was her habit. So no, she didn’t say the opposite of Comey- she spoke the truth to the best of her knowledge, and no one can do more than that. 3 out of 100,000 or so total e-mails, mismarked. and 2 not even sensitive material. Even just taking it from the deleted and recovered e-mails…that’s .01% error rate. 1/100 of 1%.
      Cheating during the primaries is unproven…considering several Bernie operatives registered and voted in New Hampshire using the campaign office as their address. Illegal if they don’t intend to live in NH, which they didn’t.

      Or perhaps the e-mail sent out to Hillary delegates in NV telling them they didn’t need to show up for the county caucuses?

      About those DNC e-mails.

      In summary- you’re either a troll trying to split the left, or you’ve been misinformed.

  34. freemanpresson August 2, 2016 at 10:16 am #

    TPP. Crime bill. Super-predators. Libya. Arms deals for foundation donors. Open bribes from Wall Street (there is nothing anyone can say in a speech that’s worth $225K). Political positions du jour, depending on popularity and who’s offering the most money. Even if the email server was really no big deal (which I don’t buy), lying about it was.

    • Oodleray August 3, 2016 at 5:13 am #

      George Bush has been paid $15 million in speaker fees since he left office.

  35. Robyn blanpied August 2, 2016 at 10:24 am #

    It’s not just Hillary. Every strong woman has faced the hatred, fear and misogyny that accompanies demands for respect.
    The relentless hounding and anger if we insist on being traded like adult citizens.
    The gaslighting as we fight to be heard and seen.
    Too many of us have fallen exhausted by the daily struggle to be seen as people. Too many women have laid aside their hopes, crushed under the weight of misogyny.
    How many of you could handle the unrelenting hatred American women face daily? How many could shoulder Hillary’s burdens?

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 10:28 am #

      Robyn, Yes, you make excellent points here. I would also add how the anger, fear, and hate are typically exacerbated for women of color, queer women, and the intersections therein. Peace, Michael.

    • chaplynn03 September 11, 2016 at 8:36 pm #

      Robyn, exactly! Beautifully written. And today she has pneumonia and critics are challenging her health! Who wouldn’t get sick after all she has done during this campaign? She is human and a very strong and reliable human at that. I could never do what Hillary is doing. May she get a little rest and come back renewed.

  36. Ed Hass August 2, 2016 at 10:29 am #

    Before Bernie entered the fray, I thought that Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren would make a great Pres-VP combination, and I didn’t particularly care wich of the two had which job. I supported Bernie in the primaries because his message really resonated with me. But a lot has happened since then. The Democratic Party has incorporated most of Bernie’s key points into their 2016 platform. I now realize we need Hillary on the White House, and we need to keep Bernie and Elizabeth in Congress, to carry out these goals. It is achieving the goals, not who carries out these goals, that matters. Ti use an analogy, winning a football game matters more than which quarterback gets your team to that win. In fact, it takes the whole team working together, not just the quarterback, to get to that win. Locally (Sacramento area), we have Ami Bera and Doris Matsui in Congress to help get us there, and with Bernie and Elizabeth and Hillary and all the other greats on our team (including experienced elder statesmen like Bill Clinton, Barrack Obama, Jimmy Carter), all working together, we will succeed.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 10:31 am #

      Ed, thank you for your comments here. Thank you also for being able to hold tension around people’s flaws and foibles. You underscore nicely that it helps to look at the larger picture. Peace, Michael.

    • chaplynn03 September 11, 2016 at 8:37 pm #

      Ed, thank you for your voice of reason, positivity and hope!

  37. Katherine Southard Reece August 2, 2016 at 10:35 am #

    Hello, I followed this link off facebook and I’m so very glad I did. I’m a 57 year old woman, a life long Democrat, a proud long time supporter of Hillary, and a woman who is disabled after being shot by a domestic abuser.

    I can not tell y’all how much these posts and these comments mean to me. I live in Alabama (oh how I’d LOVE to move to a more progressive state) and all I hear is horrible talk about her. How wonderful Trump is. No one here seems to understand what he’ll mean to our country, all they hear is the words “radical Islam” come out of his mouth as if saying the words will solve the problem.

    I’m so glad y’all see her as I’ve always seen her, a wonderful intelligent caring woman who always tries her best.

    I am terrified of a Trump presidency. Not just for what he’ll do to our country, but also what he’ll do to people like me who are so dependent on the benefits we paid for. I worked from 16-42 years old when the bullet in my nervous system began to cause too much pain to go on. I tried. I didn’t leave work because I wanted to be a drain on society, I had worked there for 15 years! I loved my job.

    Trump agrees with Paul Ryan that Social Security and Medicare should be privatized and go to a voucher system. That would be a nightmare for people like me!

    Thank you all so much!

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 10:38 am #

      Katherine, thank you so very much for sharing a part of your narrative here! I feel quite honored. I hope this article will spark meaningful conversations that allow us to unpack why we accept negative narratives but at the same time reward sociopathic narratives like Donald Trump’s. Peace to you, Michael.

    • isis1942 August 31, 2016 at 3:16 pm #

      Katherine, thank you for that. I’m a 74 year old woman born into a family of 1/2 Dems and 1/2 Repubs. I’m old enough to remember the fight for equal rights for women–which is still not complete–and I have followed Hillary’s career with admiration. Those who are used to the bang-bang media, the spot ad, the put-down and the uglies will, unfortunately, never want to know the Truth of the press hounding she has put up with. I hope those who think and feel will put their feet in motion in November and elect Hillary

  38. djewkes August 2, 2016 at 10:37 am #

    My continuing issue with her has nothing to do with her gender. The e-mails were the symptom of the problem. She wasn’t just handed a high security clearance by the government. There is an exhaustive review of your life prior to getting it. I doubt she was given a pass just because she was a senator prior (it might have made it go faster). She took an oath and signed agreements dealing with the handling of classified material. These documents very clearly laid out the consequences for mishandling material, be it an e-mail, documentation, or speaking about classified material. I had that type of clearance and to this day (18 years after giving it up) I still respect the agreement I made with the government. It has to do with the safety of this country.
    Every 5 years a person with a clearance has to undergo review to maintain that clearance. It means the men in black talk to your neighbors, your friends, dig through your trash, violate any sense of privacy you might think you have; because you signed a form giving them the right in exchange for handling the most sensitive information in the country. Hillary was SoS for 4 years, then stepped down, relinquishing her clearance before her 5 year update. If she had kept that clearance, her update would have uncovered the issues. That is not to say she still wouldn’t have weaseled her way out of being punished, just it would have come about differently and the government group that does those investigations is a little more ‘hard-core’ than the FBI about violations. So…she did some good things in her early career (not as extensive as Bill laid out in his white-washed speech about their ‘great’ love), she’s been an advocate for children. It doesn’t excuse the violations or her arrogance in repeatedly lying to the public about it. I might not be so adamant if she had come out and said, “I screwed up, and I should face the consequences.” But she took the line of, “I didn’t do anything wrong, I didn’t lie, and I didn’t try to put myself above the law.” I have no respect for anyone who pulls that shit. And her whole, “do you mean wipe it with a cloth?” Was demeaning and insulting to women. That pissed me off! How dare she say she is advancing the role of women in the world and then play the ‘stupid blonde’ card! She is inconsistent and insincere.

    • Anthony Boutros August 2, 2016 at 10:57 am #

      If I may, I would like to point out that the three emails you refer to were actually not properly classified. In fact, Republican FBI Director James Comey admitted to this during his testimony:
      Also, the State Department issued a release stating that two of those emails had not actually been classified.
      So, she did not lie: to the best of her knowledge, she had neither sent nor received any classified information on her e-mail. This statement is true when these facts are taken into consideration.

      • djewkes August 2, 2016 at 11:49 am #

        The smoke was the e-mails. The fire is violating her clearance. Having the server and using it for anything that might be classified:
        She violated her clearance. People see all the folderol about the emails and miss the bigger picture. She was an employee of the US government and like any other employee of the government or contractor to the government who deals with classified materials, there is a legal way and an illegal way to handle it.
        If you know anyone who works for an aerospace/defense company; ask them about having a clearance and how they feel about what she is getting away with. Many people with clearances have lost their jobs, their freedom and their reputations for doing less than what she did.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 12:01 pm #

        Thank you for sharing the links! Sadly, we do not ask anything about the emails for George W. Peace, Michael.

  39. dee (@dss17) August 2, 2016 at 10:53 am #

    I love the article, but the headline and phrase, “How very dare you,” is extremely awkward, very odd, and does not work. Is this some colloquialism I have not heard of? Other friends of mine have said the same thing. “How very daring of you,” would be grammatically correct. The alternative is “How do you dare?” You would not write, “How do you very dare.” “Dare,” here, is a verb. You must modify verbs with adverbs –not adjectives like “very.” Other than this, great piece!!

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 11:13 am #

      Dee, it is meant to be ironic and to pull in readers that are against Hillary.

      • madhatternalice August 2, 2016 at 11:52 am #

        Apologies, Michael, but while the title accomplished that goal, the article itself did not. I’m a Bernie supporter who lives in a non-swing state and will (still) be voting for Jill Stein in the fall.

        I often wonder why responses like this article are so extreme. I don’t think Hillary is a bad person. I just don’t think she shares my values (this week! who knows what she’ll change to next week).

        I appreciate your dedication, but between the strawmen in your article, and the fact that you’ve written from a place of emotion, and yet have demanded facts in these responses, I’m incredibly turned off to your main point.Maybe it’s the circles you run in, or the people you talk to, but there are quite a few valid criticisms against HRC that don’t involve misogyny and blind hate.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 12:04 pm #

        Actually, I did supply facts and also links. I must say you are not a very generous person, as it appears here at least on this thread. I have created no “strawmen” and given that you don’t know me or the people I am friends with, you certainly feel quite free to JUDGE. Please do support Jill Stein, as this is a vote for Trump, and you should know that Stein is anti-immunization.

      • madhatternalice August 2, 2016 at 12:17 pm #

        Wow! You sure seem offended by my words! Please point to where I “judged” you. I “judged” your writing by your use of anecdotal evidence as gospel, but that’s about it.

        I guess we’ll just have to agree to disagree. I don’t consider an editorial by a media personality to be a “fact,” and I’m reasonably certain that “When I try to ask people for specific examples of why they “hate” Hillary, or how has she been dishonest, all I get is “everyone knows she is,” or “that’s just the way I feel.” ” is a straw man argument. But hey, it’s your blog, and you’ve got every right to write what you like.

        Where we don’t agree, however, is your assertion that “a vote for Stein is a vote for Drumpf.” Would you care to explain this thinking? Because I have to tell you, in a representative democracy that uses the electoral college, it makes zero sense.

        I hear this argument from HRC supporters quite a bit: “a third party vote is a vote for Drumpf.” Aside from being demonstrably untrue, all it does is try and shift the potential blame from the candidate to the voter. It serves no purpose, and it’s harmful to our democracy to repeat this lie.

      • dee (@dss17) August 2, 2016 at 3:06 pm #

        I see. Well, that’s very dare of you! I am not sure it gets your point across, but if you have more hits than usual (and only you know this), then I guess the ploy was a success.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 3:10 pm #

        Dee, I am grateful that it does seem to be starting many conversations. Thank you again for reading the blog and for your comments. Peace, Michael.

  40. Anthony Boutros August 2, 2016 at 10:54 am #

    A truly beautiful and truthful piece. If you have not read this article (, I truly recommend it as it is wonderful. Also, if you are interested in learning more about how she became so nuanced and (in some cases) extremely private about her life, I recommend her book Living History – a perfect rebuke to all the “scandals” people say she committed. And, Hard Choices takes an in-depth look at her thought process as Secretary of State. Keep writing and speaking out. With much love and kindness, Anthony.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 11:14 am #

      Anthony, thank you for the link and the book recommendation. Thank you for commenting here. Peace, Michael.

  41. sonchar August 2, 2016 at 11:00 am #

    Thank you for this post…this was forwarded to me by a long time woman friend. a friend who I differ with politically but respect her point of view. Your post says to me “defending Hillary from the he said she said of American politics”…more specifically the antics of Democrats and Republicans. Which really will have very little effect on my decision because someone will come along and contradict what you have to say and the programming loop continues.

    I have been asking my women friends what having a woman as president would mean to them personally, to the country, to the world. I am not looking for resumes…I can find resumes and I am sure there will be someone to discredit the resume (it is what we have come to expect from our politics and heaven forbid they not give us what we expect). In simple language — I want to be inspired. This election could be the change in our political game that I have been waiting for.

    I saw a clip the other day that was eliminated from the Convention because of time constraints from the DNC. It was narrated by Chelsea and it explained the women in Hillary’s family. That meant something to me, that said what inspired Hillary. A friend of mine this morning recited Hillary’s resume and the added that she was a good mother-that point meant something because on top of everything Hillary has been through, I believe she has been a good mother.

    Many of the women I’ve asked simply want a democrat in the White House and I understand that in our political environment. But I can find a resume myself and there are party loyalist on every street corner. I want heart and soul IDEALISTIC reasoning. I want to hear their inspiration. I want the women that I know, the women of the country, and the world to grab me and tell me of their dreams. I want to know that when the government gets bogged down with the usual used bull food, how having a woman as president is going to keep the women of the world going.

    The only candidate I’ve eliminated is Trump who I swear is trying to lose…(I voted for Jill Stein in 2012 and I still like her)

    We have three months to go until election day and to be honest I won’t make up my mind until I have the ballot in my hand.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 11:32 am #

      Thank you for your comments here. I do wonder if you hold men as accountable for “inspiration” as you do women, specifically Hillary? I also thank you for keeping an open mind and keeping space that all women in the United States do face a double standard and do face everyday some form of misogyny. Peace, Michael.

    • Kathy McGrath August 3, 2016 at 6:31 am #

      I would like for any supporter of Jill Stein to explain how she is qualified to be President of the United States, Commander in Chief and the leader of the free world. Any explanation at all is welcome.

  42. Karen Hattervig August 2, 2016 at 11:39 am #

    All of your arguments are the same ones I have been making to my son and grandson. It’s so hard to see the innate biases in our culture towards strong women with an opinion of their own. I hope her presidency helps make a dent in this. Moat people do not know what my soon is. Please use the word discrimination. People understand that.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 11:57 am #

      Karen, good for you! I’m so glad you are sharing with your sons how women have to navigate differently. Let us hope all of us can reflect and look at ways of supporting all targeted communities. Peace, Michael.

  43. marthaesullivan August 2, 2016 at 12:01 pm #

    Thanks, Michael.

    You hint at something else important: As you say, when challenged on assertions about Hillary’s purported dishonesty many people can’t support their assertions, but say, “I just feel that way.”

    Hillary’s fact-based record of truth and service and accomplishment in many, many areas is compelling. Trump’s, clearly, is not. What he does have that Hillary does not is an ability to stir up very strong emotions that benefit his narrative.

    I really hope that Democratic emotion-stirrers like the Obamas will continue to help Hillary’s campaign with this, as they did at the DNC. Facts and honesty only go so far, as we learned with Al Gore.

    How this relates to your main point, systemic and systematic misogyny: Hillary, lacking that crucial Y chromosome, is not ALLOWED to show or stir up the kind of emotions Trump does daily (or hourly, or minute-by-minute). The Democrats need to use some emotion to win; Hillary may have to do some of that work by proxy.

    I really loathe the sexism of the 2016 election season! But thanks for this post.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 12:06 pm #

      Martha, thank you for commenting here! You do a marvelous job of pointing out the double standard of how Trump is allowed to show emotion, but we vilify Hillary for showing too much or not enough emotion. I, too, loathe the sexism of this rather nasty election year. Peace, Michael.

  44. John Munson August 2, 2016 at 12:39 pm #

    This is a massively important commentary you’ve posted here. It’s been obvious to me for a long time that she is a victim of systemic and systematic misogyny, and it’s amazing to me that she’s had the strength to plow through it all and make it this far. That strength is a mighty good trait for a President to have. I’m thrilled that she has broken through the next-to-last glass ceiling, and I fervently hope that she will smash the ultimate one in November.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 2:20 pm #

      John, thank you for commenting here! Yes, great observation! The fact that she has been able to persevere through such garbage and hate demonstrates her ability and talent to navigate the Presidency. Peace, Michael.

  45. Gronda Morin August 2, 2016 at 12:50 pm #

    One extra point which seems to have gotten lost: The government server that HRC would have used, had she followed governmental guidelines was ALSO NOT SECURE. As a matter of fact, I do wonder if the Government server has been checked for hacking.

    Now that we know that DNC computers were hacked by Russians to hurt HRC election chances, she may have been better off using her own private server.

  46. Natalie Steen August 2, 2016 at 1:29 pm #

    I really enjoyed this. Very eye-opening. I haven’t always supported Hillary — I was a Bernie supporter — but the writing is on the wall. Once I could get past all the lies, I realized that she is like most women I know; we are doers. We work hard for success and satisfaction. Most importantly, we get the job done even if it means long days and nights, making sacrifices, living on coffee and peanut butter crackers. There is no room for complaining or whining, there are no shortcuts. Go, Hillary!

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 2:27 pm #

      Thank you for your comments here, Natalie, There is clearly a great deal of work to do around eradicating misogyny, racism, homophobia, and all other forms of oppression. Peace, Michael.

  47. americanwolf August 2, 2016 at 1:31 pm #


    Thank you for posting this! I have been trying to explain to my family and friends that my gut instinct was the “Hillary can’t be trusted” narrative was a myth fabricated by the media for some time now. But your article has provided the timeframe and substantive facts that I didn’t have. Excellent job of reporting accuracy!


    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 2:29 pm #

      AmericanWolf, thank you for your comments here! I certainly hope this article will help your family and friends unpack the harmful false narrative of HRC. Peace to you, Michael.

  48. Nancy Meyer August 2, 2016 at 1:37 pm #

    Thank you so much for this article. It sums up the situation beautifully, succinctly, and accurately. It’s my go to source for feeding my own rebuttals to the naysayers. I’m a true believer in Hillary and have been for years and years, even while I was supporting Obama in ’08 and ’12. I’m reposting it and sharing this as far and wide as I possibly can and in the meantime, studying it so that it becomes part of my own rhetoric.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 2:30 pm #

      Nancy, thank you for commenting here. Thank you also for sharing this with your network! Peace, Michael.

  49. Jude Th MacIntosh August 2, 2016 at 2:06 pm #

    Thank you Michael.

  50. L. Kapsinow August 2, 2016 at 2:16 pm #

    Thank you for your insightful article le on the double standard for women running for office or trying to move up the ladder. Just like the subtle rasicism since a black man was elected President and resides in the White House, misogyny runs rampant for women.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 2:36 pm #

      Sadly, the racism and misogyny seem rather intense. I hope we all find a way to come together. Peace, Michael.

      • Kathy McGrath August 4, 2016 at 6:48 am #

        I wish I could share this but the title is so awful and grammatically incorrect that I just can’t. Hillary haters will mock that and ignore the story.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 4, 2016 at 6:51 am #

        Kathy, the title is ironic and it is also a colloquialism.

    • The_Hill72 August 2, 2016 at 6:22 pm #

      This is an excellent comment with one important exception, the racism shown since President Obama’s election has been anything but subtle.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 6:27 pm #

        Sadly, you are absolutely right. The racism has been blatant and disgusting!

    • Cathy Leonard August 3, 2016 at 6:34 am #

      On the last night of the Democratic National Convention, I listened to Hilary’s acceptance speech on NPR. When David Brook’s first comment focused solely on the delivery and not on the content of the speech, I was so disappointed that I immediately turned the commentary off. David said that Hilary’s delivery lacked emotion, and he gave the speech a B or B+ grade, calling it just average. Before the speech, he talked about her voice and hoped it would be less loud and more expressive. I thought… Who would say these things about a man? I also thought… David Brooks, you’ve known Hilary Clinton for decades. What makes you think she would present the idealized version of Hilary you want to see at this late hour? David sounded disappointed himself, a bit like Eeyore. So I thought… Get with the program!

      Thanks so much for your contribution to this subject!

  51. Maddy Avena August 2, 2016 at 2:20 pm #

    As women, we need our male allies to stand up and speak. Thank you for doing so. I hope you don’t lose your Y chromosome card over it 😉

  52. Mavadelo August 2, 2016 at 2:31 pm #

    Reblogged this on Mavadelo's mindscape.

  53. Therese Jensen August 2, 2016 at 2:35 pm #

    While I strongly dislike her , I will vote for her as the lesser ( just barely ) of two evils. And I have numerous reasons for my dislike of her , one of which is her lack of achieving much of any real consequence in 25 years in politics . Her reputation of being dishonest is a direct result of her personal history dating back to her days in Arkansas . Perhaps you’re to young to have heard about it or have a short memory . But she has a lifetime of dishonest , questionable actions . Read her history it’s quite enlightening .

    • Francesca Galliani August 2, 2016 at 8:10 pm #

      here are some facts about what she has accomplished:
      American foreign policy was stronger when Hillary Clinton left the State Department than when she arrived. She took the reins from a Bush administration that had left America’s reputation deeply damaged and planted the seeds for the foreign policy successes we see today. From the agreement to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, to the landmark normalization of relations with Cuba, nearly every foreign policy victory of President Obama’s second term has Secretary Clinton’s fingerprints on it.
      Her accomplishments extend to health care, as well. As First Lady, she helped create and guide through Congress Children’s Health Insurance Program, a key program that brought health care coverage to millions of children. As a Senator, she worked across the aisle to provide full military health benefits to reservists and National Guard members.
      Secretary Clinton was also an outspoken champion for women around the world. She set records for travel while leading the State Department and used every trip to empower the women of the 112 countries she visited. She made gender equality a priority of U.S. foreign policy. And she created the ambassador at large for global women’s issues, a post charged with integrating gender throughout the State Department.

    • Francesca Galliani August 2, 2016 at 8:12 pm #

      Some facts about Hillary accomplishments:
      American foreign policy was stronger when Hillary Clinton left the State Department than when she arrived. She took the reins from a Bush administration that had left America’s reputation deeply damaged and planted the seeds for the foreign policy successes we see today. From the agreement to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, to the landmark normalization of relations with Cuba, nearly every foreign policy victory of President Obama’s second term has Secretary Clinton’s fingerprints on it.
      Her accomplishments extend to health care, as well. As First Lady, she helped create and guide through Congress Children’s Health Insurance Program, a key program that brought health care coverage to millions of children. As a Senator, she worked across the aisle to provide full military health benefits to reservists and National Guard members.
      Secretary Clinton was also an outspoken champion for women around the world. She set records for travel while leading the State Department and used every trip to empower the women of the 112 countries she visited. She made gender equality a priority of U.S. foreign policy. And she created the ambassador at large for global women’s issues, a post charged with integrating gender throughout the State Department.

    • Pat Greene August 2, 2016 at 8:16 pm #

      Evidence? Other than “we all know so”? Oh, and by the way, I *am* old enough to have followed her career since Arkansas.

    • nerak52013 August 2, 2016 at 8:16 pm #

      Please, as Michael said, be specific. I’d like to quote President Obama when he said that she’s more qualified to be President than either he or Bill Clinton were, and had achieved more in the space of public service by age 30 than most people do in a lifetime.

    • willdd2014 August 2, 2016 at 8:16 pm #

      Oh, dear, could you give me some cites on that? I have met those people from Arkansas and there are a lot of them, who get on buses and planes, and at their own expense, travel all over the country campaigning for her. Dishonest? Questionable actions? Have you read this article? Or do old habits die hard? Innuendo is exactly what the right and the misogynists depend on – and there quite a few women who are misogynists – and maybe that is the on going problem. We seem to have a problem with women who don’t “know their place.” Hillary Clinton is one of the most compassionate, bright, caring, intelligent women I have had the pleasure of meeting. And she does something just about every man alive wouldn’t be caught doing – she listens.

    • Linda Reynolds August 2, 2016 at 8:17 pm #

      Her history according to who???

    • Elizabeth Weir (@3weirs) August 2, 2016 at 8:37 pm #

      I think the author made it clear he did his homework on her history. THAT is what the whole article was about!

    • Don Moradian August 2, 2016 at 11:32 pm #

      “Lack of achieving any real consequence”? Really? WTF???

      her accomplishments:
      •First ever student commencement speaker at Wellesley College.
      •President of the Wellesley Young Republicans
      •Intern at the House Republican Conference
      •Distinguished graduate of Yale Law School
      •Editorial board of the Yale Review of Law and Social Action
      •Appointed to Senator Walter Mondale’s Subcommittee on Migratory Labor.
      •Co-founded Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families
      •Staff attorney for Children’s Defense Fund
      •Faculty member in the School of Law at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
      •Former Director of the Arkansas Legal Aid Clinic.
      •First female chair of the Legal Services Corporation
      •First female partner at Rose Law Firm.
      •Former civil litigation attorney.
      •Former Law Professor at the University of Arkansas School of Law.
      •twice listed by The National Law Journal as one of the hundred most influential lawyers in America
      •Former First Lady of Arkansas.
      •Arkansas Woman of the Year in 1983
      •Chair of the American Bar Association’s Commission on Women in the Profession
      •twice named by the National Law Journal as one of the 100 most influential lawyers in America
      •created Arkansas’s Home Instruction Program for Preschool Youth
      •led a task force that reformed Arkansas’s education system
      •Board of directors of Wal-Mart and several other corporations
      •Instrumental in passage of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program
      •Promoted nationwide immunization against childhood illnesses
      •Successfully sought to increase research funding for prostate cancer and childhood asthma at the National Institutes of Health
      •Worked to investigate reports of an illness that affected veterans of the Gulf War (now recognized as Gulf War Syndrome)
      •Helped create the Office on Violence Against Women at the Department of Justice
      •Initiated and shepherded the Adoption and Safe Families Act
      •First FLOTUS in US History to hold a postgraduate degree
      •Traveled to 79 countries during time as FLOTUS
      •Helped create Vital Voices, an international initiative to promote the participation of women in the political processes of their countries.
      •Served on five Senate committees:
      -Committee on Budget (2001–2002)
      -Committee on Armed Services (2003–2009)
      -Committee on Environment and Public Works (2001–2009)
      -Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (2001–2009)
      -Special Committee on Aging.
      •Member of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe
      •Instrumental in securing $21 billion in funding for the World Trade Center site’s redevelopment
      •Leading role in investigating the health issues faced by 9/11 first responders.
      •In the aftermath of September 11th, she worked closely with her senior Senate counterpart from New York, Sen. Charles Schumer, on securing $21.4 billion in funding for the World Trade Center redevelopment.
      • Middle East ceasefire. In November 2012, Secretary of State Clinton brokered a ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas.
      •Introduced the Family Entertainment Protection Act, intended to protect children from inappropriate content found in video games.
      •First ex-FLOTUS in US History to be elected to the United States Senate (and re-elected)
      •Two-term New York Senator
      -(senate stats here:…)
      -(voting record here:…)
      •Former US Secretary of State
      •GRAMMY Award Winner

      What the hell have YOU accomplished?

    • Don Moradian August 2, 2016 at 11:33 pm #

      her accomplishments:
      •First ever student commencement speaker at Wellesley College.
      •President of the Wellesley Young Republicans
      •Intern at the House Republican Conference
      •Distinguished graduate of Yale Law School
      •Editorial board of the Yale Review of Law and Social Action
      •Appointed to Senator Walter Mondale’s Subcommittee on Migratory Labor.
      •Co-founded Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families
      •Staff attorney for Children’s Defense Fund
      •Faculty member in the School of Law at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
      •Former Director of the Arkansas Legal Aid Clinic.
      •First female chair of the Legal Services Corporation
      •First female partner at Rose Law Firm.
      •Former civil litigation attorney.
      •Former Law Professor at the University of Arkansas School of Law.
      •twice listed by The National Law Journal as one of the hundred most influential lawyers in America
      •Former First Lady of Arkansas.
      •Arkansas Woman of the Year in 1983
      •Chair of the American Bar Association’s Commission on Women in the Profession
      •twice named by the National Law Journal as one of the 100 most influential lawyers in America
      •created Arkansas’s Home Instruction Program for Preschool Youth
      •led a task force that reformed Arkansas’s education system
      •Board of directors of Wal-Mart and several other corporations
      •Instrumental in passage of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program
      •Promoted nationwide immunization against childhood illnesses
      •Successfully sought to increase research funding for prostate cancer and childhood asthma at the National Institutes of Health
      •Worked to investigate reports of an illness that affected veterans of the Gulf War (now recognized as Gulf War Syndrome)
      •Helped create the Office on Violence Against Women at the Department of Justice
      •Initiated and shepherded the Adoption and Safe Families Act
      •First FLOTUS in US History to hold a postgraduate degree
      •Traveled to 79 countries during time as FLOTUS
      •Helped create Vital Voices, an international initiative to promote the participation of women in the political processes of their countries.
      •Served on five Senate committees:
      -Committee on Budget (2001–2002)
      -Committee on Armed Services (2003–2009)
      -Committee on Environment and Public Works (2001–2009)
      -Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (2001–2009)
      -Special Committee on Aging.
      •Member of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe
      •Instrumental in securing $21 billion in funding for the World Trade Center site’s redevelopment
      •Leading role in investigating the health issues faced by 9/11 first responders.
      •In the aftermath of September 11th, she worked closely with her senior Senate counterpart from New York, Sen. Charles Schumer, on securing $21.4 billion in funding for the World Trade Center redevelopment.
      • Middle East ceasefire. In November 2012, Secretary of State Clinton brokered a ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas.
      •Introduced the Family Entertainment Protection Act, intended to protect children from inappropriate content found in video games.
      •First ex-FLOTUS in US History to be elected to the United States Senate (and re-elected)
      •Two-term New York Senator
      -(senate stats here:…)
      -(voting record here:…)
      •Former US Secretary of State
      •GRAMMY Award Winner

    • Charlie Bloom August 3, 2016 at 2:31 am #

      Evidence? Successful prosecutions? Questionable actions? Who wrote the history? What was their motivation? Weak thinking by trotting out the very mantras this article correctly railed against.

    • Glenda F. Camp August 3, 2016 at 4:32 am #

      …and where does your supporting info come from? Fox News?

    • Diane Denish August 3, 2016 at 4:43 am #

      Did you read the article? His point is that the systematic criticism and lies about Hillary which began in her days in Arkansas because she did “know her place” is what women like you have bought into. I am not too young and embrace the fact that I am old enough to have watched what has happened to her just because she was persistent, smart, thoughtful, and yes HONEST. Owning her mistakes but not letting them stop her. Learning from her mistakes and charting a new direction. Achieving healthcare for kids, standing up for women around the world and helping to make the world a safer place. The “history” you refer to is the story they want you to believe, not her story as a woman.

    • Janet Freedline August 3, 2016 at 6:08 am #

      her history? I don’t think you have read her history. Done nothing? lifetime of dishonesty? Please, she has worked tirelessly for children, for health care. Actually, first I think you need to really look into what she has done and stop watching the ridiculous news shows ( and I say that tongue in cheek) for a while.

    • C. Schieber August 3, 2016 at 6:25 am #

      Can you give some examples of her more egregious lies, Therese?

  54. Cynthia Franklin August 2, 2016 at 2:45 pm #

    I’m really tired of being accused of sexism, when my concerns about Hilary
    Clinton are based on her past actions and current stated policies. Let me start by saying I will vote for her – very reluctantly – because she is better than Trump.

    But her attempt at health care reform in the 1990’s was so badly handled that it no one dared touch it again for 30 years. The best we have been able to get since (and I agree its not nothing) is the ACA – which is a boon to the insurance companies who get mandatory buying of polices with large deductibles and co-insurance at outrageous rates. And HRC when asked about universal health care/single payer simply states: “won’t happen”.

    Her neocon approach to foreign policy has brought us bombings, drones, and continued meddling in and overthrowing governments of multiple countries – the effects of which are less not more security for the US and most of the world. She considers Henry Kissinger an honored mentor.

    She used the office of Secretary of State to promote fracking (and the interests of our big oil companies) across eastern Europe. Climate change does not seem to be a priority for her – maybe I’m wrong on that one – I hope so.

    And she is a supporter of our current Wall Street driven economic system. Glass-Steagall was gutted under the Clintons’ watch – and we’ve seen the results of that as the large financial institutions bet our savings for their gain. She has been a supporter of “free trade” policies that allow large corporations to overturn environmental and labor laws based on “potential loss of income” and treat labor like throw away assets in the race to the bottom for the lowest wages.

    Yes, there are sexists out there that hold her to a different standard than powerful men, or who would never vote for a woman for high office. But there are many of us who hold her and all other politicians to the same standard – one of progressive policies that help the many and not the rich few, and seek to protect the environment of this planet for the benefit of all – and by that standard she fails badly.

    And you can tell us that we have the “most progressive Democratic platform ever” – which is untrue (those in the FDR years were better) and irrelevant since there is nothing that would require her to implement that platform once elected.

    • John Handy Bosma August 2, 2016 at 6:59 pm #

      Since those are all Bernie talking points, maybe you’ll take Bernie’s word for it:

    • willdd2014 August 2, 2016 at 8:23 pm #

      Wow, just wow. First of all HILLARY Clinton is running NOT Bill Clinton. And then after that – my, my, my, my – I guess a person can’t talk to anyone who doesn’t pass the neo-lib “purity” test….Henry Kissinger – well, he knows a lot and that doesn’t mean one follows his advice – but one can learn a lot by listening – a new and novel idea, I know. As for fracking – so – she has grown on that point, and you have not – and as for the rest of your answer – it is hackneyed, old, and tiresome – and I bet I have been reading it since 2015 – when all of the neo-libs made up their mind that purity trumped governing – and with that kind of an attitude – it just may be trumped.

    • Barb August 2, 2016 at 8:30 pm #

      Cynthia, you giving powers to the Secretary of State that don’t:t go with the office. The use of Drones bombing etc are up to the President,the Secretary of Defense and the Joint Chiefsx of staff. As is whether or not we enterninto fighting. Yes, she argued that the over throw of Kadafe would be beneficial. However, it was others that made the decision to go ahead. President Obama says that yes, they made tjemistake of not planning where to go after the overthrow was complete. Again, Secretary Clinton would not have been in on that. As it’s not in the pet view of her position. You also simplify the situation in the Middle East. It is far more complicated than you think. The problems date back to the 1940s. We have been trying to fix what was started then and yes, we have been screwing it up ever since. This problem is hardly Hillary’s doing. (You should know that until recently, I too had fallen for the rhetoric as well. I changed my mind when I started to do my own research. I found that Hillary was actually basically a good person. No, she isn’t perfect. None of us are. Hillary has spent her adult life in service to others. I find that admirable. I will gladly cast my vote for her.).

    • feinuo smith August 3, 2016 at 12:05 am #

      Is ACA worse that what Trump has proposed? Which is to scratch all ACA.

    • Debi K Baughman August 3, 2016 at 12:11 am #

      Cynthia, how did we gain 20 more years? Either you are on an entirely different time line which make my time frames in my books look like nothing, or you are posting somebody else’s mistakes. I’d check that if I were you. Might want to read the rest while you are at it.
      Actually, you did what I suspect we all did, read Theresa Jensons challenge of what she has done worth mentioning and went looking for the article we had saved already as our reminders, or digging through the search engines to answer that question.
      May be we all could use a good research of one or two of these facts posted in all of the links here. I will take Arkansas, but I suggest somebody unbiased and better on engines than me to be double checking.

    • Mari August 3, 2016 at 12:22 am #

      Cynthia, I *am* thirty. As far as I know, I was born in 1986, well before the Clintons moved into the White House. What’s more, they moved there in 1992, so it’s actually only eighteen years until someone managed to pass health care reform for more than children (CHIP did happen in the mid-nineties). If we account for CHIP, the number drops to about fourteen years, depending on time between passage and implementation.

      No, when I was born, we were still scrambling in the dark to find viable drugs for dying AIDS patients.

      As to the conflict around single-payer insurance: it may not be feasible at this time, in this country, especially with this Congress. If you want it to happen, look downticket and pick representatives and senators who feel as you do. It is not for POTUS to handwave a single-payer system into being. Further, when you speak of the concept, you must bear in mind that different nations have demonstrate different ways to do it. Which way forward is best for the government and the people we have? I’ve known people in three different countries (not from, in) who could tell you vastly different stories about how things are done. If the research hasn’t been done yet, needless to say you’re looking at a bit of a wait.

    • Deb Simpson August 3, 2016 at 3:20 am #

      Until you are attacked by the Republican propaganda machine you cannot imagine what it is like, she has been subjected to it for decades and still, she is willing to serve. I was a State Senator, and in 2010 four colleagues and I were targeted by a national Republican group for defeat, we all lost. When it was over, I moved out of the country, I couldn’t live in my hometown anymore. My big negatives? I had voted for gay marriage and people were upset about an influx of refugees so they went after illegal immigrants, which State governments have no jurisdiction over and Maine has very few of. The anti immigrant attack brought out all the racism which had been invisible to me, the vile hatred I heard on the campaign trail left me devastated, I had no idea that my community was so bigoted, I felt like I had PTSD. It was a ten day attack, daily mail, statewide TV, radio and newspapers, ten days. I cannot imagine how Hillary Clinton is still standing, let alone running for office after more than 25 years of unrelenting lies and negative propaganda. As to her lack of accomplishment, I give you SCHIP, covering healthcare for 8 million children. As a mother, whose son lost his health insurance when we escaped from his abusive father, I don’t know what would’ve happened to my child when he needed to be hospitalized for an infection in his leg without SCHIP, I am eternally grateful. You see, when the entrenched interests of Wall Street insurance companies and the healthcare industry stopped healthcare reform, she didn’t give up, she carried on fighting for children. Your story, about how it is her fault that cowardly politicians didn’t want to confront healthcare’s powerful special interests is doesn’t ring true to me, I think
      they were just unwilling to risk failure and losing their jobs.
      As to the hawk label, her voting record and performance diverges from BS only once, that was a mistake, trusting a liar. We should not lose sight that the responsibility for the Iraq war belongs firmly on top of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Powell, they were the ones that lied to us, not Congress which was told they were voting for leverage to get weapons inspectors into Iraq….

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 3, 2016 at 6:26 am #

        Deb, thank you for sharing a part of your own narrative here. Your comments help to explain a great deal of pain experienced by you and I suspect also experienced by HRC. Peace, Michael.

    • Jonathan Jeffer August 3, 2016 at 3:27 am #

      Pretty much

  55. splashy August 2, 2016 at 2:51 pm #

    You are correct in all points.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 2:56 pm #

      splashy, thank you for reading the article and for commenting here! Peace, Michael.

    • Forrest Steven Rosenberry August 2, 2016 at 3:03 pm #

      Her marriage is relevant how?

  56. MP Knight August 2, 2016 at 3:00 pm #


  57. Margie August 2, 2016 at 3:07 pm #

    Michael – I Michael Arnovitz’s article before yours. His makes sense and so does yours. I also read his article about what to do for people you know who hate HRC for all the above reasons. His conclusion: there is nothing you can do. They have chosen to stay in their bubble and look only for confirmation of what they believe. There is no room for facts. I have long believed that women who seek power are disparaged for daring to do so. The double-standard apparent in just the words that describe a woman vs. a man seeking power is obvious to anyone who takes the time to look. And it saddens me. But I’m with her!

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 3:13 pm #

      Margie, thank you so much for commenting here.As you can see from this thread of comments, you and Arnovitz seem to be correct. There certainly seems to be a population that will not create any space to unpack some significant irrational antipathy for HRC rooted in misogyny. I am trying to keep optimistic, and your comment here along with many others are helping me keep some faith in humanity. Peace, Michael.

  58. Julie August 2, 2016 at 3:18 pm #

    You are right, and your words make it glaringly apparent that I am on the same path. I have been a Democrat only since 2012, so I still have old GOP indoctrination when it comes to Hillary. Let me say, now, that I HAD it. Hillary must win, not just to keep DJT out. She must win for the betterment of us all, to keep is on a progressive track, and to demonstrate that the entitled white man (my version of how you described them) must grow up and treat all people with empathy, respect, integrity, and dignity. It can only be returned to them. “Let go of what you fear to lose – Master Jedi Yoda.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 3:20 pm #

      Julie, kudos to you, for I suspect it has to be difficult to cast of the shackles of the GOP indoctrination. We are certainly stronger united in our differences! Peace, Michael.

  59. Jay Spearing August 2, 2016 at 3:27 pm #

    Great read. Being Canadian, I’ve never really been interested in US politics until now – this year I’m enthralled. I totally get why many feel that Mr. Trump is a bigoted, self-centered, egotistical sociopath who is completely unqualified for the POTUS job. But I could not understand why many also “hated” Ms. Clinton so much. Propaganda has such an influence on the general populace it’s astounding. If we had more thinkers out there, very few would be taking the GOP seriously right now, and this election would be a total landslide.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 3:30 pm #

      Jay, thank you for commenting here! I suspect if the unthinkable should happen in this election, many of us will seek asylum in your lovely country! 🙂 Peace, Michael.

    • Rob August 2, 2016 at 6:36 pm #

      You’ll also be welcome in Australia. Except guns. Don’t bring your guns 😉
      Propaganda is the chaff of the masses used politically, religiously and (obviously) commercially. Read any Orwell, or The Fountainhead.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 6:37 pm #

        Rob, thank you!!! I hope none of us have to take you up on the invitation to seek asylum. 🙂 Peace, Michael.

    • Sue Stroud (@suestroud) August 2, 2016 at 8:00 pm #

      I’m Canadian too and have been puzzled at the hatred shown to such a good and determined woman, I’ve been reading testimonials from people she helped and am mightily impressed at the lengths she went to for them. Hillary will try and that’s what matters, she’ll do her best, she’ll learn and she’ll get some good things done. I’m looking forward to her Presidency.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 8:40 pm #

        Sue, I, too, am looking forward to her presidency. Otherwise, my husband and I have to move in with you! 🙂

      • KW August 2, 2016 at 9:05 pm #

        You have to be joshing. God woman. I do not think so.

  60. penguinlad August 2, 2016 at 3:52 pm #

    To Daniel Chobshvilli and everyone obsessed with election fraud and “stolen” or “rigged” primaries:
    Please do not rely on conspiracy theorists and lousy statisticians to prove your claims. TDMS Research, ElectionFraud2016, the so-called “Stanford Study” and the Brooklyn lawsuit are a closed system of a very few people propping up each others’ paranoia. There is NO evidence of any wrongdoing.
    This excellent piece from the NY Times (not known for being fond of the Clintons, by the way) thoroughly demolishes these claims.

    PS – Exit polls are notoriously awful and unreliable.
    PPS – If you want to rig a contest, a caucus is a much safer bet. Interesting how many caucuses Clinton lost…

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 3:55 pm #

      Thank you Penguin for commenting here. Thank you for supplying more resources that help debunk the whole “stolen” or “rigged” primary mishigas! Peace, Michael.

    • Daniel Chobshvilli August 3, 2016 at 9:33 am #

      I have read this piece before.
      It provides justification for some of the bias, but still doesn’t explain the size of it (the differences that we’ve seen before were much smaller), nor, more importantly, the huge state-to-state variation. Polls were done using the same methodology, so what gives?
      Are we really supposed to believe Democratic voters, especially those in very similar states, can answer the polls in widely different ways? Seems more likely that the difference isn’t in the voter populations, but rather in who counted the votes.

  61. J. Bruce Wilcox August 2, 2016 at 4:00 pm #

    Hillary Clinton is a Scorpio. If that is meaningless to you- go look it up. Donald Trump is a self-centered- self-possessed- privileged 2-person schizo Gemini that thinks he has a good brain so he talks to himself. Sorry. Ms Clinton- in our utterly sexist society is bringing that sexism to the surface just by existing- as Obama has brought racism to the surface just by existing. It’s truly pathetic. Your vote for the Dumpster will end the world as we know it.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 4:02 pm #

      While I must confess great ignorance to zodiac signs, your comments about race and gender in the US are spot on–sadly so! I do hope we can come together and realize the great power and strength in our differences. J. Bruce, thank you for your comments here. Peace, Michael.

  62. Gronda Morin August 2, 2016 at 4:02 pm #

    I already am on board about supporting Hillary Clinton. For the last couple of days, I have been upset about her being tagged as a liar for her consistent statement that she never sent or received emails marked classified in real time via her private server. Remember that both her private server and the government’s were not secure.

    I watched the entire hearing in early July between FBI Director Mr. Comey and the US congress. At the beginning of the hearing he stated that 3 of her emails were marked classified but later on, he did clarify that the 3 emails out of 30,000 plus were not marked classified correctly and clearly and that he could see how she would miss the letter “C” in the body of the documents.

    I had actually emailed news outlets like the Washington Post that they were unfairly awarding her 4 Pinocchio’s. I now have my answer. It seems that Mrs. Clinton embellished a bit during her FOXTV Sunday interview with Chris Wallace, which I did not watch. It seems that she explicitly stated that the FBI Director Mr.Comey declared that she had been telling the truth about her email handling which of course, never occurred. Now the question is, who is parsing words.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 4:03 pm #

      Gronda, like you, I hope we are all taking action to see Hillary succeed. Thank you again for all of your good energy. Peace, Michael.

    • nightrelic August 3, 2016 at 5:46 am #

      For me the big take way from the server investigation was that our whole system wasn’t terribly secure. There should be people in place to secure all servers that will be used for government e-mail whether it’s a home server like that or not. Since there were a lot of people with systems like hers, it seemed ridiculous to hold only her accountable. Definitely no criminal intent here, just a bad system all around. Also, it never would have occurred to me anyone would use the same e-mail for home and for work. Even for the low level security I need, mine has always been separate and I only used the work e-mail for personal stuff in an emergency.

  63. Peter Jones August 2, 2016 at 4:10 pm #

    I was all for Bernie. I do not wish to see Tump win. I would like to see Jill Stein be the next President.
    I read your article but it has no mention of some of the bad things Hilary has done which are listed in this article:

    For example – supporting the coup in Honduras which led to people fleeing for their lives.
    Also sabotaging the elected Venezuelan government (as revealed in her emails).
    Not to mention her support of Israeli acts of aggression…

    So while I’d prefer Hillary over Trump, I’d definitely prefer Jill over Hill.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 4:15 pm #

      Thank you for commenting, Peter. Sadly, a vote for Stein (who is also very flawed, as we all are) is a vote for Trump.

      • Lynn Risor August 3, 2016 at 2:51 am #

        I just wish people would stop saying that!!! A vote Jill Stein is a vote for Jill Stein!! Damn. Is this not a free currently can a person NOT vote their conscience without being told their vote “won’t count”?? BULLCRAP!! I’m voting Johnson. Period!! He best fits all the points. If we want to see a change in this electing of the POTUS, we need to BE THE CHANGE, and not be coerced by individuals who tell us that somehow someone took our vote and switched it to another candidate. Our vote counts! Even if not the most popular.

    • Barbara Evans August 2, 2016 at 9:05 pm #

      The “elected Venezuelan government” sounds more legitimate than it is. Venezuelans are starving under that same government. Chavez’s successor (an uneducated former bus driver), Maduro, has run the once thriving country into the ground. They currently have the worst economy in the world with all of their previously abundant resources, such as oil, depleted. When the opposition won the majority in parlaiment recently, most of the country was overjoyed.

    • Kathy McGrath August 3, 2016 at 5:48 am #

      I would really like for any Jill Stein supporter to explain how she is qualified to be the President of the United States, Commander in Chief, and the leader of the free world. Any explanation at all is welcome.

  64. Natalie Barnes August 2, 2016 at 4:16 pm #

    This is exactly why I’ve been a Hillary fan since the 80s. She is the energizer bunny who never quits and never gives up. As I’ve said for years, her biggest failing is the lack of that extra appendage – there is NO part of me that believes she would be viewed the same way if she were a man. I’m with her!

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 4:17 pm #

      You are absolutely right, Natalie! Peace, Michael.

    • Naima August 2, 2016 at 6:34 pm #

      Good 👍

    • Larry Kolodzey August 3, 2016 at 8:16 am #

      Thanks for bringing this up Natalie. So sexist of you and many that are voing for her. Which is her having the lack thereof ? Her policy positions and how she would govern based on her past seem to come second after this first major point ?

  65. Lyn St. Louos August 2, 2016 at 4:36 pm #

    An excellently reasoned and written article. One request: Please consider the sexist implications in referring to Clinton as “the first female President” rather than “the first woman President”. Thank you for this fine article!

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 4:48 pm #

      Lyn, while I’m glad you enjoyed reading the article, can you please help me understand how it is sexist to refer to Clinton as the first female president? Best, Michael.

      • Isabell August 2, 2016 at 6:43 pm #

        Only because you don’t refer to Trump ever as a male…only as a Man! She is a female…yes…but she is a strong Woman!! Just because you are a male, does not mean that you are a Man!! I am almost 56 years old and I have never voted because I despise politics!! Yesterday, I registered to vote because I am fearful of our future if Trump wins and it’s not because she is a woman (like myself)!! It’s because I feel she is the lessor of the two evils and her being a mother and grand mother, just gives me hope that she will make smart and well thought out choices in ALL of her decisions as the future President.

      • Isabell August 2, 2016 at 6:54 pm #

        I believe it is because you never refer to a Trump as a male…only as a Man. Yes…she is a female but she is also a strong Woman! Not all males can be called or considered a Man!! I am almost 56 years old and have never voted because I despise politics and most politicians. Yesterday, I registered to vote because I worry about our country & the worlds future if Trump should win! Yes, I am a woman but that is not why I am choosing HRC. I believe that she is the lessor of the two evils and has more experience in the political arena. I am hopeful, that because she is a mother and a grand mother like myself, that she will make smart and well thought out choices in ALL of her decisions that she will face as the POTUS!!

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 8:23 pm #

        Isabell, thank you for commenting here. I would also offer she is exceedingly competent! Peace, Michael.

      • Lyn St. Louis August 3, 2016 at 5:46 pm #

        Certainly Michael, I’d be happy to! Thanks for asking. A gendered female can be a designated member of any two-gendered species. The term serves to differentiate between reproductive functions. An adult female (all LGBTQ variations acknowledged and respected) of the species, homo sapiens is (again, generally speaking) specifically a woman, a designation that carries far more specificity and dignity than than the term “female” which reduces a woman to her biological reproductive capacity. Just so you know, this is the same reasoning which I apply, for instance, to the term “male nurse” (equally unnecessary and demeaning). There is, of course, a use for female/male designations at times, most often in science, but otherwise the terms “woman” and “man” convey personhood, value, and respect in a way that “male” and “female” do not. Words have power and the capacity to shape our worldviews. I did not infer by your usage of the word that you intended any disrespect to candidate Clinton, nor did your use of the word “female” detract from from a powerful account of your personal political evolution. Since the theme of your article is open-mindedness, I simply submit my thoughts for your consideration. Best wishes, Lyn

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 3, 2016 at 5:58 pm #

        Lyn, thank you. I appreciate the clarification, but even more I so appreciate you sharing a part of your narrative here! I believe narratives are super powerful and help build empathy. Yes, I try to be careful with language and also know that I will make mistakes. I am also holding tension about how to use the words because two of my trans identified friends use the words “female” and “woman” differently from what you have offered and I would argue that all are correct and that it is not up to me to decide. I do hope we make progress in breaking out of a gender binary. Thank you, again! Peace, Michael.

      • Lyn St. Louis August 3, 2016 at 8:29 pm #

        It’s a pleasure sharing ideas with you, Michael. Thanks for your thoughtful response. I can see how our trans sisters and brothers would need to craft additional definitions and new words to articulate their reality. There is so much to be learned by listening (and actually hearing) each other’s stories.
        Best, Lyn

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 3, 2016 at 8:32 pm #

        Lyn, you are quite lovely! I feel honored to exchange ideas with you here. I am grateful for your wonderful energy. Peace, Michael.

  66. Jam Sanitchat August 2, 2016 at 4:43 pm #

    Thank you for your article. It is exactly how I want to tell everyone. You perfectly put it. I especially like the part where you asked everyone to comment, even the “never Hillary” folks but to give facts to support their comments. I have done the same thing with people around me. “I don’t like Hillary.” Why, I asked. “I just don’t like her.” That was the only answer I got when asking for reasons. I appreciate your article. I think this will wake a lot of people up. As you can see, not many people came out disagreeing with your article because of that last sentence. A great read indeed.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 4:47 pm #

      Hi Jam, thank you for commenting here. Yes, while there are some negative comments from people here, I am still holding out some hope that this article can be the impetus for people engaging in conversations and a willingness to look at system misogyny and how we are all implicated in systems of oppression. Peace, Michael.

  67. Holly Witte August 2, 2016 at 4:46 pm #


  68. mjolnira havoc August 2, 2016 at 4:56 pm #

    Playing the sexist card… Wow! All that does is reflect poorly on women as a whole. She is an amoral, unethical and criminal person. Ask yourselves… What happened to Bernie? This is just an attempt to white-wash a sociopathic, elitist hoodlum so Democrats don’t feel so guilty about having to vote for this fucking viper… Remember Bengazi if nothing else. There are other candidates like the green party and the libertarian party, dare for once not to be mainstream.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 4:58 pm #

      Wow! It is as though you did not read the article at all, or that you lack the capacity to tolerate cognitive dissonance.

    • Mari August 3, 2016 at 12:29 am #

      Oddly enough, my father — he’s ex-military intelligence — and I were just discussing Benghazi the other day. He would have loved for Mr Sanders to be our candidate, but he never doubted that Madam Secretary did all she could for her people on the ground. Quite simply, they went in against advisement, knowing that the nearest significant aid in an unexpected conflict would be hours out, not minutes. The situation in Benghazi turned deadly in minutes. You’d have needed a TARDIS to salvage it, given where reinforcements were able to be placed.

  69. Anna Doll August 2, 2016 at 5:16 pm #

    I showed this article to my husband, who has “hated” Hillary and Bill Clinton for years. He’s always been a reasonable man, given he’s male, white and old (he did vote for President Obama both times!) He cannot stand Donald Trump, and would never vote for him. I thought he was leaning Gary Johnson, but he mentioned that voting for Johnson would be a vote for Donald Trump. What I’m trying to say is that I really think he’ll vote for Hillary, and it’s articles like yours, that dig out the truth, that will make the difference in Hillary’s favor come Election Day. Thank you!

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 5:22 pm #

      Anna, this is quite lovely. Thank you for sharing this and thank you for sharing the article with your husband. Very nice to have some good news! Peace, Michael.

  70. Carolyn August 2, 2016 at 5:19 pm #

    Thank you for this article, Michael. I was a Bernie supporter and have struggled with Hillary. Believe me, I consider her to be incredibly intelligent and competent. I also believe her to have the steadiest hand of anyone running. I considered “Bernie or Bust” briefly, not because of the hype or the rumors. She isn’t as progressive as I would like, and the treatment of the Palestinians is a heart break for me. However, I would not trust Donald Trump to dogsit for me, let alone run my country. I was pleased to see a more progressive platform than I expected. I am so tired of Hillary being criticized for her clothes, and Michelle Obama for her bare arms. Those are HUGE issues facing our country (smh). I am ready to have Hillary in the oval office. I am ready for her to show what she can do. Finally, I am ready to say “I’m with her.”

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 5:25 pm #

      Carolyn, thank you so very much for your comments here. I, too, struggled to leave Bernie. Your commentary here is exceedingly eloquent. I’m rather envious–I would love to be as eloquent! Peace, Michael.

  71. Gail Young August 2, 2016 at 5:40 pm #

    Thank you. I have had a similar experience when I ask people for specifics. I researched Hillary after my party lost its mind and nominated the Trump. While not as moderate as I would prefer, I have come to the conclusion that she will make a great president. I suspect others in my party will also pull the lever for Clinton under cover of the curtain. I would rather she spoke truth and admitted to the mistakes she has made – but I might do the same if I were relentlessly pursued. Beside, her list of concerns pales I’m comparison to the Trump.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 5:48 pm #

      Gail, thank you for your candor here. I hope your voice helps many to work together in solidarity. Peace, Michael.

  72. kiersyn August 2, 2016 at 5:47 pm #

    I will vote for Secretary Clinton in November, but at this point it won’t be with much enthusiasm. As a liberal and former Democrat, I don’t believe that this dislike of her as a candidate has anything to do with decades of G.O.P. smears and as a woman, I don’t think it has to do with misogyny either.

    I am less than impressed by a so-called public servant who uses the opportunities afforded by holding office to enrich themselves. The Clintons are multi-millionaires because they are very good at trading power, influence, and wealth back and forth. Their peers are the 1% and the Wall Street elite which makes it very hard for me to believe that Secretary Clinton would do anything meaningful as president to reign in the economic and wealth imbalance that our country is suffering from right now. Her repeated comments on incremental change only reinforce this feeling as I’m sure she doesn’t want to change a system under which she, her family, and her peers benefit.

    While I don’t feel I can honestly say that she’s done anything illegal, I know that she seems to walk a perilously fine line when it comes to mixing power and money. As Secretary of State, she personally, and quite unusually, handled an issue with the Swiss financial giant UBS when the IRS was suing UBS for information on the secret accounts of American tax evaders. After sealing a deal wheren less than 10% of the requested information was delivered, President Clinton, who had had no former personal involvement with UBS, was invited to deliver series of speeches for a fee of $1.5 million. The Clinton Foundation also saw a marked increase in donations from UBS as well as received multi-million dollar loans. The irony of watching Secretary Clinton call for the repeal of Citizens United when she has her own super-PAC funded by a Wal-Mart heiress isn’t lost on me either.

    Finally, I have lost a lot of respect for Secretary Clinton as well as many other figures for ignoring and tacitly condoning the biased actions of the Democratic National Committee. While I understand the threat that Trump presents and would, in that comparison, greatly prefer Secretary Clinton, I don’t think that the despicable actions of the Democratic elite should be swept under the rug. These are the people that would be running the country and I find it difficult to believe that their ethics would suddenly improve nor that their appetite for power and wealth would suddenly diminish in favor of actual public service.

  73. archineer August 2, 2016 at 5:50 pm #

    You can’t deny the value of what Hillary has done. Even if she doesn’t get elected. Which is a terrifying thought, at this point, for any true patriot. I will say that one reason, besides the misogyny – which I won’t deny, that I think Hillary suffers in the polls when she’s on the trail is that her public speaking voice makes her sound like a scripted panderer or patronizing, if that’s the adjective form. When I listened to Bernie, I felt that he was truly able to connect his beliefs with his audience’s needs, whereas Hillary does not sound, to me, to be speaking (it’s actually more like hollering, really) from her heart, but rather from her political mind. Which, I might add, has switched sides at least once in her life. Unlike Bernie. The air – the aura – of Hillary’s speeches are not of a person saying what they want to say, but rather what they think they need to say. But that’s politicians for you, isn’t it? In all seriousness, she could use some acting lessons… or listen to the commencement speech that she delivered at her college graduation. That was pretty fantastic. Thanks for the article. Hillary will do…

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 5:53 pm #

      Thank you for commenting here. And, I have to imagine it is difficult having to speak for so long every day. I know when I teach or do workshops, my voice is quite raspy after just an hour of talking. 🙂 Peace, Michael.

    • Melissa August 3, 2016 at 5:28 am #

      I would respectfully suggest that th accusation of Hillary Clinton “yelling” needs to be examined as a possibly sexist sentiment. Listen to any political speech (I’ve kepy my ear open) and every candidate yells, uses the exact same inflections Hillary Clinton uses, and frequently does it with a tired and raspy voice. The timbre of a female voice is different, so Hillary’s yelling doesn’t get lumped in with all the other yelling that regularly goes on, it just goes into her ‘negative’ column. We have years of cultural DNA that contains men yelling, so we are comfortable with it. Our collective psyche isn’t used to hearing women yell. .

  74. Judy T August 2, 2016 at 5:57 pm #

    So well said. I have been working to find these words for many years but just unable to articulate as you have done here. Thanks

  75. Caroline Winslow August 2, 2016 at 6:37 pm #

    When Hillary was first becoming more visible to the nation as Bill was first the President, it was often said “Who is she to be involved in (some issue or another . . .). She hasn’t ever done anything and is just riding her husband’s coat tails.” Clear misogyny – at that time she was far more accomplished in her career (Childrens Defense Fund, etc) and had been the primary wage earner as Bill held office. She IS guarded in campaigning, as would anyone be, after years of irrational attacks. She has made some poor choices (but I maintain the poor decision to use a private email server has to do with her well-earned guardedness rather than some attempt to “hide” national secrets), but I don’t see ANY of the intense scrutiny of her misdeeds applied to ANY male candidate of either party. (Even Trump, who is being relentlessly criticized, is in response to odd behavior rather than an intense examination of past lies or misdeeds in his businesses – of which there are apparently many.)

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 6:39 pm #

      Caroline, great points here! I so hope people are reading your comment here! Peace, Michael.

  76. Naima August 2, 2016 at 6:37 pm #

    Thankyou Michaeal . I’m so tired of people who make comments and do not read and truly investigate facts. I’m with her!!!!!

  77. Naima August 2, 2016 at 6:40 pm #

    Thank you Michael. I’m with her!

  78. Karen K S August 2, 2016 at 6:43 pm #

    Thank you soooo much for this very insightful and truthful article. For the past 4 months I have read so many negative articles and Facebook propaganda pieces about Mrs. Clinton and have tried to explain to people that they are wrong to no avail. I still respond to some of the blatant lies by asking for proof and documenting my proof. Sad to say but it doesn’t really work because people mostly have their minds made up and the 40 plus years of men and women trying to take her down has unfairly branded her. I will be doing everything I can to support Hillary and will be ecstatic when she is sworn in as our 1st female President.

  79. Edward Sobien August 2, 2016 at 6:56 pm #

    How is she dishonest & a liar? Really, let us list them….
    Chelsea was jogging around the World Trade Center on 9/11…
    We landed in Somalia under sniper fire and were rushed off of the tarmac….
    Benghazi was caused by a youtube video…
    (insert any comment or statement she has made about her email server)….
    Her supposed support of the military, veterans, secret service, police… (numerous accounts of her distain of the people who truly serve)

    • willdd2014 August 2, 2016 at 9:13 pm #

      Could you give cites for what you have just posted? It’s hard to accept this stuff as being anything but calumnious without having sources – and Bill Safire and his handmaiden Mo Dowd are not acceptable sources. Otherwise, I’m afraid you, sir, are part of the problem, not the solution.

  80. Michael August 2, 2016 at 6:56 pm #

    Thank you for this thoughtful article. I had similar unfounded misgivings about Hillary at the beginning of the campaign and aligned myself with Bernie because of it, and I am a woman. When I woke up to the fact that I hadn’t done my own due diligence, I decided that wasn’t acceptable and began to learn about her on my own. Then I was just humbled and embarrassed by my own internalized sexism and bias that had been fueled over the years by outside influences. I take full responsibility now, and am happy that I woke up. Hillary Clinton is an inspiration and a role model now, not just “the lesser of two evils.” #ImWithHer

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 8:25 pm #

      Michael, can I just say how amazing and wonderful you are? Thank you! Peace, Michael.

  81. TNJD August 2, 2016 at 7:00 pm #

    Michael, This was a treat to read. As an old, white voter and Democrat, I have admired Hillary for decades. I think the smears–William Safire notwithstanding–began even before she was First Lady of Arkansas. Did you know she lived with Bill for several years before she agreed to marry him? Did you know that when they married, she wanted to keep her maiden name? She feared her own identity would disappear; that she would be subsumed as his wife (with good reason, as it turns out). Can you imagine the raised eyebrows in Arkansas at her progressive ideas?

    Bill certainly understands that he achieved what he did because Hillary had his back and was his advisor. He’s the extrovert that everyone loves; she’s the policy wonk who stays in the back room writing, planning, and doing homework. A classic introvert, she is warm, wonderful, adored, and admired by those she works with one-on-one, and in small groups. In crowds or large groups she is ill at ease, and her discomfort is apparent. Unfortunate, but there it is. She will be a great president even so. But perhaps this is a reason why some respond to her as aloof, distant, and even untrustworthy.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 8:27 pm #

      My Dear Genet, Can I just say how lovely and wonderful you are? I hope everyone reads your comments here. You are a lovely ally and a wonderful human being. Thank you for commenting here. I would also offer she is exceedingly competent! Peace and love, Michael.

  82. Shirley McVay August 2, 2016 at 7:02 pm #

    I have been writing down my thoughts on this subject but you have done a much better job. I have been trying to think of a smart successful woman who has not been seen as a bitch and I cannot think of even one. Mother Teresa was denounced for meeting with unsavory politicians and businessmen in order to Assisi the poor. Christopher Hutchins launched an aggressive attack on Mother with a documentary and book aimed to inflame her reputation. Eleanor Roosevelt was accused of stimulating racial prejudice is, of meddling in politics, talking to match, traveling too much, being too informal and espousing causes critics found a mistress of the White House should have been left alone.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 8:29 pm #

      Shirley, thank you for commenting here. I would also offer she is exceedingly competent! Peace, Michael.

  83. Josef Knott August 2, 2016 at 7:08 pm #

    Michael, a well-crafted and articulate post. Unfortunately, you’ve used words many do not know the meaning and, alas, will dismiss. But thank you.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 8:30 pm #

      Josef, thank you. I need to pay attention to that. I welcome any adivce! Peace, Michael.

  84. Diana Davis Rumbold August 2, 2016 at 7:18 pm #

    Hillary has been one of the role models I have shoved on my friends. I am Gen X, so I have watched the smearing of Hillary in real time with utter confusion. I appreciate you putting into words what I have been feeling and helping me articulate it.

  85. remreader August 2, 2016 at 7:29 pm #

    Reblogged this on remreader.

  86. Kemarman August 2, 2016 at 7:42 pm #

    With the billions of dollars Republican based 1% ers might have to properly pay in honest taxes, no costs will be spared in trying to crush HRC by any means possible. This will be corrupt advertising and propaganda till November; the best that money can buy. The fact that so many accept the “dishonest/crooked” name-calling without specifics, is absolute proof of the power of top-notch marketing. If you say it often enough lies become fact to the target audience.

  87. Drake Byrum August 2, 2016 at 7:56 pm #

    Wow. Thank you. I’ve made the same journey recently. I love Bernie Sanders. He speaks the truth unflinchingly and at the convention revealed himself to be a truly great man. He started a movement to make America safe for democracy again, and I believe he/we will succeed. He’s not finished, but what he’s already accomplished will continue to ripple through the culture.

    I always thought that Hillary was a deeply good person. I knew she was getting smeared, but the relentless campaign raised doubt in me, which of course was the strategy. This piece cleared away a lot of mud that was obscuring the truth.

    Interestingly, I think Bernie Sanders made it politically tenable for her to move toward where her heart has always been. Getting creamed the way she did when she tried to make universal health care a reality would make most people cautious.

    Trump isn’t the change candidate. The Republican congress has been cynically and systematically impeding any kind of constructive change. If we really want change, we’ll elect Clinton and boot the Republicans out of the House and Senate.

    Shrewdness is not a vice. Clinton is not the lesser of two evils. She’s an unusually good and strong person, a little stiff in public maybe, who’s withstood an incredible smear campaign by those she threatens.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 2, 2016 at 8:39 pm #

      Drake, yes, “Clinton is not the lesser of two evils. She’s an unusually good and strong person, a little stiff in public maybe, who’s withstood an incredible smear campaign by those she threatens.” Exactly! Peace, Michael.

  88. Jennifer Mantura August 2, 2016 at 8:01 pm #

    I have always loved Hillary! I think she was exceptional as First Lady and LOVED that she wasn’t interested in baking cookies, and that she began the conversation on Universal healthcare (talk about public service!). I knew we needed it then. We have it now. She was ahead of her time. I thought she was a brilliant Secretary of State, rebuilding America’s relationships and reputation after the Iraq war, which seemed an impossible task! I voted for her in 2008, not because I didn’t like Obama, but because the mess we were in required experience and poise. But then I’m a woman with a rebellious streak and a deep heart who wants to help the world, so maybe I just saw a little of myself in her. I’m SO ready for Hillary. Have been for years now! Btw.. this piece was fantastic! Thank you!

  89. vintageist August 2, 2016 at 8:08 pm #

    What a crock of absolute crap.

    • Patricia Mueller August 3, 2016 at 4:49 am #

      In what respect? Let me guess, because you are sure she is a murderer and has told more lies than anybody ever in history? Please illuminate your position starting with your personal interactions with her.

  90. Max August 2, 2016 at 8:18 pm #

    I did a little research. When did “cisgender” become a term?
    It may have been in usage all along, but I’ve never heard it. Isn’t that just ones gender?

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 3, 2016 at 6:48 am #

      Hi Max, good question. I have been using the term cisgender for about 12 years now. I am not certain exactly when it became a part of the vernacular, but I would say it is a commonly used term to identify people such as myself. And, being cisgender means I have unearned privilege that my trans identified siblings do not have. Peace, Michael.

  91. In a Former Time August 2, 2016 at 8:24 pm #

    Nicely done! I’ve followed Hillary for 30 years and have never understood why she was so constantly scapegoated.

  92. Kathleen August 2, 2016 at 8:28 pm #

    How do you respond to Hillary is a hawk who has killed thousands of people from Latin America to the Middle East. I get that a lot. I’m looking for the best way to respond.

  93. Denise Barnett August 2, 2016 at 8:29 pm #

    Strong, smart, outspoken girls and women have been targets for longer than I have been alive and fighting it personally. Both my younger sister and I have dealt with this our entire lives. Of course, Hillary has faced it at a much higher level. I believe strongly that much of the hatred of Hillary is explained primarily by her unique combination of gender, intelligence, and insistence on change. Sexism, pure but not simple. In fact, just referring to her here as Hillary is an example of this. Why aren’t I referring to her as Clinton? I wouldn’t refer to the President as Barack or the Republican nominee as Donald. And, if she chose to forgive her husband’s infidelity, that is her business and not ours. Family values advocates would applaud this if she were a Republican or more conservative or not Hillary. I did not look at the byline of this essay until I read someone’s comment. I was then so stunned that the writer was male that I actually spoke to myself out loud (usually a bad sign), “This writer is a man?” Outstandingly written, whether or not one agrees with you.

  94. Therese August 2, 2016 at 8:45 pm #

    Yes! And thank you for saying all of this. The only thing I would add to your truthful, accurate statements that women are a targeted community, and that misogyny is systemic is that WOMEN are 50% of the population (!!!!) People are not rrally connecting the dots yet: the fact that hatred of 50% of the population is so blatantly woven into the very fabric of humanity has profound effects and ramifications on every group at every level. If this were not the case, ALL human systems would be different and more fair and balanced – governmental, agricultural, environmental, educational, economic, health care, sociological, etc etc. No group can afford to keep dismissing the crippling effects of this widespread, destructive truth.

  95. Peg Grimes August 2, 2016 at 9:06 pm #

    I loved this! I was talking with a colleague the other day trying to articulate your thought process and assessment. I hope many read this–you say it so beautifully. As a long term Hillary supporter, I have thought a lot about this double-standard. Thank you…shared on FB

  96. Kevscar August 2, 2016 at 9:46 pm #

    Any woman who is so desperate for power that she stays with a cigar twiddling asshole like her husband is not fit to run a grocery store let alone the USA

  97. m asadi August 2, 2016 at 9:49 pm #

    There is a clear link between militarism and violence against women, if we talk of systemic misogyny we are looking at a structure of militarized violence in the US and its wars overseas. It is no secret that Hillary Clinton is the most hawkish of presidential candidates. It is also no secret that Bill and Hillary Clinton have presided over systemic sexism and strengthened it through their Welfare Reform Act which punished mostly women and children. It is also no secret that the trade deals they have supported which lead to an exploitation of labor overseas have particularly harmed women. Stating that Hillary is opposed because of systemic sexism, something she presided over and strengthened is blatantly dishonest. It is no “cartoon” when a person conducts her entire official government business on an insecure private server and lies when caught in the act and because of a corrupt system, that ensures she gets legalized bribes worth millions in “speaking fees,” gets away scot-free. Unlike most women in America, Hillary is privileged and powerful and she is opposed not because she is a woman but because she has acted like the most violent of men in terms of war making and mass butchery.

  98. Sarah Evans August 2, 2016 at 9:51 pm #

    I agree with most of these points, but have to dissent on her history with poverty issues, which will make me choke on my vote for her:

  99. Karen August 2, 2016 at 10:01 pm #

    I really feel sorry for the author of this article. How could anyone be so misinformed?

  100. Ken Newman August 2, 2016 at 10:11 pm #

    And why doesn’t she show her transcripts of speeches to Wall Street?

    • Woody Lifton August 3, 2016 at 6:57 am #

      Why doesn’t Trump show his Tax Returns??

      • tuffnstuff August 3, 2016 at 7:58 am #

        She could show the speeches, but I doubt that you would accept that as your final demand. You and your cronies are like blackmailers, continuing to ask for more and more from her, while excusing a train wreck that is Donald Trump.

      • tuffnstuff August 3, 2016 at 8:01 am #

        She could show the speeches, but I doubt that you would accept that as your final demand. You and your cronies are like blackmailers, continuing to ask for more and more from her, while excusing a train wreck that is Donald Trump.

      • George Bilodeau August 3, 2016 at 8:07 am #

        Because he has something to HIDE!!

    • Bob August 3, 2016 at 7:09 am #

      Why doesn’t Trump show us his taxes?

    • Erika Kissack August 3, 2016 at 7:18 am #

      They aren’t hard to find. Here’s one!

    • lizriz August 3, 2016 at 7:24 am #

      Hi Ken, Presidential candidates are not usually pressed for transcripts from private speeches given while they were private citizens. Meanwhile, it is traditional to release many years of tax returns – which neither Bernie Sanders or Donald Trump did. In fact, Bernie Sanders said he would release his tax returns if Hillary Clinton released the transcripts of her speeches. This is a double standard at work. “I’ll do something I should have been prepared to do anyway, if you do this unprecedented thing I am demanding of you.” Hillary Clinton should absolutely not give in to this double standard. In my experience, giving in to the double standards that surround women their whole life is a no wing proposition. The minute you try to play that game, there is a next demand and a next demand, and none of it leads to respect or ultimately success.

      • Bill White August 3, 2016 at 7:56 am #

        I think you have that backwards? Hillary said she would release her speech transcripts when other candidates released their’s. Bernie, the only other candidate she was running against, released his. She still hasn’t.

        As to why what she said, and any promises she may have made, to the big wigs at the banks and Wall Street is important? I’m not going to address that here. Either you get it or you don’t. Many folks thought she would pick Warren as her running mate — you know, the senator who is fighting back against the financial industry. She didn’t. Instead she picked a man who is soft on what the financial sector has done to us.

    • Bill White August 3, 2016 at 7:46 am #

      Because she and Trump have something to hide. Or is it only Trump who has something to hide? Sometimes I can’t tell — it all depends upon who you’re listening to

      • Meta Rettew August 3, 2016 at 8:57 am #

        Trump has benn paid as much as 1.5 million for a speech. She was talking about all candidates on both sides.

    • Brian Poteat August 3, 2016 at 8:42 am #

      What do you really think is in those speeches? How she wants GS to crush the middle class and destroy America? Come on. You did not really read what was written above did you?

    • Susan Williams Lentz August 3, 2016 at 9:55 am #

      Why should she have to? No other Presidential candidate in history, has ever even been asked to do this. When Guiliani ran for President, he released records showing approximately $13 million made in speeches for the year 2006. No one asked him for transcripts, not one person.

    • Deb August 3, 2016 at 10:12 am #

      Why aren’t you asking for Trump’s speeches as well, he was paid significantly more for them than she was.

  101. Ngozi M. Awa August 2, 2016 at 10:21 pm #

    I hope all this translates to VOTE for HRC come November because TALK IS CHEAP AND BULLSHIT WALKS!

  102. Kelley August 2, 2016 at 10:39 pm #

    Although I was in full support of Bernie…it lit a fire inside me to see that it might be possible for a woman to actually be elected president. I know I am not voting for Trump…but in the last few days it has burned me up inside to see all the hate spewed at her…for which I’ve tried to defend…and it clearly screams mysogyny
    Starting with her husband cheating, because that makes her untrustworthy…to the way she speaks….if she didn’t carry her voice and exude a strong demeanor and instead was soft and relatable…then she’s wrong for being ‘weak’. It’s sexist no matter how you look at it. I don’t know everything. I just know she is a strong woman and has just enough if not more credentials to be elected president than anyone…

    • Debi K Baughman August 3, 2016 at 10:56 am #

      “…if she didn’t carry her voice and exude a strong demeanor and instead was soft and relatable…then she’s wrong for being ‘weak’.
      And if she does carry her voice and speak strongly with confidence, she is too full of ego, too aggresive, telling everybody what to do, and obviously too privileged or she would not come across as so self assured.

  103. Dan Gosch August 2, 2016 at 10:43 pm #

    I will vote for Hillary because she’s smart and experienced in politics. DT is uninformed, thin skinned and ill mannered. And maybe just a little deranged. I do however sometimes wonder about Hillary’s state of mind as well. I understand that politicians have got to cook the books a little when it comes to facts and complete truthfulness when needed to get things done. But I don’t see how her complete fantasy about being under fire at the Bosnian airport is the same thing. What was that all about? Is she delusional? Does she really think it happened? She must have known she’d be found out. She seems to have been given a pass on this and I don’t know why. When a guy who basically reads the news to us on TV made up a similar dodging bullets story that’s all anybody could talk about for weeks. The need to impress with this self aggrandizing tale in a world leader is troubling. I’m still voting for her.

    • Jodi August 3, 2016 at 7:03 am #

      Brian Williams reconciled his misstep and was given a second chance, and is seemingly doing very well. Is it possible that Hillary has also done the same?

  104. Zoanne Zapata August 2, 2016 at 10:45 pm #

    I just want thinking people to use their minds when selecting a candidate. Much as in 2008 when Obama was elected and the battle cry was “we need to have a black President” (their words, not mine), I hear a similar cry for “we need a woman President.” When same people are questioned about “why” they are voting for said candidate, the answer is “bc she is a woman” not that they believe she is the best qualified candidate. We are fast heading down a slippery slope to socialism vs democracy.

    • lizriz August 3, 2016 at 7:27 am #

      Zoanne – I am a big Hillary Clinton supporter, for many reasons including her history of service and accomplishments, her experience and intelligence, and her support of the Affordable Care Act. I know A LOT of Hillary Clinton supporters. We are all excited that our candidate may be the first woman president, but I don’t know a single person who is voting for Hillary Clinton because she is a woman.

    • Margaret Boelman August 3, 2016 at 8:27 am #

      I know there are people who believe Hillary should be elected because she is a woman and it’s about time. However, I know of no one for whom that is the only reason. ALL those who are voting for her because she’s a woman know is is night and day different from Trump and absolutely the most qualified person we have had run for the office in a LONG time, if not ever.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 3, 2016 at 8:28 am #

        Yes, I would underscore that a she is exceedingly competent and qualified! Peace, Michael.

    • Marcia MacInnis August 3, 2016 at 8:46 am #

      Here’s an answer: she “won’t stay throwed.” She’s courageous and self-disciplined. She’s intelligent and well-informed. She’s pro-choice, and as the grandmother of a 19 year old girl, that’s important to me. I like her ideas for regulating Wall Street. I don’t agree with all of her positions, but would not expect perfect agreement on all issues with any other human being, even my husband!

    • Joy Kauf August 3, 2016 at 9:05 am #

      No offense but your statement is racist and sexist. No one voted for Barack Obama just because he was black. He was an amazing person and still is. He fights for people and has grace and dignity and character. Hillary is strong intelligent and has devoted her whole life to lifting people up. Donald hasn’t done anything for anyone but himself.

    • Wendy August 3, 2016 at 9:06 am #

      I have not heard one person say they’re voting for her because she’s a woman. She’s better qualified than her opponent. I think she has a better temperament to deal with other world leaders and international issues. She cares about minorities and the poor. Trump has never had to worry about money. He’s never lived paycheck to paycheck or had no health insurance. I don’t see how he can relate to most of our population. He clearly has no empathy for anyone. He lacks a consistent message about anything other than how great he is. Even if I had real reservations about Clinton, I couldn’t cast my vote for Trump.

    • karenskellyphoto August 3, 2016 at 12:45 pm #

      Democratic socialism is different than socialism. We already have many socialistic policies in place and they work very well. Others that would be beneficial to Americans are working well in other countries. If you research these policies, they’re not scary at all. I’m not voting for Clinton because she’s a woman. She has the most experience and is the most qualified. When it was Bernie against Hillary, I voted for Bernie. However, there is no way I would vote for Trump, and voting for the 3rd parties is a throw away vote. I didn’t work when any other 3rd party candidate ran and there were no idealistic changes in the government because of their stances.

    • Andre Owens August 3, 2016 at 12:58 pm #

      People didn’t support Pres. Obama only because he was Black. Otherwise, Black folks would have voted for Alan Keyes, Herman Cain and Ben Carson. So stop with that nonsense.

  105. Zoanne Zapata August 2, 2016 at 10:56 pm #

    I have posted two comments, neither of which are posted. Only the “agreers” get posted, I guess. I just want people to vote in an informed manner. Obama was elected by many who thought “it was time for a black President” (their words, not mine). I see reporters polling the streets asking people who will they vote for and many say “a woman.” Not that the woman is HRC, just that it is time for a woman to be President. Regardless of race or gender, the candidate should be the best qualified to get my vote.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 3, 2016 at 6:44 am #

      Zoanne, may I ask that you put yourself in check here? I am approving the comments as fast as I can. I also have to sleep and eat and do my job.

    • Mary Peterson August 3, 2016 at 7:35 am #

      I was an early Bernie supporter, now an enthusiastic Hillary supporter, and I know a great many Hillary supporters NONE of whom have ever said they support her just bc she is a woman. All people I know support her for the good work she has done and her progressive policies, steady temperament, reasoned approach to problems. Who are these people who suggest they would vote for someone just because she’s a woman?? (Palin, anybody?) I don’t believe you.

    • Troy Frech August 3, 2016 at 9:00 am #

      People always say, in response to the notion of voting for a woman, that they would do so if she was the best qualified. There is nobody more objectively qualified than Hillary Clinton. She has experience in every branch of government and extensive experience in the Executive branch. By contrast, Trump has never held so much as municipal government position. When someone says that, what I here is a woman has to be ideally, perfectly, supremely qualified in a way that no human can ever hope to be while a man just needs to be over 35, a citizen and loud.

  106. Lorie August 2, 2016 at 11:24 pm #

    Thank you for checking your own misogyny. Though I must say if I, or any other woman had written this, I’m pretty confident the negative comments in response would be even worse. I rarely comment or speak out anymore on social media, especially to call out the rampant sexism that exists here, because it is just exhausting and so incredibly depressing.

    I truly hope Hillary finally breaks through that glass ceiling, but if the Obama presidency has taught us anything, it is that doing so will not mean an end to sexism, but a doubling down of the attacks against her. How dare she, like Obama, presume she could do a job that has until now been reserved for white, heterosexual males?

    And when Hillary wins, I am optimistic, the ultimate irony is that she will be blamed for creating a “gender war” just as the right has done its best to peddle the ridiculous narrative of Obama being responsible for creating a “race war.” It sucks to be pioneers, but we should all be incrddibly grateful for these two trailblazers. Our children and grandchildren will thank them.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 3, 2016 at 6:43 am #

      Lorie, thank you for commenting here. Yes, sadly, you are right. Very sadly, had a woman published this same article, I suspect the comments would be far uglier, thus proving the article correct! I will confess, this has been a depressing journey, as I have deleted many comments that were just outright mean and offensive–homophobic, racist, and misogynistic. Peace, Michael.

  107. Don Moradian August 2, 2016 at 11:37 pm #

    For the people who say “What has she accomplished?”

    Here’s a list of her accomplishments:

    •First ever student commencement speaker at Wellesley College.
    •President of the Wellesley Young Republicans
    •Intern at the House Republican Conference
    •Distinguished graduate of Yale Law School
    •Editorial board of the Yale Review of Law and Social Action
    •Appointed to Senator Walter Mondale’s Subcommittee on Migratory Labor.
    •Co-founded Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families
    •Staff attorney for Children’s Defense Fund
    •Faculty member in the School of Law at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
    •Former Director of the Arkansas Legal Aid Clinic.
    •First female chair of the Legal Services Corporation
    •First female partner at Rose Law Firm.
    •Former civil litigation attorney.
    •Former Law Professor at the University of Arkansas School of Law.
    •twice listed by The National Law Journal as one of the hundred most influential lawyers in America
    •Former First Lady of Arkansas.
    •Arkansas Woman of the Year in 1983
    •Chair of the American Bar Association’s Commission on Women in the Profession
    •twice named by the National Law Journal as one of the 100 most influential lawyers in America
    •created Arkansas’s Home Instruction Program for Preschool Youth
    •led a task force that reformed Arkansas’s education system
    •Board of directors of Wal-Mart and several other corporations
    •Instrumental in passage of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program
    •Promoted nationwide immunization against childhood illnesses
    •Successfully sought to increase research funding for prostate cancer and childhood asthma at the National Institutes of Health
    •Worked to investigate reports of an illness that affected veterans of the Gulf War (now recognized as Gulf War Syndrome)
    •Helped create the Office on Violence Against Women at the Department of Justice
    •Initiated and shepherded the Adoption and Safe Families Act
    •First FLOTUS in US History to hold a postgraduate degree
    •Traveled to 79 countries during time as FLOTUS
    •Helped create Vital Voices, an international initiative to promote the participation of women in the political processes of their countries.
    •Served on five Senate committees:
    -Committee on Budget (2001–2002)
    -Committee on Armed Services (2003–2009)
    -Committee on Environment and Public Works (2001–2009)
    -Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (2001–2009)
    -Special Committee on Aging.
    •Member of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe
    •Instrumental in securing $21 billion in funding for the World Trade Center site’s redevelopment
    •Leading role in investigating the health issues faced by 9/11 first responders.
    •In the aftermath of September 11th, she worked closely with her senior Senate counterpart from New York, Sen. Charles Schumer, on securing $21.4 billion in funding for the World Trade Center redevelopment.
    • Middle East ceasefire. In November 2012, Secretary of State Clinton brokered a ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas.
    •Introduced the Family Entertainment Protection Act, intended to protect children from inappropriate content found in video games.
    •First ex-FLOTUS in US History to be elected to the United States Senate (and re-elected)
    •Two-term New York Senator
    -(senate stats here:…)
    -(voting record here:…)
    •Former US Secretary of State
    •GRAMMY Award Winner

    • jodiswenson August 3, 2016 at 7:12 am #

      Borrowing this

    • Dorothy August 3, 2016 at 7:17 am #

      That is an impressive list. Did you take the time to compile it, or did you find it somewhere else? Could you help us out with the source? I’d like to use this, but need to cite a source. Thanks

    • lynn August 3, 2016 at 7:21 am #

      so how can trump ever utter the words that Hillary is not qualified, when in fact it is him who has no qualifications whatsoever in public or human services ..

    • ME August 3, 2016 at 7:38 am #

      borrowing this for my die hard Trump loyalists.

    • Jillian Rainville August 3, 2016 at 8:01 am #

      May I borrow your list and share? People need to see this and realize that this wonderful woman by the name of Hillary Rodham Clinton is more than qualified to be our first woman POTUS! I Love her and #I’mWithHer

    • Chris Offerman August 3, 2016 at 8:11 am #

      Thank you.

    • comeonnow August 3, 2016 at 9:29 am #

      A lifetime worth of “atta boys” are meaningless when you commit high treason….

      • Rebecca H (@beckystlouis) August 3, 2016 at 10:18 am #

        You need to go to the Constitution and read what treason means. Here’s a little bit of info to get you started: ‘ treason involves the betrayal of allegiance to the United States’, and ‘a person who pursues a course of action that is intended to benefit the United States but mistakenly helps an enemy is not guilty of treason’. Incidentally, she didn’t even mistakenly help an enemy. There was no evidence of any type of hack. However, the State Dept server did get hacked, so are they all guilty of treason in your definition? How about the DNC? How about the Joint Chiefs of Staff?

    • Molly Lyons August 3, 2016 at 1:23 pm #

      GREAT LIST! Thanks.

  108. Marilyn Taylor August 3, 2016 at 1:42 am #

    Thank you for the article. There has been a big hate against Hillary for far too many years. Too many people follow Rush Limbaugh and Fox and friends and never do any fact checking. I agree that is the most important thing for every voter, especially this year.

  109. Dennis Cass August 3, 2016 at 2:33 am #

    Thanks for that intelligent insight and clear thinking. I, too, was Sanders fan, I am totally supportive of Ms Clinton.

  110. Irish B August 3, 2016 at 2:40 am #

    So let me get this straight. When your favorite candidate was still in the running it was ok to be anti HRC for lots of good reasons. But when she’s the only Democrat left suddenly anti HRC is due to some sexist bias?
    Your article should win an Olympic Gold medal for moral gymnastics.
    However I agree with people not being able to name why they’re anti Hilary. In many ways political beliefs are like religious beliefs. You decide where you stand and then accept/reject evidence from that standpoint. It’s like an atheist trying to prove God doesn’t exist to a believer. Facts and logic won’t work. I don’t understand why so many people went all in when it comes to Bernie. For a long time he was a long shot – I get that he was their preferred candidate but they must have known in the back of their minds that the day that Hilary was the only one left was coming.
    Brian (always a Hilary supporter)

    • Lyralen Kaye August 3, 2016 at 2:05 pm #

      Brian, I appreciate your post! While I agree with the article that Hillary has been vilified because of sexism, my own objections to her have always about her positions. Since I’ve worked for women’s rights for most of my life, I find it insulting that anyone say the only reason not to support Hillary is sexism. Yes, there’s sexism. And she also has a history and a record, easily accessible, separate from sexist attacks, that anyone can access to make an informed decision. I hate that fact and logic don’t work, because I want to consider all sides and make a decision that even takes into consideration my own emotional biases.

  111. KarunaO August 3, 2016 at 3:57 am #

    mansplaining …. [yawn]

  112. Angela August 3, 2016 at 4:00 am #

    Thank you.

  113. L. Peavy August 3, 2016 at 4:05 am #

    This article shines a light on what has been crystal clear to me for years. It is unfortunate that we all too often allow the media to shape and even create our opinions for us. Whatever happened to critical thinking? In this world of instantaneous living, we want everything wrapped, packaged, and handled to us, and sadly, this includes our beliefs.

  114. Tamara August 3, 2016 at 4:24 am #

    So much anti-Hillary propaganda that has been out there. People have been drinking the punch for so long. This is an excellent article, but I truly doubt those that believe the Villain Hillary Scenario are willing to give it up. They argue Wall-Street, they Argue Monsanto, they argue Benghazi, they argue classified emails. They think they KNOW the facts. It is a tiring arguing with them. I truly hope that their is a silent pocket of independents that are doing research and informing themselves and will turn up in droves at the polls. If not, please pray for America!

    • Belrikus August 3, 2016 at 7:55 am #

      “They think they KNOW the facts.”

      How is that any different from you? A lot of people do NOT trust Hillary, and despite everyone’s best efforts to state otherwise, it has absolutely NOTHING to do with the fact that she’s a woman. But it’s easy to dismiss arguments outright when you can point your finger and scream “misogyny!”.

      She’s a neocon warhawk in Democrat’s clothing. Her support for the status quo should be enough to prove she’s not the one that you should be voting for if you desire any kind of positive change. (And let’s face it, everyone seems to want change, but they’re too scared to vote for it).

      Gary Johnson is the only sane alternative. But he doesn’t have a vagina… so I guess he’s out. People are so laser-focused on Republican or Democrat that they completely forget they have alternatives. Voting for the “lesser of two evils” is still evil.

  115. smyrna August 3, 2016 at 4:31 am #

    this is a mans world and we are threading on their heels. We give birth to them, nurture them and direct them to respect their dads no matter what. We women are stronger, smarter and can survive anything. God has given us that strength So just know that from the beginning of time all these horrific killing existed , now we get it first hand. Hillary is not that great and powerful to create these storms in our lives but she is determine like hell to try and put a stop to them.So join me in voting for her and in four years then you can make a decision was it worth your vote. No one person can change the world so let us get together and make the change.I AM WITH HER.

  116. Sean August 3, 2016 at 4:35 am #

    It is her policies, Wars, for profit prisons, complete corporate control over government, conflict of interest between her donors and environment-labor-justice and hacking the social safety nets to bits. A long list of disasters. Her camps base, obvious pandering to identity politics, like this article, is only icing on the cake for why only an idiot would vote for her.

  117. Vonya Kay Quarles August 3, 2016 at 4:45 am #

    Lots of words. Actions speak louder.

  118. Oodleray August 3, 2016 at 4:55 am #

    Michael. What is your response to Kiersyn (Aug 2, 5:47pm)? I am for Hillary, but agree that the Clinton Foundation is a huge liability for her on the ethical front,. And what about all these highly credible stories from her secret service details about her verbal abuse and condescending behavior? Whitewater, Travelgate, Benghazi, the email fiasco, etc. are all explainable as reasonable judgment calls she made that caused partisan blowback, and which do not cause me any concern. But the picture of her as the imperious and abusive executive is disturbing, and something that shows a lack of character in any leader–male or female in my book. Men get away with it more, but it does not make it right. How does one respond to that?

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 3, 2016 at 6:15 am #

      I would encourage caution and that it is inconsistent with other reports saying HRC is a collaborative leader. I would also point out this is more evidence of systemic misogyny around leadership and how dare women lead.

    • Pat August 3, 2016 at 6:54 am #

      Omg. Even if 10% of your rhetoric are true, Let’s just talk about TRUMP in contrast. Are you insane man??

    • Debi K Baughman August 3, 2016 at 11:46 am #

      Some of those reports were consistent with what Michael is saying in regards to responses from a man being acceptable while from a woman it makes her a bitch.

  119. Julie August 3, 2016 at 5:00 am #

    Thank you for this piece. I just posted it on and we have 4700+followers so hoping it gets good exposure! If u can, check us out. It’s not just for moms at all.

  120. Alison Jenner August 3, 2016 at 5:04 am #

    Professor Mary Beard is incisive on the widespread and historic misogyny

  121. L. Mitson August 3, 2016 at 5:05 am #

    I would love to vote for Hillary for a lot of reasons. But, at a time when anyone with any sense of history could see that the bombing of Irag was unjust and leading to another Vietnam-type war, she bilndly voted to do just that. Who knows how many, perhaps hundreds of thousands of, innocent civilians were killed (we never talk about that loss of life). Anyone who voted for that is, in my opinion, a war criminal. I can’t get over that. I don’t vote for war criminals. This is not spin that Repuublicans have perpetrated to sway voters. It is a simple fact that is a deal breaker for me.

    • Kelly Graham August 3, 2016 at 7:56 am #

      One, in 2002, the Dems did not vote for war in Iraq, they voted to allow the use of force if, and only if, POTUS could certify to congress that efforts at sanctions and diplomacy had been exhausted. Check the wording of the Resolution and the transcripts of the floor speeches prior to the vote for yourself.

      Two, I will remind you that Senator Clinton was a Senator from NY, where the tragedies of 9/11 hit hardest. To vote against seeking justice made little sense in her particular situation.

      Three, General Powell told the UN and the entire world that huge lie that Saddam Hussein was aiding and abetting al Qaeda and had weapons of mass destruction. It was all lies. A huge pack of lies that mislead most of the World to agree that war in Iraq was necessary. It is the biggest regret of his career, and he has since been forgiven, but those he misled have not? I call bullshit.

    • Joe Miracle August 3, 2016 at 8:37 am #

      Give me a break. Voting to authorize the use of force is in no way akin to being a war criminal. She voted, like many others, based on false information peddled by the Bush administration. She’s also known to have a deep respect for the office of the president, and that being the case she trusted the man she served under when he asserted that there were WMDs. Note also that the vote was not for bombing Iraq; it authorized the use of force but was not a call to war. Furthermore, she herself has since admitted that the vote was a mistake. But I’m sure you’ve never made any decisions you later went on to regret, right? The woman has been in public service for more than 30 years; in light of all the other great things she’s accomplished it’s outrageous that a single vote, which was by no means the decisive one, would be the sole reason you’d withhold your support.

  122. Dave Johnson August 3, 2016 at 5:55 am #

    Excellent analysis and much deserved rebuke of the unsubstantiated claims and unfounded criticism of Sec. Clinton. All anyone really has is their reputation. But thanks to geniuses like Bill Safire and the droves of Clinton bashers from the Republican Party, Sec. Clinton has lost most of hers. The irony of this horrendous assassination of her character is obvious fact that her critics are the dishonest and untrustworthy ones.

  123. Missy Eugenio August 3, 2016 at 6:01 am #

    How does one reconcile her comments on Sunday to Chris Wallace which directly contradicted the FBI’s publicly announced report? Who’s lying? If HIllary did not lie, are we to believe that FBI Director James Comey lied? Really? Even the Washington Post (very friendly, to say the least, to liberals) gave Hillary 4 “Pinnochio’s” for her comments. Her crime (and others documented in the past) was very serious and has many ramifications; too serious to allow her good qualities to sway me to vote for her.

  124. Tony August 3, 2016 at 6:02 am #

    I found it … Finally! The land where we lie to ourselves so badly, that we create a fairytale of rainbows and butterflies.
    I can’t wait to tell Mom…

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 3, 2016 at 6:06 am #

      What a very mean spirited comment. What is your point? You clearly do not want to engage in a conversation.

      • Tony August 3, 2016 at 6:14 am #

        Micheal, thanks for your reply. We have two very bad canadates… You can chose to fluff it (and I must say it is well written!!!) my choice is to not live in fluff.

  125. Jen Larkin August 3, 2016 at 6:10 am #

    In your list of marginalized people who would be helped by Clinton’s platform, you omitted women.

    In the past 24 hours, I read four articles including information on who would be helped by a Clinton presidency and the list is always “marginalized men.”

    I’ve been watching this pattern for years. Rights for men count. Rights for women do t even make the list.

  126. Ann August 3, 2016 at 6:18 am #

    Thank you.

  127. Sandra Pottinger August 3, 2016 at 6:20 am #

    Thank you for that thoughfull, factual piece. I have worried that people really don’t seem to see Hillary Clinton clearly, or even try to. Friends of mine, intelligent people, demonize her severely, and will not believe she will make an extraordinary President.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 3, 2016 at 6:36 am #

      Sandra, yes, I am experiencing the same reactions from people. It seems to me there really is just this irrational antipathy for her, combined with a lack of capacity for some people to reflect and think critically. Peace, Michael.

  128. C. Schieber August 3, 2016 at 6:31 am #

    Nicely written post. Thanks! I wish someone who vehemently opposes Clinton would put forth an intelligent argument supported by facts for why she shouldn’t be president. I hear the same rhetoric over and over again with no facts or even anecdotes to support these assertions of dishonesty.

  129. J August 3, 2016 at 6:36 am #

    She is unpopular for things SJE has said and things SHE has DONE!!!! HER CHOICES!!!

  130. Kim abeles August 3, 2016 at 6:43 am #

    Thank you for writing this. I tried many times to express this but I couldn’t articulate it well enough. This election actually revealed sexism and misogyny to me. Hillary Clinton’s strength to keep her focus on the real issue – all of us – is why she could keep going through all those years of attacks. Getting through the primary season as a Hillary supporter, and then absorbing the endorsements by inspiring leaders via the DNC, has made me a better person. I will always remember this election as the one that gave me my voice.

  131. cp August 3, 2016 at 7:03 am #

    I do ot understand why the voting public prefers an “up close and personal” style of candidate, rather than one who does what he or she is a hard working one (albeit with mistakes as we all make from time to time). When did this “personality” game beat the issues one? Sometimes we are lucky to have both; most times, not.

    I cannot even adress the issue of our cultural sexism…too much here!

    Thank you for your blog post. Very thoughtful, self-reflective, and IT gives me some hope for the future.

  132. Leila August 3, 2016 at 7:07 am #

    My greatest concern about my support of Hillary Clinton is she would return to supporting the TPP. Is she using her influence to stop the TPP from being passed during the lame duck session? She was so very adamant in proclaiming the support of the super delegates for her as a reason she could get things done; why not use her influence to discourage Democrats from voting for it? President Obama needs only a few Democrats to help in its passage. (Will Tim Kaine vote for it?) If the TPP were to be pushed through during the lame duck session, I predict Democrats will lose in 2018 whatever gains they made in 2016. And Hillary Clinton’s re-election in 2020 would be tenuous. Very few would actually believe Hillary Clinton was genuinely against the TPP and those onery congress people went against their next president’s heartfelt wishes.

  133. Carolyn August 3, 2016 at 7:09 am #

    Why I won’t vote for Hillary. (1) Benghazi, I remember Susan Rice on the Sunday shows blaming a video. I remember Hillary blaming those same videos. Email correspondence has proven she knew up front that wasn’t the case. Her comment “at this point, what does it matter.” It clearly mattered to the families of the people who died in Benghazi and the American people who believed the video story. (2) The server in her home. When I was in the Navy, had I handled classified information the way she did, I would have been court marshaled, possibly gone to jail, more than likely dishonorably discharged and definitely would never have been able to get any kind of security clearance. She lied to the FBI about the server and the missing emails, Director Comey confirmed this. (3) She repeated these lies to Chris Wallace during his interview. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like Donald Trump either, he is a bully and a blowhard, but she is no knight in shining armor. It’s time to start looking at the third and fourth party candidates, Jill Stein and Gary Johnson, and get them in the debates. I know there are die hard Hillary supporters as well as Trump supporters…but for all of us that fall in between those two, we’d like to see the alternatives.

    • Kelly August 3, 2016 at 7:46 am #

      I wanted to understand Benghazi as well and when I researched it I found this:The Facts
      To set the stage, let’s first recall what Clinton said in her public remarks at the solemn ceremony with four flag-draped caskets:
      “This has been a difficult week for the State Department and for our country. We’ve seen the heavy assault on our post in Benghazi that took the lives of those brave men. We’ve seen rage and violence directed at American embassies over an awful Internet video that we had nothing to do with. It is hard for the American people to make sense of that because it is senseless, and it is totally unacceptable.”
      Note that Clinton devotes one sentence to the “heavy assault” in Benghazi and then another sentence about the “rage and violence” over the “awful Internet video.” (The video resulted in 40 protests around the world.) She does not say they are connected, although we agree that listeners may have gotten that impression.
      But what’s really in dispute is what was said behind closed doors, in a private reception held in a comfortable room. Family members, huddled in four groups, were not told they would have a private session with administration officials until suddenly President Obama appeared.
      “In walked President Obama,” said Barbara Doherty, the mother of former Navy SEAL Glen Doherty. “I was overwhelmed he was there, and I started to cry.”
      The surviving family members basically fall into three camps: Clinton talked about the video; Clinton said something odd; Clinton never mentioned the video.
      By contrast, in interviews, family members generally are consistent about other administration officials. Obama is depicted as somber and somewhat awkward. Vice President Biden is seen as empathetic, referencing his own loss of a wife and child, and also a jokester who lightened the mood and made people laugh.
      But the portrait of Clinton is sharply divided.
      Clinton spoke about the video
      The two family members who say that Clinton spoke about a video are Patricia Smith, the mother of State Department information specialist Sean Smith, and Charles Woods, the father of former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods. They have appeared often on conservative-leaning radio shows and televisions programs, with Smith even saying, “I believe that Obama murdered my son.” (She said that “reporting by Fox News is the basis for much of her belief that Obama is ultimately responsible for her son’s death,” the San Diego Union-Tribune reported.)
      In October 2012, Smith told CNN that then-U.N. ambassador Susan Rice said at the private meeting that the attack took place because of a video. “She talked to me personally and she said, she said, this is the way it was. It was — it was because of this film that came out,” she said. She also mentioned Defense Secretary Leon Panetta. “He said, ‘Trust me. I will tell you what happened.’ And so far, he’s told me nothing. Nothing at all,” she said.
      In 2013, in testimony to the House Government Affairs Committee, Smith said every prominent administration official at the event blamed the attack on a video: “Obama and Hillary and Panetta and Biden and Susan all came up to me at the casket ceremony. Every one of them came up to me, gave me a big hug and I asked them what happened, please tell me. And every one of them said, it was the video. And we all know that it wasn’t the video, even at that time they knew it wasn’t the video. So they all lied to me.”
      In an interview with The Fact Checker, Smith reiterated her statement that every administration official made this comment. “I’d ask, tell me what happened, and they all said it was the video, including Obama. I had never seen this video. All they said was it was the video that did this. I was walking from one to another, and they all said the same thing.”
      In contrast, Woods has pinned the video reference entirely on Clinton — and says he has the notes to prove it. He said that after he returned to his hotel room at the Ritz-Carlton in Georgetown, he pulled out his pocket-sized at-a-glance calendar and jotted down the following sentence: “I gave Hillary a hug and shook her hand, and she said we are going to have the film maker arrested who was responsible for the death of my son.”
      A photograph is below:

      Page from Charles Woods’s planner (Image via Fox News)
      He said the entry is written on Sept. 15 because the day above it has other notes, including phone numbers of other family members that he did not want displayed. He said one notation reads: “6 am: Ty killed in Benghazi working for the State Dept.”
      “Obama just said I’m sorry,” Woods recalled. “Joe Biden, he mentioned he went through something similar.” (Later, he said, Biden called out in a booming voice, “I heard your son always had balls the size of cue balls.”)
      But Clinton, he said, did not offer any type of condolence but instead straight-up referenced the video. He said he wrote down the statement because he thought it was so strange that she would immediately talk about taking legal action, before the facts were apparent.
      (Note: Mark Basseley Youssef, the filmmaker behind “Innocence of Muslims,” in 2012 was sentenced to a year in prison for violating the terms of his release from an earlier conviction.)
      “I guess she thought it was going to make me feel better,” he said. “It offended me. This is not the way an attorney ethically is supposed to act…. I had never heard about a video in Libya. Did I even know what they are referring to? I don’t recall.”
      Woods first publicly described this encounter with Clinton on the Lars Larson Show on Oct. 23, 2012, when he called in to the conservative-leaning radio program upset over Fox News reporting that suggested that White House officials had watched the attack unfold in real time through drone videos. (That turned out to be incorrect.)
      The host brought up the video, asserting that Clinton in her public remarks blamed the video as being responsible for Tyrone Woods’s death.
      Woods replied: “Well, this is what Hillary did. She came over and, you know, she did the same thing. You know, separately came over and talked with me. I gave her a hug, shook her hand. And she did not appear to be one bit sincere at all, and, you know, she mentioned that thing about, ‘We’re going to have that person arrested and prosecuted that did the video.’ That was the first time I had even heard anything like that.”
      At another point in the interview, Woods recounted the conversation this way: “Hillary said, ‘We’re going to go, and we’re going to take care of these people that were responsible for your son’s death.’”
      Two days later, on Glenn Beck’s “The Blaze,” Woods quoted Clinton as saying: “We will make sure that the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted.”
      Clinton said something odd
      Kate Quigley, the sister of Glen Doherty, said that in her conversation with Clinton, the then-secretary of state made no mention of a video, but did refer to a “spontaneous protest.”
      “She said we had to be sorry for the Libyan people because they are uneducated, and that breeds fear, which breeds violence, and leads to spontaneous protests and acts of violence,” Quigley said in an interview with The Fact Checker. “The point was that it was not a planned thing; it just happened.”
      Quigley said that “it seemed strange to tell us to have sympathy for the Libyan people. It really struck me as my heart was breaking.”
      There was another moment at the reception that Quigley remembered with clarity. Ali Aujali, the Libyan ambassador, “leaned into me and said, ‘We are going to get the people responsible for this attack.’ It was the first time anyone had said that to me. I so needed to hear that. Nobody else took that line at all. It was so refreshing at that moment, so much what I wanted to hear.”
      (Woods, in his Lars Larson interview, also mentioned that he had met a Libyan official: “I’m not mad at anyone, so it’s not a matter of revenge or anything like that. You know, Hillary said, ‘We’re going to go, and we’re going to take care of these people that were responsible for your son’s death.’ You know, like I told the Libyan — I think it was the president that was there in the hangar — total forgiveness.” )
      Clinton did not mention a video
      None of the other family members who agreed to be interviewed said Clinton made any reference to a video. Indeed, other family members have been puzzled by the confident assertions of Woods and Smith.
      “It was absolutely never mentioned, and it is totally new to me,” said Jan Stevens, the father of U.S. ambassador Christopher Stevens. “She gave us her sympathy. We had a great deal of talk about the problems of the world, the college her daughter attended. It was very small talk, nothing substantive.”
      Barbara Doherty, the mother of Glen Doherty, recalled that Clinton “was very sincere, I remember her crying.” Clinton spoke to family members individually, she said. “She had just come back from Africa and talked about the women there and the conditions they were under,” Doherty said. “It was not political at all. That would have been totally inappropriate. That did not happen.” (Clinton had spent 11 days in Africa just four weeks before the attacks.)
      Cheryl Croft Bennett, Tyrone Woods’s mother, told The Fact Checker that Clinton did not mention a video in her conversation with her. Bennett referred to comments that she had previously posted on Facebook about the event 16 days after the attacks, recounting how administration officials were “extremely compassionate and genuinely sad for my loss, as I fought back tears and tried to project an image of strength to honor my SEAL son:”
      “While squeezing Secretary Clinton’s hand and choking back tears, I told her that what worried me was that my son died possibly thinking that he had failed in the mission he was to carry out, that of protecting Ambassador Stevens and the people in the compound.
      “Looking me firmly in the eye, she told me that my son did not fail. She called him a hero and that if not for him, the 30 people inside the consulate would not have made it out. He was doing his job, fighting for his life, putting others ahead of his own safety, but then that was his job, which he did well.”
      The Pinocchio Test
      Every person we interviewed appeared sincere about recounting what they remember they had heard.
      Even with the sharply different versions, one can see that elements of the recollections overlap. Someone — the Libyan ambassador or Clinton or both — said the people responsible would be prosecuted. Clinton spoke about conditions in Africa, but in one instance the memory is more directly related to the attack.
      Clinton says that in speaking with the families, she did not blame the Benghazi attacks on the video. Most participants we interviewed (four out of six) back up her version, saying they do not recall her mentioning a video.
      Perhaps it all started with a comment made by Rice (who two days later would famously go on national television and make a direct link between the video and the attack, thus spoiling her chance to become secretary of state). Perhaps the question of who said what at what moment got jumbled over time. Or perhaps Clinton mentioned the video privately to just two people — and not to others.
      Clearly we cannot come to a resolution that would be beyond dispute. Readers will have to come to their own conclusions based on the evidence we have assembled. (Any family members who could not be located are welcome to contact The Fact Checker, and we will update with their recollections.)

    • Kelly Graham August 3, 2016 at 8:24 am #

      One 1) What happened in Benghazi had everything to do with conditions on the ground and nothing to do with whoever was sitting in an office labeled “Secretary of State” half a world away, if we are to blame anyone, it should be Republican Congressman who voted to cut the State Dept budget repeatedly for years despite the security concerns stated by them.

      Two, Clinton followed the precedent of previous Secretaries of State, one of whom was a fkn General. Sec. Powell started the trend, she continued it, and there is no record of anyone going to her and saying, “Madam Secretary, your use of a private email server is a huge security risk, please cease using it immediately.” Had that happened, there would be good reason for boxers to be in a bunch. My understanding is that she believed what she was saying about the servers and emails. She hired a team of lawyers to sift through them and separate the private emails from the professional, and she believed the servers had been wiped after the emails were turned over. Saying otherwise does not make her a liar, intentionally misleading others, it means she was misinformed or misunderstood what what actually done. I can’t recall how many times I’ve heard people (most recently Newt Gingrich) insist that believing what they believe, even in the face of facts, is valid.

      Three, Clinton repeated what she believed to be true and correct. See above. As for debates, HRC ate the Congresscritters of the Benghazi committees for lunch. She’d pick her teeth with Stein and Johnson, and that’s a fact.

    • Marta Hood August 3, 2016 at 9:06 am #

      Sounds like you may be just hearing what you want to believe. If you search for the facts, you will find she is not the liar and demon she has been made out to be for the last 25 years by Republicans. Sadley this tactic has worked on too many.

  134. Beth A Steenwyk August 3, 2016 at 7:18 am #

    Thank you, Thank you!!! Finally a truly coherent and honest article about Hillary.

  135. Elke Reineke D'Onofrio August 3, 2016 at 7:35 am #

    A friend sent me this. She is convinced Hillary is a warmonger and bought and paid for by large businesses and industries that have only their bottom line in mind. Personally I worry about her stand on food labels and GMO’s. and

  136. Shawn Morgan August 3, 2016 at 7:38 am #

    Anyone who knows me, knows I’ve been a lifelong Democrat and I’m proud of it. I’ve also been a fan of HRC for the last 20 years.

    I clearly remember when the republican “death angels” showed up at the Clintons feet – October 1991. Bill Clinton announced his campaign and touted that America would get “two for one”. The death angels came out swinging. They’ve blatantly targeted HRC ever since.

    Since that time, HRC has been under the microscope more than any other republican or democrat candidate for a national office. Much of it stems from (a) she’s a woman and (b) she’s a strong woman.

    I’ve witnessed her fight for the first responders after 9/11 and most of her support was never publically mentioned. She fought for healthcare of all the first responders, tackling a republican administration that didn’t want to think of the first responders.

    HRC began her advocacy for children while her husband served office in Arkansas. This goes back to 1974 where she took on pro bono children’s rights cases. In 1977, she founded Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families that is still in operation today. Among the causes, fighting for early education, juvenile justice reform, state funding for child health care and many other initiatives. She also served on the board at Arkansas Children’s Hospital where she helped establish Arkansas’s first neonatal nursey.

    Her lifelong commitment to serving others hasn’t come without its bumps and bruises along the way. Yet she continues to get up and fight for what she believes is right.

    Michael, we both got to this point taking different paths. However, like you, “I truly believe that Hillary and her platform are beneficial to targeted communities: people of color, people in poverty, people with disabilities, veterans, LGBTQ people, and all the intersecting identities thereof.” It doesn’t matter to me what path was taken to get there. I just hope that come November 8 my friends and neighbors will join me for this historical vote.

    “Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” Dr. King

  137. DJ August 3, 2016 at 7:43 am #

    Yes, she is unfairly and irrationally hated. But not by most Bernie supporters, so stop calling us irrational–it makes not want to vote for her. Also, plenty of people of color and LGBTQ people I know are not voting for her, so stop calling disagreement ‘privilege’. Just quit the condescension and shaming of those us whose consciences differ with yours. This change might even help to reach your goal of electing HRC.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 3, 2016 at 7:44 am #

      Dj, who called you irrational? Where are you getting this from?

      • Glyyytch August 3, 2016 at 10:24 am #

        If you haven’t seen people accusing the people who refuse to vote for Clinton or that they are privileged for not voting for her, then you haven’t been paying attention. I can’t go a day on facebook without seeing about three or four posts about it. I and a member of the LGBTQ community, and I am not going to vote for her so I get a ton of those types of comments.

        As far as why I am not going to vote for her, simply put I do not trust her. Why don’t I trust her? Looking back on the campaign trail, while in OH during the beginning of the primary season she admitted that she was a moderate and proud. As Bernie surged with his progressive ideas and more and more people stood up behind it, she shifted and said that she was a progressive. Also while campaigning in OH, Clinton said that they were going to put a lot of the mining industry out of business, and laughed at it. Then when confronted about those remarks in West Virginia she tried to backpedal and say she misspoke or didn’t intend it like that. She says she is now against the TPP because she waited to read it before making a decision. However, she was campaigning for it a number of times while Sec. of State calling it the “gold standard.” How on Earth could she have made the judgement call to call it the “gold standard” if she hadn’t read it? Then she chooses a running mate that was all for fast tracking the TPP (or was it the TTIP, either way both of them are horrible trade policies). She thought a $15 an hour minimum wage was too high, but when NY passed it, there she was acting like she had been supporting it all along. She has also claimed that nobody would fight harder for minorities than her, yet Sanders has higher rating from the NAACP, ACLU, and the HRC than Clinton had while in office. With the DNC email leaks, we saw that Debbie Wasserman-Schultz definitely was not neutral in her dealings with the primary. As such she was forced to resign. The Clinton campaign praised her leadership and welcomed DWS to their campaign as an “honorary” chair. These, to me at least, do not foster a sense of trust in her to lead this country.

        Now, since the OP is dealing with misogyny being why people don’t trust her, am I misogynistic because I am judging her based on her own words and actions? Sure she has accomplished quite a bit, and she has every right to be guarded because of GOP attacks against her. However, that does not mean that all criticisms of her are based on misogyny. It does not mean that all of the trust issues she has are rooted in misogyny. Sure, some of that comes into play with a number of people but your article uses broad strokes in having that as the core issue with her trust numbers. By not holding her accountable for misdeeds and missteps that help foster mistrust and laying the blame on misogyny alone (as you have, hopefully, unintentionally done) then it actually works against these claims. Hillary supporters trying to accuse Sanders of being sexist is a prime example of this. Your article is beautifully written, but it is written in such a way to where it can come off as little more than a puff piece for Hillary.

  138. The Black Mzungu August 3, 2016 at 7:43 am #

    Bernie was my first choice. But I will vote for Hillary. I do have issue with how she ran her 2008 primary campaign. She played on the fear of the some demographic group that loves Trump. The who do you want if thecred phone rings. Bill’s comment when she list SC were demeaning “even Jessie Jackson won SC”. Second, is I do.not think she is an honest broker in the Palestinian crisis. But I acknowledge few were when in office. Jimmy Carter more vocal out of office then in because difficult to be president without AIPAC. Those are my two reasons. Nothing tomdo with emails or honesty. All was politics. But she is smart and has the resume for the job. She will get my vote.

  139. momcat1128 August 3, 2016 at 7:50 am #

    Thank you so much for this blog post! I’m old enough to remember how conservatives vilified Hillary as soon as her husband hit the national scene. They used the title “feminist” like it was the dirtiest insult you could cast on anyone. They have hated her because she is a strong woman with her own ideas. I think they are afraid she will give their wives and daughters “ideas”, like equal pay for equal work, the courage to stand up to mysogyny and sexual harrassment, and the possibility that yes, a woman can be President, and do the job really well. None of the things flung at her over the decades have stuck, because there is little to no substance in any of the accusations. But, her story is the perfect example of a sad truth, that, if enough mud gets slung at you, eventually your clothes start looking soiled, even if you never rolled in the mud yourself. Then, your opponents can gleefully point at you and say, “See! We told you! She’s covered in mud! She can’t be trusted.”

  140. Yoli August 3, 2016 at 8:02 am #

    I was/am a Sanders supporter, and will vote for Clinton because she would be a far better president than Trump, and those are the only really viable choices. I agree that she is intelligent, and experienced, and that the level of demonization of her is misogynistic. However, despite the good things she has done, and tried to do, she also has supported and been supported by some terrible things, including the Iraq War, TPP, fracking, for profit prisons, etc. It’s hard to support her wholeheartedly because she is basically an old school Republican. However, that’s the only rational choice at this time. Thanks for the article. Just as many people don’t want to acknowledge systemic racism, (especially in themselves) same with misogyny.

  141. Lynette August 3, 2016 at 8:02 am #

    THANK YOU! Thank you for such a well written and thoughtful essay on how your views evolved on Hillary. This election cycle has been a real eye opener for me on many levels. I am sure many people aren’t aware that Hillary was voted the most admired woman in the world (by Gallup polling no less) from 1995 to 2015. How did she go from being most admired to such negative numbers? Because she had the audacity as a woman to seek the most powerful job on the planet. It’s sexism, plain and simple, and anyone who disagrees hasn’t taken a hard enough look at their own inbred sexist tendencies.

    A close friend of mine doesn’t like Hillary…and when pressed as to why…she said….because she stayed with her husband when he cheated on her. I didn’t even know how to respond to that, except to ask her why she stayed friends with me, knowing that I had forgiven my ex when HE CHEATED ON ME and tried to make the marriage work (although it ultimately failed.) She didn’t have an answer for that…except to say that it was different because I wasn’t running for president.

    Another very close friend and I had a severe falling out last week, because over the course of the last 6 months I watched him go from being a rational human being who happened to fall in love with Bernie and be an avid Bernie supporter…to being completely irrational over the election process. 6 months ago he had nothing negative to say about Hillary…now he hates her with a passion that is actually scary. He uses the words Oligarchy and corporate whore and so forth and posts anti-Hillary memes 2 or 3 times a day on Facebook, as well as poorly written rhetoric from sketchy websites. He became impossible to have a reasoned discourse with because he would inevitably get so upset and worked up that it would be impossible to continue. It was so sad to watch him disappear down this rabbit hole….heart-breaking, in fact. From posts he makes it seems like he now spends his leisure time plotting with other Sanders supporters on various blogs how Sanders will somehow take back the nomination once Hillary is finally charged with a nefarious crime.

    Last week I told him that I thought Hillary had won the nomination “fair and square” and that was the final straw for him…he unfriended me on Facebook and unleashed a tirade on me that was incredibly brutal. He then told me the only way we could remain friends is if I took back my statement and said that this election cycle was NOT fair and square. I then replied that while I could admit that certainly there were parts that could be seen as not “fair and square”, I could no longer be his friend, as he has severe anger issues and needs to address them before I could trust him again.

    I am still in shock that someone I knew very well and loved deeply….got so caught up in this election that he was willing to throw away our friendship. And the sad thing is….someone like him will only read articles that validate his position and will NOT be open to questioning where the facts that he believes came from.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 3, 2016 at 8:17 am #

      Lynette, thank you for your comments here. Yes, I have to say, I don’t think it is anyone’s business as to why she stayed with her husband, or how that impacts her ability to lead. Peace, Michael.

      • Lyralen Kaye August 3, 2016 at 1:51 pm #

        I really love the honesty of this article. I really love Bernie Sanders. Now I am battling myself about Hillary Clinton. But I’m an outsider here, because I LOVED her when she was first lady. LOVED. I loved that she took power, that Bill involved her and I hated what I saw as a witch hunt. My only disappointment in Hillary as First Lady was that she didn’t boot Bill Clinton once and for all and stand up for the women he’d sexually harassed. (Monica Lewinsky was so young. The impact on her life was devastating. She speaks about it now.)

        I also have deeply admired her work with women and girls, especially internationally. I admire her feminism (except for in her personal life, above).

        I don’t admire her record on gay marriage and my distrust of her comes partly from her flip-flopping on that issue. I’ve been a single issue voter for a long time, because my own civil rights MATTER to me. This is only the 2nd presidential election in which I can seriously consider the group of issues affecting this country.

        I never bought into her speeches being some kind of corruption–I understood that it’s what politicians do to make money when they leave office, and she didn’t do anything wrong.

        I’m deeply disappointed not to have Bernie Sanders as president because he didn’t take corporate money. I want a president independent of special interests and Hillary is not that. If Bernie had never been in the race, if my hopes had never been raised about an honest politician–and by honest I mean in no way indebted to special interests–I might not struggle so much about Hillary.

        I’m a long time feminist and LGBTQ activist who works in the arts for multicultural voices. I don’t think Hillary’s a liar, or a scoundrel. But I’m deeply afraid to vote for her because of the special interests, because of the voting tampering in the primaries. I’m afraid to vote for her because of her vote to invade Iraq, and because she worked to defeat a bill as First Lady that she voted for as a Senator. And I am also afraid because Bill Clinton had similar values and made similar campaign promises. His compromises deeply betrayed the LGBTQ and African-American communities.

        No, Hillary isn’t Bill. (The thought of him as first man makes me insane…he’s a loose canon.) But will she reintroduce the Clinton politics of compromise? Meaning, betrayal of what she’s promised? I don’t know. I struggle because I think it’s more than possible. I think it’s probable. We are ruled by special interests. They run the game.

        So. I loved the First Lady, admired the international feminist and am deeply ambivalent about the Secretary of State and Senator. I will never vilify anyone, but particularly not a woman fighting for women in a man’s government.

        And I still can’t sign on. I will feel responsible for the typical Clinton decisions if she makes them. She hasn’t convinced me that she won’t. The articles about the votes on the Democratic platform makes me think it likely that compromises I find unacceptable will be made.

  142. Shevi Arnold August 3, 2016 at 8:09 am #

    Excellent article. I hope all the Bernie or Bust people read it, as well as all women in the center and right who realize that Trump is a disaster but are still on the fence about voting for Hillary.

    I’ve also noticed how–when the press has NO evidence of wrongdoing–they focus on polls and opinions, ignoring that THEY are the ones who shaped those negative opinions in the first place! It’s an outrageous practice, it’s dishonest reporting, and it has to stop. People believing that Hillary is dishonest doesn’t make her dishonest.

    As I like to say, “You can’t make a liar out of someone else. You can paint an honest person as a liar, but that makes YOU the liar, not the honest person.”

  143. BRENT BLACKMON August 3, 2016 at 8:09 am #

    Michael, glad you have been slapped awake – misogyny, like racism, is alive and well. I agree that it needs to be recognized, called out, understood, and eradicated. But I think you have the wrong champion to accomplish that. Misogyny exists in many forms but the result is the abuse of women, the degrading of their value, their self-esteem, their civil liberties, and their opportunities to express themselves. Cast in that light, Hillary is as bad of a misogynist as ever ran for public office. Her enabling of Bill’s serial sexual abuse of women victims is unconscionable. Her vilification of his victims would not be tolerated if it were anyone else doing it. This is not just a woman forgiving her husband’s infidelities. She is guilty of covering up Bill’s sex addiction for one reason only – to advance her own political career. No matter how many women are destroyed in the process. If she cared about “women,” her record would show that she cared about these women – these victims of her husband’s abuse. But that is not the case. She is the selfish, lying, hypocritical charlatan you first feared she was. The worst kind of racist is the one who pretends to champion the cause, only to claim the spoils of the fight. The worst kind of misogynist is the woman who tramples on women to get what she wants. I don’t believe Hillary will be THAT bad for women, in general, but I cannot condone rewarding her hypocrisy.

  144. Mike August 3, 2016 at 8:09 am #

    1. She voted to authorize the Patriot Act.
    2. She voted for the War in Iraq.
    3. Up until 2013, she spoke out against gay marriage.
    4. She is the one who stirred up the Reverend Wright, Weather Underground, William Ayers conspiracies.
    5. She is the one who perpetuated the awful “madrasa” smear.
    6. Birtherism started with supporters of HER 2008 campaign.
    7. Her positions on everything from the minimum wage to environmental issues (fracking, pipeline) have been inconsistent.

    Notice I didn’t mention “she’s a woman” in any of those? I didn’t mention Benghazi or emails because they are non-issues.

    The Iraq vote was enough to lose me forever.

  145. Christie Hardwick August 3, 2016 at 8:11 am #

    Thanking for demonstrating what can happen with an open mind and heart. I appreciate you sharing your journey.

  146. Barbara Weltsch August 3, 2016 at 8:33 am #

    These days, you can find what you want to find regardless of which side of politics you’re on.

  147. perfect1stranger August 3, 2016 at 8:51 am #

    So… the intentional and systematic disenfranchisement of millions of Bernie Sanders supporters means nothing to you?

    If you support Hillary Clinton for President, you are an enemy of the state just for this reason alone.

  148. wscottling August 3, 2016 at 8:58 am #

    Reblogged this on Willow's Corner and commented:
    I too don’t understand the antipathy towards Hillary Clinton. Other than her “email scandal” no one can tell me anything she’s done wrong. And it’s really just… silly. Great read. I agree with this article.

  149. Holly Hayes August 3, 2016 at 9:14 am #

    My mom was also a Bernie supporter. She will support Hillary in the face of Trump, but her comments to me were telling. She believes that Hillary is too hawkish and pro-Israel. I tend to agree. But she also said that she hates how Hillary always seems to be yelling. And that she hopes that now that she has the nomination she’ll have someone do her hair and makeup. These views are clearly grounded in sexism. She would never have commented on Bernie yelling, which he did often, nor suggest that he need a personal stylist! I hope it is generational. I have also read the articles you mentioned. I have always been a Hillary supporter based on her lifetime of service and record of accomplishments, but I began to wonder if I was just too naive. I was glad to have had access to those articles to ground my enthusiasm in fact. Thank you for writing this piece.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 3, 2016 at 9:45 am #

      Holly, yes, the accusation of her “yelling” does seem very sexist and subscribes to a double standard. I’m glad at least that you and your mom are able to engage in meaningful conversations! Peace, Michael.

    • BRENT BLACKMON August 3, 2016 at 10:18 am #

      Holly, “I hope it is generational” is itself as discriminatory of a remark as your mother made. Gerontism? Ageism? You need counseling. 🙂 I’m kidding, but you should lighten up on your Mom. Until women quit wearing makeup, until people quit growing older, we need to just refuse to label EVERYTHING as insidious and discriminatory. There is REAL SEXISM out there and REAL PROBLEMS that it causes. Your Mom isn’t part of that. Blaming innocent people and their innocent comments only dilutes the real issues, diverts attention and discredits us as activists. No one listens to us when they see us as just being nit-picky and difficult. It’s sufficient that she was idealistic enough to support Bernie. Applaud her. Quit criticizing. Please. 🙂

  150. Nancy Stella August 3, 2016 at 9:31 am #

    Thank you, Michael. It is so refreshing and empowering to see someone understand what is happening and share it. Our culture also reduces women supporters of Hillary to nonthinking women voting for her because she is a woman. Denial of a competent woman candidate for POTUS is strong and translates to misinformed opposition and unjustified hate. Hillary can never win them over if they refuse to analyze motivations and make more demands of Hillary. The same people who demand her transcripts of paid speeches to GS, care little about Trump’s more important tax returns. Those people need to question themselves about why. Hillary has the grit to become the next POTUS. It’s an America bonus that she’s a woman.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 3, 2016 at 9:46 am #

      Nancy, thank you for your comments here! Peace, Michael.

    • Rebecca Mettler August 3, 2016 at 11:28 am #

      I keep hearing that Hillary Clinton is directly tied to the death of American troops. Is this a reference to Benghazi? Or something else? And not to be a horrible person but when troops enlist to serve our country, they are signing up to risk their very lives for our collective freedom. I will never fully understand that sacrifice but I am forever grateful! Can someone educate me on the point that Republicans are trying to make?

    • DMS August 3, 2016 at 1:36 pm #

      I think we are looking at implicit sexism here as well as systemic sexism. We all (almost all) have stereotypes about women embedded in the unconscious part of our brains even if we do not at all approve of sexism on the conscious level. And those stereotypes influence our conscious behavior even when we do not realize it. Thus we get people decidedly against Hillary without being able to give good reasons why. We have to work twice as hard to try to overcome this bias.

    • Nancy August 3, 2016 at 2:50 pm #

      All BS. She IS a liar. She has betrayed the faith of women when she attacked the women who were sexually molested and raped by her husband. She berated them. Yet she pretends to support women? She stated that all women should be believed in cases of abuse. Just a lie to get votes. She is a criminal. Anyone else would have spent time in jail. Lying about her e-mails, having them destroyed and denying that she had any confidential material on the unsecured network. Whitewater investigation, missing files etc. Her crony, Wasserman Shultz working behind the scenes to ” fix” the nomination in Hilary’s favor, The incompetence of not responding to many requests for more security in Bengazi causing the death of Americans only supports my belief of her ineptness. I won’t even get in to the Clinton Foundation.
      I would rather vote for the uncouth big mouth.

      • Teresa Hawkey-Silvey August 3, 2016 at 3:29 pm #

        Do you have proof of all of these unfounded and hysterical allegations? I would like to see it please, from unbiased sources. So you would prefer the nightmare of a Trump presidency? That is sick.

      • rwcreativellc August 3, 2016 at 4:01 pm #

        How can you say with any proof and fact of Mr. Trump’s political career as to what it would be like??? You throw accusations with no facts, yet again. There is absolutely no evidence or record of Mr Trump as a politician. So ‘Nightmare’ as our President??? On the other hand Hillary’s political track record on every political matter is globally traceable. Please, be more intellectual on such important matters as we are discussing here. Thank you.

      • Jane Adams August 3, 2016 at 4:19 pm #

        How very ignorant you are. Anybody who has had a man deceive her will, undoubtedly, take the side of her spouse. What did you expect her to do? Did you think she would call them Honey Boo Boo? Sorry to disappoint you, but when your spouse lashes out at everybody. You just didn’t hear her lashing out at Bill. And, please, don’t take up for the pieces of trash that would go after a married man. They are not innocent little girls, as you believe, but grown women who knew he was married.
        Next, you want to blame Benghazi on Hillary. This really proves your ignorance!!! Obama, in his budget, requested millions of dollars for the funding of all American embassies. The Republicans not only didn’t pass that budget, but reduced by millions the funding requested.
        Hillary told the politicians trouble was brewing in Libya. Republicans John McCain and Lindsey Graham visited Ambassador two months before the attack. Upon returning, they insisted that Stevens felt he was safe, and declined having the embassy being closely guarded. Not only was he not at the embassy when he was attacked, he was out among the residents, because he felt safe among them.
        Before blaming Hillary for Benghazi, research. You will be very surprised to learn that the blood of Stevens and others is on the hands of the Republicans, not Hillary.
        I know you will not do the research needed, because once you’ve reached your foolish opinion, you will refuse to acknowledge you are wrong. It’s sad, because you are putting this country at risk, by casting your vote for the loud mouth — your words not mine. So, enjoy your ignorance.

  151. Marc Scott August 3, 2016 at 9:32 am #

    Outstanding!! I have always been a supporter of Hillary Clinton and your article frames the very reasons why I am with her!!

  152. Rebecca Wempe August 3, 2016 at 9:50 am #

    I want to thank you for saying what ive been saying all along. Women for to long have been unsupportive of other women, often buying into the good old boys view of how things should be run. Why is it that when a woman is successful we allowed men to tell us that she achieved her success by lying cheating sleeping and just being a downright nasty bitch. She’s a harpy she’s an nag she doesn’t smile. Why do we allow men to say these things and why do we buy into it. We would never get by doing the same to a man (yet Trump is all of that and more).
    I have been a fan of Hillary all along and I’m so excited to be making history by voting for America’s first female president, it seems so fitting to have this happen during the centennial of suffrage

  153. Wendy August 3, 2016 at 9:58 am #

    I appreciate your piece. Just want to slag on David Brooks a bit more, with his recent irritating nonsense about how Hillary would be so much more likable if she only very publicly gardened or golfed or needlepointed or played bridge. It’s a good thing Mr. Brooks wasn’t anywhere nearby when I read that drivel.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 3, 2016 at 10:15 am #

      Thank you, Wendy! Yes, Brooks has helped to pave the way for someone like Trump. He is most certainly implicated here. Peace, Michael.

  154. Martita Curta-Werta August 3, 2016 at 10:12 am #

    WAY too long !! Good information – wrong headline! Edit!!!

    • Cindy August 3, 2016 at 11:00 am #

      Often long articles are needed to convey an opinion and support it. We have too many soundbites and short paragraphs and pueces in today’s journalism.

    • Ellen T. Birrell August 3, 2016 at 11:55 am #

      Why? This is a thoughtful, timely and informative piece of writing. As an editor myself,I find it very sad that the blog and twitterverse are condensing thought time and attention span down to the swift distillation of opinionated judgments unsupported by argument, one of the very important reasons “I am with her.”

    • Molly Lyons August 3, 2016 at 1:11 pm #

      Too long? Do you read, like, anything else?

  155. Steven A Hancock August 3, 2016 at 10:14 am #

    We are all entitled to our opinions. I don’t like either candidate. One is a narcissist and the other is a pathological liar. I have to decide which is worse for my children and grandchildren.

    • tinnnk August 3, 2016 at 10:47 am #

      Narcissists breed narcissists………..your choice.

    • Bobby Foster August 3, 2016 at 10:50 am #

      No, Steven. One is a politician and the other is a narcissist as well as a pathological liar.

    • AnnaAnne August 3, 2016 at 10:51 am #

      Oops—you left off the facts to prove your statements about both candidates…or is this just your gut feeling…or did you not read the whole article????

    • Cindy August 3, 2016 at 10:57 am #

      Will you please cite examples of pathological lying?

    • Starr August 3, 2016 at 10:57 am #

      Steven, do you have a source for your belief that she is a “pathological liar”? As Michael said in the article, “I welcome people’s input here. All I ask is that you put in check any misogynistic comments and please have evidence to support your assertions.”

    • Kirk Somerville August 3, 2016 at 11:27 am #

      I have heard the expression ‘pathological liar’ so often from so many different people that I am sure it is a learned response, like pavlov’s dog. Roger Ailes has trained them well. It has become Hillary’s epithet, like Homer’s ‘Rosey fingered dawn’. only ugly and sinister. The expression is much more telling about the people who utter it than the person at whom it is directed.

    • dianecbrown August 3, 2016 at 11:31 am #

      It is one thing to have opinions, it is another to have untrue facts. If you adhered to facts, your opinion of Hillary would change.

    • Lauriel Sandstrom August 3, 2016 at 11:32 am #

      Facts, Steven, FACTS! You are a perfect example of what this article is about! Where are the pathological lies? Examples please????

    • Laura Riva August 3, 2016 at 11:41 am #

      What about the fact that one is both a narcissist AND a pathological liar?

    • Samantha August 3, 2016 at 11:47 am #

      Actually, one is a narcissist, pathological liar, and very public bigot. The other is a relatively honest and hard working politician who happens to be a woman. Hillary has been investigated more than most who have ever held office and they turn up next to nothing. Being smart, capable, powerful, and a woman is her biggest crime. Misogyny at work.

    • susanne103 August 3, 2016 at 12:01 pm #

      A liar based on what evidence? she’s more honest than almost any of the other political candidates out there.

      • xnlover August 3, 2016 at 7:52 pm #

        I think Steven missed Michael’s request that comments include evidence to back up one’s assertions. Too bad!

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 3, 2016 at 7:55 pm #

        Yes, many people seem to have missed that request. Peace, Michael.

    • Ashley August 3, 2016 at 12:10 pm #

      Actually, one is BOTH. Hillary is proven be far less of a liar by every fact checking site out there.

    • Barlett Owen August 3, 2016 at 12:16 pm #

      Mr. Hancock. “the other is a pathological liar”. You apparently did not read the article or note the request that you back up your claims with actual fact.

    • Robin Friday August 3, 2016 at 12:48 pm #

      Stephen, did you READ the article? Did you consider it at all? Pathological liar? No. That’s the idea. You can disagree with the article, but you’re not entitled to that statement without any facts behind it.

    • Katy Schacht August 3, 2016 at 1:28 pm #

      Opinion isn’t fact. and real lying is a fact. And Hillary being the most honest of any of the candidates is a fact. If your opinion isn’t based on
      fact, what does that make you?

    • Joanne Hirschfield August 3, 2016 at 2:12 pm #

      yes u have it right!!!! tough choice. Remsmber the supreme court!!! i choose the narcissist!!!!

    • Robyn Lee Jones August 3, 2016 at 2:50 pm #

      How sad for you Steven. We see exactly what kind of brain you were unfortunately given at birth. What happened? Did your Mom lock you in your closet? You hate women? You can’t use the computer to do research? Don’t know how to type? WHAT IS IT THAT MAKES YOU SO DUMB??? All I have left to say to you is just crawl back under a rock you “MANCHILD” and grow up. You are exactly who this article was talking about. Suck it up! It’s your shoe!

  156. Armando Gonzalez August 3, 2016 at 10:17 am #

    she is hated because she is not honest.the media loves her mostly because she is controversial and keeps them goin.the facts are out there one either belives them or not but most will not research the truth and they stick with whatever is the agenda they persue.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 3, 2016 at 10:19 am #

      Armando, did you read the article? The fact is that she is honest.

      • Molly Lyons August 3, 2016 at 1:09 pm #

        So great when people respond to an article without actually reading it, right?

    • Amanda August 3, 2016 at 10:45 am #

      In the article, Michael was really open to comments, but the one thing he asked for was to “please have evidence to support your assertions.” You reference “the facts being out there” and say “most will not research the truth” but you don’t bring any of that to the table. Perhaps before stating she is “not honest” you could provide the proof. I would be more than happy to read the proof you speak to, if it were provided.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 3, 2016 at 2:47 pm #

        Thank you! Sadly, people are posting some very ugly stuff. I am quite sad that so many people on this thread, mostly men, cannot engage in a conversation with civility and to hold some cognitive dissonance. Peace, Michael.

  157. Reg August 3, 2016 at 10:20 am #

    “Kudos to E.J. Dionne for pointing out the double standard to Brooks, that he would not make the same claim about a male candidate for President. Brooks connected and agreed that this was a sexist statement.” I listened to that exchange moderated by Audie Cornish and I didn’t hear any rebuke from E.J. Dionne. Could you include a link to the convo you are referring to?

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 3, 2016 at 10:21 am #

      Reg, thank you for commenting here. Yes, have to love our E.J. Dionne! Peace, Michael.

      • eebaltimore August 3, 2016 at 1:29 pm #

        And we have to love you, Michael Hulshof-Schmidt, for this excellent article. I plan to share it far and wide on Facebook! The whole Hillary Clinton supporters crowd thanks you!

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 3, 2016 at 2:33 pm #

        Thank you for such kind words! Peace, Michael.

  158. Viki August 3, 2016 at 10:33 am #

    Ugh! Michael Hulshof-Schmidt you wrote such a thoughtful researched article. Then the comments show us why we should all be very afraid.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 3, 2016 at 2:48 pm #

      Viki, yes. Many of the comments are making me quite sad. Worse yet, I have not approved many of the comments that were so offensive that I was embarrassed for them. Peace, Michael.

  159. Nancy Knettell August 3, 2016 at 10:35 am #

    I want say this is breath of fresh air. I have been a feminist in the true sense of the word since the 1970’s when I decided to become a mechancal engineer at a time when women in that field were in the single digits. When Hillary, as a polical problem solver aka political engineer, was tapped to create high level policy recommendations it did not seem strange to me. After all why not?

    She was just as qualified as her husband based on her training and experience. But my naive young self was hit by the nuclear fallout blowback to women: How dare she! She is JUST the First Lady…as if that title meant that she was forbidden to be anything more than a possession.

    That started my journey to ensure, that while my gender in my chosen field was going to be a challenge because of my gender, I was not going to give up. While I am certainly not at her level, I continue to live that misogyny in my chosen profession today sadly. I refuse to wear a “Fetching pantsuit.”

    I watched how everyone continued to slam her, partly because I sensed she was not going away. I even worked for her in her first campaign in New Hampshire where you are very close to the action. I found her personally engaging and inspiring. So it was always hard for me to believe any of the crap against her.

    Her characterization has always included the same misogyny as she was exposed to from the very beginning. It was effective in the beginning when women were not as common in the workplace. It can be called up and connected to the Devil Incarnate now with the false religiosity pervasive now. Add that to repeating the falsities until they manifest as real worked…well hopefully not if Hillary is elected.

    None of us really know how the lust for this position is. It is the ultimate power position. From a sociological/biological perspective this means that you are the most powerful man in the world. You get all the resources. You get the pick of the mares.You would kill your brother to be King. Putting it in that perspective it is not unreasonable that the fight for this position is so bloody. Realistically nothing would be held back when the stakes are that high.

    For women the role is different. It is a fight against: “How dare you!” It is a fight to do a good job instead of watching men run off with the prize just because they are men and not necessarily qualified or even do a good job. Hillary is doing it. I salute her for facing the battles as she did. Hopefully they will not continue burn this Joan of Arc at the stake and elect her.

  160. Betty sikking August 3, 2016 at 10:41 am #

    Can,t vote for her she is definitlely a liar.

  161. Katherine August 3, 2016 at 10:48 am #

    I try to avoid using media talking points as my reasons, because it is everyone’s fault but her own with her supporters. I am also a mother of 3 and married for 13years and it is also because of them that I cannot vote for her. I am a pacifist in belief and action. She has stated in the debates and interviews as well as demonstrated with past support and decisions to be a war monger. All I ask of those with so much fear of Trump destroying our country where we have congress and Court to protect us from over reach of power. Our privileged country where our suffering or possible suffering doesn’t even compare to Syria, Honduras, Libya, Afghanistan, and Iraq. I have never supported either party, but she isn’t someone that would inspire me to do so. My being disenfranchised by the DNC which I joined to support Bernie influenced my decision to re register as independent last week. I do not want to debate my decision and my convictions are unwavering. I just ask you to consider peace and break away from the hold of the two party system which lacks representation for so many.

  162. vectoron August 3, 2016 at 10:52 am #

    You are perpetuating the primary issue with American politics, you are supporting the identity politics narrative and as an educated person you have to know this is wrong.

    This isn’t about her identity, this is about her political philosophy. Libya was her war, she is a massive interventionist. Obama has built more nuclear weapons than any other president, he renewed the patriot act and even created a new legal framework for hold people indefinitely without trial; no one talks about these things because democrats can do no wrong, George W tried to do the same things as Obama, but Obama managed to get this stuff through because he was “such a great guy”.

    I am not an American and I watch all of this shaking my head. The entire narrative is about trust or some stupid thing Trump said. No one is actually talking about policy or the expanding bubble of executive power that could make true tyranny possible in your country.

    Hillary is a plutocrat who has the same anti-constitutional philosophy of all the previous presidents on both sides, but no one is talking about this. Instead its about how she is trust worthy, honest, and genuinely good person. Who cares? Why would executive power shrink under a Hillary presidency, that’s not part of her platform.

  163. MLP August 3, 2016 at 10:53 am #

    I am a woman. I understand too clearly misogyny. I remember applying for my first job and being told, ‘we don’t hire women loan officers’. My main issue with HRC is that despite her accomplishments and qualifications, we cannot force our moral views on other countries. Despite the worlds gender population, women are simply not represented in world governments, world banks, etc. To me, this translates as a hostile environment for any woman who is a world leader in today’s environment. If she thinks she had a rough time as Secretary of State, that will be warm fuzzies compared to what’s to come as President of the United States. Will we as a world leader be the better for it?

  164. Angus August 3, 2016 at 10:55 am #

    Well written, explaining the exact slanted thinking that has permeated the US media and spread by the people wanting absolute power for themselves. It isn’t easy to counter well funded lies with the truth in politics.

  165. XaurreauX August 3, 2016 at 10:56 am #

    Bernie Butthurts are mostly white, privileged, self-centered narcissists who place their view of themselves as “revolutionaries” and die-hard idealists above the needs of those who will be adversely affected by a Trump presidency.

  166. STEVEN PHILIPS August 3, 2016 at 10:58 am #

    You guys are smoking some good crack today

  167. Candace Jacobson August 3, 2016 at 11:02 am #

    I went through the same process back in the 90s. I bought into the negative Hillary views. And it was the contempt for her health care proposals that made me stop and reconsider. If we agreed on this, what else did she stand for? I asked myself. I started to research her, to understand what she had done so far in her life, what causes she worked for, and looked at what a remarkably smart and hard-working woman she was and is. I combed through every investigation of her, and noted that they simply can’t find fault with her. I have been a huge supporter since then. I love Bernie Sanders and his agenda, and value his contribution to the Democratic agenda, but wish everyone – especially anti-Hillary women – would read this excellent piece. We need to stop choosing our candidates based on media sound bites, the appalling decades-long vilification of Hillary by conservatives, and blog posts, and start understanding the candidates for ourselves.

  168. rollinglikeaball August 3, 2016 at 11:03 am #

    It goes all the way back to that old snake in the tree and the apple thing. Thank you for this insightful article and very rational tone. I’ve been having this conversation with folks lately too. Let’s keep it rolling!

  169. wyrefut August 3, 2016 at 11:14 am #

    Your post addresses a lot of points I’ve been considering for a while now, so thank you. However, it’s hard for me to take this post seriously when the only citations you provide are from others commentators and not from original sources for facts. Isn’t this a main complaint of your post, that the media and consumers of said media are basing their opinion of HRC on a false narrative rather than looking at the facts?
    It’s frustrating for me to see that you ask people (media and other readers) to provide factual citations when your post doesn’t provide any (referencing editorials or other reviews don’t count as facts). You say you’ve done the research, so why not include a link to your fact-based research? Why not make a list of all the false claims people have of Hilary Clinton and one by one provide clear evidence for why they’re wrong?
    My conclusion is that you are perpetuating an alternative narrative and that is just as frustrating as the standard narrative because it is driven by opinion rather than fact (note: I like your narrative).
    My hope from this election cycle is that people (myself included) don’t blindly trust what they read and that we all do important fact checking using reliable sources before drawing a conclusion on the information we’re consuming. or politifact are good places to *start* for tracking down facts. What are some others?

  170. Susan Rogan August 3, 2016 at 11:24 am #

    I’m continually befuddled that facts do not sway Trump supporters.

  171. Joe Uliano August 3, 2016 at 11:39 am #

    There will be many many women presidents of USA in the years that come, but this one should not be the one. We need Honorable women.

  172. Deborah August 3, 2016 at 11:40 am #

    You say “I truly believe that Hillary and her platform are beneficial to targeted communities: people of color, people in poverty, people with disabilities, veterans, LGBTQ people, and all of the intersecting identities thereof. ” But in that statement you leave out (on purpose??) the very group that you say is the reason for Clinton’s low approval – wouldn’t she also be beneficial for WOMEN?

  173. Darren Scaramella August 3, 2016 at 11:53 am #

    If I worked at my first job at United Technologies Corporation and had a classified clearance and I stored that information on my home server and shared that information with people I should not have and got caught doing it I would first loose my clearance and then get arrested for a felony for espionage. I’m sure that there are many other politicians doing illegal acts too but she got caught. She is getting special privileges which is not conforming to the constitution.

    What I really think is smart of her is that she was involved with Bernie from the start and she tricked all those Bernie people into a movement and then he said vote for Hilary. How could somebody with so much passion like Bernie endorse Hilary. He did not have to. He wanted to.

    Also what kind of psychological trust issues would you have if your spouse got a hummer in the Oval Office. Paybacks a bitch!

    • labyrinth365 August 3, 2016 at 1:04 pm #

      Great piece. Thank you. Sharing on FB.

    • eebaltimore August 3, 2016 at 1:26 pm #

      So much about your post is just plain wrong, but let me update you with the latest. Although Hillary used a private server for her regular emails with DOS employees, as well as for personal emails with family and friends, she never sent nor received CLASSIFIED material on this server. That was recently cleared up– for once and for all– in a Congressional hearing with FBI Dir. Comey on July 7, 2016. Edify yourself and read or watch. The bottom line was that the emails originally identified by Comey as classified, were found to be NOT classified, as the Dept. of State communicated to the committee during the hearing. Watch or read the summary, during the last hour, with Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) remarks at 4:16:16, and on to the end.

    • lori August 3, 2016 at 1:59 pm #

      Who do you think placed that server in her basement? Not her or her husband.

      • eebaltimore August 3, 2016 at 2:37 pm #

        Lori, I give up… but let me guess: Santa Claus? One of the 7 dwarfs? Oh, wait–I’ll bet it was Rasputin!

  174. Matt Aleshire August 3, 2016 at 11:53 am #

    Paid for by Hillary Clinton for President.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 3, 2016 at 12:13 pm #

      Wow! This speaks volumes about you and an inability to tolerate any type of cognitive dissonance.

  175. Darryl Robert Small August 3, 2016 at 11:55 am #

    i dislike it when one reporter uses an opinion piece , as proof for another opinion piece.

  176. Maria August 3, 2016 at 12:03 pm #

    A true pleasure to read! Thank you! I immediately shared this because it speaks for me!

  177. David Miller August 3, 2016 at 12:08 pm #

    Is all that Wikileaks information fraudulent, then? Are we saying that if a white Christian male got caught like this, it would get swept under the rug? We sure nailed Nixon for a lot less.

    • David K. Miller August 3, 2016 at 2:43 pm #

      Have you actually read the Wikileaks DNC e-mails? And do you actually remember Watergate? While there is plenty of complaining about Bernie in the DNC e-mails (after all, he was a non-Democrat trying to take over the Democratic party, and whether or not that was a good thing, a host can be excused for not enjoying the virus that’s trying to take it over) there was little or no actual steps taken against him by the DNC. The DNC doesn’t control nominating contests, the states do. The one place the DNC has some control is with the caucuses, where Bernie did well. And there is no evidence of any kind that Hillary was behind anything in the DNC e-mails. Watergate, on the other hand, was a break-in ordered by a sitting President to steal information from his political opponents. How is that comparable?

  178. Claudine Jones August 3, 2016 at 12:08 pm #

    I’d like a more progressive candidate, too, however being a feminist these days doesn’t have the zing that it used to. All I can think about now in regards to Hillary is that her past involves names that make a progressive shudder: Walmart, for example. Yeesh. I’m especially worried that the military will not be reined in with her administration; domestic, sure, but holy mazoley! How much cash are we wasting on running around the world, building fancier war planes? How do we pay for what we need stateside? So, while I agree with your premise re the misogyny that this candidate gets pored over her head like frikkin Carrie, at every possible opportunity, I still am worried…is she strong enough to get us where we gotta go…and I say that with all the gender-neutrality I can muster, cause I don’t see anybody else stepping up of her caliber & expertise except Bernie (and he a man!)

    • David Miller August 3, 2016 at 12:16 pm #

      Interesting points, and well conceived. My issue is, the dismantling of the peoples’ influence over elections. I know that Hillary isn’t the cause of our politically broken system, but she seems to have taken great strides in destroying the relevance of the individual vote.

    • DMS August 3, 2016 at 1:41 pm #

      Bernie is excellent at synthesizing an issue to its essence and speaking about it, but Hillary is said to be better at the execution of the ideas. I agree that she is not as far left as I would like, but if she even gets some of what needs doing done (and appoints decent Supreme Court judges) than we have gained.

    • Lyralen Kaye August 3, 2016 at 2:13 pm #

      Yes! I am worried, too. For me, feminism is the belief that women are equal. That means that if I look at policy, voting record, campaign promises, keeping those promises, I can make an informed decision. I HATE the misogyny Hillary has had to face. But I am worried. Trump is clearly not an alternative AT ALL, but since I don’t just vote, I also often work, donate, fund-raise, etc…I feel responsible for what my candidate does. I left the Dems after Bill Clinton signed DOMA. I was so sorry I’d ever voted for him. I don’t want to feel that way again. I love that Hillary is a woman…but since I live in a blue state, and I don’t have to worry that my vote will elect Trump, I have the luxury, under our screwed up system, to think about using my vote to support a third party if I really can’t put my mind behind Hillary. Walmart. Iraq. Flipping on gay issues. I don’t forget.

    • Lily Turtletail (@lily_turtletail) August 3, 2016 at 2:18 pm #

      Claudine, Michael Arnovitz wrote a follow-up to the first article that addresses questions about Hillary and Walmart, in part. Check him out on Medium. You seem engaged and truly interested in the outcome of this election.

    • golberry August 3, 2016 at 2:53 pm #

      When Hillary was on the Walmart board, she advocated for better treatment of workers, especially women. How can we get Walmart to change if people don’t work with them toward change?

  179. Petra Chrienova August 3, 2016 at 12:20 pm #

    “I truly believe that Hillary and her platform are beneficial to targeted communities: people of color, people in poverty, people with disabilities, veterans, LGBTQ people, and all of the intersecting identities thereof.”
    side note: unless you are any of those above and living under Israel’s occupation…Then you basically have no rights and Hillary will even donate money to the apartheid state to destroy your country even more

  180. Ivy Guarise August 3, 2016 at 12:21 pm #

    I have watched Hillary Rodham Clinton since we were in the same high school. I only knew her stellar record of caring & leadership, and only enough to say hello in the hallways. Her record since then also speaks for itself. Her heart is an open book. Mistakes? Yes. A lawyer? Yes. Rich, powerful, assertive? Yes. When someone fights for children & other human rights as long as she does there will always be criticism. But hatred & slander? It makes no sense. People should wake up and know that we want her fighting for America. She has earned that much and deserves the lofty position as no one else.

  181. fibanachi (@fibanachi3) August 3, 2016 at 12:21 pm #

    I really enjoyed the article. I am in agreement with how Hillary Clinton has been an is treated.

  182. bob mckinlay August 3, 2016 at 12:30 pm #

    I have a Bernie sticker on my car. Right next to it is a Hillary sticker. As you have done in your article you have articulated very well why you must dig deeper into the rest of the story to learn how trust worthy and honest Hillary is. I’m with HER!

  183. Genevieve Pfisterer August 3, 2016 at 12:36 pm #

    Jill Stein is not anti-science, she is for getting the money out of our government and our government agencies. How can we have good science when corporation leaders are running the CDC and department of Ag, and all relying on science done by corporations to prove their products are safe. Jill Stein is pro-good science.

  184. Lynda Taylor Perry August 3, 2016 at 12:38 pm #

    If you happen to see the Bill Clinton five minute TV ad for Hillary in which he introduces the commercial by saying he wants to share some things we may not know about Hillary’s background, beware as I was there for most of their presidency and know them better than just about anyone. I offer a few corrections:
    Bill says: “In law school Hillary worked on legal services for the poor.”
    Facts are: Hillary’s main extra-curricular activity in ‘Law School’ was helping the Black Panthers, on trial in Connecticut for torturing and killing a ‘Federal Agent.’ She went to Court every day as part of a Law student monitoring committee trying to spot civil rights violations and develop grounds for appeal.
    Bill says: “Hillary spent a year after graduation working on a Children’s rights project for poor kids.”
    Facts are: Hillary interned with Bob Truehaft, the head of the California Communist Party. She met Bob when he represented the Panthers and traveled all the way to San Francisco to take an internship with him.
    Bill says: “Hillary could have written her own job ticket, but she turned down all the lucrative job offers.”
    Facts are: She flunked the D.C. bar exam, ‘Yes’, flunked it, it is a matter of record, and only passed the Arkansas bar. She had no job offers in Arkansas, ‘None’, and only got hired by the University of Arkansas Law School at Fayetteville because Bill was already teaching there. She did not join the prestigious Rose Law Firm until Bill became Arkansas Attorney General and was made a partner only after he was elected Arkansas Governor.
    Bill says: “President Carter appointed Hillary to the Legal Services Board of Directors and she became its Chairman.”
    Facts are: The appointment was in exchange for Bill’s support for Carter in his 1980 primary against Ted Kennedy. Hillary then became chairman in a coup in which she won a majority away from Carter’s choice to be chairman.
    Bill says: “She served on the board of the Arkansas Children’s Hospital.”
    Facts are: Yes she did. But her main board activity, not mentioned by Bill, was to sit on the Wal-Mart Board of Directors, for a substantial fee. She was silent about their labor and health care practices.
    Bill says: “Hillary didn’t succeed at getting health care for all Americans in 1994 but she kept working at it and helped to create the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) that provides five million children with health insurance.”
    Facts are: Hillary had nothing to do with creating CHIP. It was included in the budget deal between Clinton and Republican Majority Leader Senator Trent Lott. I know; I helped to negotiate the deal. The money came half from the budget deal and half from the Attorney Generals’ tobacco settlement. Hillary had nothing to do with either source of funds.
    Bill says: “Hillary was the face of America all over the World.” (LOL)
    Facts are: Her visits were part of a program to get her out of town so that Bill would not appear weak by feeding stories that Hillary was running the White House. Her visits abroad were entirely touristic and symbolic and there was no substantive diplomacy on any of them.
    Bill says: “Hillary was an excellent Senator who kept fighting for Children’s and Women’s issues.”
    Facts are: Other than totally meaningless legislation like changing the names on courthouses and post offices, she has passed only four substantive pieces of legislation. One set up a national park in Puerto Rico. A second provided respite care for family members helping their relatives through Alzheimer’s or other conditions. And two were routine bills to aid 911 victims and responders which were sponsored by the entire N.Y. delegation. Presently she is trying to have the US memorialize Woodstock.
    Here is what bothers me more than anything else about Hillary Clinton. She has done everything possible to weaken the President and our Country (that’s you and me) when it comes to the ‘War on Terror’.
    1. She wants to close GITMO and move the combatants to the USA where they would have access to our legal system.
    2. She wants to eliminate the monitoring of suspected Al Qaeda phone calls to/from the USA.
    3. She wants to grant constitutional rights to enemy combatants captured on the battlefield.
    4. She wants to eliminate the monitoring of money transfers between suspected Al Qaeda cells and supporters in the USA.
    5. She wants to eliminate the type of interrogation tactics used by the Military & CIA where coercion might be used when questioning known terrorists even though such tactics might save American lives.
    One cannot think of a single ‘Bill’, Hillary has introduced or a single comment she has made that would tend to strengthen our Country in the ‘War on Terror’. But, one can think of a lot of comments she has made that weaken our Country and makes it a more dangerous situation for all of us. Bottom line: She goes hand in hand with the ACLU on far too many issues where common sense is abandoned.
    Share this with everyone you know, ask them to prove Dick Morris wrong. Think about it – he’s (Dick Morris) said all of this openly, thus if he were not truthful he’d be liable for ‘Defamation of Character’ !
    And you better believe Hillary would sue him.
    Her winning in 2016 means the final death knell for America! Her whole public life has been a LIE.
    By Dick Morris, former political advisor to President Bill Clinton

    • LBee August 3, 2016 at 3:07 pm #

      Many of your “facts” are simply opinions. Other “facts” you list are not backed up with verifiable proof.

  185. Georgina Aida Emery Warmoth August 3, 2016 at 12:44 pm #

    Gracias for your writing. When I see a post by people saying that she is a killer, not a person to trust because everything that she has done. I ask them to please specifically tell me who she has kill or why she is not thrust worthy. There has never been an answer. I had followed her since her husband was the governor of Arkansas. It is so frustrating to hear all the lies from people that I thought were good thinkers. ( English is my second language)

  186. Randy Adcox August 3, 2016 at 12:48 pm #

    The very first line of this article tells everything and answers any questions anyone might have as to how you arrived at your decision to become a Hillary supporter – you’re obviously to naïve to understand the reasons Hillary is so reviled. If you’re unable to understand why the basic premise of Socialism has failed (miserably!) in every society, and in every country where it’s ever been implemented, then certainly you won’t have the ability to comprehend the contempt many people feel towards Hillary.
    But let’s look at the past 30 years of her public life. From personal assistants, to law enforcement personnel, to members of the Secret Service, there’s a long list (TOO long in fact to be false!), of examples of Hillary’s condescending, “I’m better than you” personality. The long list of Bill’s “playmates” who have been scorned, ridiculed, and likely blackmailed by Hillary, are also well documented – again, too many for them ALL to be lying.
    Fast forward to her time as Secretary of State, and the shameful way she lied to family members of those killed in Benghazi. And what about the FBI investigation, where Comey essentially called her a LIAR in front of the whole world!
    And most recently, she has made it an almost daily ritual to twist and misquote Donald Trump on every policy statement he’s ever made, in a blatant attempt to convince MILLIONS of Americans that his positions are entirely different than what they actually are. Sadly, those in the mainstream media, and those who write slanted and obviously biased articles such as this one, are contributing to the ongoing misleading of America.
    Fortunately however, Hillary has provided the American public with MORE than enough evidence to reveal her true personality, and THAT’S why she will never be POTUS.

  187. karenskellyphoto August 3, 2016 at 12:50 pm #

    While I am supporting Clinton, because she is experienced and the best qualified, and because….well Trump, I’m wondering what your opinion is on the emails showing the DNC was subverting Sanders. Thanks for your article – I will be sharing it.

  188. Dennis Mullen August 3, 2016 at 12:51 pm #

    Fucking puke. How dare you? Hillary Clinton is about Hillary Clinton and the fact that some people are so blind as to see that makes me sad. She is simply not a likeable person and she did that to herself. It wasn’t the GOP.

    There was a time I would have crawled across broken glass to vote for ANYONE but HRC.. and then along comes a candidate even more loathsome in Donald Trump causing me to rethink my position. I think she’d be a capable president but like a lot of Americans I suffer from Clinton fatigue.. It’s time for them to go away.

  189. s August 3, 2016 at 12:52 pm #

    What about her support of 1 company controlling the world’s food supply..monsanto. get another clue. And now Bayer wants to buy Monsanto so they can monopolize. Farmers all over the world are fighting GMOS taking over so that everyone pays Monsanto for seeds. Get another clue. Vermont now requires companies to label. Obama has signed off on the Dark act so we never know what’s in our food. Isn’t tour food tasteless? Mine sure is. Due to GMOs. Hillary loves plastic food and it’s money. I will hold my nose and vote for her, but will keep her feet to the fire about Monsanto. You need more clues.

  190. Till August 3, 2016 at 12:56 pm #

    Reading this confirms that people will believe what they want to believe. Our culture’s dive into relative truth (what is true for me may not be true for you and vice versa) has come to maturity. When someone can chose to believe that Hillary is honest or even “more honest” than another candidate when she has been repeatedly caught lying and then lying about lying, we are fully into creating our own reality. This whole premise is absurd. There is no point discussing the reality of her deceit because you will continue to chose to believe what you want and read those who agree with you.

  191. Debra Lentz August 3, 2016 at 12:58 pm #

    Pardon me for interrupting the HRC love fest, but I’m speaking out as someone who doesn’t trust her as well. First, I really don’t care if our President is black, white, yellow, brown, red or any other color. Nor do I care if they are male or female or trans or whatever gender. I just want someone that I can trust to do what is right for our citizens, as opposed to what is right for corporate America. I also abhor Trump; he’s a cancer on a boil on the ass of America. My problems with HRC are that 1) she demonstrably lies. A lot. “taking fire”, that’s just one example. 2) she flipflops on her positions, depending on what she feels will get her elected. I don’t want a focus group President, I want one with a strong moral center, who will stand for what is right. 3) when her husband cheated on her, she let it go, presumably because it would damage her brand. 4) she allowed (or directed) DWS to game the DNC to insure that Sanders never had a fair chance against her. Bottom line: she has demonstrated time and time again that she has little to no integrity, and I find it appalling that so many are jumping on the “poor little Hillary” bandwagon. I honestly don’t know where my vote is going to go at this point. Certainly not Trump, never Trump. I just don’t know if I can hold my nose and vote for HRC because of the very real reservations I have about her.

  192. rwcreativellc August 3, 2016 at 1:03 pm #

    Blah blah blah. Every American in our great country does Not agree with you, know this and know it well because we are ALL equals with enaleinable rights to do our own due dilegence instead of feeding from your selected dreamy pie in the sky metaphors (that themselves carry no evidence) to emotionally move people to vote your way. Never The factually proven profound unethical soulless liar. We are what we choose to eat.

  193. Lucira Jane Nebelung August 3, 2016 at 1:07 pm #

    Well written and comprehensive. Thank you.

    I ask that you consider that being factual is intellect (honesty of the mind) and not the same as being truthful (honesty of the heart) and does not make one trustworthy.

    Clinton is well qualified and will do well managing within and sustaining our current systems of corporate corruption (which she has demonstrated through the Clinton Foundation while SoS). She has not demonstrated she has integrated her mind and heart (true meaning of integrity) and so have the inner power to truly lead forward in service of creating social, economic, political, and environmental justice for all of us as human beings.

  194. Jeff Hess August 3, 2016 at 1:18 pm #

    I to was (and still am), a Sanders supporter. While I’ve accepted that he isn’t the nominee and, barring some unforeseen event that ushers in a third viable candidate, will easily vote Hillary over Trump… my perspective on her hasn’t changed in recent days. It isn’t because of GOP generated scandals or biased media reporting that I view her candidacy with much reservation, it’s her character & principle that I find troubling. Her statement following US action in Libya “We came, we saw, he died”, in my mind, reveals a belief in military might over diplomacy (supported many times over by her voting record). Working overseas at the time I came to appreciate how other nations see the US when our SOS provides soundbites like this and I don’t think we’re well served electing someone who thinks like this to nation lead. Her vote on Iraq, her position on fracking, Iraq as a business opportunity, etc., these aren’t GOP generated complaints they’re left-oriented.

    And as for the politifact study that is cited time and time again as proof of there honesty… it’s based on contentious statements not a random sampling. Then comparing relative percentages in an effort to gauge relative honesty opens the door to a host of issues. For instance, if a candidate was almost entirely honest making no contentious statements save 1, which turned out to be wrong, they would rate as the least honest on a percentage evaluation against someone who told the truth only half the time. During this election cycle for example Hillary has made 236 statements that were considered to be contentious by politifact and Sanders 106. A swamping difference that isn’t captured in the analysis done by third parties (politifact does not attempt to compare candidates probably for this exact reason, it’s always someone else’s analysis using their data). Of those statements Hillary made 5 “pants on fire” statements and Bernie 0. This is probably the only category one can point to as an accurate measure of honesty as the rest (candidates including Hillary will point out), are a mishmash of mischaracterizations, or misunderstandings. If one still insists on using the comparisons one should note that they become bucketed together (half truth, the ‘half way point between a lying and honesty, is included in the truth bucket), this works to Hillary’s advantage (as does the bucketing comparison used on the ‘lying’ end of the scale). In all, it’s a crap study and not something anyone with a name would stand beside but few take the time to look at the actual data and so it continues to be shared and treated as fact simply because people want to believe it. Regardless of skewed reportings on her honesty there are valid reasons to not support her candidacy and these are rarely talked about… only the GOP scandal issues are ever explored to be rightly dismissed. Her failure to condemn the DNC emails, and apparent bias in the primary cycle, instead offering an honorary role to the no.1, is a telling example of what kind of leader she promises to be.

  195. Molly Lyons August 3, 2016 at 1:19 pm #

    Fascinating that the majority of people, thus far, commenting here who are insisting that Hillary Clinton is a liar and a criminal are men. Hmmmm. And they don’t seem to have read your article or, if they did, their misogyny is so strong, they refuse to accept any information that might change their minds.

    Thank you for your insightful and open article, Michael Hulshof-Schmidt. I deeply respect that you are willing to admit you learned and hung onto misinformation. More than that, I appreciate your willingness to learn and change. What a breath of fresh air in our current political climate!!

    I had such hopes for Bernie but, like him, always said that I would confidently vote for Hillary if she got the nomination. With the backlash against her growing stronger, I have been seeking articles such as yours and, you know, FACTS, to support my confidence in her or prove the opposite. Pretty much all I find, factually speaking, is reason to not only confidently vote for her but enthusiastically do so.

    I’ll be saving and sharing your article often.

    Count me a new fan!

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 3, 2016 at 2:36 pm #

      Molly, yes. I have been rather sad and disappointed at the vitriol coming from mostly men, who it would seem did not bother to read the article. Thank you for sharing it and for your kind words here. Peace, Michael.

      • Molly Lyons August 3, 2016 at 4:56 pm #

        You’re welcome.

        I see comments have gotten even stickier since this afternoon!

        Your grace and wit seem to be keeping you rising above the ugliness. I can’t imagine what you’re reading that doesn’t make it to the blogpost!!

        Peace, indeed, we need it.


      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 3, 2016 at 5:28 pm #

        Thank you, Molly! 🙂

      • Jeff Hess August 3, 2016 at 5:16 pm #

        As “a man” who left a comment here I feel I should point out I did read your article (that’s why I took the time to point out the failings of using the politifact data to determine honesty). Essentially, your article speaks to GOP scandals which I agree can be largely dismissed as politically motivated. Hoping for actual dialogue on the important issue of our nations leader I shared where my trepidation around her comes from. No response though. It seems like you (Michael), only respond to people who are agreeing with you to congratulate each other, or, summarily dismiss those who don’t agree by generalizing them as ‘males spouting vitriol’ or ‘failing at cognitive dissonance’. As I stated in my original comment “there are valid reasons not to support her candidacy”, just as there are valid reasons not to support Sanders or any other politician’s move to govern. Refusing to speak to the reasons people offer up, concentrating instead on cherry picked GOP scandals, doesn’t add any value to national dialogue. It seems like you’re trying to fuel the narrative it’s all sexist and misogynist based. An unhealthy (and untrue), narrative to foster.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 3, 2016 at 5:27 pm #

        Jeff, there are close to 600 comments. I am not responding to all of them, no! How narcissistic of you to think it is personal.

      • Jeff Hess August 4, 2016 at 9:54 am #

        I noted that the author is only responding to accept accolades from people who agree with him while summarily dismissing those who don’t agree by generalizing them as ‘males spouting vitriol’ or ‘failing at cognitive dissonance’. Continuing the trend, he responded to call me a narcissist for expecting a response.

        Seems safe to say this isn’t a space open for meaningful dialogue. There are many valid reasons not to support Hillary’s candidacy just as there are for Sanders, Stein, etc. Failure to recognize, and instead paint any naysayers as sexist or misogynist, is a shameful failing along the ilks of Trump reasoning where opposing voices aren’t allowed.

        I’ll jump on your bandwagon of name calling then to say “you’re a Trump”.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 4, 2016 at 9:59 am #

        Jeff, most curious that you are lying here! I did, in fact, reply to your post! You are a sad hypocrite!

    • rwcreativellc August 3, 2016 at 3:05 pm #

      You told on yourself when you prefaced your post at the beginning singling out the entire male specie as being the only biased humans on the planet. This terribly discredited your entire post for me. I don’t fit into your male bias data and therefore cannot believe your entire post. My own mother born in 1922 was the most consistently balanced and fair female I’ve ever know. She is now 94 and hasn’t changed a bit. She makes Hillary look like a hardened criminal, and yet they are both female. This race is not about sexual orientation, it is about personal integrity for me. I am a principal’d man thanks to that woman in my life, not the man you need me to be.

  196. Mike Ault August 3, 2016 at 1:27 pm #

    This article says nothing, proves nothing and uses a leftist mouthpiece as its primary reference. What else needs to be said? After looking at the other comments I doubt this one will be “approved.”

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 3, 2016 at 2:34 pm #

      Mike, you have demonstrated a concerning inability to tolerate any type of cognitive dissonance. How sad for you.

  197. Russ Reese August 3, 2016 at 1:30 pm #

    If you were still holding out hope for Bernie 4 weeks ago – you obviously have some issues with reality. And this article just reflects your latest bout with the real world vs. the way that you wish the world was.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 3, 2016 at 2:33 pm #

      Russ, you have demonstrated how unkind you are. I suspect you must be voting for Trump.

  198. pattispadaro August 3, 2016 at 1:35 pm #

    Thank you Michael. This is a very thoughtful and accurate piece, which needs to be heard. I agree wholeheartedly.

    • DontUEverVax!!! (@harmonystarling) August 3, 2016 at 3:53 pm #

      Hillary is an illegitimate candidate. She didn’t really win, she should not be up there and I don’t believe that you ever supported Bernie based on your fawning nonsense.

      • Bernie Sanders August 3, 2016 at 4:10 pm #

        Don’t be such a poor sport…she won by the popular vote….this is a independently verified fact Since you haven’t got a clue….just go vote for Trump.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 3, 2016 at 4:13 pm #

        Thank you, Bernie Sanders. Peace, Michael.

      • Jane doe August 3, 2016 at 5:03 pm #

        You’re an imbicil.

      • Marcia Ramirez August 3, 2016 at 6:30 pm #

        I agree with this well written article. Obviously you are unable to face reality. . The reality in this case being the simple fact, Hillary won. Fair and square, she won. Trump is going around egging Bernie’s supporters on with the rigged election stuff, don’t buy into that garbage. Hillary won, she received more delegates, she is the legitimate candidate representing the Democratic party. You can keep on making yourself miserable and looking foolish or you can just face the facts. Bernie lost, Hillary won.

      • Jay Btr August 3, 2016 at 7:28 pm #

        She won ! Get over it and get over yourself, DUEV ! BYE

      • Nina Buckler Eckhoff August 3, 2016 at 8:33 pm #

        If you vote for Trump or don’t vote at all then you never really believed in the Sanders policies in the first place. Hillary is your best bet. And, yes, dear, as the Democratic nominee for president, she is very much a legitimate candidate. I know you feel bad, but please try to get over it. We need your vote!

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 3, 2016 at 8:33 pm #

        Yes, we need your vote! 🙂 Thank you, Nina. Peace, Michael.

    • Betty Hudson August 4, 2016 at 11:20 am #

      I agree wholeheartedly. Very articulate, thoughtful piece. EVERYONE should read this piece!

  199. Trong Tran August 3, 2016 at 1:41 pm #

    Give credit to people that deserves it. Give Mrs. Clinton all the credit she deserves. This is the most ambitious person that I have seen in my entire life. A woman that worked so hard for what she wants since she was in college as I have known of. I have always vote for a republican president but not this time around. Hillary Clinton will be our next president thank God for this. I cannot imagine what would it become of this country if the other candidate would win it. By the way it would profoundly awesome that for the first time that husband and wife both become President of the greatest country in the world. That was never happened before and will never ever happen again in this great universe.

    • Anton August 3, 2016 at 6:47 pm #

      Try an Obama with a Michelle Chaser. It would go down far easier than a double shot of Clinton.

    • Marie August 4, 2016 at 1:20 am #

      You ask why? Here are just a few reasons. Do you remember any of these? So she should get a pass?

      Need reasons for ” Why not to vote for Hillary?”
      Read it and weep.

      Whitewater, 1992
      Travelgate, 1993
      Vince Foster Death, 1993
      Paula Jones/Monica Lewinsky, 1994
      Filegate, 1996 FBI files on GOP enemies
      Benghazi, 2012
      Clinton Foundation, 2015
      Private Email Server, 2015
      Covering Bill’s dirty deeds
      Looting the White House
      Clinton U’ scam
      $ensitive intel? No experience necessary

      Hillary appointed a Clinton Foundation donor and top bundler for Clinton campaigns to a sensitive State Department intelligence advisory board – regardless of the fact he had zero experience.

      Hillary’s ‘Muslim Brotherhood princess-Huma Abedin, aka Mrs. Wiener!
      Chinagate: Sale of high-tech secrets
      Landing under sniper fire’ in Bosnia
      Hillary’s ‘missing’ law firm billing records
      Hillary’s ‘missing’ speeches
      Pardongate: Hillary Senate contributions
      Hillary’s cash cows and 9,987 percent profit
      Clinton body count: ‘You find dead people’
      Hillary’s radical pal, Saul Alinsky
      Hillary laughs about defending child rapist
      Hill ca$hes in: Iranian fundraising
      Peter Franklin Paul: Another Hillary friend goes to prison

      Oh, one more reason, Jerry Zeifman said he supervised Hillary Rodham Clinton as she worked on the team that worked on the Watergate impeachment inquiry pertaining to Richard Nixon, and that during the investigation Hillary Clinton had “…engaged in a variety of self-serving, unethical practices in violation of House rules.” He removed her from the investigation!
      How can you say she is honesty and trust worthy?

  200. Marsha August 3, 2016 at 1:47 pm #

    It has nothing to do with her being a woman. I personally have never felt she was the right woman to be President as she lacks the integrity and honesty to represent women. What Hillary wants is not what the majority of America wants according to the polls. We don’t want a socialist country. PERIOD!!

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 3, 2016 at 2:31 pm #

      Actually, Marsha, many of us do want a socialist country.

      • Nancy August 3, 2016 at 2:51 pm #

        Figures. Godless people.

      • LBee August 3, 2016 at 3:12 pm #

        Yup, socialist, as in doing what Jesus told us to do…care for our fellow human beings, no exceptions.

      • Diane VanDorn August 3, 2016 at 3:50 pm #

        YES Michael Hulsof-Schmidt!

      • Wendy August 3, 2016 at 4:19 pm #

        Not me

      • Edward Flaxman August 3, 2016 at 4:51 pm #

        I wonder if Marsha read a description of Socialism she would understand that we already have Socialism in USA Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, government run Police force and on and on..

      • todd furubayashi August 3, 2016 at 5:18 pm #

        you have no clue what you are really in pursuit of. a socialist country economy requires a police state to create an equality of labor that can only be supported by human output at par with the prescribed model means someone will have to make up the difference for shortages and other inequalities.

      • Dennis Wilson+ August 3, 2016 at 6:38 pm #

        And many of us want a voluntary society, free to decline to participate in public programs not of our choosing, even including Medicare and Social Security — though we have no problem if you and other like-minded citizens wish to have and administer those programs for and among yourselves. That’s why I’m voting for Gary Johnson

      • Sharifah Debby A. Clark August 3, 2016 at 6:58 pm #

        The problem with socialism is that there is no free lunch! Just check out the USSR prior to it’s break up, the millions of people slaughtered by Stalin to gain control of this region of the world. I love our system, as a disabled person I would like to see some things change like the cost of medications and the ability to purchase secondary insurance. That being said, the $15/hr wage is not real. As wages rise costs rise. So not only are you getting no where, you actually hurt my group and especially the elderly.

      • strawberryJAMM August 3, 2016 at 8:17 pm #

        @todd furubayashi and @Sharifah Debby A. Clark: Ever heard of Canada? We’re a very “socialist” country (compared to the USA) and we’re not a”police state” and our elderly and disabled benefit greatly from our government backed medical benefits.

        “Socialism” isn’t what you’re afraid of, “Communism” is – they are *not* the same thing.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 3, 2016 at 8:23 pm #

        StrawberryJamm, thank you so very much! I really appreciate your chiming in here! Peace, Michael.

      • Nichol August 3, 2016 at 11:39 pm #

        Moron……..then move to a socialist country and get the hell away from us in the United States.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 4, 2016 at 5:55 am #

        My you are charming, or rather charm free!

      • MJ August 4, 2016 at 3:31 am #

        That’s working so well for Venezuela.

      • Matt August 10, 2016 at 9:15 am #

        Well, many more of us don’t. There are many countries that practice socialism. Why not move there and leave America as it is?

    • Lance August 3, 2016 at 3:05 pm #

      How does she lack integrity and honesty? Facts please. Again, statements with nothing to back them up.

      • Matthew Fletcher August 3, 2016 at 3:54 pm #

        List of lies

        Dead Broke – In an interview, Clinton stated that she “came out of the White House not only dead broke, but in debt.” Something even the left-leaning Politifact found to be false.
        Sniper Fire – During the 2008 campaign, Clinton said she came under sniper fire in Bosnia during the ’90s. She went so far as to claim her group ran “with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base.” Video of her actual arrival surfaced showing a very calm scene instead, and the Democrat would quickly say she simply misspoke.
        Immigrant Grandparents – When discussing immigrant stories, Clinton asserted that “all my grandparents… came over here.” It was another story Politifact said was false, as only one of her grandparents was an immigrant.
        Sir Edmund Hillary – Seems Clinton can’t even bring herself to tell the truth about her own name. She claimed to be named after Sir Edmund Hillary, one of the first men to climb Mt. Everest. One small problem though, the explorer didn’t climb Everest until Clinton was 6 years old.
        The Few, The Proud, The Marines – Very recently, Clinton claimed to have been turned down by the Marines when she applied in 1975. Washington Post fact-checkers quickly realized the absurdity that a rising legal star at the time, and soon to be wife of Bill Clinton, would drop everything and ship off with the Marines. They gave her a couple of Pinocchios for her tall tale.
        Secret E-Mails – Former Secretary of State Clinton claimed her infamous private e-mail server was set up in “accordance with the rules and the regulations in effect.” A federal judge disagreed, saying Clinton “violated government policy” when she used a private server to store official State Department messages.
        Benghazi – Clearly the most reprehensible lie of them all – Clinton failed to tell the truth about a terrorist attack that killed four Americans in Benghazi. She claimed for weeks, standing over the flag-draped coffins of murdered Americans, that an insensitive YouTube video had incited the violence that occurred that night. Why? Because a terrorist attack on the anniversary of 9/11 – which it was – would have destroyed President Obama’s re-election chances. But hey, at the end of the day it’s worth it to Clinton to tell a politically expedient lie, so long as her party can stay in power.

        Read more:

      • Jimmy Miller August 3, 2016 at 5:42 pm #

        Matthew Fisher’s list is a bunch of stuff that doesn’t matter along with one thing where she was cleared of any wrongdoing by a committee that was extremely biased against her and one minor infraction that wasn’t prosecutable when she did it, nor was it prosecutable when everyone in the Bush Administration did it. He must be a Trumpie or a Bernie Bro. Either way, it’s a bunch of crap that only partisan hacks try to push.

      • Lori August 3, 2016 at 6:30 pm #

        You have to ask????

      • Liza Finnie August 3, 2016 at 7:54 pm #

        Excellent point Lance….

    • rwcreativellc August 3, 2016 at 3:06 pm #

      Right on!

      • rwcreativellc August 3, 2016 at 3:11 pm #

        No socialist country for me either. When people of all races and gender treat each other with respect and dignity as our Constitution lays out, there is no need for socialist policies. When you buy a great car, and proceed to trash it, it is in no way a reflection on the manufacturer of the car. It is a reflection of its current owner and operator.

    • LBee August 3, 2016 at 3:09 pm #

      You forgot to give examples of her lack of integrity and honesty.

    • Jason August 3, 2016 at 3:09 pm #

      ‘she lacks the integrity and honesty to represent women.’ Someone didn’t read this post. At all.

      • Jim August 3, 2016 at 4:11 pm #


      • xnlover August 3, 2016 at 8:10 pm #

        Also, in many of the posts, it becomes clear that people don’t know the difference between socialism and communism. One referred to Stalin’s killing millions, and another referred to socialism “requiring a police state to force an equality of labor.” The USSR was a communist country, and countries such as the United Kingdom, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and others are socialist countries that are far from police states trying to force everyone to work for their supper. Beyond that, there’s what we have here – democratic socialism – rather than socialism engineered from the top down. The people elect the representatives, and the representatives formulate the policies the people indicate they want (or, at least in theory). So, it seems we must have a lot of people commenting on here whose primary news source is Fox, since studies have shown that Fox viewers are the least well-informed about reality of the viewers of any of the major news networks in the country. I hope Roger Ailes’ departure will allow for a person with greater honesty and a commitment to the truth to reshape the network; but with Rupert Murdoch still at the top of the corporation, I doubt that will happen. I trust Hillary will prevail, but it will be an uphill fight, considering all the distortions and outright lies that are streaming from Fox and other sources.

    • Bernie Sanders August 3, 2016 at 4:16 pm #

      Did you even bother to read the article? Its about how Hillary was deemed the most honest candidate by an award winning fact checkers and how she been a victim of misogynist and Republican slander for the last 30 years. If you still want to call her untrustworthy, thats your choice, but know you are falling for a hate campaign. What is it exactly that she wants that Americans don’t want. Safer gun control? Higher wages? better medical care? People like you throw out statements and false claims without any proof to back it up. Can you provide us with a link to these polls you claim exist?

      • Liesl Wright August 3, 2016 at 6:16 pm #

        Playing the sexism card when this person running for president has a loooooong record of unethical and downright dangerous warmongering policy is just shocking to me. She blatantly conspired to overthrow the democratically elected president of Honduras, leaving that country in a shambles. She pushed Obama into bombing Libya, leaving that country in a complete mess and encouraging ISIS. She spread fracking around the world, She has supported anti-environmental, industry-supported initiatives. She supported the Wall Street Bailout. She served on the board of Walmart during a time when their policies led to low pay for workers, subsidies for the company and competitive practices that put many independently owned businesses out of business across the country. When women came forward to accuse her husband of sexual harassment, she defended them and made them out to be money-hungry whores. Even if you don’t believe any of these women who claim that Bill sexually harassed them, Hillary used distinctly sexist disparaging comments regarding them like “floozy” and “bimbo.” She supported Bill’s economic policies that led to widespread poverty for children and women, particularly non-white children and women.She broke the rules at the State department so that she could have a secret email on a secret server so that she could conduct her shady business in the second most powerful position in the country. I wonder who she would select for SoS. She was an outspoken opponent of gay marriage for years until her political agenda pushed her to change her tune. I shudder to think! She colluded with the DNC to destroy Bernie Sander’s campaign. She works for money and not the people. There is more! There is so much more! There is so much I don’t have the time to post it all here! Her whole career has been a series of lies and bad choices. She sucks and I don’t give a damn what she’s sporting between her legs. This article is unbelievably offensive because using her gender to defend her indefensible record is downright sexist!

        And I’m not going to stand for being called a sexist when I support a woman for president. Just not that woman!

      • Roni Carlson August 3, 2016 at 6:41 pm #

        Thank you Bernie!

      • PapaReptevia August 3, 2016 at 7:27 pm #

        How about more job outsourcing trade deals? How about almost imperceptible incremental change? How about a candidate that doesn’t take millions of dollars from big business? How about a candidate that doesn’t have a campaign that works hand in hand with the DNC to undermine her competitor? She has illustrated again and again that she will say whatever it takes and change positions whenever politically expedient. (see list above) Has the right persecuted her? Yes. Has she been vilified for being a woman seeking power? Again, yes. Does she resemble the lilly white bastion of virtue and honesty this article claims? Of course not. I will vote for her. I only hope Bernie has pushed her to the left. Another Clinton paying lip service to the left while giving the right almost everything they want, again, would be very unfortunate.

    • A Lynn Arnold August 3, 2016 at 4:21 pm #

      According to the “votes” yes the American people do want what Hillary wants. Some want even more, but she definitely is aiming for the eroded middle Class and working families. And with her qualifications, and experience, if she’s not the right woman. . . we don’t have one.

      • Susie Schaaf August 4, 2016 at 3:10 am #

        Clinton just said in a speech that she is going to raise taxes on the middle class. I just heard it. What if this election had nothing to do with sex, male or female, what if it just had to do with integrity, honesty, and not beholding to big corporations? Fact is, Hillary has taken huge contributions from Monsanto, Wall Street, and more. This can be verified. This has been verified. Now, if she gets elected, who do you think she will be beholden to?

    • Molly Lyons August 3, 2016 at 4:38 pm #

      Which polls? She wants what most democrats and progressives want? If you mean, by “majority”, that she doesn’t want what conservatives want, say so.
      Do you have any clue as to how Hillary Clinton votes on women’s issues or what she had accomplished internationally for women? Clearly not, or you wouldn’t accuse her of lacking the integrity to represent women.
      And as for the *yawn* honesty issue: did you actually READ the article?
      Oh, and if you don’t want socialism here, I hope you don’t intend to drive on any roads. Or bridges. Or libraries. Or first responders like police and firefighters. Your mail? Do you get mail? Social security? Did you pay into that socialist crap? Did you go to public school? Ever visit a museum?

      Gosh, I sure love what socialism has done for me.

      • Tom Strouse August 4, 2016 at 5:33 am #

        I most definitely intend to vote enthusiastically for Hillary. She is highly competent, hardworking, and she will do a great job. But I can’t lionize her… She has made changes in her positions ( as politicians with long track records have) that indicate problematic stuff. Hillary particularly has become more willing to do Wall Street bidding at the expense of poor people and particularly women of poverty. Please see this interview with Elizabeth Warren about Hillary and the bankruptcy bill.

    • Kathy August 3, 2016 at 4:46 pm #

      Are you aware what socialism is? Socialism is taxpayer funds being used collectively to benefit society as a whole, despite income, contribution, or ability. We enjoy that in society now. Your firemen, your policemen, our military, our libraries, our roads and bridges, museums, public schools, and social security to name a few. Hilliary will be a fine representative of woman.

    • lilystraveladventures August 3, 2016 at 5:24 pm #

      Marsha, where’s your evidence that Hillary (as you said), “lacks the integrity and honesty to represent women?” And please think critically, and not use your feelings. And get the facts before you put your emotions ahead of your wit; that is, if you have any (wit).

      • Tb August 3, 2016 at 5:43 pm #

        Did you not read Matthew Fletcher’s statements above. Don’t forget all the women that Bill had sexual relations with Hillary did her best to keep them quiet. Or maybe the man who raped a 12 year and Hillary did everything she could to get him off. How about her firing people so she could hire her buds and didn’t they get fined for some illegal activities

    • Donna Stebbins August 3, 2016 at 5:29 pm #

      Marsha, Marsha, Marsha, you personally not feeling that a woman who has given her adult life working on behalf of those who are less fortunate, those who have been cheated because of their gender, those children who needed a good education, food and healthcare, those women who felt that they were in charge of their own body, and that lgbt rights are human rights, is not fit to be president, tells me a lot about you.You have little or no heart and soul. Period!

    • Jackie August 3, 2016 at 6:04 pm #

      Did you even read the article above!! She most surely is honest and has more integrity than anyone you ever knew. You are very misinformed and should start checking facts yourself…

    • Sylvia Popelka August 3, 2016 at 6:22 pm #

      Marsha….for whom are you speaking? I am a woman that thinks she will do a superb job and do trust her.

    • E. Hutton August 3, 2016 at 6:39 pm #

      I am extremely grateful for your thoughtful, well articulated words.

    • Amanda August 3, 2016 at 9:54 pm #

      Case in point. YOU are the problem, Marsha.

    • Øyvind August 4, 2016 at 2:13 am #

      Marsha, even with Hillary your country would be on the blue side compared to the average of all developed countries in the world.
      I think there might be a misunderstanding in general in the US on what is socialism and what is welfare. In short, welfare is what you gain with good government and what you loose with bad government. F ex you loose it with socialism on one side and the more radical right wingers on the other side. Then you start regaining it with well run government like Clinton in the nineties and Obama now (pls look at the numbers), and for once it seems the process can continue without an eight year brake this time. That’s not socialism, that’s welfare in progress. Look at the results before you gun it down.
      Øyvind (Norway)

  201. Jennifer August 3, 2016 at 1:49 pm #


  202. quietonetowatch August 3, 2016 at 1:49 pm #

    Great article; however, it’s disappointing, especially for a Bernie supporter, that you haven’t remarked on Hillary’s complicity with the DNC’s flagrant (and now proven) involvement with manipulating the primary process. No one doubts that, no matter what, the DNC wanted Clinton. Even after the resignation of, I’m not sure how many at this point, DNC officials, no one from the organization has addressed it. Why hasn’t the honest Clinton condemned it? How can the honest Clinton possibly accept her party’s nomination through such an undemocratic process? I have no wish to be confrontational, rather, I have serious concern that Americans would be so willing to look the other way when our democracy is undermined. I see you are very good with answering your comments. I hope you can give me your perspective on how you can overlook the rigging of the election in Clinton’s favor without simultaneously saying that the election process is unimportant. Thank you in advance.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 3, 2016 at 2:31 pm #

      I have yet to see any accurate evidence that points to this “rigging” of the primaries.

      • quietonetowatch August 3, 2016 at 3:37 pm #

        I see. Thank you for your reply.

      • Kimberly August 3, 2016 at 3:41 pm #

        Exactly! I have also yet to see any of the people who are so upset about Hillary winning the primary address the very real fact that Bernie did not win the popular primary vote! I say this as someone who voted for Bernie and very much wanted him to be our next president. My candidate lost the primary fair and square. All of this talk about the DNC and rigged elections cannot stand under the simple weight of facts and rationality and those are that Bernie got roughly 3,775,437 fewer votes than Hillary. That is it. There is nothing more to discuss. I’m voting for Hillary in the general because I don’t want a racist, misogynist, bigot in the White House and the more I learn about Hillary the happier I am to do it.

      • Thomas Claypool August 3, 2016 at 3:44 pm #

        Anytime Donald isn’t winning, the evidence points to the”rigging” of
        the system, according to Donald Trump, the elitist White, rich Daddy’ boy!

      • rwcreativellc August 3, 2016 at 4:11 pm #

        And you would found something colorful to say about Dr Ben Carson as well. Of course you would have. The thing you feared has come upon you.

      • Lottie Jane August 3, 2016 at 10:37 pm #

        What’s more, in the vast trove of emails that I saw, only one came from a person involved with the Clinton campaign; the emailer was a lawyer (who should have known better) that gave a suggestion on how to present some information. The DNC may have been biased, but there is ZERO evidence that the Clinton campaign was “complicit”.

      • Tom Strouse August 7, 2016 at 8:21 pm #

        Not rigging… But definitely squelching grass roots organization in favor of party sponsored candidate. Again… NO WAY I don’t vote for her. But clear eyed as Elizabeth Warren.

    • jimzipcode August 3, 2016 at 3:50 pm #

      The DNC wanting Hillary is not the same thing as Hillary manipulating the primary process. In fact, the DNC seems so incompetent, I don’t think they could rig a shoestring, let alone an election.

      Nothing “undemocratic” about the candidate who got 3 million more votes, winning.

    • Holly August 3, 2016 at 3:57 pm #

      It’s funny, Bernie supporters seem to forget that the DNC is a party organization and its mission is to support and advance the needs of the Democratic party, not to satisfy every whim of the electorate. If the process is undemocratic, it’s because the DNC is not the government and its rules aren’t those of a democracy, for better or for worse (remember that those “superdelegate” rules were put in place to prevent the equivalent of a Donald Trump from winning a nomination). It has its own rules that are not equivalent to the constitutional laws and legislative statutes that govern general elections.

      Bernie Sanders wasn’t even a Democrat until this election cycle. It became very clear (to any objective person crunching the numbers) months ago that there was next to no chance he could secure the nomination. Is it any surprise that at this point, the DNC had a clear preference for a candidate who has been a staunch and loyal soldier for the Democratic party over one who jumped on the bandwagon only when it suited him to do so?

      • A Lynn Arnold August 3, 2016 at 4:36 pm #

        I concur here as well. Everyone in the DNC was just waiting for HRC to announce that she was running. . . because, if not her, then who else would run? Only Joe Biden was a known, possible contender. But then, if nobody else ran, it would really be onesided, lopsided to not use the primary to ramp up to the general election. Bernie, yes came on board, didn’t totally work within the party, but he did, and so did his supporters—bring, the debate to the democratic primary. He did raise issues, and rallied the democratic cause. He made Hillary a better candidate for it. Without a doubt, their debates and townhall sessions were heads and shoulders above anything the Republicans offered then or now.

      • Matthew Fletcher August 5, 2016 at 3:57 am #

        “every whim of the electorate”? Is that all the votes of the people who vote in the primary are to you? Why just slide into a monarchy,
        based on family tree and jousting skills?

    • Lucia August 3, 2016 at 4:01 pm #

      Bernie’s own press secretary said the primary was not rigged

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 3, 2016 at 4:02 pm #

        Lucia, thank you for providing this link! 🙂 Peace, Michael.

      • rwcreativellc August 3, 2016 at 4:17 pm #

        Of course he did!!! Lmao. Did you just turn 21???

      • quietonetowatch August 3, 2016 at 4:42 pm #

        Thanks, I wanted this perspective. All I seem to hear from is the Bernie or bust side, which is very vocal. There is no direct evidence of “rigging” and I regret using the word; however, the number of the resignations in the DNC, and the hateful, or at the very least snarky, tone of the leaked emails left me feeling very suspicious of the party Clinton represents. Thanks for the thoughtful comments.

    • MJR August 3, 2016 at 10:52 pm #

      Matthew F – That was NOT a Markos Moulitsas diary. Maybe do more than read the title. That group has been debunked as being a bunch of conspiracy theorists, not a legitimate group, and all of their CT’s have been debunked each and every time they bring a CT forth.

      • Matthew Fletcher August 5, 2016 at 4:07 am #

        It is from his website. He provides the content, even if he did not write the article. Did you not notice? You should pay closer attention.
        They claim with good reason that the election was rigged. Read the report. Allot of interesting points are made. And it dovetails with the hacked DNC emails.
        Please note, I posted this in response to Hulshof-Schmidt looking for claims that the election was rigged. I posted some one’s 96-page claim. Maybe you find it unpersuasive. Fine. But to say it is debunked because a group of Hillary supporters don’t like it, and call it a conspiracy theory, is lazy and wrong.

  203. Jay Leo August 3, 2016 at 1:55 pm #

    If you ignore what she did in Haiti, Honduras, Syria and Lybia, the fact that Russia now owns 25% of Uranium mined in the US and Canada thanks to her help, and that she provided heavy weapons to ISIS, all the bribes to the CGI Foundation and her threats to use nuclear weapons against Iran and Russia, then she would be okay!

    • Christine Giuda August 3, 2016 at 2:50 pm #

      Also if you ignore the 4 people who died in Benghazi and the fact that she believes a baby one day from being born has no rights and can be aborted as in killed at full term and you are OK with that and her lack of care with classified, highly classified documents claiming it was either someone else’s fault or she didn’t understand after being a first lady and a senator….putting this country at risk then I guess she will be OK.
      Trump never caused or allowed people to die!

      • jimzipcode August 3, 2016 at 4:00 pm #

        No evidence ever presented of any wrongdoing by Hillary related to Benghazi. The worst thing levelled at Hillary over Benghazi is that she *might* have been un-candid with Sean Smith’s mom a week after the attack. Or she might not have been (other witnesses remember it differently).

        You’re wrong about Hillary and abortion, her Methodist upbringing left her more uncomfortable with abortion than most liberals prefer.

        I do agree that the email thing was bad. Finally, after 25 years of trying, the anti-Hillary scandal campaign generated a charge that had some substance to it.

      • Lottie Jane August 3, 2016 at 4:10 pm #

        There is nothing Clinton could have done to prevent the Benghazi attacks. By the time she found out about it, at least 2 of the people were dead. If one wants to talk about cause and effect, perhaps the untruthful justification for invading Iraq will suffice. Lest you claim that Ms. Clinton is solely responsible for the Iraq invasion, please read the speech she made to Congress before her vote.

        Those of us who were aware back then remember that GW Bush asked for the authorization for use of force in Iraq to spur the UN (and Iraq) into letting the inspectors back into the country. Days after the vote authorizing force, the UN did pass a resolution and Iraq was forced to allow UN inspectors into Iraq. If Bush had allowed the Inspectors to complete their job, the world would have known that Saddam didn’t have a nuclear weapons program and any chemical weapons were old and not too dangerous. Iraq would have been defeated without a shot fired and all those who voted for authorization would have been regarded as prescient statesmen. Unfortunately, as the Chilcott reports shows, George’s goal was always to invade. So, instead we have a meltdown in the Middle East. The meltdown may have happened anyway, but the USA could have gone in as saviours instead of invaders.

      • Kh August 3, 2016 at 5:38 pm #

        The military does not act on the orders of the diplomats or the Secretary of State. Even if HRC knew hours ahead of time, all she could have done would have been to inform the Pentagon. You give her more power than she had.

      • Nina Buckler Eckhoff August 3, 2016 at 8:29 pm #

        Christine Guida: You are aware, aren’t you, that Trump “loves war” and has asked if we have nuclear weapons why don’t we use them. Generals think he is dangerous! He wants to kill the families of terrorists. There are plenty of people that he would happily allow to die. My guess, if he used nukes, there would be retaliations of a similar ilk, and so he would allow people from the USA to die due to his love of war and desire to use weapons of mass destruction. Loves war, is just too cowardly to participate in it. Liked getting a Purple Heart “the easy way.” Nauseating and dangerous man. And, Christine, he thinks that anyone who isn’t wealthy is a loser. So, I hope you’ve got plenty of assets otherwise you do not matter to him.

      • Wendy August 3, 2016 at 8:54 pm #

        The State Department reviewed the emails that the FBI said were classified at the time and concluded they were not classified at the time. So Hillary stated truth when talking about her emails.

    • Zkeila1964 August 3, 2016 at 2:55 pm #

      Is there concrete evidence of these events?

    • shirley fields August 3, 2016 at 6:35 pm #

      proof please, not just statements

  204. Anthony Daub August 3, 2016 at 2:00 pm #

    A very good article. Thank you for sharing

  205. Bill Bradley August 3, 2016 at 2:01 pm #

    She stole furniture from the White House. Case closed.

    She lied about her emails, and the FBI confirmed it.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 3, 2016 at 2:29 pm #

      I worry that you are woefully misinformed.

    • Molly Lyons August 3, 2016 at 4:44 pm #

      Check Snopes about the furniture thing. That is not true so case OPEN.

      FBI found her….what? Pretty sure “not guilty” and no charges.

      • Roni Carlson August 3, 2016 at 6:37 pm #

        Thank you Molly and Michael. I am puzzled why people do not check facts before they lob attacks and continue “sharing” from tabloid sources. I have followed Secretary Clinton’s career for over 25 years mystified by the vitriol towards her. Also, she was not responsible for her husband’s actions. In terms of the rape of the 12 year-old, when she was a public defender, she didn’t want the case. She had no choice once she was assigned the case. The defendant passed the lie detector at which time Mrs. Clinton laughed and stated she had no faith in lie detectors. Unfortunately, Mrs. Clinton’s response was spinned to suit the opinions of those who hated her.

    • RealNiel August 3, 2016 at 5:58 pm #

  206. Joan Hollowell August 3, 2016 at 2:05 pm #

    Thank you for speaking out so eloquently and carefully about Hillary and her qualifications and history!
    I cannot explain my sadness and terror I sense if D Trump wins over Hillary!

  207. NALINA SHARMA-LECZA August 3, 2016 at 2:12 pm #

    As a nation where we profess Equal Rights for everyone, we still struggle with sexism! Women did not get the recognition until the 70’s when Night school aides many of us to venture out and gradually attacked the Glass Ceiling. Sadly, today we still continue to justify that we are capable to do “the job”. The rest of the world have given women the opportunity to prove that the are as good as the next guy. Why can’t we? Hillary Clinton has been put under the microscope and she has proved the naysayers wrong! GET OUT AND VOTE! SHE DESERVES THE OPPORTUNITY TO LEAD OUR NATION!

  208. Jill Safonne August 3, 2016 at 2:44 pm #

    I hope that she is elected and I hope she will not continue to be vilified by the press and opposition. Australia’s Julia Gillard was the best Prime Minister we have had – but people accepted the critical comments about her clothes instead of her work, and misogyny was rampant. She was strong and spoke out, calling people out for the misogyny and she was vilified for that.

  209. Leonard Holbrook August 3, 2016 at 2:48 pm #

    You have said what I have wanted to say for a long time but didn’t have the ability. thank you so much I hope everyone will read this,such honor you have to put the record straight and not drag someone else through the mud to do it.

  210. Fallon August 3, 2016 at 2:49 pm #

    I believe Hillary is being rewarded for staying by Bill’s side. My dad, a lifelong Democrat, always chuckled at what politicians like Bill Clinton and Teddy Kennedy got away with doing to and with women. Using twisted logic, under the guise of women’s rights and empowering women, Hillary is being rewarded for being the long suffering, loyal wife to a popular (but sociopath) president, nothing more, nothing less.

    “She is the war on women, as far as I’m concerned, because with every woman that she’s found out about—and she made it a point to find out who every woman had been that’s crossed his path over the years—she’s orchestrated a terror campaign against every one of these women, including me,” said (Kathleen) Willey.

    “In 1975, young lawyer Hillary Rodham was appointed to represent a defendant charged with raping a 12-year-old girl… Documents from the 1975 rape case include an affidavit (p. 34) sworn by Clinton… documented that Clinton opined to the court that they should have the complainant undergo a psychiatric exam because she [Clinton] had been ‘informed that the complainant is emotionally unstable with a tendency to seek out older men and to engage in fantasizing about persons, claiming they had attacked her body,’ and she had been told by an expert in child psychology that ‘children in early adolescence tend to exaggerate or romanticize sexual experiences.’

    Hilary Clintoin is not being judged by misogynists, she IS a misogynist.

    • Teresa Hawkey-Silvey August 3, 2016 at 3:28 pm #

      You need to research the whole story about Hillary doing her job as an appointed public defender. As if no public defender has ever done plea bargains for people they found personally repugnant. Read this, if you have an open mind. If your mind has been polluted by decades of anti-Hillary lies, then you are beyond hope and would deserve a Trump presidency.

      • Bunnie Doyle August 3, 2016 at 6:53 pm #

        Thanks for posting this. I knew of this but feel so drug down by the continued lies “Trumped” up against her and trying to point this out to people who don’t read or educate themselves that I couldn’t bring the energy to do it again.

    • kathleen August 3, 2016 at 3:59 pm #

      On the contrary. I believe she is being punished for not kicking bill to the curb..especially by women.

      • Victoria O'Brien August 3, 2016 at 5:58 pm #

        The fact that so many women want to punish Hillary for the actions of her husband really bothers me. Wives on both sides of the aisle choose to stay with philandering husbands. It is possible to love and eventually forgive someone despite their disrespectful behavior. It is obvious that they are great partners and have found that place of calm companionship in their later years. That’s their choice and I respect it.

        It annoys me much more that hypocritical religious women on the right, women who hate the Clintons for their ‘immorality,’ are prepared to forgive evangelists who steal from the gullible and have sex with members of their congregation, born again but porn addicted reality TV ‘stars,’ politicians who ‘hike the Appalachian Trail,’ closeted gay men outed in bathroom stalls, and politicians/media moguls like Gingrich and Ailes, who leave sick wives for younger women, buy the services of prostitutes and/or sexually harass employees for decades. Yet they keep getting re-elected or booted with big payouts, reputations seemingly untainted.

      • Joseph August 8, 2016 at 6:08 pm #

        Great list of positives about Clinton, Don Moradivan. Also, a lot of what Daniel Chobshvilli has mentioned is very well researched. It’s very bothersome the assumption that so many people commenting here attacked Daniel Chobshvilli on his right to really having different opinions on these issues. Those who did so actually can have their accusations thrown back at them, especially as few to none give counter evidence. Some comments are anti-white, anti-male, even anti-xtian. I lived in the Middle East so I sure understand the disaster both Obama and Clinton have made regarding foreign policy.

  211. Nancy Pease Whitehead August 3, 2016 at 2:58 pm #

    The constant lying about big matters and even the little matters are what concerns me the most. The obvious cheating that she condoned by the DNC to hurt Bernie and his supporters. Also the constant lifetime scandals that have followed her and Bill. More than questionable appointments she made while Sec. of State and the huge contributions the Clinton Foundation got at the same time in return for arm’s deals. Here is a true, very interesting and troubling article:

  212. Matt August 3, 2016 at 3:04 pm #

    There are two things she has said that proved to be untrue. First, there was the landing under sniper fire in Bosnia. Second, there was the claim that she had not previously been against gay marriage. That being said, two demonstrable falsehoods in such a long public life damn near qualifies her for sainthood. Trump can’t get through a day without more than that. I’m With Her.

  213. PATRICK August 3, 2016 at 3:09 pm #

    My problem with Hillary Clinton is not her gender. My problem with Hillary Clinton is not the smear campaigns from the right that she has faced through her career, which is where a lot of hate for her comes from. My problem is not her perceived smugness. I think putting everyone in the same box as for why they don’t support Clinton is poor form.

    My problem with Hillary Clinton includes some of her polices, which I won’t go into, but include perpetuating the military industrial complex at full speed. She also heavily vacillated on gay rights. When gay people needed support she was not there. When the public is in favor of gay rights, she is there conveniently. I prefer my candidates to do what is right and not what is popular when it comes to human rights.

    My problem with Hillary Clinton has to do with the primary election. I realize the DNC is not the general election, but members of the DNC actively working against Sanders and for Clinton is a disservice and insult to America. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who had to receive a phone call from the president to encourage her resignation, was the figure head for the shenanigans at the DNC. I think it would have prudent for Hillary Clinton to distance herself from this scandal, not give Schultz an honorary chair position. I realize this is an empty title, but it sends the wrong message. It says that Hillary Clinton was complicit in this corruption. That’s why people are saying she rigged the election.

    • Jen August 3, 2016 at 4:09 pm #

      I’d say if you look at her history with LGBT, you’ll find that she was there supporting their rights even while publicly stating she was unsure about gay marriage. For one thing, she is why transpeople can get their gender changed for passports and she did that without any fanfare years ago.

  214. Robyn Lee Jones August 3, 2016 at 3:11 pm #

    How completely refreshing. We Women have known this for eons but are always glad to see the facts in print. It is too tragic that the men in this country still work so hard at keeping us in “our” place. This has been the struggle of every single person who was not born rich and is considered at some time to be a minority. What I would like to share here is that during this time of turmoil in our country, I see a final emergence of the last stage that the oppressed here, are getting ready to undergo. Women have worked so long and hard to achieve what men are freely given, that we have worked ourselves into a very strong force to be reckoned with. We women have SO MUCH POWER we don’t even know we have. We rule the money, home and all of the sex. That is some pretty powerful tools. When women have been pushed to that last degree and have had to use that in the past, big things happen. I know we love being in a peaceful place but now is the time to fight back. We should have no illusions as to the fact that this is not going to end but we MUST continue the fight our mothers and great, great, grandmothers started back with Abigail Adams. Onward and upward!!

    • Tb August 3, 2016 at 5:54 pm #

      So many better woman for the position of presidency and this is coming from a man

  215. JImmy Can Do August 3, 2016 at 3:12 pm #

    How very dishonest with the title. And it’s deliberate. No wonder so many on both sides of the fence, left & right, have had it with the “Main Stream Media Industrial Complex” and the “US Government Industrial Complex.” The hypocrisy by both is breathtaking – and not in a good way. And such cowards in both because they can’t even admit their hypocrisy …

  216. CJ August 3, 2016 at 3:16 pm #

    Thank you Michael for this article on Hillary but as evidenced by some of other replies here, people will believe what they want despite the truth right in front of them. Personally, I think she will be a very good President and I am not voting for her because she is a woman. I am voting for her because I am.

  217. Hellon Heels August 3, 2016 at 3:34 pm #

    Thank you Michael! Facts are truth and those that want to seek them out and believe them will find truth! What blows my mind is how people can make comments about her not telling the truth or outright lying, and the Trump lies every time he opens his mouth and even contradicts himself over and over again…smh! Thanks again for a well versed, factual article.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 3, 2016 at 3:37 pm #

      Thank you, Hellon Heels. Yes, the double standard between HRC and Trump is quite awful! Peace, Michael.

  218. Jane Adams August 3, 2016 at 3:38 pm #

    I, too, have often asked people “on the fence” what offends them about Hillary. They always cite something the Republicans have said. The Republicans have done a wonderful job of trashing Hillary for years. I think the Democrats are at fault also, merely for the fact they have allowed the Republicans to malign her, and to continuously investigate her because of their witch hunts, witch hunts that have been proven by the Republicans, no less, to be that, because they are afraid of her. That is the only reason. The Republicans have spent over 20 million dollars investigating Hillary, and then say they want to cut Social Security, because there is no money left. Just think how far 20 million dollars would go, if they put that into the Social Security fund. They are afraid of Hillary, because they know if Hillary is elected president, the Republicans will not get the White House back for at least eight more years. We need to stand up for Hillary, and show the Republicans we will not allow for another witch hunt by them. It’s time we got beside Hillary and show the Republicans we support her, and will not believe any more lies told by them, and not allow more investigations of her.

    • courageouslistening August 3, 2016 at 4:29 pm #

      I have spoken to those who will only vote for Jill Stein. Must be wonderful to be able to vote to object to a system on principle for someone whom you can trust because the candidate’s record for integrity has never been deeply scrutinized, tested, or held publicly accountable, when never having to manage and protect lives of our military and those suffering nationally and internationally, and when never having mediated legitimate competing interests with lives at stake, and when your opportunity to stay in power to try to work within a system democratically to make change was never at stake because you have never been elected to a high office. Nice to be able to live in a fantasy world where ideologically purity never meets real life tests that shatter political records built on activities with limited consequences and supported by a small band of idealistic but passionate and principled fatalistic voters whose votes lead to further inaction. Bernie at least participated in the system with all its imperfections and is willing to keep working to make changes further changes with Hillary where there are real possibilities.

  219. Alfred Lehmberg August 3, 2016 at 3:39 pm #

    It’s ironic that _all_ of Hillary Clinton’s travails and tribulations with trust issues can be traced back, precisely, to her spearheading single payer health care in 1993, as First Lady, for her husband’s administration. For her trouble, she’s endured 25 years of baseless hectoring, libel, and slander from the likes of Rush Limbaugh, FOX News, a mendacious Republican Congress—an insentient Christian Al Qaeda—and Trey “f’n taint-spout and hypocritical swine”‘ Gowdy, among others. …Seems Hillary deserves a second look, and I’m gratified that you so eloquently provide her with a chance for one.

  220. Sandy Houlding August 3, 2016 at 3:44 pm #

    What a fairytale. Their foundations are are being investigated. Trustworthy, ha!

  221. Deb August 3, 2016 at 3:53 pm #

    Go Hillary go! Let’s quit hating strong, fair, brilliant, socially conscious women who are changing and saving the world. ❤️😘😍👍👍

    • Liesl Wright August 3, 2016 at 6:13 pm #

      Dig a little deeper, Deb.

      Hillary Clinton blatantly conspired to overthrow the democratically elected president of Honduras, leaving that country in a shambles. She pushed Obama into bombing Libya, leaving that country in a complete mess and encouraging ISIS. She spread fracking around the world, She has supported anti-environmental, industry-supported initiatives. She supported the Wall Street Bailout. She served on the board of Walmart during a time when their policies led to low pay for workers, subsidies for the company and competitive practices that put many independently owned businesses out of business across the country. When women came forward to accuse her husband of sexual harassment, she defended them and made them out to be money-hungry whores. Even if you don’t believe any of these women who claim that Bill sexually harassed them, Hillary used distinctly sexist disparaging comments regarding them like “floozy” and “bimbo.” She supported Bill’s economic policies that led to widespread poverty for children and women, particularly non-white children and women.She broke the rules at the State department so that she could have a secret email on a secret server so that she could conduct her shady business in the second most powerful position in the country. I wonder who she would select for SoS. She was an outspoken opponent of gay marriage for years until her political agenda pushed her to change her tune. I shudder to think! She colluded with the DNC to destroy Bernie Sander’s campaign. She works for money and not the people. There is more! There is so much more! There is so much I don’t have the time to post it all here! Her whole career has been a series of lies and bad choices. She sucks and I don’t give a damn what she’s sporting between her legs. This article is unbelievably offensive because using her gender to defend her indefensible record is downright sexist!

  222. Matthew Fletcher August 3, 2016 at 4:13 pm #
  223. Jason August 3, 2016 at 4:14 pm #

    Wow! That was a tiring piece of propaganda.

  224. A Lynn Arnold August 3, 2016 at 4:14 pm #

    I concur, why would anyone put up with all that she has? If even half of it were true, if she was beyond evil or corrupt to the bone–nobody would be able to cover it all up, for half as long. No, she has been held to a different standard. And she has been slightly ahead of her time, for even today’s acceptable level of a woman with her own mind and skill. You think we were better back in the 90s, but not really. In the 90s we began saying the right things, but there was and still is a large “all boys club” at the top of most businesses, and certainly politics.

  225. Susan D August 3, 2016 at 4:21 pm #

    I will vote for Hillary despite being a Bernie fan. For obvious reasons, Trump is not a viable option for our country. There are several things that bother me about Hillary that are not “creations” of the media. The most significant of which is that she sets an example for young ladies/women that it is okay for the man you love, your husband, to sleep with other women over and over throughout a marriage. I feel differently about that and think, regardless of political aspirations, that it is demeaning and a horrible example. Women deserve better than that and I hope that Chelsea will figure that out despite the example she grew up with. I realize this is not directly related to her qualifications to be President of the US but she has an attack commercial on Trump that refers to some of the examples he’s set and states that children are watching. What about what they have seen in her?

  226. D August 3, 2016 at 4:27 pm #


  227. Barry August 3, 2016 at 4:44 pm #

    At last an article that provides a well written story on Hillary’s good side(s). I’m sure that Hillary has flaws as we all do to some extent. However, all her good points as a public servant I’m aware of have to be applauded by reasonably people and people who want a person to lead us who has the public’s interests in mind. She tries hard to articulate this IMO every time she speaks in public. I was a fan of Hillary when she was First Lady and was so impressed she took the very tough position for trying to get Health Care for children. It was obvious to me back then that the dominant government officials in power were outraged because she was the First Lady (a women, right) and doing something as an unelected official. They were wrong about Hillary’s intent on this program as now a very large section of the US population is in favor of this, and thank goodness we now have something even better – The Affordable Health Care program. Thank you Hillary and Barak for persisting under enormous odds.

  228. Al Stone August 3, 2016 at 5:08 pm #

    Bravo Michael! I know you’re not looking kudos, so that’s it.

    I have followed Hillary and Bill since their early days when he was first Governor in Arkansas (I stupidly quoted him in a radio spot and received a rather quick and forced C & D letter!). I agree that the hatred some people spew is astonishing, as you say, just regurgitating Safire’s dillusional un-reality!

    Were she a male, the right-wing would attack in an entirely different way, hmm, perhaps defensively as per their chosen idiot … you know who. But here’s my question: Some of my closest friends — over 40 years and running — who are very intelligent, highly experienced, and who work in the media are among the most ardent, guilty spewers of this rubbish! If a miniscule percentage of what they babble about Ms. Clinton were true, a firing squad would have finished her off years ago, probably in front of a sold-out crowd at (fill in your favorite stadium!).
    It worries me that such otherwise intelligent, rationale people have bought in and continue to promote this hateful crap. The dumbbells, sure … we have Duck Dynasty and the Kardashians as testimony to that crowd. But men and women who “should know better?” Is it just selfishness or fear or both?
    Thank you for your excellent analysis! And for crawling through my rant!

  229. Sharon Kangas August 3, 2016 at 5:11 pm #

    Great article. Hillary will make a great president. She has so much experience and is an achiever.

  230. Susan wilson August 3, 2016 at 5:19 pm #

    There will always be a double standard when in comes to women in any position of power. There old thought of women having a place in the home is how many men think, now be somwone pounces an makes the statement that they belive im wrongin my thought process…just ask yourself the question…especially the men in powerful positions…Will you let your wives run your businesses like they run your homes? Women have had to fight for every gain they’ve made in this world. They have had ro endure very tumultuous times while rising to every occasion. See, I believe we as women have every right to be as equal, we have every right to be as tenacious, forceful, demanding and yes, in control of our own destinies. Women’s rights was more than just a movement; it was about equal pay for equal work, it was about having a level playing field with which to take a strong stand on what we knew was right. It was about sezing opportunities just like men because we to are just as intelligent, articulate, and strong as our ciunter parts. So, in the end, we need to continue to stand for what is right and just. While Hillary may never be well liked by her foe, one things for sure she will give them a great run fir the money! Hats off to her…may she remain strong in this race for her victory is our victory!

  231. Adam Randell August 3, 2016 at 5:38 pm #

    Very well written however there seems to be somthing missing. You explained you opinions in a way few can and it looks as if you spent a lot of time trying to make your case. Unfortunately there seems to be something missing, fact that can be proven. I saw you made a statement about healthcare which is something I’m familiar with. But I see nothing other than healthcare for all should be a right which I also agree. You made a planket statement which many people have agreed with for years but included no details. How will the healthcare be paid? What benefits will be included? Will there be choices and if so will the people be allowed to choose or will the government make all choices regarding each person’s care? It is a fact as I’m sure you discovered during the research you explained you have done that a whopping 6% of doctors are happy with their jobs, true? If you had been talking about the people who repair our vehicles it wouldn’t matter nearly as much how happy those people liked their jobs because they are only vehicles not human beings, agreed? When people become very ill and cannot help themselves I don’t know about you but I would want a doctor who wakes up every morning eager to provide the best care possible not an angry doctor who doesn’t really care which is exactly what has been created. My question to you rather than making a blanket statement I think we can all agree how can the system be fixed keeping in mind our country is broke. Are you able to recognize you are insulting people who are non specific while doing the exact same thing yourself. Writing well does not excuse anyone from being held to the same standards as those they are saying are non specific, wouldn’t you agree? Rather than writing a lot about nothing possibly writing a little about something may be better. What exactly was good about Hillary being Secretary of state while exposing state secrets because “I didn’t want to use two devices”. I’m an insurance agent who knows you never send a person’s personal information by email unless it’s secured properly. She was Secretary of state an office responsible for state secrets and did not use proper security protocols understood by an insurance agent, how is that responsible or forgivable? Please explain by giving a clear and concise and professional response. Thank you for hopefully thinking this through.

  232. Liesl Wright August 3, 2016 at 6:11 pm #

    So all of us supporting Jill Stein are just sexist then?

    You need to stop pretending that you believe in social justice for all. Maybe you’re interested in justice for you, but you clearly have no interest in allowing others their social justice, particularly people who aren’t white or people living in other countries, or women.

    Playing the sexism card when this person running for president has a loooooong record of unethical and downright dangerous warmongering policy is just shocking to me. She blatantly conspired to overthrow the democratically elected president of Honduras, leaving that country in a shambles. She pushed Obama into bombing Libya, leaving that country in a complete mess and encouraging ISIS. She spread fracking around the world, She has supported anti-environmental, industry-supported initiatives. She supported the Wall Street Bailout. She served on the board of Walmart during a time when their policies led to low pay for workers, subsidies for the company and competitive practices that put many independently owned businesses out of business across the country. When women came forward to accuse her husband of sexual harassment, she defended them and made them out to be money-hungry whores. Even if you don’t believe any of these women who claim that Bill sexually harassed them, Hillary used distinctly sexist disparaging comments regarding them like “floozy” and “bimbo.” She supported Bill’s economic policies that led to widespread poverty for children and women, particularly non-white children and women.She broke the rules at the State department so that she could have a secret email on a secret server so that she could conduct her shady business in the second most powerful position in the country. I wonder who she would select for SoS. She was an outspoken opponent of gay marriage for years until her political agenda pushed her to change her tune. I shudder to think! She colluded with the DNC to destroy Bernie Sander’s campaign. She works for money and not the people. There is more! There is so much more! There is so much I don’t have the time to post it all here! Her whole career has been a series of lies and bad choices. She sucks and I don’t give a damn what she’s sporting between her legs. This article is unbelievably offensive because using her gender to defend her indefensible record is downright sexist!

    And I’m not going to stand for being called a sexist when I support a woman for president. Just not that woman!

  233. Michele Mayers August 3, 2016 at 6:27 pm #

    Yes !! I agree with every word you said! I’m the only Democrat in my entire family, and I feel like pounding my heat against the wall to even hear them slander Hillary, and talk crap. I’ve always believed in her, and did my own fact checking and research. I’m with Hillary 2016!!!!

  234. Marilyn Armstrong August 3, 2016 at 6:33 pm #

    That so many people in this country have drunk this Koolaid terrifies me. I’ve always like Hillary Clinton. I thought Bernie Sander was okay, but I also felt he didn’t have much of a grip on practical things. Like numbers. If he had won, I’d have been okay with it. Dubious, but okay. Which is why I cannot understand the hysterical vitriol I’m seeing here and elsewhere. It appall me. It also frightens me. Where is this coming from? I had been think Trump was sort of too much like Hitler for my taste. Much worse, he’s an awful lot like Jim Jones.

  235. E. Hutton August 3, 2016 at 6:37 pm #

    I am extremely grateful for your thoughtful, well articulated words.

  236. Terry Lewis August 3, 2016 at 6:44 pm #

    Great article, and thanks for your quotes of various independent voices on the matter. I’m in Australia and am watching from a distance. There’s a whole lot I don’t know about American politics, but I must confess I couldn’t figure why everyone thought Hillary was so dishonest. I just accepted that I didn’t know enough. I do have to say (from my very limited perspective) that she doesn’t appear to be a fresh thinker, that she’s been a part of the furniture for a long time, and I don’t have any great hopes that she will do much to improve America overall. But what do I know? (seriously!!)

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 3, 2016 at 6:54 pm #

      Terry, please don’t judge us too harshly here. There are so many of us that are against everything Trump and the GOP platform stand for. Peace, Michael.

  237. Chaz Lanier August 3, 2016 at 6:45 pm #

    Excellent article. I appreciate you taking the time to include facts and connecting the dots. Unfortunately only the introspective critical thinker will be courageous enough to step out of their own mind and take the journey with you. And sadly, I’m sorry to say, millenials having grown up in a technology boom and immediate gratification Era, are all about the ” me me me” and “right now.” Getting millenials to lower their guard is a really hard sell. But your effort is commendable.

  238. Catherine August 3, 2016 at 6:47 pm #

    Thank you. You have clearly states the argument I have tried to get across to the women in my life who “hate” Hillary. I appreciate your candor about your movement from Bernie to Hillary through investigating the history of her fall from favor. I remember that period and all the vilification she experienced when she took on non-traditional First Lady roles, well, non-traditional from mid-century standards. Again, thank you.

  239. Dennis August 3, 2016 at 7:13 pm #

    Great article. Everyone needs to take the time to read this. Very impressive and important.

  240. LG Scoggins August 3, 2016 at 7:14 pm #

    Excellent work!

  241. Latham August 3, 2016 at 7:15 pm #

    My problem with Hillary is the same as my problem with many lifestyle politicians. Money. She’s too eager to accept massive contributions from Wall Street, from the health industry and from fossil fuels for one, though I truly believe that one affects all the other issues I have like her tolerance for fracking, her far weakened stance on healthcare, her determination to bring the Democratic Party to center-right on economic issues, her less than reliable stance on trade deals, and her unflagging support for corporate-friendly war and yes I don’t like the arrogant dismissive attitude she has for her political opponents. I also find it telling that when Bernie spoke against corporate money in government she assumed it was personal, an “artful smear,” as she called it. However, as the only other viable candidate is a big orange thin-skinned buffoonish hateful deadbeat with a short fuse and a big mouth, and we’ve seen that even the allegedly more progressive of the two major parties will defecate all over voting rights to keep real progressives marginalized, we really don’t have any better choice. That’s why I’m voting for Hillary this year. I only pray the DNC doesn’t see her victory as a license or encouragement to purge or alter voter registrations along lines determined by political posts on social media in future primaries and caucuses. Scratch that. My real hope is that after this latest disaster of an election, both major political parties will be so weak that an honest bunch of independents or third party candidates unseat the lot of their sorry asses in the future.

  242. Vicki Ryder August 3, 2016 at 7:28 pm #

    I doubt very much that the people upon whom our bombs are dropped will care very much that the one who gave the order was a woman.

  243. Shawn August 3, 2016 at 7:29 pm #

    Great article Micheal! I never understood why she was so maligned, but you make perfect sense!

  244. Debbie Lyster Gorton August 3, 2016 at 7:32 pm #

    Although your article is nicely written, it’s BULL! How can you HONESTLY say she learns from her mistakes!!??? She doesn’t learn, that’s her problem! She is CONSTANTLY being caught lying, being corrupt, taking bribes for favors,(Clinton foundation) etc.. She has been in politics for YEARS and NEVER learns! Scandal after scandal, and she’s STILL at it! She LIED under oath about the emails and put our country at RISK with classified and top secret emails. No matter HOW you try and spin it, she LIED, PERIOD. She is UNTRUSTWORTHY, and thinks she’s above the law because she keeps getting away with her crimes, and YES they are CRIMES! She is despicable, dishonest, and a disgrace! She buys people off and threatens people! Too many “coincidences” and “suicides” of people that have had the goods on her or were suppose to testify against the Clintons… Laugh all you want but it’s a LONG LIST of “aqaintances” that have been silenced, some for good! She is corrupt as they come! She’s an evil person and is NASTY too, just read up about how she treats her secret service and the people that used to work for her. It’s been proven on tape and in books by MORE than one person! She is POWER HUNGRY, that’s ALL! She wants to RULE!! PLEASE get out and vote! She can NOT be elected! And don’t VOTE because she’s a woman! I am a woman and would LOVE to see a woman in the White House because I believe a woman can do just as good or better job, but NOT THIS WOMAN!

  245. mrpeyvan August 3, 2016 at 7:50 pm #

    I wouldn’t vote for either of the two main candidates, but Trump is the only one of the two to have actually earned his place as a candidate. Hillary lied and cheated her way to a nomination. I don’t support liars or cheaters, so neither will get my vote.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 3, 2016 at 7:52 pm #

      Where is your evidence for such an allegation?

    • Roni Carlson August 3, 2016 at 9:05 pm #

      Regarding Secretary Clinton, you have a no reliable evidence to back up your allegations. Trump continues to damage his candidacy by his lack of morals and growing stupidity which should be obvious to anyone with a brain.

  246. Nancy Keefer August 3, 2016 at 8:02 pm #


    I agree with your article whole-heartedly, and have been saying similar for quite a while now.

    However, one minor “correction,” if you will, please?

    You wrote: “We are disbelieved disproportionately for asking to be treated the same way our white, heterosexual, Christian, cisgender counterparts are treated. All of a sudden being treated equally becomes “special rights.” So say those within the dominant narrative and power structure.”

    I suggest: “…white, heterosexual, Christian, cisgender MALE counterparts are treated…”

    I’m fairly certain that was your intent, but just to clarify.

    Thanks – cheers!

  247. Eileen Meagher August 3, 2016 at 8:03 pm #

    A thoughtful, well researched, well written piece, Debra. Thank you for taking the time to write it. Am so glad you did.

  248. Helen August 3, 2016 at 8:27 pm #

    Thank you Matthew Fletcher!!!

  249. JoGwyn May August 3, 2016 at 8:58 pm #

    Your words ring true! No one could
    have said it better. Thank you….

  250. Michael Javazon August 3, 2016 at 9:01 pm #

    Well said and written. I have followed US politics for the last 50 years and saw how easily the public opinion is manipulated. Hilary ahas been rhated ever since she got in politic. That’s all. Ask anyone to come up with a verifiable event and you get nothing viable:. I will vote for her period.

    • katiekat August 4, 2016 at 6:43 am #

      I would trust Hillary with my life.

  251. ofthebunny August 3, 2016 at 9:05 pm #

    Reasons people do not trust Hillary Clinton:

    1. She campaigned for Goldwater.
    2. She supported a bill in 2012 she had Bill veto in the 90s.
    3. She refuses to release her Goldman-Sachs speech transcripts
    4. She has made 8 million dollars (2012-2014) from speaking fees.
    5. She called children of color “super predators.”
    6. She dodges questions about race quite often.
    7. Email scandal.
    8. Her heavy ties to lobbyists.
    9. The DNC scandal.

    I can tell you don’t care about facts or evidence.

    • Roni Carlson August 3, 2016 at 9:39 pm #

      Many recite so-called “facts” from tabloids such as the “Enquirer” and online tabloid news sources such as “American Conservative.” Total BS. The haters are going to hate. Why should she release speech transcripts when no one else was EVER required to do so. Double standard applies here. She had nothing to do with the DNC scandal. Completely separate from her campaign.

    • Anti2partySteve August 3, 2016 at 9:48 pm #

      Facts have no place in liberal life. You don’t hate her for any of her corruption or lies, it’s because she is a woman.

    • Daniel O August 3, 2016 at 11:05 pm #

      1) She was 17 and has been a Democrat for decades now. When I was 17, I shudder to recount the things I said and did. It’s now irrelevant.
      2)Yes. She changed. People do that.
      3) So? The burden of proof of wrongdoing is on the accuser.
      4) So? Good on her. She’s arguably one of the most famous women on earth, so her speaking fees reflect that. That’s no crime. Also have you investigated how much of that money she donates..?
      5) And Bernie used similar language at the time, and voted for the bill (which Hillary of course didn’t do as FLOTUS) There was a lot of hysteria at that time surrounding crime and drugs, unfortunately.
      7) There is no scandal. 3 out of 100,000 had (c) buried in the bodies of the messages. Hardly a mishandling of information. The three with the C were forwarded to her by people within the state department who should have known not to. But they were later determined to be falsely labeled. All other classified emails were labeled as such after the fact. If she were prosecuted, everyone on the threads would be prosecuted as well. All this was said by FBI director in the hearings.
      8) Which ties? Who? How has that influenced policy, specifically and provably?
      9) Is it a scandal? Do we really expect a political party to be completely without bias or preference? People within the organization wanted her over Sanders. Just like people in the GOP wanted anyone other than Trump (but lost that battle). This is called politics. People vying for power for the highest prize.

      • Kamala August 4, 2016 at 6:00 am #

        I agree. What DNC scandal. I watched the same DNC. It was amazing and well planned. Especially having many celebrities come out and rally for her as well as the thousands of supporters. Bernie is with her now. We all need to make an educated decision and follow his lead in wanting to make her President. She is a civil rights activist and a vioce for children and our future. Her political life and personal life has been torn apart by republicans since she was first lady. Everyone makes mistakes and she has learned from hers. The Clintons are an empire. Why does her receiving money for speeches so wrong? It actually makes sense. Her followers are not new. We have been following her since the very begining of her career. I respect her as a politician, a mother and my future president. No one can change my mind. Thanks for your post.

      • Nancy August 4, 2016 at 6:35 am #

        Thank you, Daniel. Well said.

    • The Sex Evolution August 3, 2016 at 11:14 pm #

      1. That was decades ago. I respect someone that learns and grows. Let’s remember that Bernie was writing about rape fantasies when he was young.
      2. Women are not responsible for their husband’s choices. Men are not puppets.
      3. She has said repeatedly that she would release those transcripts if every other candidate also released theirs. Not being bullied into a double standard is a sign of a good leader.
      4. Being successful, admired and valued for your time means you are awesome, not untrustworthy.
      5. This is flat out false. She called psychopathic drug dealers and gang members super predators—once in her life. The United States has white, black, Latino and Asian gangs.
      6. This is a general statement with no supporting evidence.
      7. Corrrection: email exoneration. In the United States, a person is innocent until proven guilty.
      8. Guilt by association is not evidence or anything.
      9. Hillary Clinton was involved in ZERO emails released by the hackers.

      I can tell YOU don’t care about facts or evidence. You are an excellent example of the unconscious misogynist confirmation bias this author is calling out. Your biased list is the best evidence of why we need to elect Hillary. Fortunately, there are not enough people like you to affect the outcome of this election–a Hillary Clinton victory.

    • Vicki August 3, 2016 at 11:18 pm #

      Your response has just validated the premise of this piece…

    • Bob August 3, 2016 at 11:18 pm #

      2. So what?
      3. So what?
      4. So what? Does that threaten your manhood?
      6. Baseless assertion with no substance. I can tell you ran out of the usual talking points around #4 and now you’re just hammering google.
      7. Tempest in a teapot.
      8. Obama accepted just as much money from SuperPACs during his first campaign. In fact the donors list for him and Clinton is quite similar. Clinton is unremarkable in this regard.
      9. Sorry Sparky, that dog just won’t hunt.

    • Nichol August 3, 2016 at 11:36 pm #

      And Trump is honest? Please…think again with your head this time and not your fear that Trump has pushed onto you these past months. Voting for Trump is repeating history and voting for Hitler. Prepare yourself for the gas chambers if you aren’t white middle or upper class.

    • Joel Hess August 4, 2016 at 12:19 am #

      1. That was in 1964, for heaven’s sake. She was 17 years old, the daughter of staunch Republicans. Don’t you think she might have changed her mind since then? 2. Which bill is this? More information needed. You can’t just make vague, unsupported accusations; that’s exactly what the writer of the article is complaining about. 3. Why should she? They were private speeches given privately. 4. So what? Lots of famous people make millions of dollars from speaking fees – sports figures, rock stars, former politicians. Her fees were actually on the low side for someone of her position. 5. That speech was in 1996. She has since apologized for it several times. You never said anything twenty years ago that you regret today? 6. Once again, give us some specifics. 7. She’s been cleared. 8. Lobbyists are now essential to the workings of government. What matters is the type of lobbyist you have ties to. 9. Tempest in a teapot. She is a longtime Democratic powerhouse and fundraiser for the party. Her opponent was never even a member of the party. Naturally the party’s leaders supported her. Perhaps they went overboard, but they broke no laws, and no one is suggesting that Hillary coordinate any of it. Your last remark is below the belt. Suggesting that someone who disagrees with you is either stupid or dishonest is false and scurrilous.

    • lvqn August 4, 2016 at 12:35 am #

      1. So what? She’s only supposed to campaign for people YOU agree with?
      2. Because she can’t decide that she changed her mind?
      3. So what? How is that relevant to her campaign for POTUS?
      4. SO WHAT?!?! She’s allowed to make as much money as people are willing to pay for. How is the amount relevant to how you trust her? Would you fault a man for making $8M?!
      5. Not great but one bad use of words does not taint a person’s overall character.
      6. How so? Give specifics because I’ve heard her answer MANY questions about race.
      7. Emails were obviously devised by the Republicans to thwart her. If you want to worry about emails, why not wonder about Cheney’s when he threw Valerie Plame under the bus…as VP…
      8. Like every other politician! Come on, don’t be sexists about this. You’re going to use her heavy ties to lobbyists like she’s the only one?
      9. Explain how the DNC scandal is her fault? Because she’s supposed to control every person, what they communicate, etc?

      Soooo… let’s be fair here. Would you put the same standards of character bashing towards any other MALE politician? Doesn’t sound like you would because in some strange way, it’s like Clinton is not allowed any mistake or any leeway to be a human or a successful WOMAN.

    • Rebecca August 4, 2016 at 12:46 am #

      Thank you for sharing some reasons Hilary is not trusted.
      1. I am uninformed about Goldwater
      2. I am also uninformed about this. Although, my husband says he does not like that she changes her stance on issues.
      3. I do not know the importance of the Goldman Sachs speech transcripts.
      4. It bothers me that people have an issue with her making money from speeches. I think it’s great that she gets paid to speak. It’s great that someone can earn so much money from being a public figure and a great orator.
      5. This does sound disturbing. It makes me curious about the context.
      6. Dodging racial questions may be something someone does to win an election. On the other hand, I do want someone who stands up for racial equality.
      7. Somehow the email scandal does not bother me too much, then again I’m not a huge stickler for rules that make life less convenient. I feel like I’m pretty willing to forgive this type of issue.
      8. Anyone successful in government is probably going to have heavy ties to lobbyists. Money gets stuff done. Sadly, this is a big part of the reality that runs our government.
      9. Does not matter to me, and I’m not sure I believe any major significance of the DNC scandal. There was an interesting piece on NPR about this.

    • Elmer Fudd August 4, 2016 at 12:59 am #

      Silly bunny, So you like Trump better? Is that a progressive stance? Why don’t you listen to Bernie?

      1. HRC grew up in a Republican family. She was a child when Goldwater ran for president, and her parents supported the Republican nominee, and she was a “Goldwater Girl”. So f*king what? While in college her politics changed drastically from her parents, and she became very liberal, worked hard for George McGovern in 1972, etc. That Goldwater argument is laughable.

      2. Makes no sense., In 2012 she was not in Congress. Also, she could not “make” her husband veto anything. (But that sounds like the same misogynistic nonsense-fearful of a strong woman-that she must have bossed the president around.

      3. Common for ex-presidents and their wives to make such speeches, and get well paid for them. Nothing out of the ordinary.

      I don’t have time to reply to all these ridiculous assertions of yours. Dodges questions about race? I would like to see you say that to the “Mothers of the Movement”.

      You are just a Republican propaganda operative, Bugs Bunny,

    • Vinita Jo Anthony August 4, 2016 at 1:42 am #

      Well that is a long list of accusations indeed, yes she campaigned for Goldwater, but that was a very long time ago. Number 2 is information you got from an old video, of Elizabeth Warren. Elizabeth Warren now supports Hillary Clinton whole heartedly, so obviously she has grown since then. Of course she refused to release Golden-Sachs speech transcripts, since she was paid for them, they were not her property and she was under no obligation to produce them to Bernie Sanders, who by the way never released his tax. #4 So what? She was not in office at the time and collected what are considered regular fees, for a person of her caliber.#5. She did not call children of color ” super predators.” there was a crime wave going on at the time and she called gang members that, it was later ,the stereo type was place on the heads of black youth, but it takes some amount of balls and ovaries to blame that on her. #6 Is unsubstantiated, and so I won’t bother to dignify it. 7. Was a blatant smear campaign. 8. What lobbyist, everyone has ties with lobbyist thats how government works. Duh! 9. Because people get pissed off a party leader, when their guy isn’t winning does not a scandal make.
      So you see many of your points and what you choose to call ” facts and evidence” simply prove the point of the above article. We all believe what we choose, to a certain extent, but wanting something to be true because you just don’t like someone , doesn’t reflect on them it reflects on you.

    • Calvin Gibson August 4, 2016 at 2:08 am #

      Reasons these people are misinformed.

      1. She was in High School. Her father was a proud conservative that she wanted to make proud. By the time she was a junior in college she was an active liberal and supported Eugene McCarthy.

      2. She supported S.420, The Bankruptcy Reform Act, after numerous amendments and 20 roll calls. She said, “I was a strong critic of the bill…While we have yet to achieve the kind of bankruptcy reform I believe is possible, I have worked with a number of people to make improvements that bring us closer to our goals, particularly when it comes to child support…I will not vote for final passage of this bill it comes back from conference if these kinds of reforms are missing…It is a work in progress…making progress towards reform”.

      3. She is the only candidate this has been asked of. There are speeches available for viewing. There is no indication of views or votes ever being influenced by funding of any kind.

      4. This is just hypocrisy at it’s finest. Her speaking fees are only high dollar when compared to other women. Al Gore, Michael Bloomberg, Ben Bernanke and Donald Trump (to name just a few) have all been paid high dollar amounts for speeches. She is paid for her insight and perspective that she has a right to share.

      5. She was speaking of violent gang members involved in the drug trade causing tremendous victimization in black communities. It could have been worded differently, but it only caused an issue when taken out of context.

      6. No. She. Doesnt. Clinton has been committed to civil rights and a staunch supporter of racial equality her entire life.

      7. She wasn’t the first Secretary of State to use a private server. She apologized. Most importantly, she did not break the law.

      8. Donations are not evidence of favors. Also, she has vowed to overturn Citizens United.

      9. There is zero evidence of the DNC “rigging” the primaries. Neutrality doesn’t require to pretend constantly being accused of foul play (by Sanders’ campaign) didn’t upset the members, nor does it require believing all candidates have an equal chance at winning the election or pretending to believe it.

    • Bill August 4, 2016 at 2:26 am #


    • Gayle Fleming August 4, 2016 at 3:39 am #

      1.She campaigned for Goldwater when she was a teen-ager. Geez! She grew up in a Republican household in the midwest for goodness sake.

      2. Makes no sense so can’t speak to it.

      3. Why on earth should she have to release her speech transcripts. Why are they important to anyone. Donald Trump won’t release his tax returns—much more relevant.

      4.Speaking fees for any famous person are ridiculous. I am never not shocked by how much many people get for just opening their mouths. Why is Hillary the ONLY person I EVER hear criticized for this. It’s her money and she didn’t do anything illegal to earn it. I think the answer to this question lies in this article.

      5.She made that statement in the 90’s when crime was perceived as being out of control, there was a crack epidemic, and BLACK people were begging for longer, harsher sentences. (I am black BTW) She wasn’t talking about little children. She was talking about hardened teen-agers. She did retract that statement and admit that she was wrong to say it. I wrote and article that was published in Elephant Journal magazine criticizing her for her response to a BLM activist who challenged her on that issue. She’s not perfect—as no one is.

      6. This also makes no sense. No evidence. Just your clearly biased opinion which is not fact.

      7. What email scandal? The ones the Repugnantcans made up about the State Dept. and spent millions of taxpayer dollars trying to perpetrate to no avail? Or the DNC one where Russian hackers, on the instruction of Russian government agencies hacked into an American organization only to discover emails by employees of the DNC who didn’t like Bernie and wanted Hillary to win. She had nothing to do with that one. But neither has proven to be anything more than slander and misinformation about her. Once again, this article clearly states the reasons.

      8. I think all American politicians’ ties to lobbyists do a disservice to our democracy and should be reined in. I can’t defend her ties, but I’ve seen nothing to indicate they are any worse than any other prominent politician. So once again, why is she singled out and so vilified. The answer is in this article.

      9. People who know little about politics seem to believe that Hillary runs the DNC. She does not—no candidate does, and there is nothing to indicate she had anything to do with what happened at the DNC. The emails in question were written by low level employees who were mostly venting and expressing their distaste for Bernie and preference for Hillary. In a perfect world, they should have been completely neutral in their feelings or at least not put them into emails BUT there has been nothing to indicate there was an organized conspiracy to harm Bernie’s campaign in any way. But even if there was, Hillary had nothing to do with it.

      I can tell you like to twist the facts and read spew innuendo with no facts.

    • Kamala August 4, 2016 at 5:58 am #

      I agree. What DNC scandal. I watched the same DNC. It was amazing and well planned. Especially having many celebrities come out and rally for her as well as the thousands of supporters. Bernie is with her now. We all need to make an educated decision and follow his lead in wanting to make her President. She is a civil rights activist and a vioce for children and our future. Her political life and personal life has been torn apart by republicans since she was first lady. Everyone makes mistakes and she has learned from hers. The Clintons are an empire. Why does her receiving money for speeches so wrong? It actually makes sense. Her followers are not new. We have been following her since the very begining of her career. I respect her as a politician, a mother and my future president. No one can change my mind. Thanks for your post.

    • Chris Stephenson August 4, 2016 at 6:23 am #

      I can tell you didn’t look at the article, and you don’t have a clue about what facts or evidence really are.

      1. She campaigned for Goldwater in 1964! That’s over FIFTY YEARS AGO! FFS. Who cares what someone did in an age before the Civil Rights Movement changed both parties? No sane person that was going to be voting seriously in this election even gives Goldwater a second thought. Goldwater. Jesus Christ. This is your first reason?

      2. So it looks like most of your examples are decades old, and of course coincide with Republicans beginning to attack her. Instead of just putting “A bill” why don’t you put the details of the bill? I understand this would take research, where you would also find the reasons she supported the bill then and now does not.

      3. So what? What exactly do you think she said in those transcripts? As a former New York Senator that was loved there, she was in demand to talk about her time in the Senate, her time in the White House, and her stories. There’s nothing at all in her history to suggest she talked about anything negative in the Government, and addressing crowds she couldn’t have said anything that would have helped them do anything negative. Again, if you have any proof that there was anything said that would have been harmful to the presidency, state it, otherwise you’re blowing smoke over something that Republicans have came up with because they have nothing concrete.

      4. So? She’s a private citizen. She has the right to ask for speaking fees. As one of the most successful politicians in the last few decades, she can command a lot. Are you saying she should have been doing this for free? Most politicians do this, by the way.

      5. 20 years ago you managed to find one quote. She explained why she used it. She’s talking about murderous gang members that sell crack, and the drug cartels and traffickers.

      6. Really? Show your work. She’s done more work for minorities of all races than any other candidate in this race either in the primaries or the general election, and you’ll remember she was the only one that campaigned where minority turnout is highest, unlike her Primary competitor who wrote off an entire portion of the country.

      7. While the email scandal was a mis-step, it was also something that was SOP at the State Department for the two Secretary of States directly preceding her. The fact that the only thing the FBI could find that was classified were mislabled is a perfect example of how, like all scandals that the Republicans try and fail to have stick to her, there’s nothing there that should be at all concerning. Bad IT practices exist everywhere, and they’re not a matter of concern in this election.

      8. Really? Show your work. She has no more or less ties to lobbyists than any other comparable politician.

      9. The DNC “Scandal”, in a nutshell, was Democrats deciding early that they wanted to back the DEMOCRAT that had worked in their party for decades and was known and liked throughout Congress and the party, against the INDEPENDENT who had been anti-party for decades, wanted to primary Obama in 2012, was only using their party for their infrastructure and not because of wanting to work with them, and only appealed to a group of voters who historically do not show up in elections, which is exactly what ended up happening anyway. The emails that were leaked (by Russia, by the way, in case you forgot that Trump was pushing Russia to interfere in our election) Were entirely from May 2016, when Bernie Sanders had already been mathematically eliminated from the race by any logical standard. They were discussions how to force him out, but no plans were ever acted on. So again, ITS NOTHING.

      You have no evidence, no facts, and you would rather have had Sanders by the unspoken words in your list. So we should remember that Bernie Sanders endorsed Hillary Clinton, and if that isn’t good enough for you, then you never supported the cause in the first place.

    • xnlover August 4, 2016 at 6:36 am #

      So, apparently:
      1 & 2. You’ve never learned anything since you were 20 that has caused you to change your opinions about anything.
      3. You don’t believe reading things out of context can cause any problems.
      4. You’re jealous people pay her well for what she knows, and no one pays you that kind of money for what you know. (Oh, that’s right, you aren’t a trained lawyer, haven’t ever been the First Lady of the US, haven’t been a state or US senator, have never been Secretary of State of the US, and have never run one campaign for the presidential nomination for your party, let alone two.)
      5. You are aware, are you not, of gangs in various cities in the US in which the induction ceremony involves the applicant having to kill one or more people in obedience to the gang leadership, and in which gangs prey upon each other in order to gain and hold “turf”? And besides that, some who kill are mentally ill or are drug addicts and don’t think like normal people do, especially regarding simple things like “right” and “wrong.”
      6. You would probably dodge such questions, too, when the questioner is trying to elicit a sound bite that can “prove” you’re racist.
      7. You need to read the news (that’s not from Fox), because the State Department has reviewed the emails and have determined that Hillary didn’t compromise national security. We should ask The Donald for all of his emails just in order to see if he’s as racist and misogynistic and xenophobic and otherwise offensive in them as he is in his tweets and in person.
      8. It’s hard not to have “heavy ties to lobbyists” when half of the people who have ever been in Congress over the past 40 years have become lobbyists for some company or other or have become part of law firms that represent various political and corporate interests. Do you ever wonder how many lobbyists the Trump Organization hires? (No, probably never thought to ask.)
      9. What “DNC scandal”? Oh, you mean the “change in leadership,” when one leader was found not to be helpful to the party and another replaced her? (I’m sure that never happens in any other organization! How scandalous!!)

    • Venus Brown August 4, 2016 at 6:47 am #

      1. How does that matter? It was long ago when she still followed her father’s party. She used her brain and switched parties in college. Let’s not forget the 60’s and 70’s were big game changers in both parties, had lots of voters change parties. Those who fail to get that, fail to understand the history of both parties.

      2. Bill chooses his vetoes not Hillary. They pulled this crap frequently while he was in office. Trying to vilify the president and his wife by claiming she was the one calling the shots. She’s his wife, but still her own woman. She is aloud to make her own choices, as he is, and sometimes those choices are similar to her husband’s, sometimes they aren’t.

      3. She said she would release hers when every other person releases theirs. Yet others, who regularly use speeches as a way to raise money, haven’t been asked to release all their speeches. That includes other people attached to the presidency.

      4. She was paid money for a service she did, and they were willing to pay it. She wasn’t thwarting the law, she was using her own talent and experience to raise money, pay the bills, and went to the organization in her family’s names. It’s certainly to benefit her and her family, as well as the organization, but it’s still made legitimately.

      5. My understanding is that she was specifically addressing certain problems with certain gang members. It is helpful to pay attention to context when following some 2 second sound bite fed to you by conservative media.

      6. Proof? Evidence? Examples?

      7. Email scandal may be the only example in this list with any real merit, and it has been massively exaggerated. Plus, she isn’t the only high ranking politician guilty of similar abuses. She’s just the only one who’s been investigated, and placed under the microscope to this extent, compared to others accused of similar scandals.

      8. Almost all high ranking politicians, and even non politician businessmen like Trump have heavy ties to lobbyists. It’s like saying a US senator has heavy ties to politics or Trump has heavy ties to capitalism.

      9. This hasn’t really shown anything that horrible. It certainly hasn’t been as horrible as it was made out to be when it first surfaced. Though people would certainly have you believe that it is proof the dnc rigged and stole the primary election. My understanding is there have certainly been some embarrassing and telling messages found in that fiasco, but not the smoking gun people like to claim.

      I can tell you don’t adequately research your conservative soundbites. You just list them as “facts and evidence”.

    • Teal C August 4, 2016 at 6:52 am #

      She was 16 when she campaigned for her father’s candidate. However, before she was old enough to vote, she became a Democrat. Unlike most who never question their “inherited” party, she deliberately chose for herself! That’s commendable! No candidate has ever had to release private work product, not once, not ever. It’s a dangerous and wholly unnecessary precedent, she’s earned many more millions from her books. Hundreds of ex-politicians earn large speaking fees, including
      traitirs like Oliver North. During the war on drugs and crackdown on violent crime, the system became overwhelmed by repeat offenders who even other prisoners feared because they were soulless. Those criminals are in fact predators regardless of race. The DNC scandal is a manufactured crisis based on four childish emails that went nowhere. Gotta love people who make themselves all butt hurt over their own truncated understanding of the whole story.

    • Bill Dorsett August 4, 2016 at 6:56 am #

      You did not read this article, did you.

    • CK Chun August 4, 2016 at 7:12 am #

      For me, my opposition to HRC is mostly #’s 7 and 8 listed here. Her biggest contributors are the corporations with which I am most at odds. I don’t believe she will do anything to stop corporate greed and the fall of the middle class, and will most likely make things worse. And if she is so honest, she should have not tampered with the primaries.

    • Janis August 4, 2016 at 7:30 am #

      2. She was not in the Senate in 2012. How could she have supported a bill?
      3. ronakd Reagan did not release the scripts of his speech to the Japanese businessmen in 1989. He was no longer serving as president and was a private citizen. No one balked.
      4. Successful people are paid very well for speeches regardless of their political party. Ronald Reagan was paid $7M for one speech (refer to 1989 speech to Japanese businessmen)
      5. She called crack-selling street thugs ‘super predators” because they sold drugs to children of color and many of those children were dying. Check the drug stats.
      6. She has been a champion for equality since her college days in the 60s. Don’t know where you get your misinformation. And what about when she put herself in jeopardy and went undercover to expose Alabama’s degradation its education policy in the early 70’s? Do your homework.
      7. There is no email scandal. GW Bush used a private server while president. 22 million emails were flushed. They may have contained information about WMDs and for sure about Scooter Libby. There was NO FBI investigation. No witch hunt. And Hillary Clinton as Sec of State did exactly what Colun Powell and Condaleeza Rice did… used a private email. Powell used gmail and Rice used either yahoo or AOL. No one brought a witch hunt on them. But none of the three broke any laws. There was no policy against using private email, only guidelines. Same was true for Pres Bush.
      8. Which lobbyists?
      9. The DNC scandal was the work of Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and two of her aides. Only the email about suggesting using Sen Sanders religion as an issue (which is as disgraceful as it is despicable) showed any intent to do wrong. The other emails were defensive toward the Democratic Party, by whom they were employed and to whom they pledged their loyalty. Sec Clinton was not part of the DNC emails.

      Your comments just prove what was stated in the article, that rumor and hearsay have colored people’s view of Mrs Clinton.

    • Jo Delaney August 4, 2016 at 7:40 am #

      Her speaking fees are meager compared to other speakers, including CEOs. Where is the outrage at 37 million dollar salaries for failed CEOs.
      Why are people mad she made money speaking? Every politician does after they leave office. Do people hate Condi Rice because of her speaking fees? Hypocrisy.

      Ties to lobbyists? Lol. Name one politician who doesn’t have tied to lobbyists.

      This list is full of vague alarmist items that fuel an uneducated vote.

    • Kelly Marchel August 4, 2016 at 7:46 am #

      I am not sure why making a living and making money from giving speeches is wrong? Reagan, Ford, Bush and many other MALE politician made MILLIONS giving speeches after leaving office. So please explain why this is a BAD thing when a woman does it?

    • Plugger August 4, 2016 at 3:07 pm #

      9 is the only one I really agree.
      2 yeah like no other politician has ever changed their mind on an issue.
      3&4 See the other article this one references but Trump, Bush and many others all get money from speaking fees, in fact they get more!
      5 taken out of context
      6 so does trump
      7 again see referenced article or many others on the subject. Many others have had many more emails go missing or deleted but only hers seem to matter.
      8 again they all do

      So pretty near all of these support that the issue is a double standard as there’s nothing new there that hasn’t been accepted with others, who happened to be male.

  252. elprofe39 August 3, 2016 at 9:25 pm #

    Long on rhetoric, short on facts. You want Hillary? You will probably get her. Enjoy the corruption that will follow.

    • KC August 3, 2016 at 10:10 pm #

      Smart? HRC failed the bar exam to practice law in DC. Proponent of human and environmental issues? Watch “Clinton Cash”. For women? Look at her “husband”.

    • Alan Bruce August 3, 2016 at 10:29 pm #

      “LOCK HER UP!” I’ll bet you jumped up and said “AMEN TO THAT” during your party’s convention.

    • Bob August 3, 2016 at 11:20 pm #

      Have fun in Canada! Bon voyage! And good riddance.

    • Elmer Fudd August 4, 2016 at 1:00 am #

      elprofe39 is yet another Republican shill, campaigning for Trump.

      This was an excellent fact-filled article, You just do not want to see or hear facts, profe.

    • fontygirl August 4, 2016 at 3:13 am #

      elprore39 please provide the facts. What I see it a well-written article that happens to support my views on Hillary. Thanks to the author

    • Linda Wurzer Schnaible August 4, 2016 at 3:18 am #

      Your list contains several examples of what the article talks about. Ok, so when she was a 20-something she campaigned for a republican. There are lots of politician who have evolved and changed their party affiliations over time. Ditto specific views on other issues. People evolve over time as they gain more information, experience and society progresses. She earns big speaking fees because, well Capitalism. Supply and demand. She is in demand as a speaker, so she can command large fees. Theres nothing wrong with that. And I suspect most politicians have ties to lobbyists, and the scandals? yeah, they’ve already been proven to be largely overblown by a desperate opposition.

    • Linda Wurzer Schnaible August 4, 2016 at 3:21 am #

      Your comment is a prime example of what the article is about. I’m sure the writer could give you citations for every bit of research he has done. Most things written about Hillary Clinton, vilifying her are devoid of facts.

    • Sadie Davidson August 4, 2016 at 5:00 am #

      Please let her win
      Do you really want Trump?

    • Carol CUNNINGHAM-MIMRAN August 4, 2016 at 5:30 am #

      The author requested evidence to back up any responses. I’d like to hear it also.

  253. Lizzy August 3, 2016 at 9:37 pm #

    You have your opinion and I do agree to disagree with you..This woman is not a reflection of who I want in the office..She has been under so many investigations and has no one’s interest but only her own and her pocketbook. She has lied, do I dare say it again, LIED so many times..she is not in touch with the common hard working American. She will let all Muslims in without checking them out first and who will pay that price..We, the Americans..ugh..go do real research…not the crap they want you to know

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 4, 2016 at 6:00 am #

      Lizzy, may I please ask that you refrains from this nasty racist rant? If you continue like this, I will block you! NO RACISM on this blog!

      • MARIE August 4, 2016 at 11:05 am #

        What is racist in what she said? She just started concern about admitting Muslims in this country without being vetted properly! This was not racist. That is called COMMON SENCE!

      • MARIE August 4, 2016 at 11:14 am #

        What is racist in what Lizzy said? She just started concern about admitting Muslims in this country without being vetted properly! This was not racist. That is called COMMON SENCE! That is getting so old. This pc attitude is gonna get us in big trouble! Everything is racist to the PROGRESSIVE’S! You people amaze me. Do you not care what kind of world you are leaving our children and grand children? I am a 67 year old grandmother. I am also an Vietnam Era air force veteran. What our government needs to stop nation building and giving billions of our hard earned money to corrupt leaders who never funnel the money to its people! Then they take the money and run!

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 4, 2016 at 11:21 am #

        Targeting a specific population like Muslims seems racist to me and very scary, for those of us who remember when Hitler started a registry for Jews.

  254. Vilma August 3, 2016 at 9:38 pm #

    I appreciate the clarity with which you wrote about why Hillary has been targeted so negatively. And as someone who has observed how misogynistic the coverage around her candidacy has been, I also want to acknowledge the very real criticism that has stemmed from Latinx folk around her involvement with neo-liberal efforts in central America. She has supported, along with many other politicians, imperialist efforts that have decimated the infrastructure and autonomy of Central American nations, policies that have directly impacted people I know and love. While she has not lead the charge on these policies, she has been incredibly complicit…this is why I continue to be an apathetic supporter of her in this farce of an election.

  255. amommasview August 3, 2016 at 9:41 pm #

    I’m so glad I found this fantastic post thanks to Willow’s Corner! You nailed it!

  256. Margaret Elizabeth Hess August 3, 2016 at 10:13 pm #

    Thank you. I’ve never really cared for Hillary and I’ve never known why. I know that women are as susceptible to propaganda as men. I would like to meet her. I’m not sure, but I think she’s the kind of person you need to meet in person to “like”. You’ve given us a lot to think about. Thank you.

  257. Stephanie Girellini August 3, 2016 at 10:19 pm #

    Thank you for your honesty and ability to see through the misogyny veil and writing about it coherently.

  258. Jared August 3, 2016 at 10:31 pm #

    I don’t support Mrs. Clinton because she dropped the ball when asked to initiate the proper military actions necessary to give help to our embassy in Benghazi. As Secretary of state she had the power to give airstrikes to help our desperate soldiers. She stood idle and actually lied when the facts came out. She also accepts donations to the Clinton foundation from countries who brutally murder LGBTQ. Maybe she was totally oblivious to what these countries were doing to there LGBTQ society. She has had plenty of time to react or speak out about the hypocrisy, but has given no material explanation for why she still accepts donations from these countries. I could go on and on about other horrific things she did as SOS, but I don have enough time or energy. You just go on living in your fantasy world of supporting Hillary. If she is elected, you will see the biggest social outrage in the history of our country. She supports the radical idealists behind the attacks in Dallas, instead of supporting the brave men and wen of our law enforcement. SHAME ON YOU for producing this article and acting like those of us GOP don’t have any foundation for our criticism of Hillary. There is only one judge and his name is Jesus and Hillary will stand before him someday, not the GOP!

  259. Margaret Garcia August 3, 2016 at 10:58 pm #

    I didn’t hate Hillary. I admired the way she stood up to Trey Gowdy during hearings regarding Benghazi.However as the campaign went on and she refused to release her transcripts of her speeches to GoldMan Sachs. I started to see the patterns. It is easy to say she is being truthful when she isn’t giving interviews or answering questions at all. For me being indigenous/Mexican, I care about what happens in Latin American, even more than the minimum wage or Fracking. In her own words and her Autobiography “Hard Choices” she admits to supporting the military coup in Honduras. When children seeking asylum come her she signs off on sending them back to that violence she helped create. Also I donated to the Sanders campaign and Act Blue solicited money from us and did not do the right thing via Ms Debbie.My $1800. dollar refund please. Hillary claims she doesn’t know anything about it, but hires her to work on her campaign. Excuse me, BUT WHO benefited from the underhanded way WE Sanders supporters were portrayed, trolled and deceived. I’ve now watched the hearings from Loretta Lynch and James Comey and have no doubts that Hillary has friends in high places and they STINK. Don’t expect my vote.

  260. ann marie August 3, 2016 at 11:23 pm #

    As a women who voted for Bill Clinton the first time and was a Democrat up until Bill ran the 2nd time, I would NEVER vote for Hillary on two different points (there are many others but these two are the ones I find so offensive)…one she is so Pro Abortion, I am afraid she would be Pro Infanticide if it got her votes. She wants free abortions for everyone and anyone and for any reason up until the baby is born and the number one reason…she enabled a rapist and a womanizer to run free while being President of the United States and called it a a Right Wing conspiracy while calling every woman who claimed Bill assaulted them lairs. She does not care about women, she only cares about power.

    • Mary August 4, 2016 at 7:17 am #

      I’m not familiar with the part where Hillary Clinton said she is “pro-abortion”. Can you please provide citation for that? What Hillary has consistently supported is a woman’s right to choose which I very much appreciate as someone with a uterus who is perfectly capable of making my own decisions. “Pro-choice” is not the same as “pro-abortion” and is certainly not the same as “pro-infanticide”.

      Your second argument perfectly supports the article’s stance that misogyny is so ingrained in our society that we can’t see it – including many women. To blame Hillary for the moral wrongdoings (as some might see it) of her husband is completely unfair. Particularly as Bill continues to reap the benefits of being a very popular former president, while Hillary gets the flack for not responding the way people think she should have. I, for one, have to respect the woman for making what I’m sure was a difficult decision to keep her family together and raise a child with the man she’d committed herself to, in spite of his failings.

  261. Dan August 3, 2016 at 11:49 pm #

    Looking through the lense of gender still obscures looking at Clinton critically as a politician. In her biography she says that her political role model is Kissinger, which will end up having further disastrous effects on US foreign relations.

  262. Ned Campbell August 4, 2016 at 1:14 am #

    Thank you for your hard work. I am so sick of the never ending slanderous lies against her. I only hope that your work is widely shared.

  263. Karen Hegner August 4, 2016 at 1:17 am #

    I guess I’m a little confused. When congress questioned the FBI director about the emails didn’t he say, when pushed, that she lied multiple times?? When has lying ever been thought of as a redeeming quality??

    • spinners03gmailcom August 4, 2016 at 10:02 am #

      When pushed, Comey actually testified the opposite. This is a link to Cummings walking it back. It doesn’t fit the narrative, but Clinton didn’t lie. I don’t know why the “news” keeps showing Gowdy’s questions when Cummings totally showed she was telling the truth.

  264. Teresa August 4, 2016 at 2:32 am #

    She is willing to cross parties to help this country’s political welfare
    If a man did anything she has or hasn’t done I don’t believe the news any more
    A man would be a great man and a woman is considered a bitch
    People have two standards one for a man and one for women
    How can we get past this vote for Her and watch this country grow to be a great place

    • PapaReptevia August 6, 2016 at 6:50 am #

      I hope you are right Teresa. I hope she is able to cross party lines. There are probably some democrats that would work with her.

  265. Debbie August 4, 2016 at 2:48 am #

    I appreciate your thoughts. I read anything I can find that is not a bashing campaign to try and sort through the facts. You make a good point concerning misogyny. I learned a new word too. However, I believe there is more than a gender bias that makes me not trust her. You spoke of honesty, yet did not support why you think she is honest. Please build a case for honest that I can believe in! I would love to see a female president, that was one of my childhood dreams. But I am not convinced Hillary is honest. My political position is that I am not a Trump supporter but I do not like Hillary. Make me like her. Please.

    • B. Taylor August 4, 2016 at 7:18 am #

      You don’t have to like her. If she becomes president, she’ll be too busy to hang out with you anyway.

  266. Louise Freedman August 4, 2016 at 3:14 am #

    This is one of the best, most intellegent evaluations of the Woman that I stand behind. Go Hillary!!!

  267. William J. Kolar August 4, 2016 at 3:37 am #

    You focus on individual candidates when it is US policy in general that is the problem.

  268. Hydra August 4, 2016 at 3:56 am #

    How about the time she lied to all of us during a debate when she had the audacity to state, “fracking is ok sometimes”, with an expression and an undertone that showed even she didn’t believe that bullshit.

  269. Peg August 4, 2016 at 4:01 am #

    Well written article…thanks for reminding people to identify “facts vs. feelings”…

    • xnlover August 4, 2016 at 2:57 pm #

      And let’s not forget The Donald – to Hillary’s 71% “True, Mostly True, and Half True” – over 20% each – we compare The Donald’s 30%, with a whopping 36% “False” and 18% “Pants on Fire.” So, talk about electing a liar as president, the Trumpsters are heading the list of liar enablers!

  270. Pegmo August 4, 2016 at 5:03 am #

    Jane Doe one tip, when calling someone an imbecile be sure you have checked your spelling. When you get that one wrong it has a nasty habit of flipping around and sticking to your face. Might be best just to refrain. Kindness is infinitely attractive.

  271. Amy E Gordon August 4, 2016 at 5:05 am #

    I just said to my husband last night, “I’m still trying to fully understand why I’m supposed to hate Hillary?” Thank you for your well written article.

  272. Tzofnat Peleg-Baker August 4, 2016 at 5:17 am #

    Absolutely on point! What I would have written and did not. We are swimming in a pool saturated with prejudice, and when confronted, people roll their eyes as they do not know what you are talking about … Often people do not take a second to reflect or rethink what they do, how much harm they cause around by continuing on their automatic pilot.. sad. We can do better. If you can relate to what Offhebunny wrote, it would be great. I am certain you would do a much better job than I. Keep up the excellent work!

  273. Matthew Fletcher August 4, 2016 at 5:18 am #

    More darn republicans

  274. Matthew Fletcher August 4, 2016 at 5:20 am #

    And by the way, “How VERY dare you”? Superfluous adverb. That’s just bad writing

  275. scottmiller171 August 4, 2016 at 5:32 am #

    I would point out that the Armani jacket was a problem because of the hypocrisy. She was talking about inequality that day, while being a shining example of it. That said, I’ll quote Russell Brand here:

    “When I was poor and complained about inequality they said I was bitter; now that I’m rich and I complain about inequality they say I’m a hypocrite. I’m beginning to think they just don’t want to talk about inequality.”

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 4, 2016 at 5:48 am #

      Sadly, Scott, you are not looking at your own misogyny. When will you be delivering your critique of the cost of men’s suits of candidates?

      • scottmiller171 August 4, 2016 at 9:26 am #

        Actually I would point it out with ANY candidate wearing such finery while talking about inequality, and one of the things I love about Bernie is that he doesn’t do this. That said, I would have thought that my Russell Brand quote indicated pretty clearly that I recognize this as not such a big deal, because when the rich recognize inequality, we should all benefit.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 4, 2016 at 10:02 am #

        Then please address how much all of the candidates wardrobes cost! I can. Can you? If not, then stop your misogyny!

      • scottmiller171 August 31, 2016 at 7:57 am #

        We don’t have exact numbers on Sanders because he doesn’t buy designer anything, it’s all off the rack.

        Trump is just as extravagant with $7K suits, but that’s part of his brand (and part of why I consider it completely absurd when he has the gall to talk about inequality)

        The only reason I care at all about Clinton’s Armani jacket is because she chose to wear it during a speech about inequality, which seems a very poor choice in that context. When she wears clothes like that at any other event, it doesn’t bother me. I only take notice because of how disconnected it makes her from the issue she was addressing.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 31, 2016 at 8:05 am #

        Once again, you are proving your own bias and misogyny.

  276. Mary Smith August 4, 2016 at 5:42 am #

    I will join the chorus, thank you for this piece. It is significant, I think, because you are from a younger generation. I’ve watched the criticisms of Hillary over the years play out and I came to the same conclusions as your current piece. But I am of her generation and gender and read the criticisms as misogyny.

  277. Danielle Havens August 4, 2016 at 5:48 am #

    I wish that Mr. Hulahof-Schmidt’s stated problems with Hillary were my own. I have never believed that she had anything to do with Vince Foster’s death or that Whitewater mattered. I thought that she was at her very best when she was championing health care in the 90’s and I think that the brutal beating that she took on what our moronic nation was not yet ready for–caring for all– was heroic and a negative turning point for a very strong and capable woman.

    It was after that loss that Hillary became wishy-washy and that she appears to have decided to never be first to the party again. That is the crux of my issue with Hillary: she is not a progressive leader. Since the healthcare loss in the 90’s she has waited until the social tide has turned on the big issues of social justice before changing her stand. It’s what she did on marriage equality, college costs, income inequality and TPP. I am sure there have been issues on which she has led, but these big ones have been “evolving” issues in her public rhetoric if not her heart.

    It has left me with a sense–and I hope I am wrong–that she is not a progressive. I fear that she is a big bank loving corporate shill. I don’t care what she looks like or how she does her hair or what she is wearing…if I were in her shoes they would be crazy expensive and super comfortable, black and I wouldn’t care how many people commented on the fact that I wore the same ones everyday. What I care about is the state of life in this country for all people, for the health and safety of the planet and the sanctity, security and respect of all families. That requires a progressive leader and Supreme Court. I hope that she will do the opposite of most democratic presidents and while she is campaigning in the center she will govern from the left. I hope that she is in appeasement mode because of the idiots who won’t vote for her because of her lady parts and that as soon as she gets into office she will start hanging balls on the wall and walking every issue to the left so that I can respect her as I did when she laid the ground work for a black man to give us health care reform. And I hope she is shrill as hell and cackle laughs every step of the way!

  278. S. Lewis August 4, 2016 at 5:50 am #

    It seems to me that the anger and distrust stem from an underlying thought – that she is a woman “who does not know her place.” I think her place is in the White House.

  279. Janet August 4, 2016 at 5:51 am #

    This is the best piece I’ve read about Hillary. As a woman of her generation I have become frustrated by the lack of understanding of misogyny by younger, supposedly more tolerant women.

  280. Jacqueline Austin August 4, 2016 at 5:53 am #

    Thank you for a very cogent explanation of a phenomenon I’ve been facing with many of my associates. Well done.

  281. American August 4, 2016 at 6:03 am #

    “Far too many women are denied access to reproductive health care and safe childbirth, and laws don’t count for much if they’re not enforced. Rights have to exist in practice — not just on paper. Laws have to be backed up with resources and political will. And deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed.”
    This is the kind of President you want? One who denies the fundamental rights this country was founded on?

  282. jeffwithag August 4, 2016 at 6:21 am #

    I liked your article. And I agree misogyny is, sadly, a very real factor behind the dislike of her as a candidate. Likewise, many folks simply vote democrat or republican, candidates be damned. In which case, a lot of her dislike is simply anit-democrat proganda. That said, I do not trust her character. And yes, like you said, if asked I would probably answer, “it’s how I feel.” She sways on her convictions. (I know, want candidate hasn’t? But she sways on some pretty big ones like, gay marriage).

    Like mentioned in your article, her popularity declines when she seeks power. I guess in my naive view, I like to think candidates run for president because they want to, and believe they can, help the country. Bottom line, what do you feel the candidate wants more? The title/power or the opportunity to better the country? I feel she wants the title/power more.

    I know the reality is that politics consists of many “you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours” deals to get ahead. But I don’t have to be a fan of it. And I get the impression she is a master at that game. So much so that sometime it may be more along the lines of “you scratch my back, or I will break yours”. So many scandals exist around her, yet she comes through unscathed, where close associates or others don’t. And I know, innocent until proven guilty. Fine, but if I am seeing a lot of smoke, continously, than I got to believe somewhere down there, there is fire.

    In any case, call it a feeling, call it falling prey to proganda, I do not trust her character. That said, I trust her experience and skill set. I trust big picture wise ‘the people’ can keep her in check. She may make a few ‘side deals’, pocket some cash where she can by whatever means her character allows her, but these are small issues compared to the potential pitfalls of a Trump presidency.

    • Venus Brown August 4, 2016 at 7:27 am #

      I think that feeling comes from the realities formed by the propaganda that had been fed to all of us since before Hillary became first lady. It has been so entrenched in everything, so constant and never ending, and much of it has been steeped in the misogyny spoken of in this article. It is that propaganda steeped in misogyny that has formed our perceptions, and we all need to work to cut through the propaganda that has caused all the smoke and mirrors to cloud our perception of her as a person.

  283. vstern1981 August 4, 2016 at 6:24 am #

    Great piece! I’ve been trying to figure out where the notion of Hilary as dishonest came from. Thanks for illuminating that issue.

    I find it amazing that so many people loudly claim she’s dishonest, and yet seem willing to trust the other candidate (can’t even say his name, it’s so repulsive. He won’t get any free press from me).

    The guy who won’t show us his tax returns, the guy who cheats on his multiple wives and just discards them when he’s tired of them, rather than put in the hard work to create a lasting, sustainable marriage (remember those marriage vows? “…til death do you part”? Guess you were lying then, too).

    The guy who lied to investors and contractors over and over again, and got off scott free by filing bankruptcy, walking away from his commitments to pay hundreds, possibly thousands of people what he owes them, leaving them getting pennies on the dollars they invested.

    You trust him? Really???????????

  284. Susan Ochshorn August 4, 2016 at 6:29 am #

    Nice piece, Michael. Heartening. But in the spirit of gender equality, anti-misogyny, and social justice, I would have loved to have seen you move beyond your ken to cite members of the “fair sex.” As in Rebecca Traister’s analysis of Hillary and my own

  285. Terry L C August 4, 2016 at 6:39 am #

    Why do you think so many older women support Hillary? We have recognized and watched in dismay for three decades one manufactured scandal after another with the sole intent to derail her! We’ve seen the strionger she is, the more intense and frequent the attacks. Like the fable about the boy who cried wolf, long ago we stopped listening to her detractors’ ridiculous claims. But then we had to suffer through exuberant youth and followers of Bernie picking up on the spurious stories and repeating them as nauseum as if they had s grain of truth. This article is almost heart wrenching. Yeah! ONE of you gets it!! One? That’s the wrenching part. It’s time everyone sees, as Bill said at the convention, the REAL Hillary! She’s an incredibly well qualified, prepared, educated and experienced candidate with a sincere concern for the everyday lives of the American people.

  286. Mark August 4, 2016 at 6:53 am #

    Hi, Thank you for your article. I have no qualms or disagreements about what you mentioned, and in earnest agree with it. However, there is a certain part of her policy that you neglect to mention, which is very similar to that of Reagan, the Bushes, Bill Clinton, and even Obama. That is, the willingness of the American institution to fabricate wars and destabilise foreign governments for blatant economic reasons – let us not forget Nicaragua, Kosovo, Iraq, Syria, and Libya, amongst many others in a more than 150-year-old pattern of economic colonialism. Nobody in the US speaks of this, as if it’s par for the course! This is a big problem, as if we do not see beyond our own borders. I have not voted since I was 18 (Gore), and likely will not vote until a candidate makes a strong case for non-violence. Hilary, based on her aggressive work as Secretary of State (see: Syria, Libya, Honduras wikileaks), and the lineage of her husband (who had his dirty little war!), does not fit that bill. The other faults I see in her policy – deception about the fracking and methane in the atmosphere, the too-little health care steps, the not-enough policies regarding banks – are pennies to this one. I thank you for your article, but believe you are forgetting a key topic.

  287. Joyce Weiss August 4, 2016 at 7:00 am #

    Yes. I believe this is true. Also see the movie Equity (why so many hated Skylar from Breaking Bad).

  288. Jason Holly August 4, 2016 at 7:04 am #

    This is a steaming pile of dog shit. Your fingers should be broken so you can’t type.
    Are you on the take too? I’m sure you believe Obama actually likes her too huh? The democrat party is a bigger joke then the republicans at this point. How is that humanly possible?

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 4, 2016 at 7:06 am #

      How sad for you Jason. You have no ability to engage in any type of meaningful conversation. You resort to name calling. How very sad for you.I suspect Trump is the right candidate for you.

  289. Claudia August 4, 2016 at 7:05 am #

    I can’t wait for the movie that shows the making of Donald Trump for president, similar to the one about Sarah Palin. And Mr. 1-9 did not respect the request of the author to keep those comments in check. Every one of them would not have been mentioned (false or otherwise) if Hilary were a man. I’m still in disbelief about many of my friends that were shocked when they learned 8 years ago that the POTUS was a black man. It’s the same battle only worse for a white woman.

  290. uwo August 4, 2016 at 7:08 am #

    Would you clarify how Jill Stein is anti-science? Are you referring to her stance that vaccination has made a “huge contribution to public health”, while supporting rational regulation as one would for any other medical procedure?

    • penguinlad August 4, 2016 at 7:20 am #

      After years of vax-doubt, Stein is now trying to have it both ways, dog-whistling to anti-vaxers, making grandiose but meaningless statements like the one you quote, and exaggerating (if not outright lying) about the influence of corporate dollars in the review process.
      That’s anti-science. For your review:
      Sadly, the good doctor allows her reasonable doubts about corporate influence to cloud her judgment and lead to questionable statements about US policy in other scientific areas as well, including climate change and clean energy.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 4, 2016 at 7:23 am #

        Thank you, Penguin! I hope everyone reads your comment here! Peace, Michael.

      • uwo August 4, 2016 at 7:39 am #

        And by clouding her judgement on client science, can I assume you hold that hydraulic fracturing is clean energy?

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 4, 2016 at 7:40 am #

        Wow! Did you even read what Penguin offered?

      • uwo August 4, 2016 at 7:44 am #

        @Michael Hulshof-Schmidt Indeed, I did. I have only asked for a point of clarification, so that I don’t assume a facet of his position on clean energy. Forgive me if I appeared to disregard his comments.

  291. robert mcnerney August 4, 2016 at 7:20 am #

    I’m surprised how much time people spent answering the “reasons I don’t trust Hillary” poster. I’m also surprised he didn’t invoke Bengazi since the real world answer for that is that the resources allocated to the state department don’t allow all outposts to have the amount of security they request and that the soft target and covert rapid deployment strategies of terrorists make detection and therefore prediction almost impossible. The complexity of this and the seeming cold heartedness of the reality of resource allocation makes this hard to defend, at least to those that don’t understand the real world.

    • Teal August 4, 2016 at 7:43 am #

      I’ve worked in private security for two decades. I’ve bid over a dozen embassy guard contracts. From the first, I was appalled by the budget cutting paradigm – replace the military with contractors; put ex-pats or ex-NATO military in as supervisors; hire local nationals as guards. The military guarantees availability within two to four hours depending on how hot the zone, but that certainly did not happen in Benghazi, did it?! And somehow the SOS is to blame? Get real! My question is, after all the soul searching for answers, wha has changed?

  292. DB Busan August 4, 2016 at 7:22 am #

    Thoughtful and thought provoking. Thanks for doing the research. Well said and well written.

  293. Earl Retherford August 4, 2016 at 7:24 am #

    I think you are right in every thing you say and the mistakes she made about her server and the classification issues are understandable when you take into account the situation. I do because I worked for the government and had a secret clearance. We were never subjected to the kind of scrutiny Hillary was. I shudder to think how I would have faired.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 4, 2016 at 7:28 am #

      Earl, thank you for sharing this! Peace, Michael.

    • Teal August 4, 2016 at 8:19 am #

      Earl: I agree! I worked on S projects for decades and was as diligent as humanly possible but sure would not guarantee if subjected to a strenuous audit that no mistakes would be found. I think finding only M three out of more than twenty thousand is a minor miracle! And when all three were not correctly identified to be able to instantly know how to handle them, well I’m sorry, but they were handled as expected of the recipient!

  294. Joseph Sharp August 4, 2016 at 7:36 am #

    As a libertarian, I cannot stomach either of the two offerings of the corrupt parties which we are saddled with. The tricks pulled by the DNC have poisoned me and taken away all illusions that our votes count. The republicans are no better. The idea that ” your vote counts” is a blatant lie and I see no changing it in this election. She will win, that’s cut and dried. I fear for the Republic and for the Liberty that we have established with the blood of patriots through the years of its existence. Lay only hope is that we can last until the next election and the people of our once great nation will see that our current situation is not working.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 4, 2016 at 7:39 am #

      Joseph, you make an allegation of “tricks” by the DNC. Can you please provide some evidence?

      • Thom August 4, 2016 at 8:32 am #

        Think back to when everybody suddenly knew that Obama was going to be the Democratic nominee and not Clinton. The devious Clinton’s knew that the only way she’d ever get another chance was to have somebody at the DNC who could and would assist her in beating back any other challenger in 2016. Suppose she could get her campaign manager in as the Chairperson of the DNC and she could then help her when and where the help was most beneficial. But first she had to get the Chairperson to agree to step down.

        Now, if you were Clinton, how would you do that?

        In 2016, who’d she pick for her vice-presidential running mate?

        Oh, now I remember. He use to be the Chairperson of the DNC.

        And her old campaign manager is the new Chairperson of the DNC. And did she help Clinton beat Bernie? You tell me, did she?

      • Rick Russell August 4, 2016 at 9:15 am #

        Coordinating communications between the Clinton campaign and the Hillary Victory Fund. Using DNC resources to discredit Bernie for being a non-observant Jew. Waiting for Bernie delegates to leave the convention floor then replacing them with paid seat-fillers, and refusing to let them back in.

        The DNC is chartered to be impartial to all properly registered candidates, and their chair and officers clearly and unambiguously violated that charter.

      • bevanyardleigh August 4, 2016 at 9:27 am #

        No, Thom, she did not. There is NO evidence that the DNC misbehaved, just a lot of grumpy internal emails with a few bad suggestions that were NEVER acted on.
        It would be hard for HRC to influence or direct activity that never happened or to influence dozens of low-level staffers to write emails.
        Please note that you begin with the word “devious” and assume from there. Hardly an unbiased analysis of the circumstances, rather a poor leap to a conclusion based on innuendo and decades of slurs.
        Real evidence next time, please.

      • Shannon August 4, 2016 at 9:52 am #

        Ummm…the hacked emails?

      • Carol Duke August 4, 2016 at 10:48 am #

        Yeah, what about a fact based source Joseph?

      • August 4, 2016 at 1:23 pm #

        Michael, are you out of your mind? Hillary is a classic polished career politician. which simply means that she will say white because she knows that you want her to but then she will deliver black. Nothing more needs to be said about Hillary.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 4, 2016 at 1:24 pm #

        Thank you for providing your feelings without any evidence.

    • Y3 August 4, 2016 at 8:15 am #

      “As a libertarian, I cannot stomach either of the two offerings of the corrupt parties which we are saddled with.”
      I seek a little clarification of your above sentence. Is it that you are a libertarian BECAUSE you cannot stomach them (not quite what you said), or that you cannot stomach them because you are a libertarian?

      • Arthur in the Garden! August 4, 2016 at 9:59 am #

        Wow! Conspiracy theory much? Medication or therapy might help you!

    • Shannon August 4, 2016 at 9:55 am #

      Oh, please. You’re not a libertarian. You’re just some pathetic whiner who doesn’t want to pay taxes. Or a Republican that likes to smoke pot, take your pick. Either way, you’re not fit to shine the shoes of real libertarians.

    • Gyan Prakash August 4, 2016 at 10:27 am #

      Really? I notice that you do not say a word about speeches to Goldman Sachs; her coziness to Wall Street; the SuperPACS; Honduras, fracking, Clinton Foundation… Regardless of the right-wing vilification, these stand as reasons for why people, at least the Progressives, don’t trust her. So, in your conversion, you seem to have overlooked these facts.

      • Jackie August 4, 2016 at 12:01 pm #

        What do you mean by “coziness” to Wall Street? Are you implying that Clinton has engaged in illegal activity with regard to the financial markets? I am enraged that the people who almost destroyed our economy in 2008 have not been punished, but Wall Street in and of itself is not Satan. So please offer some evidence of Clinton’s “coziness” that disturbs you.

      • tmc August 4, 2016 at 12:06 pm #

        I also noticed no word anywhere about why Hillary won’t release her speeches to Wall Street and Goldman Sacs. This article is another way to try and persuade people Hillary has not been bought and sold. Wealthy? Is that something good? How did she get wealthy as a public servant? Lobbyists and Wall Street? Also, if a man had done this, I wouldn’t vote for him either. That’s why Bernie was so great. His income was exactly his salary. No one was buying him except the American people.

      • Marc August 4, 2016 at 12:39 pm #

        Gyan, I’m a progressive and trust her.Pleas speak for yourself and don’t assume to represent proggrisvs in general.

      • sportsmusicsite August 4, 2016 at 1:54 pm #

        Yes, conveniently…

      • Margaret Martine August 4, 2016 at 4:48 pm #

        Gyan, did anybody reply in response to your links? Here’s one that indicates that Elizabeth Warren told only part of the story which was misleading:

      • Margaret Martine August 4, 2016 at 4:50 pm #

        Well… Here’s a link that knocks down Elizabeth’s Warren story:

    • ola August 4, 2016 at 1:12 pm #

      Ignoramus . Shameless . Liar. Dirty, stinky, hate- mongering non entity. May God save your wounded and scarred soul. 😛

    • Bluelight57 August 4, 2016 at 1:34 pm #

      Of the two “offerings” as you call them, the Republican candidate is surely the least qualified person to be nominated in decades. He admittedly learns that all he has to know comes from “watching television.” He knows less than nothing about the US military, having dodged the draft during Vietnam with five successive deferments. In an interview last week, he learned, for the first time, that Russia had annexed Crimea! Unbelievable that he is so ignorant. At the beginning of the campaign, he stated that Japan was a “peasant country.” Sure, with 140% more patents than the US every year! For him,China and Japan are one country. When offered a Purple Heart by an elderly vet and admirer, he stated that he always wanted to have “one of these.” I was stunned. Donald Trump did not even know what the Purple Heart signifies. He didn’t even know that the Purple Heart is awarded to servicemen killed or wounded in action: that it was established by George Washington in 1792. Donald Trump also insulted a Gold Star mother. He won’t apologize. He says that he too sacrificed in business. What? A business scheme that failed to pay off is his equivalent of losing a child? What an insult to all families of those who lost a child in service. People like my family. My mom’s eldest brother was m.i.a. My grandmother never stopped hoping that he would somehow be found alive,maybe with amnesia, which would explain his failure to return. She suffered until the end of her life. What a sacrifice, to lose her only son. I am appalled at Trump’s words and his total lack of empathy for those who have truly sacrificed. He publicly mocked and mimicked a disabled newsman in front of million of people. Donald Trunk has showed me that he hasn’t a shred of decency. He respects no one but himself. It’s all about him, and no one else. I am a conservative. But I will not vote for him. He is not worthy to lead our country. The rest of the ticket, yes, but no vote for President. He merits the rejection of the American people.

  295. Trish Smith August 4, 2016 at 7:57 am #

    I too am a Bernie supporter and have not been swayed by either Red or Blue yet — and agree with you on the Green party as well. I am continually researching and was wondering if you watched “Clinton’s Cash” documentary and your thoughts on it.

    • J Sutherland August 4, 2016 at 8:34 am #

      Here are some thoughts and comments on both the book and the movie–

    • PC August 4, 2016 at 11:25 am #

      That was, yet another, biased smear campaign full of propaganda!

    • Parrish Beals August 4, 2016 at 1:21 pm #

      My Thoughts on that was the Director and creator on that movie was the same director that tried to lead America to believe that Obama was going to be our last president. And So On. I did not see that movie on the bases alone. I know that movie just like the other movie he did. Was going to be filled with misstated facts and twisted Rhetoric. Now there offering the showing for free and becoming desperate for people to watch the movie here in San Jose, Ca. Many here are not watching it because the Creator of this movie was completely bias towards President Obama . Created a Horrible misstated Movie. All what he reported was all completely false. Furthermore. All the predictions never happened. So its a waist of time to see a movie that will be filled with twisted facts that will seem real in the movie. Predictions that will never come true. All the corruption and money that has been completely investigated and debuked. I am sorry. But you reaching for something that is not going to be there. We need to save our Country. I suggest to go on Yahoo. Find Frank Schaeffer and listen to him. Maybe by doing that. You will see the urgency to back Hillary and Vote for her. He will get you thinking where our nation is heading if we have Trump. Thank you for your time.

    • Gyan Prakash August 4, 2016 at 2:33 pm #

      Note that none of the links I have listed are from right-wing sites! So to say that the”reason for the distrust is that the “narrative about Hillary Clinton that has been produced, packaged, and perpetuated by mostly the GOP with the help of many democrats and independents,” does not quite address the critique of the Clinton coziness with Wall Street.

  296. cec15admin August 4, 2016 at 7:57 am #

    yeah, you sort of lose he thread there when you avoid actually discussing the policy positions that she is deeply representative & reviled for.

  297. Manny August 4, 2016 at 8:00 am #

    LOL, ” My research indicates that the reality — the facts (I realize facts are immaterial when talking to many Trump supporters) — are that Hillary Clinton is one of the most honest politicians ….”

    I guess you haven’t read the leaked DNC emails.

    • Michael August 4, 2016 at 8:58 am #

      I guess neither have you, because no where in the emails did it suggest Hilary had done anything illegal or shady. The DNC shamelessly favored one candidate, and used cowardly ad hominem attacks to undermine Bernie’s campaign. That had little to do with Hillary’s track record of voting for liberal bills, admitting mistakes, and listening to what people say. Have you heard how many people she thanks individually before each speech? Don’t fall victim to 20 years of personal attacks. Hillary has been under near constant investigation for 25 years, and nobody, not the FBI, the supreme court (all non partisan institutions) have found any evidence she did anything wrong. You honestly think, with how many people are after her, that if they had found ANY evidence, they would prosecute her? And now, people are using the fact that she has been investigated as evidence that she’s corrupt. It’s self-fullfilling prophecy. Nobody hated he this much freaking 4-5 years ago, her approval was darn near 60%

      • Mark Zima August 4, 2016 at 10:16 am #

        Are you seriously trying to persuade us that the DNC was doing its massive against-the-rules partisanship, and campaign finance manipulations, to favor Hillary and Hillary was ignorant of all this? Really?

    • Dennis Key August 4, 2016 at 10:17 am #

      I feel finally justified in my conclusion several months ago that HRC has been the long-time target of a Big Lie campaign mainly by the GOP but aided and abetted by too many others. I looked back both in my own memory and reportage and concluded that it began when she had the gall as FLOTUS to push for universal health care.This brought her to the attention of the Neocons and labeled her as an Enemy of Note-dangerous to everything they stood for.
      This campaign has waxed and waned as her public presence has done the same. I was raised by women, educated by women and in my nursing career, mainly had women for professional colleagues. I am as far from a misogynist as can be. Therefore, it took me longer to realize what you so succinctly pointed out, the misogynistic tone to the whole campaign. Silly me! I just thought the Right hated her because of her Liberal and Progressive philisophies.
      I have shared this link on my FB page to go with all the posts detailing my observations of the Big Lie campaign against her I have posted in response to the parroting of the lies of this egregious campaign.

    • manzanita August 4, 2016 at 11:59 am #

      The leaked emails are vastly overrated. I mean, DUH! This stuff goes on all the time in all parties. No surprises, nothing criminal, barely worth the paper they are printed on. Tempest in a teacup. And why shouldnt’ the DNC favor a longtime democrat over someone who became a democrat just to run? I like Bernie, even sent him money, and I hope his success will push Hillary further left, as she sees there are actually votes there. But you don’t wait until a presidential election to build a movement. If we want a viable 3rd party candidate, we have to start building from the ground up. Let’s see what Bernie supporters do now. Drop out? Whine? Or get to work?

  298. B. L. Stevens August 4, 2016 at 8:02 am #

    I totally agree with your assessment. Let me add a couple examples of blatant sexism be the media. After the roll call of the states and her historic nomination, MSNBC cuts to LWrence O’Donell who spends the next several minutes completely ignoring HillRy’s accomplishment and extolling Bernie Sanders. Later, Chuck Todd (and this was priceless in the pantheon of misogyny) asks the president of the National Organization of Women how much did being married to a former president have to do with her mominAtion. Could you be any more insulting Chuck? My answer: being married to Bill slowed it down from happening 16 years ago! These are two small examples from our “liberal” media! I could go on and on but I’ll end with sAying, thank God for men like E. J. Dionne because misogyny is so deep in this country!

  299. Bill August 4, 2016 at 8:04 am #

    Michael – Seriously? Are you that blind to the truth that much? Do not play the card that she has not been convicted of anything so she is not guilty. That is absurd!

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 4, 2016 at 8:10 am #

      Bill, seriously? Can you provide some evidence? Next time you leave a comment, can you leave behind the condescension?

    • Marc August 4, 2016 at 12:43 pm #

      In what bizarre universe is proven
      innocence “a card”?

  300. Robb workman August 4, 2016 at 8:08 am #

    What about the truth on Benghazi? Wall Street money? Emails? Donations? Those are the items that she needs to be truthful on.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 4, 2016 at 8:10 am #

      Robb, have you read any of the comments here?

    • Michael E. Smith August 4, 2016 at 10:12 am #

      Why does everyone fall back to Benghazi? Why not go back further to Iraq, where many more died in a war that was senseless in many ways? The White House and DOS along with many others asked for more appropriations time and time again for the defense of embassies around the world and congress did nothing (as promised)! Know your history please. She is the best of these candidates to keep the ship afloat and going in the right direction on this and many subjects. We need stability not a narcissistic mentally deranged person to tell the world that this country is not going down the tubes holding crosses, guns, confederate flags and hate.

      • DM Dougherty August 4, 2016 at 1:39 pm #

        In the Republican era there were 20 US Embassy attacks with 66 fatalities. But I guess they aren’t worth spending years and tax dollars investigating to come up with no wrong doing found

      • Manzanita August 8, 2016 at 5:37 pm #

        Michael, you might add that it was the Republicans in Congress who blocked funding for increasing security at embassies.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 9, 2016 at 4:02 am #

        Nice addition. Thank you!

    • Dennis Key August 4, 2016 at 10:20 am #

      I feel finally justified in my conclusion several months ago that HRC has been the long-time target of a Big Lie campaign mainly by the GOP but aided and abetted by too many others. I looked back both in my own memory and reportage and concluded that it began when she had the gall as FLOTUS to push for universal health care.This brought her to the attention of the Neocons and labeled her as an Enemy of Note-dangerous to everything they stood for.
      This campaign has waxed and waned as her public presence has done the same. I was raised by women, educated by women and in my nursing career, mainly had women for professional colleagues. I am as far from a misogynist as can be. Therefore, it took me longer to realize what you so succinctly pointed out, the misogynistic tone to the whole campaign. Silly me! I just thought the Right hated her because of her Liberal and Progressive philisophies.
      I have shared this link on my FB page to go with all the posts detailing my observations of the Big Lie campaign against her I have posted in response to the parroting of the lies of this egregious campaign.

  301. Vanessa August 4, 2016 at 8:20 am #

    I find it sad that the only female candidate that the American public has found worthy to seriously consider for the presidency, is a former First Lady. Let that sink in for a moment. I’m not saying that I don’t think she’ll do a fantastic job or that she isn’t qualified. It’s just that I’ve heard too many “At least she’s had on the job training” comments. Or, “She’s already run the country for eight years.” If she had the same current qualifications without having the First Lady title as part of her resume, she never would have made it this far.
    I’m also getting tired of being told that I’m voting for her just because she’s a woman! All that does is demeans my intelligence and my ability to form my own opinions based on my own research. I’ve never heard a man being asked to justify why, as a male, he’s voting for the “male candidate”.

    • betty August 4, 2016 at 10:33 am #

      She is also a former Secretary of State and former Senator from New York.

    • Jennifer Obrist Cisneros August 4, 2016 at 10:39 am #

      Actually, she’s not the only woman candidate running for President. Have you researched Jill Stein: Just the only one nominated by a “major” party…

    • Teal August 4, 2016 at 10:56 am #

      Many a male has had less than one term as a US Senator, one term as a the US Secretary of State, and a successful twenty year history of fighting for children’s and family issues. The OJT comments are not as spurious as they might appear on the surface, as with a more traditional couple, but since at least Nancy Reagan, we’ve known the First Lady has inordinate power. Bill and Hillary are a team who bounce everything off one another. She had eight years with an intimate view of how DC politics play out inside the Whitehouse. She’s not a novice unfamiliar with the games or to the responsibilities when sitting behind the big desk. Nor is she unfamiliar with the majority of movers and shakers in the House and Senate but knows them by first name. She’s so much more ready for this than most.

    • Sandra Poppers August 4, 2016 at 11:31 am #

      Gee, would George Bush, have been elected Governor of Texas, if his father had not been President?

  302. Susan Ochshorn August 4, 2016 at 8:24 am #

    Excellent piece, Michael. But in the spirit of gender equality, anti-misogyny, not to mention social justice, I’d love to have seen you move beyond your ken to cite some of the “fairer sex”–including Rebecca Traister ( and myself ( Onward!

  303. B Baker August 4, 2016 at 8:29 am #

    I am a non-partisan, independent voter, an avid fan of both David Brooks and Bernie Sanders, and one of millions who will have to very reluctantly vote for Hillary Clinton as the most effective way of voting against dangerous Donald Trump. “How dare” Clinton for allowing the DNC to rig the Democratic primary election in her favor and against Bernie Sanders and then to act like she had no knowledge that this was happening. Not one penny of campaign contribution from me for Clinton’s campaign. With the hundreds of thousands of dollars she is reported to have received from Golden Sacks for speeches that she won’t make public, she shouldn’t need my contribution.

    • Monica Rodriguez August 4, 2016 at 10:22 am #

      There is NO evidence the DNC “rigged” the primary process. As a matter of fact, there are numerous areas where Sanders failed in his pledge when signing up to run as a Democrat (“for the money and the media coverage”). Plainly stated, the DNC does not own or have the ability to “rig” my vote. And I find it highly insulting to cast my vote aside in order to assuage your hurt feeling over your candidate’s loss. And I’m sure the feeling is the same for the nearly 18 millions other voters. Check the facts: Hillary Clinton has been shown to be the most truthful candidate, yes, even more than Sanders, out of all the candidates that ran for President. Her progressive policies AND plans to achieve them were posted on her website over a year and a half ago, without prodding from the Sanders camp. But, it is a free country, after all… if you still want to hold on to the lies and propaganda initiated by the Republican hate machine, go ahead. But, believe this, when Hillary is elected President, she’ll still work for YOU, even if you never support her.

  304. Dee McDaniel (@DeeMcDaniel14) August 4, 2016 at 8:34 am #

    From the article “My research indicates that the reality — the facts (I realize facts are immaterial when talking to many Trump supporters) — are that Hillary Clinton is one of the most honest politicians tracked by the Pulitzer Prize winning fact-checking project Politifact.” Politifact just gave her 4 Pinnochios and a pantsuit on fire rating. Yeah, she’s honest all right!

    • Vocalinds August 4, 2016 at 12:35 pm #

      If you look at Hillary’s profile on Politifact, she has a 2% “pants on fire” rating. Out of the hundreds of statements she’s made that Politifact has checked since it started in 2007, only 5 rate “pants on fire.” She has more completely true statements (22%) than Bernie Sanders (13%). Now, Bernie has 0 “pants on fire” statements, which is nice. But listing one of the 5 total ridiculous statements that Hillary has made as a representative example of her honesty is blatantly biased.

  305. Vesta August 4, 2016 at 8:41 am #

    I feel like I just read something that belongs in the Onion.
    Honest Hillary? Have you even been following the email scandal? Or her relationship with Wall Street?

    • derekbaker (@derekbaker) August 4, 2016 at 12:52 pm #

      I have. If you think either of those issues demonstrate some kind of deep dishonesty or collusion, then you obviously haven’t been “following” them, you’re merely parroting what your friends post on Facebook.

  306. Baruch August 4, 2016 at 8:43 am #

    Hillary’s willingness to slaughter other human beings en masse makes her immoral and unacceptable. Period. All your excuses, justifications, and denials, just make you a collaborator.

  307. Barbara Raddbaugh August 4, 2016 at 8:51 am #

    Hillary Clinton has been exonerated by three Republicans in regard to Whitewater – ken Starr, emails – Trey Gowdy, emails – Jim Comey, the FBI director. She was grilled for 11 hours about Bengahzi and there was no indictment because there was none to be made.Get over your misogyny. She is a good and honest person. She just happens to be a woman.

    • Carol Duke August 4, 2016 at 10:47 am #

      Love your post.

    • Zac August 4, 2016 at 1:20 pm #

      Money doesn’t have a political party.

  308. Oligarchs_Suck (@Oligarchs_Suck) August 4, 2016 at 8:52 am #

    So, we should not give a pass to Mitt Romney about being out of touch with working class women and men… but because Hillary is a female we should ignore those instincts and instead decide that that fit for Romney is gendered for Hillary? Here is someone who built a multimillion dollar income with Bill Clinton, based solely on their access to power. It’s wrong, no matter what the gender. Yet now we use identity politics to excuse it for women? Not my brand of feminism.

    When Hillary apologizes for her complicity in forcing low wage women into WalMart jobs while she made $$ from WalMart. When she apologizes to the women she bombed while brown and then laughed about it. When she apologizes for the carceral state, then I might think she’s getting a bad rap.

  309. Kathy Lee August 4, 2016 at 8:54 am #

    Hillary Clinton is an incredibly hard working person. Her “likeability” is utterly irrelevant. I’m not even sure what that means. This is a presidential election not a Miss or Mr. congeniality contest. She is not a great orator and she doesn’t have a generous dose of charisma. She says it herself she loves the work. She is a highly intelligent person who has the ability to understand very complex problems and has the courage and tenacity to formulate and operationalize reasonable solutions. If you look at your communities you will see that the people that are like her are the ones who get things done.

    She has compassion and integrity, and has worked hard for social justice in multiple arenas. Civil rights , access to healthcare for families that have difficulty finding affordable imsurance, and pay equity. I hope that she will continue, as president, to fight for income equality with programs that can work.
    She has my vote, because she represents our best shot at curbing the relentless shrinking of the middle class.

    • C Valentine August 4, 2016 at 10:18 am #

      If she is so highly intelligent and understands complex problems, how is it she didn’t understand that a private e-mail server for confidential national security was a breach of protocol? She had to sign documentation as secretary of state that she would comply with electronic use operating procedures and regulations. Is it that complex to realize that what she did was break the law, that anybody can hack into anything these days?.

      Then she lied on tv, in front of the world that she gave all requested information to the FBI regarding the investigation. Comey, in testimony to Congress, admitted she lied. How is this blatent sexism? How can we consider this propaganda?

      I don’t understand how this is ok?

      • Roni Carlson August 4, 2016 at 11:42 am #

        You’re reaching and just cannot fathom why Hillary was not indicted. Colin Powell and Condi Rice would have also faced the same charges. They are also intelligent people who deleted thousands of emails. Comey did NOT say she lied. You twisted his words.

    • Shelia D. August 4, 2016 at 10:50 am #

      I totally agree, Kathy Lee. Our government and business has had a revolving door since our inception as a nation like it or not.
      I would love to have a viable 3rd party in this nation. There are more independents than ever before so maybe it will happen one day.
      Hillary is very capable of running this country and is well respected around the world. She has worked tirelessly for women and families. She doesn’t deserve this smear job on her character. I believe it is happening because she is a woman. I will be voting for her. A vote for anyone else is a vote for Trump. But by all means, do vote. If it didn’t count, they wouldn’t be passing voter id laws to disenfranchise voters all over the country. Vote…

  310. Joe August 4, 2016 at 8:54 am #

    No question, HRC is very bright. If Hillary is such an outstanding candidate, why did the DNC engage in such low level tactics to insure her nomination? To date four executives had to resign. If she is so honest and trustworthy, why did the Washington Post give her four Pinnochios for answers to Chris Wallace? Since she has a reputation of a liar, what is the guarantee that she will follow through on her ideas? When she was first lady and was pursuing health care, she was attacked by the press for having her meetings in secret. So health care failed. If she is wealthy, and I believe she is, how did she acquire her wealth? Certainly not her recent book. Remember, she claimed they were broke when they left the White House.

    • Teal August 4, 2016 at 10:38 am #

      So, the DNC was behind the actual died in the wool, proven, forty year long Democrat and not the Johnny-come-lately? Who’d have thunk?! In the end, the outcome was unaffected, as Jane stated in her interview with Rolling Stone. They were badly in debt – i.e., broke – when they left the Whitehouse owing millions in legal fees, so that is accurate. So just like every commentator on FOX made millions off of their bitter, anti-American people, strident troves, the Clintons made millions off their books, too. All three of Hillary’s have been best sellers. The four Pinocchios was for overstating Comey’s conclusions (the same way someone claims they were found ‘innocent’ when they were found ‘not guilty’). However, has found her on the highest end of truth telling among candidates this year, whereas Trump is near the bottom. And, too, has found the same. The attacks when she was spearheading the committee exploring healthcare was over a First Lady having any role at all in the administration, even on a committee – it was pure sexism. She is, in fact, an outstanding, wholly qualified, immensely prepared candidate who has withstood endless unfounded attacks by those with an agenda to still be standing strong.

  311. Diana August 4, 2016 at 8:55 am #

    All the bad publicity about Hillary has been fabricated by the Right? Really?? No one had to manufacture any lies about her! She does just fine on her own. Anyone who thinks Hillary is trustworthy, honest and capable of being POTUS is living in a fantasy world! I urge everyone to see the new documentary just released called ” Hillary’s America”, produced by Dinesh DeSousa.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 4, 2016 at 8:59 am #

      And yet you provide no evidence, save for referencing a known Fascist like DeSousa. How sad.

    • Dan Dollison August 4, 2016 at 9:24 am #

      DeSousa?? He’s at best a deluded religionist and at worst a self-serving con man and snake oil salesman. DeSousa?? You are dismissed “Diana”.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 4, 2016 at 10:03 am #

        Dan, I think you are being overly generous in your description of DeSousa. 🙂 Peace, Michael.

    • August 4, 2016 at 9:54 am #

      dear Diana…this was written AFTER his conviction for plagerism, he was one of the elite writers until they found out he stole his material…outed a gay co worker…he is a die hard in the dirt tea bagger who hates…yes hates anything not extremely damaging to people in power…you are really a jagoff….and yes the bad publicity was fabricated by the right…

    • kathleeneherndon August 4, 2016 at 9:54 am #

      I find it amazing that we are supposed to watch this pernicious documentary and take it as gospel when it is been written directed and produced by a conservative. No bias there at all I’m sure.

  312. Lara9209 August 4, 2016 at 8:57 am #

    Thank you … I too, a 55 yo woman, am guilty of the sexism … I always said, “Hilary is too decisive to get elected”. I would NEVER have said that about a male candidate (even Trump). We need to search deep for our biases and look to what each of these candidates have and do represent. From that perspective I am with her …

  313. Manywoman August 4, 2016 at 9:08 am #

    Reblogged this on Karin E Weiss: Writer, Artist, Dreamer and commented:
    This is a wonderful retrospective review of Hillary Clinton. Thank you so much for posting it! I have shared it on Facebook and now Reblog, for I could never say it so concisely and convincingly. The true Hillary haters will not be convinced for they do not merely hate her, they Fear her and the potential positive changes she could bring to our nation’s leadership.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 4, 2016 at 10:04 am #

      Manywoman, thank you for the reblogg. Peace, Michael.

    • Jan Michael Mast August 4, 2016 at 12:43 pm #

      I don’t hate Hillary Clinton but I do despise her. Not for the color of her skin or what’s between her legs. I despise her for the content of her character.

      I have never seen or read any of the supposed pieces that are “responsible” for slandering her. I have no interest in reading them. I have no interest in any media report about Hillary Clinton. I am only interested in the facts. And the facts prove that she lies often and repeatedly. She routinely opposes things now that she voted for previously, or there is video of her supporting.

      I attribute her untrustworthiness to all the scandals that she has been tied to. She broke the law when she e-mailed classified information. Just because the partisan DOJ didn’t indict her, she still broke the law nonetheless. There is proof that she lied to congress and she lied to the American people. I don’t care if she was never indicted or found guilty. I know for certain that she has lied so many times. Video and e-mail evidence doesn’t lie, but Hillary Clinton does.

      As a veteran I wish for nothing but the best for our country and our citizens, but big government is not the answer, Individual accountability is. So please inform me what that positive change would be? What positive change am I so scared of? And please do ask before you assume I am for/against anything. Or before you assume that I am a Trump supporter. Trump has nothing to do with this reply, therefore any retort should have nothing to do with him as well. It should be only HRC.

      • bevanyardleigh August 4, 2016 at 1:12 pm #

        Congratulations, sir! You are the living embodiment of the very themes this thoughtful article so skillfully rebuts. It must be true, of course, because you REALLY think so! How easy your world must be.
        Those of us in the world of real people and real consequences, however, must work a little harder.

      • Roni Carlson August 4, 2016 at 1:21 pm #

        You obviously have not done your homework and rely on tabloids for your misinformation. I don’t blame Herr Trump for your hateful character and disgusting comments.

  314. sikenberry August 4, 2016 at 9:09 am #

    I just wish she had a greater propensity to listen to advisors and to make sure that there are some contrarians in her circle. If you read the long Washington Post piece on the email server choice while she served as Secy of State server it’s pretty clear that there WERE people warning her about this choice whose advice she shut out. A good President needs to listen and sometimes hear what he or she does NOT want to hear… I hope she’s learned from this experience, but most people don’t ….

  315. Aftab Patel August 4, 2016 at 9:09 am #

    No politician or leader can be completly above board.Compromises become imperative managing complex and contradicting goals and steering through a web of vested interests.Does hillary have equity justice and good conscience as her core values .the answer is a resounding yes.Will she make a better president then trump ?No doubt.

    • Jerry Foxx August 4, 2016 at 1:41 pm #

      Well said.

  316. Young Gandalf August 4, 2016 at 9:15 am #


    you have come to almost the exact same conclusions I have come to about Clinton. I am an immigrant and have not been around in the US for much of the early Republican smear campaigns as many predate my arrival in the early 2000s. So I looked into the allegations as they were made. Not into gossip and partisan demagoguery columns, today often disguised as ‘news’, but actual information. I put significant time into this and I have found that there is no basis to the claims.

    I agree too, that the US media do not fulfill their primary job anymore and haven’t for some time. Investigative journalism has a necessary role to play and if we don’t have it anymore, the country cannot recover.

    Clinton’s run and her presidency are bound to bring out very vile sexism just as Obama’s presidencies have brought the racial situation to a boil. It will be very ugly, but it must be done as most self declared equal rights opportunists do not even begin to see the issue.

    A side thought: All over the western societies we have had waves of liberations: slaves, women, LGBT, etc. They all culminate in a public fig leaf, often in form of an election. But then there is never a second candidate after that. Here we deal with the situation of feminism, which had its heyday in the 70s perhaps. Now comes the natural conclusion, the presidency of a woman, but the situation has changed. Formal denial of inequality is one thing, making it routine action is quite another. Until that has been achieved, nothing has been achieved except for a very decorative selection of fig leaves and meaningless icons which really symbolize failure. So the question is: Which world do you want to live in?

  317. MOISHE KLAPPERMAN August 4, 2016 at 9:21 am #

    unfortunately, America has become a culture of slander

  318. Lynn Hennelly August 4, 2016 at 9:30 am #

    Sorry… but I just have to say… BULLSHIT!! Do you have an issue with women… I don’t (I AM a woman)… and what I didn’t (and still don’t) like about Hillary has absolutely NOTHING to do with her gender… and whether or not she is pushy, etc. I don’t have a problem with ‘pushy’… I have a problem with her politics!!!! I have a problem with her relationship with Wall Street corruption, with companies like Monsanto, with so-called “Incremental change”!! I have a problem with the Clinton Foundation and many of their priorities. Geesh…

  319. nhkaryn August 4, 2016 at 9:30 am #

    Reblogged this on ThruHikeR and commented:
    will the United States EVER progress beyond the 1950s mentality?

  320. bevanyardleigh August 4, 2016 at 9:34 am #

    Thank you for a thoughtful piece and for encouraging everyone to look for the truth without preconceptions.

    Two trends (especially from the left) that trouble me in this comment thread:
    1) People nit picking one specific policy on which HRC falls short. Missing the point, darlings. NO ONE IS PERFECT, not Bernie, especially not Dr. Stein or Gov. Johnson. If you’re willing to die on Trump hill over one policy, you frighten me.
    2) READ THE POST before you comment. The whole point is that the anti-Hillary narrative is so baked in that we forget to approach her candidacy with clarity. If you assume deviousness, manipulation, venality, or any other faux-HRC construct, you are buying into a dangerously false narrative.
    Where is the reasoned approach? Where is the critical thinking? Oh cranky commenters, I’m embarrassed for you!

    And btw, Michael, cheers to you for staying so positive and open to with so many interesting voices flowing past your wonderful words.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 4, 2016 at 10:01 am #

      Thank you! Weighing through some of these comments leaves me feeling as though I need a “Silkwood Shower.” 🙂 I also grow tired of the personal attacks. Peace, Michael.

  321. Mercedes August 4, 2016 at 9:47 am #

    Hilary!!!!! Ladies and Gentlemen PLEASE…… She CAN NOT BE TRUSTED….Search your souls…. I’m not asking you to vote from Trump, but Definitely NOT Hilary…..

  322. Louis Flint Ceci August 4, 2016 at 9:49 am #

    Did she not lie about being under fire when visiting the Balkans?

  323. Laurie Masters August 4, 2016 at 9:53 am #

    Donald Trump will have to look up most of the words you used. Just mentioning that.

  324. Rick Russell August 4, 2016 at 9:56 am #

    Is it OK to not support her because I disagree with her positions? Pro-capital punishment, pro-overzealous incarceration and minimum sentences, pro-military intervention as a lever in foreign affairs, anti-single payer health care, pro-TPP, pro-deportation of child refugees (until she was pushed on it during her campaign), “adamantly against illegal immigrants”…

    I’m tired of being accused of misogyny for disagreeing with somebody on the their *revealed* policy positions.

  325. Chuck Bowers August 4, 2016 at 10:11 am #

    They have hated her since Watergate, when she served the committee. They have investigated her since Travelgate, begun just days into Bill’s presidency. And they have lied about her since Vince Foster. The only honesty problem Hillary has is the lack of it among Republicans.

  326. Merilee August 4, 2016 at 10:14 am #

    I too was bothered by the constant interruption during the speeches by The media. I tuned into CSPAN and enjoyed the entire convention uninterrupted. It was so well organized that is true, but the many supporters of Hillary were the stars . Through the their eyes the world was able to see the many accomplishments, large and small, that this remarkable and capable woman has done. I am sorry that the networks can’t allow that to happen, and was xtremely disappointed in the coverage of MSNBC .

  327. Jeffrey Kesselman August 4, 2016 at 10:16 am #

    Thats fine for you, but don’t assume that MY issues with her are as shallow and tainted as yours please. That seems to be what y
    ou are implying in this article and its not only nonsense but insulting.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 4, 2016 at 11:03 am #

      How ironic, given you have been nothing but insulting on this blog! You have insulted me personally and insulted others. Good Day!

  328. David Allendorf August 4, 2016 at 10:18 am #

    I don’t even have to research to site two examples of dishonesty. Go back to her previous position on same-sex marriage (against; numerous documented video evidence referenced), and how she flip flopped when it was politically expedient. She simple had to say she had become enlightened, but instead chose to say (documented as well) that her position had never changed.
    Then just last week we all saw her lie to Chris Wallace regarding her FBI testimony. Michael, you would be more honest to just declare your vote an anti-Trump vote (which is understandable) than to try to convince yourself and others of Clinton’s virtues…which is kind of an oxymoron

  329. Melanie Lee August 4, 2016 at 10:22 am #

    Donald Trump and the Clintons used to be friends. I’ve been wondering if they colluded so that Trump would rout the Republican Party and assure Hillary’s election. Now I’m wondering if this a grand social experiment: if we run the most qualified White Female candidate against one of the least qualified White Male candidates, could she even win?

    This reminds me of the experiment where, in hiring, a White Male candidate with no college degree and a felony conviction had a slight advantage over a Black Male candidate with a college degree and no felony conviction. Apparently, in the eyes of many employers, being Black was a bigger detriment than having a felony record or having no college degree. Unfortunately, in the eyes of many voters, being Female may be worse than being bigoted, uncontrolled, vengeful, narcissistic, or inexperienced.

  330. Linda August 4, 2016 at 10:53 am #

    Have you seen “Hilary’s America”? I haven’t as yet. Any comment on it?

  331. Steven Wagenheim August 4, 2016 at 11:07 am #

    I am going to reply to your article calmly and rationally. Bottom line. We DO have proof that Hillary Clinton has lied or, at the very least, has changed her position on issues within the last 10 to 20 years. The blatant lie about landing in enemy gunfire. How do you defend that? How can you claim she is honest when she clearly has shown that she is not? This is what I find most baffling about your article. It is as if these things never happened, forgetting about the emails. I would like to hear your answer on this.

    • bevanyardleigh August 4, 2016 at 11:27 am #

      My my my, people do obsess over that enemy gunfire statement. Yes, it was wrong. It was one statement. I can forgive it, given the fundamentally honest, forthright nature of her work. No-one in the public eye, especially given this level of scrutiny, is fib-free. Sec. Clinton is FAR more straightforward than any other politician (other than Pres. Obama). If you want a saint, you will be disappointed. If you want a dedicated public servant, fighting uphill against decades of slander and abuse, proving her mettle and determination, we have an excellent choice.

      PS – Oh my goodness! She changed a position or six over the course of decades of public service. No-one else has ever done that! Certainly not an intelligent person who learns from new evidence and is committed to critical thinking and personal growth. Bah! I say bah! to you.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 4, 2016 at 11:31 am #

        Yes, I would hope many of us have changed our positions as we evolve and become more empathic and more sensitive to the needs of other people! Peace, Michael.

  332. Becky August 4, 2016 at 11:30 am #

    There’s no way I’m ever voting for that woman! I don’t trust her, I don’t like her, and I’ve done my research on her for many years. She is exactly what she appears to be; out for herself!

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 4, 2016 at 11:32 am #

      Becky, you provide no evidence. May I invite you to look at the thread of comments here for the overwhelming evidence of her character?

  333. JB5 August 4, 2016 at 11:58 am #

    Unfortunately most leaving comments missed the ENTIRE point of this article and/or are not capable of looking beyond the surface of the rhetoric about Hillary that has been impregnated into their minds for many years. A lie becomes the truth to the masses if its fed to them enough and that is exactly the case with Hillary. People have been fed these lies millions of times for decades and now they are incapable of seeing that the majority of it was manufactured to change peoples opinion of her. That’s not to say she perfect or even that she doesn’t lie,, shes a politician so of course she lies like EVERY SINGLE other one in office. I applaud you Michael for this article as I have done a similar look at why I didn’t like her in the past.
    I would ask this question of everyone here.. If someone fabricated terrible lies about you and relentlessly and repeatedly forced them upon everyone you know to the point that everyone started to believe them and now just new for sure you were guilty of it and nothing would ever change their minds and started repeating that lie to everyone they know and so on to the point that you are now public enemy number one…how would you like that? I mean come on.. there were 8 full investigations into Benghazi and most of these from a lynch mod whose only objective was to pin it on Hillary and even they finally said there was nothing to pin on her. Yet many had already convicted her of the crime in their minds they think the lynch mob is now lying as part of the conspiracy.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 4, 2016 at 11:59 am #

      Thank you for your very thoughtful comments here. I hope people will read and digest what you have shared. Peace, Michael.

  334. Marnix August 4, 2016 at 12:00 pm #

    Hi from South Africa. Your DNC got scared and messed up because Bernie took long to leave and they need a unified stance. Of course Clinton has to make money, from nasty people, as she and Bill were always mere government officials. Of course she looks tainted, she has been in politics a long time. Of course she should have had a right to private email, just like any of us – and given her naughty husband. Of course she has to show some republican positions, to put more morons at ease .. I was born under PM Verwoerd, caned hundreds of times, conscripted (as a pure white), my phone was tapped – you don’t want to know .. Please get real, and get everyone to vote – do not let Trump win. Thank you.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 4, 2016 at 12:02 pm #

      Marnix, thank you for your voice from South Africa. Thank you for your comments here! Peace, Michael.

  335. Rozann August 4, 2016 at 12:03 pm #

    Applause, applause! I wish I was able to communicate this effectively. If only people would take the time to gather facts and form their own opinion. They would know how she has committed her entire life to public service. The history and facts are there. With her success came more service and philanthropy. Long exhausting hours for others. She is selfless, the complete opposite of the other nominee that is full of self. Thank you for this article.

  336. Roxana Markey August 4, 2016 at 12:18 pm #

    I commend you on your excellent piece. It heals my heart-wounds that have been caused by this slanderous country’s diatribes – on both sides – to see a fairly neutral viewpoint of truth and fairness. I have not decided what to do in this election however I am deeply dismayed with Trump’s knee-jerk reacting and his bufoonish statements. He may have some excellent ideas whose time have come but his utter lack of statesmanship, political experience and logic, plus his shameless pandering to the backward, slavering masses with his racist rhetoric, make me feel strongly that he is not the right choice for President at this particular, sensitive and important time in our history. I do not like some of HRC’s policies either, in a sentence, too much govt. (I am a Rep.) but a vote for anyone but Hillary leaves us with Trump in the seat. I really don’t like this “lesser of two evils” situation we have found ourselves in but I have at least always admired and respected Hillary and I think she is probably the one most suitable for the job. (haha, I guess I just made up my mind, eh?!)

  337. April August 4, 2016 at 12:29 pm #

    Frankly, I’m quite annoyed at the “reluctant” Hillary voters. Yeah, how dare her emails be hacked (wherein nothing illegal was exposed). How dare she “not know” about people strategizing to not let Bernie win the nomination (seriously??? what world do you live in? it’s a competition for a position). How unethical that she take any money from Wall Street (how the heck do you win a Presidency that is based on how much money you can raise and not take any money that is remotely linked to Wall Street???) Hate to break it to you “Progressives”, but your 401k, retirement plan, stocks, all linked to Wall Street. If people actually gave a damn about ethics, you could start by not cheating on your spouse, lying to your boss, oh and you could certainly promote efforts to change the system that puts the most connected person in power. What is exposed under the microscope of your life in the last 25 years? Dirt, probably more than Hillary’s given the decisions she’s had to make.

    How dare Benghazi happen? Have you ever had to make a huge decision, with none of the possible outcomes being desirable in the least? It’s called risk mitigation. Yeah, the sound of her voice sometimes annoys me too, but then again so does my own. Luckily for me, that means I don’t like to hear myself talk all the time; I’d rather think. I think a lot of people on here don’t seem to have that problem. She is hands-down the most qualified person in the United States to be the next President. There is simply no one else more qualified for the job. I certainly don’t think she’s perfect, and she’s made mistakes, and she will make more, but I think she will make the best decisions for us in a really f’d up world. She stands for good things like healthcare and justice/equality for all. That should mean something to you.

  338. Grace Peterson August 4, 2016 at 12:31 pm #

    Not that she’s not capable, but it’s Hillary’s alliances with big corporations and Wall Street that make me think she’ll put their interests above the interests of the middle class. After all, she’s indebted to her donors.

  339. Dan August 4, 2016 at 12:42 pm #

    I tried to leave this alone but couldn’t…
    People should understand that in order to have had a black president and a female democratic nomination, the majority of voters could not have been prejudice.
    Am I right? I guess I could be ignorant to reality but I don’t think so…
    Or are we concluding that “Republicans in general are racist bigots because only democrats have proposed minority leaders?”
    To omit everything this woman has done to benefit this country would be absurd, but to overlook what she has done to hurt this country would be profoundly more tragic than a non-vote for sexual bias.
    I have a better challenge, other than her gender what does she bring to the table?
    Experience? Name one thing she has chosen to lead a project on that went well?
    NATO? Healthcare reform? Keeping Bill awake during a speech? Lol

  340. Regina August 4, 2016 at 12:51 pm #

    I am proud to vote for Hillary. I was proud to vote for president Obama. Why? Not that I feel that anyone in the office o POTUS is able to fix the problems of this country but for the reason that it is far beyond the time for a change in the lay of the land. A real change in the ideas professed and those that are truly expressed. This piece has given a new meaning to ” a majority being ruled by the minority”. Who are the minority? Women, people of color, non-Christians, non-heterosexuals. Collectively, we are the majority!!! Loud is the cry for “true equality” across the board. May we all be Hillary and not only ask for what we want, but demand it!!

  341. derekbaker (@derekbaker) August 4, 2016 at 1:02 pm #

    In looking at the transcript and listening to the audio (which matches) — — I don’t see where Dionne calls out Brooks for a sexist double standard, nor where Brooks reassesses. Did they continue the conversation on this elsewhere (say, in print or online?)

  342. nonsmokingladybug August 4, 2016 at 1:05 pm #

    I am a Bernie Sanders supporter and I am not thrilled about Hillary Clinton. Maybe because she has always been around and there is nothing new and exciting about her?

    Nevertheless, she will get my vote. I can not -and will not- vote against my best interest. I am a woman, I am middle class and I am a first generation immigrant and I think America is pretty great~!

  343. Adam August 4, 2016 at 1:28 pm #

    America is great and as a first generation imagrant you could not truly see how our country, yours and mine has lost much of it’s greatness over time. It’s a shame you will likely only see a loss of greatness and freedom’s and for that I am truly sorry!

  344. Donna Williams August 4, 2016 at 1:41 pm #

    Okay, guilty as charged. But let me then confess where the dilemma is in my own double standard. I really wish we didn’t glorify ambition over humility, power-grabbing over cooperation, and aggression over compassion. I wish we were better people than that. While I haven’t been able to change our admiration of these traits and have had tolerate them in men, I was at least able to rely on our acceptance of women who don’t have these traits to balance out the worst of our excesses in the other direction. To encourage women to participate in the testosterone competitions is to lose all hope that we will ever advance to a gentle and peaceable species. Some of us would rather expand the diplomatic services of the US for actual diplomacy instead of so frequently flexing our military might. So, yes, it’s true; Hillary triggers some irrational distaste in an inchoate place in my psyche. However, it’s also true that Elizabeth Warren never rubbed me the wrong way, nor have Barbara Boxer, Barbara Lee, Sandra Day O’Connor, and many others in positions of power. So, how exactly do I determine if it’s Hillary’s femaleness that bugs me or something else?

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 4, 2016 at 2:23 pm #

      Donna, thank you for sharing here. May I point out why there is not the same reaction nor antipathy for the other powerful women you have mentioned? None of these women have been targeted for 30 years by an amazing smear campaign by the GOP. Peace, Michael.

      • Sheila August 4, 2016 at 2:43 pm #

        Thank you Michael.

      • Helene Kalfuss August 4, 2016 at 5:51 pm #

        Michael, thank you for your wonderful article. I have always felt your comments to be true and wondered why no one else could see how the GOP was smearing her. As a 75 old female with a Ph.D. in a medical subspecialty,I am particularly sensitive to witnessing the every day feminized insults thrown at HRC. Unfortunately, as long as I have been alive, the double standard has not decreased and the GOP appears to have a corner on male chauvinist pigs. I don’t expect to see any changes and time soon and continue to lament the enormous numbers of voters who refuse to accept your documentation. Ignorance is indeed, bliss.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 4, 2016 at 6:25 pm #

        Thank you, Dr. Kalfuss! Peace, Michael.

    • Sisan August 4, 2016 at 5:39 pm #

      They have not had over two decades of almost constant vilification disseminated so widely. It seeps into the psyche.

    • jenniferfromny August 4, 2016 at 6:21 pm #

      It may bug you that aggression, ambition and hunger for power are part of Hillary’s nature and that she cares not that some categorize these testosterone

      • jenniferfromny August 4, 2016 at 6:23 pm #

        (Sorry)….some characterize these attubutes as belonging in a “testisterone competition” rather than allowing them to be an expression of her female nature.

    • LAURA August 4, 2016 at 8:50 pm #

      Donna, I think you make a good point – could it be Hillary’s brand of feminism that you don’t like? If that’s the case, look up tales of the goddess Durga who projects the stronger and fiercer side of womanhood in her battles with the demons that populate the universe. This is an archetype that may give you a context. Intelligent women such as Hillary, actively involved in the high stress, high stakes situations of our political landscape, have every right to claim a sense of power in their life’s work.

      Our current world is precarious and dangerous; violence is out of control and people are seemingly going crazy. Stepping into a presidential role at this time requires true grit. She has the heart of a mother but the backbone of a leader.

  345. suburbanprincessteacher August 4, 2016 at 1:50 pm #

    Reblogged this on suburbanprincessteacher and commented:
    Fantastic article.

  346. specialneedsadvocate August 4, 2016 at 1:54 pm #

    I’m with her. Let’s go to work!

  347. elizabeth kurman August 4, 2016 at 1:55 pm #

    I was a proud republican voter… uh …that is until DT. I, too had to really look into Hillary and find her to be a genuinely concerned American who is doing her best to lead the country in the direction of her substantial conscience. I don’t agree with some of the Dem. platform so I am going to vote Libertarian I think. But there is a WIDE WIDE river of difference between her mistakes and what DT is putting out there. TO DATE I have Yet TO HEAR FROM HIS OWN MOUTH just what the heck he is going to DO for the USA… SPECIFICALLY and RATIONALLY (this word is not attributed to him only to whatever and if ever he decides to come clean on what he is going to do for us. They aren’t even in the same UNIVERSE. ….. he doesn’t belong in this race. – a former Republican voter.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 4, 2016 at 2:20 pm #

      Elizabeth, thank you for your comments here. Yes, DT is truly scary! Peace, Michael.

    • Beth Ruts August 4, 2016 at 8:26 pm #

      A Libertarian vote is a vote for “DT” so you must not be too concerned, Elizabeth.

    • globalramble August 4, 2016 at 8:32 pm #

      I implore you to reconsider voting for HRC given your concerns about DT. Respectfully, Tracy

  348. Rena Ferris August 4, 2016 at 1:56 pm #

    The first time my mother applied for a very small loan….she was refused, not because she wasn’t trustworthy, it was because she was divorced from my father. The first time I went into a bank on my own to secure a note to purchase a car so that I wouldn’t have to walk to school to teach during winter, I was asked to come back with my unemployed husband if I needed one. I was teaching and employed. He was driving to college in our only vechicle. Women have not been seen as responsible or reliable when often they were the only ones who are…. Mom survived and raised four girls without any help or man’s interference. It’s time to drop this sexist idea of putting women in their “place”.

  349. bettiefisher August 4, 2016 at 1:59 pm #

    Excellent article. Thank you. As another strong Bernie supporter, my main concern with Hillary is her connection to corporate money. I think she was playing the game the same way the boys do but I wish she were stronger in her push to get corporate money out of politics. It appears now she is saying she supports that position but I don’t know how well that is going to work since she is beholding to the corporations herself. Guess we’ll see.

    • Caroline August 4, 2016 at 6:24 pm #

      Yes! My sentiments precisely.

  350. Jessica Schreiber August 4, 2016 at 2:05 pm #

    I support HRC but, come on, are there no reasons to be critical of her? How about her vote for the Iraq War? How about her support of the Defense of Marriage Act? How about her turn around on the bankruptcy bill? How about the crazy “managed care” proposal for health care? How about her lousy ghost written book “It Takes A Village”? How about her promoting fracking? It is insulting to say there is no rational reason to criticize Hillary Clinton. The better argument is that her strengths greatly outweigh her deficits, that hopefully she has learned from her past mistakes and will be a better president because of them and she has shown tremendous strength of character in overcoming decades of right-wing sponsored hate and a flawed husband with a wandering eye?

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 4, 2016 at 2:10 pm #

      Jessica, I did not say there were no reasons to be critical of her. That was not the point of the article. I do believe she is well qualified and will make a good president. Peace, Michael.

      • Gyan Prakash August 4, 2016 at 2:56 pm #

        Michael, to say that there are no reasons to be critical of her is not the central point of the your article; it is to say that you were mistaken buying “into a narrative about Hillary Clinton that has been produced, packaged, and perpetuated by mostly the GOP with the help of many democrats and independents.” So, when it comes to distrust, the issue is that her coziness with Wall Street means that she will not follow through on what she has been forced to say because of Bernie. One has to only remember Elizabeth Warren’s experience. It is another matter that she is supporting HRC because the alternative is so horrible. But this does not make HRC trustworthy. There are many other examples relating to the favors she showed big banks and corporations as SOS that support the distrust factor. So to say that the Republican hit job, which is undoubtedly true, is primarily responsible for the distrust is to swallow the Clinton narrative hook, line, and sinker!

      • Jeff Hess August 4, 2016 at 3:02 pm #

        Thanks for the non-dismissive response Michael! That’s all I was looking for too. Peace!

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 4, 2016 at 3:06 pm #

        I think you have taken up more than enough space here.

    • Larry August 4, 2016 at 4:59 pm #

      She will continue to make claims in the future to support her own political career, changing positions on all things brought before her.

      • globalramble August 4, 2016 at 8:39 pm #

        Isn’t this exactly the sort of thing Michael wrote about? Of course she might, she’s a powerful politician, not a Madonna. People can change their minds when presented with new information or if it benefits them or their community. What’s wrong with that?

  351. Mike August 4, 2016 at 2:26 pm #

    I notice your article didn’t mention the horrid way Hillary treated the women her husband “did” during the “vast right wing conspiracy” period when he was running wild. You also forgot to mention the five specific lies she told the FBI as confirmed by Mr Gowdy. Those are facts, not clouded hyperbole.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 4, 2016 at 2:30 pm #

      Mike, if you had taken the time to read the comments here, there is more than enough evidence to show that Gowdy lied and altered documents. You are woefully misinformed and have proven the veracity of this article.

      • Clareb August 4, 2016 at 3:10 pm #

        EXACTLY!! It was just proven this week that he lied about her. Hilary and Bill have been the targets of more worthless tax costing crazy witch hunts than any other elected officials in our nations history. Never been found guilty because they have never done anything illegal. Don’t you think if the GOP could have found VALID and REAL findings they would have. It’s so unjust.

      • Confused August 4, 2016 at 3:35 pm #

        What “evidence” Is there that Gowdy “lied and altered documents” is there? Please provide proof and sources for such a claim. This is the first time I am hearing about such claims and am curious to see your basis.

      • Mike August 4, 2016 at 3:43 pm #

        I was referring to the very specific and clear back and forth between Gowdy and FBI director James Comey in which Gowdy quoted Hilary’s claims and asked for a true-false response. Comey confirmed 5 lies Hillary told the FBI. Comey, not Gowdy, confirmed the facts. Did the FBI lie too? You might want to do some research yourself.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 4, 2016 at 3:51 pm #

        Mike, are you not interested in the evidence I have supplied that proves Gowdy worked to frame HRC?

  352. Christy Wilcoxen August 4, 2016 at 2:29 pm #

    Great article, and so true! Thank you for articulating the way I wish I could!

  353. queenjazze August 4, 2016 at 2:57 pm #

    Love your article – I never bought into the negativity that surrounds Hillary Clinton. She’s just plain smart and a force to be reckon with. like you said in so many words, Dear Hillary: How Very Dare You. This narrative is a 30-year-old vilification of a woman who is bright, independent, wealthy, and powerful — a woman who asks for what she wants and needs. How very dare you, Ms. Clinton? How dare you have a mind of your own? How dare you be bright and powerful? How dare you ask for what you want and need? Don’t you know these rights are still exclusively for white, Christian, cisgender, able-bodied, heterosexual men?


  354. Shannon Morris August 4, 2016 at 3:09 pm #

    I truly resent the implication that any criticism of Hillary Clinton is “seemingly irrational”

  355. Edwin Pagan August 4, 2016 at 3:11 pm #

    Thank you for this incisive, intellectual and fair assessment of my nominee Hillary Clinton. Even for those that will never be in her corner, she will prove to be a great all inclusive President. My view.

  356. Mark Olson August 4, 2016 at 3:16 pm #

    Please go see the movie out now about Hillary’s life and the Democratic Party and tell me you still feel the same.

  357. Deb Durler August 4, 2016 at 3:22 pm #

    Thank you so much for this article and your journey into the whys behind the villification of Sec. Clinton. I have always admired her and defended her, over and over. As a female who spend 33 years in municipal management, I often experienced the same bias, and I was moved to tears when she accepted the nomination for every female in our country. The privilege argument really bothers me. Tell me one person who worked their way up the ladder for 30 years who wouldn’t feel they earned and deserved a promotion. Why can’t folks see the double standard? Anyway – thank you for making me smile this afternoon. And…maybe a fist pump and a “yes!”

  358. Sim Ezzes August 4, 2016 at 3:23 pm #

    While I fully understand that Hillary, not unlike Barack Obama, has been unfairly attacked because of what she is rather than her actions or policies, I have always considered her a center/right politician with liberal social policies, but adherence to corporate ideals. She, also, seems very arrogant, as was her Husband. Why couldn’t she just use the government server? Why go out of your way to make trouble for yourself, other than a belief that whatever you do is okay? Bill was the same way, just more charming about it. She is also a hawk. Having seen the failed policies of the Bush/Cheney years, she promoted the same policies in Libya with similar results. All that being said, I will vote for her in November still wishing my New Deal Democrat Sanders were garnering my vote.

  359. B August 4, 2016 at 3:44 pm #

    Sorry I disagree. I have great respect for her accomplishments but Bernie is an authentic voice. Of course she gets my vote etc but I maintain that she has blown with the winds, that they are married to Wall Street that they are opportunists. I also believe that she honestly wants to improve peoples’ lives – just some more than others.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 4, 2016 at 3:52 pm #

      Did you read the article, B? I made no allegation that Bernie was not authentic. In fact, I love Bernie.

  360. Madame Ovary August 4, 2016 at 3:51 pm #

    It’s interesting that such a strong supporter of Senator Sanders never wrote a blog post about his strong support.

    • Reier Erickson August 4, 2016 at 7:07 pm #

      Incredibly. Kind of odd actually…

  361. Mary Staudt August 4, 2016 at 3:55 pm #

    I remember the debate Hillary and Bernie had in Brooklyn. The crowd was very noisy and both candidates were raising their voices to be heard. I immediately felt Hillary was being shrill, as I have thought before at times. But then I realized Bernie was speaking equally as “shrilly” & realized my own sexism! She has gotten an unfair rap for over 20 years, and we need to all recognize and address our own complicity in this misogyny.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 4, 2016 at 4:08 pm #

      Mary, nice reflection. If only more of us could engage in such honest and authentic reflection. Peace, Michael.

  362. Phil Holmes August 4, 2016 at 3:59 pm #

    I bought a pair if boots advertised at the end of that article on an add by online shoes. When I grew up the democratic party used to be the working man’s party. Now it’s the Hot Chillie Pepper Party ” give it away, give it away give it away, No I won’t vote for Donald either. Hell Putin is more honest maybe I will write in him for President. He’s definitely more for the working man lol

  363. Carolyn August 4, 2016 at 4:02 pm #

    Thank you for writing a piece that asks us to be introspective about the systemic nature of sexism and misogyny and how that relates to the Hillary’s image.

    As a woman in Hillary’s age group who waded through all sorts ‘isms in my own lifetime, I fear that I have been unintentionally complicit in buying into the narrative you describe in this article…even if from a different angle.

    My recollection is that when Bill Clinton came onto the national scene in the early nineties, Hillary self-identified as Hillary Rodham. People were outraged! Later she added the last name Clinton which placated some on both sides of the marital name issue and made her more accepted as First Lady material. It saddened me when her moniker morphed into Hillary Clinton, when there was a time that it was so important to her that she maintain her family name even as a married woman. I actually lost a bit of respect for her along the way because I saw this as giving in to sexist demands placed on her in order to advance her husband’s career. But perhaps this is further evidence to your point. Maybe HRC had to compromise some of her personal values due to ‘systematic oppression’ in order to further her own ability to serve. Maybe instead of selling-out she was moving forward!

    My personal hope is that she takes the oath of office as President of the United States as Hillary Rodham Clinton!

  364. Mathy Miller August 4, 2016 at 4:08 pm #

    I have Read that female members of Congress Democrat and Republican frequently have lunch together and strive to come up with bipartisan solutions to issues facing all of us. I have also read that Hillary was well respected in the Senate and was known for reaching across the isle to get things done. This is how we move forward to better our country. Both sides need to be part of decision making – we are Americans first.

  365. Cactus Joe August 4, 2016 at 4:11 pm #

    meh. the gender card is validly playable. has about the worth of a 9 of diamonds, i’d say. clinton’s an avowed neoliberal corporatist. that’s true no matter what. by all means, work through your biases and try to see clearly. but you still have 2 corporatist choices. bernie was a populist.

  366. Dwight Davis August 4, 2016 at 4:13 pm #

    Thank you, Michael, for being willing to examine your antipathy toward Hillary, and for sharing the reasons why you have come to support her, flaws and all. I’ve been extremely disappointed and disturbed by the vehement opposition to Hillary coming from a subset of the progressive community, which seems to have bought into all of the false narratives the right wing has perpetrated for decades. Your “conversion” gives me real hope that other progressives of good will can examine their hate (not too strong a word) for this woman, and better understand its roots.

    I wrote a letter to the editor on this topic to the Seattle Times, which published it today ( As I suggest in the letter, those who continue to characterize Hillary as “the lesser of two evils” do a great disservice both to her and to our country.

    • Susan August 4, 2016 at 5:55 pm #

      Very nicely said.

    • Renne August 5, 2016 at 3:00 am #

      While I can agree that she’s been the target of a republican anti-HRC campaign, neither she nor her husband did/do much to help their cause. Their splitting hairs like the definition of sex, or HRC’s answers to the direct questioning about her email situation. The FBI report is damning, yet she doubles down until she’s faced with the truth. Much like Bill with Monica, she can’t just admit the truth and move on. Anyone else would have lost their clearance and faced charges.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 5, 2016 at 6:34 am #

        Sadly, you really missed the whole point of this article. Good Day.

  367. Jessica August 4, 2016 at 4:16 pm #

    Thank you for this. Just, thanks!

  368. Jody August 4, 2016 at 4:41 pm #

    Thank you!!

  369. Randel August 4, 2016 at 5:02 pm #

    I strongly disagree. My unbridled hatred stems from her long, long history of lying to make herself look good. Landing amid sniper fire? Please, stop your lying. Rape victims should be believed? Ya trashed Bills many accusers. Comey PLAINLY said you lied. Then you lied about what James Comey said. F you Clinton! I don’t but it. Im a 45 year Democrat voter who is leaving a once great party. Adios lying cheaters!

    • Claire August 4, 2016 at 6:05 pm #

      Thank you Randel, I too disagree with this article. Sorry but they have their brains where the sun doesn’t shine. I have been around for many years and have watched Killary Hillary for over 30 years. She has lived a life of deception, fraud, and no respect for our Country. She continues to lie and even called Sean Smith’s mom a liar. I used to be a Democrat then I grew up. So tired of all this deception.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 4, 2016 at 6:24 pm #

        Claire you provide no evidence.

      • Dean Dupuree August 5, 2016 at 4:37 am #

        Claire, this article is about you as much as it is about Hillary.

  370. Sharon Marll August 4, 2016 at 5:02 pm #

    I was so excited to read this post. I, too, had a heart to heart with myself last Fall about Hillary. I, too, supported Sanders. I had fallen to the slander against Hillary. Upon careful reflection of Sanders’ stance on the gun issue and weighing carefully his ability to pass legislation for free education and other social idealistic programs, I stepped back and realized that Hillary possesses common sense, political savvy and networking skills, knowledge of international affairs and has the best political pedigree of any presidential candidate in decades! She is a social worker and will protect the rights of citizens, current and future. I had the good fortune of meeting Hillary in person a few months ago. She looked me squarely in the face, took my hand, smiled, listened to my words and thanked me for my support. I was convinced I just shook the hand of the next president of the United States.

  371. David Wetrock August 4, 2016 at 5:06 pm #

    30 year vilification? That’s not only a stretch, but inaccurate all together. Your, or any journalists, perceived image of a upright Hillary doesn’t mean anything except that you were wrong. It certainly doesn’t support the implication that she’s being discriminated against, or that she’s not responsible for her own actions. The gender card didn’t defend Palin. She was humiliated and discriminated against based on a SNL skit.
    The hypocrisy sickens me. I wasn’t sure how to vote, or if I was going to. The ignorant Hillary supporters make it clear that I must not only vote, but I will no longer tolerate groups using discrimination as a means to justify their actions.

    Trump 2016!

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 4, 2016 at 5:09 pm #

      You are charm free at best, and certainly prove the veracity of this article.

    • brianarbenz August 4, 2016 at 6:10 pm #

      Sarah Palin gladly appeared on SNL in the weeks after that skit which you say “humiliated and discriminated against” her. What a forgetful person you are! Or what a phony.

  372. Wayne Haushalter August 4, 2016 at 5:12 pm #

    I told you! You are late to the bandwagon. She has been my first choice since 2004 and she didn’t even run that year. It really bothers me what people are saying about her. She is a great American who has done nothing but serve her country with every fiber of her very talented being. Thank you for reporting what you found and thank you for looking.

  373. Ann McManus August 4, 2016 at 5:31 pm #

    I have long thought that Hillary’s biggest flaw is that she is smart and competent and that scares some people. A lot, apparently!

  374. Bradley T. Lovell August 4, 2016 at 5:43 pm #

    Did I not see immigrants that got into the country illegally on the DNC last week? Did she not tell the parents of of the people who died at Benghazi that it was a film that caused the uprise? Did she or did she not have classified information on her computer on her computer in her home?

  375. John Nesbit August 4, 2016 at 5:53 pm #

    Some are mentioning “coziness with Wall Street” as a negative. “Wall Street” or even “Wall Street billionaires” is such a great variety of characters. Some of them might know, for instance, how to make the money supply eliminate misery in the global economy, instead of pay for horrendously expensive real estate and so on. I am not a huge fan of capitalism, certainly not as it has been, but it is phenomena that can evolve and create something better than any capitalism or socialism of the past. And I think Mrs. Clinton knows this.

    • August 4, 2016 at 6:49 pm #

      yes, you have to know how to play with the money guys and do it to the countries advantage

  376. brianarbenz August 4, 2016 at 6:06 pm #

    The right wing’s real message against Hillary this election is, “Stay in your place, broad.” And I have been dismayed to see several pro-Bernie zealots become unwittingly used by this hateful current by uncritically agreeing to the generalized sentiment that Hillary is “corrupt” per se, a supposedly gender-neutral finding. The gross distortion of proportion is the most effective way of lying, and singling her out, when it is the system that is corrupt, is a disguised sexist backhand. Fighting corruption and secrecy in our government lies in reversing several horrible U.S. Supreme Court decisions going back to 1976 which have rewritten the First Amendment to say “Money is Speech.” Would a President Hillary Clinton’s prospective Supreme Court justices in the next few years (and there’s a bunch of openings coming) eventually reverse this? All of her husband’s court appointments voted against Citizens United and Shelby v. Holder (which gutted the Voting Rights Act). A very hopeful sign!

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 4, 2016 at 6:24 pm #

      You are really quite eloquent here! Thank you and I hope all read your comment here! Peace, Michael.

      • debbiehopes August 4, 2016 at 7:26 pm #

        Donald Trump’s book says that if you tell people a lie the times that they will believe it. In this case, I think he (or perhaps his ghost writer) is right. Hillary has had lies told about her for 30 years, and people have just accepted them.

        I think she showed her true nature in 2008 when she graciously and enthusiastically supported Barack Obama and accepted the Secretary of State position. Her motives, to me, seemed exactly what she said they were which was to serve the country where she could best do so.

        She will tirelessly and honestly lead our country when elected.t

      • brianarbenz September 9, 2016 at 8:40 pm #

        Thank you! And I am loving your blog. It has been a delightful find.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt September 10, 2016 at 7:21 am #

        Thank you, Brian. I’m glad you are enjoying the blog. Peace, Michael.

  377. Neil August 4, 2016 at 6:11 pm #

    Bravo! I have been saying exactly this for months now and am dismissed as if the double standard has never existed. My guess is that Hillary will beat Trump and do a great job as president. Thanks for your honest and brave self reflection!

  378. Gail August 4, 2016 at 6:18 pm #

    Kudos, Martha!! I’m with Hiliary all the way!!!!!

  379. Antonnia barber August 4, 2016 at 6:19 pm #

    Yeah, finally someone has put into words what I have believed. Hillary is a decent caring person who has sacrificed her private life for service to her country.

    How easy it is to try to destroy a person with terrible accusations that have never been able to be proven

  380. Mary August 4, 2016 at 6:20 pm #

    The same people that have bought into all the lies and mis-information about Hillary Clinton are the very same fools that believe everything Donald Trump says. Trump is a seasoned professional liar and scam artist. Every day I ask myself: “How in the world does he get away with everything?” I’m dumbfounded!

  381. Carole August 4, 2016 at 6:29 pm #

    Ok but Bernie Sanders made statements about Hillary Clinton as well. What do you say about that?

  382. Cactus Joe August 4, 2016 at 6:42 pm #

    the great thing about democracy is you can believe whatever you want and vote accordingly. good luck and may god have mercy on your souls.

  383. Reier Erickson August 4, 2016 at 6:46 pm #

    I have to disagree with you on a number of points… mainly though that she will make a substantial impact for people of color, or specifically Black people. Her racial justice platforms are woefully lacking in holding police accountable to the communities they serve and her continued support of the drug war and the death penalty further increase her dangerousness to Black and Brown people here in America.

    Your page is titled “Social Justice for All” but your enthusiasm for someone who isn’t even willing to acknowledge the occupation happening in Palestine makes me question your motives. Black Lives Matter has released their platform; I sincerely hope you look at it and compare it to Hillary’s platform before again making the erroneous charge that Clinton will be anything other than a continuation of the harmful policies America has taken out against Black and Brown people.

  384. Rev Joe Mancinone August 4, 2016 at 6:48 pm #

    Thank you for taking the time to write that article. It contained many things I did not know about Hillary and I am happy I did find out that I like many other people, was moved by all the negative stuff that is been said about her.
    Is people like yourself, by taking the time out of your life to give testimony like you did, that will help this woman gain her rightful place as president of this country! Again thank you so much.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 4, 2016 at 8:00 pm #

      Thank you, Rev, Joe Mancione! I hope people will read your comment here. Peace, Michael.

  385. Livia A August 4, 2016 at 6:48 pm #

    Hillary Clinton embodies everything Donald Trump is against. Fair pay for women, equal rights for all people no matter of race, color, creed, orientation of financial status. Bernie Sanders was my choice however he is no longer an option and I will do all that I can to try and explain to all that I speak with why Hillary is the best choice. Donald Trump does not represent anything that I stand for, Believe me. If Donald Trump does become president of the United States the disparities in this country will be HUGE, Believe Me.

  386. fmurdoch August 4, 2016 at 6:50 pm #

    As an outsider, it has perplexed me as to why so many Americans seem to hate Hilary and as you say, can’t really give a good reason, except say “Bengazi” or she’s crooked, without any evidence. I am always cynical of how powerful or ambitious women are often villified, yet white men are not. As you say, systemic misogyny is sadly alive and well and good on Hilary for remaining so steadfast where many would have folded. Trust me when I say the world is watching and praying Americans make the right choice; not just for the glass ceiling to shatter, but for the safety of all of us.! The alternative is truly frightening! Thanks for a great article Michael!

  387. J. Farnetti August 4, 2016 at 7:06 pm #

    Thank you for your thoughtful article. I was a Bernie supporter while my husband supported Hillary. Our “battles” were about ideology rather than who would make the better President. We are both reformed Republicans. Consequently it was not a leap for me to support Hillary. But, I do have many friends and family struggling – either because they loved Bernie, they’ve fallen for the Hillary propaganda or they have always voted Republican. I will forward this article. The bottom line is Mr T can never be President – he is woefully ignorant (you would think he would have “boned up” for the test before entering the race) on just about everything, he has a litany of character flaws (racism, misogyny, xeonophobia to name a few), he is a narcissist in the league of Hitler, he has no clear policies, he is a “liar extraordinaire”, he has the temperament of a third grader, he has contributed to the destruction of the Republican Party as we once knew it, and the list goes on and on. Normally I would always encourage people to vote their gut; their ideology, This man is a danger to the Republic. The most important thing we must do as citizens is to prevent his Presidency.

  388. Ferdia August 4, 2016 at 7:37 pm #

    You ask for evidence, but present little yourself. I don’t believe you’ve stated a single fallacy (maybe systemic is a bit strong but then it’s difficult to find the proper word. Cultural? Ingrained?) The problem I have is your lack of evidence for the motives. You can say she’s been maligned and that she’s had to put up with scrutiny men do not. These are indisputable. But when you say sexism is behind the vitriol correlated with her seeking power, you give nothing but the assertion.

  389. Bonnie Sedgwick August 4, 2016 at 8:34 pm #

    That’s so strange…I was just thinking about this earlier tonight and what a double standard there is. If she said even half of the comments that DT has made she would be crucified but it’s okay for him to say them. Thanks for posting this.

  390. linda zahn August 4, 2016 at 8:41 pm #

    Thanks for finally using your head. HILLARY will make America the BEST it’s ever been.

  391. globalramble August 4, 2016 at 8:41 pm #

    A million times thank you.

  392. Barbara Clurman August 4, 2016 at 8:50 pm #

    I first learned of Hillary for her work with the Children’s Defense fund and have followed her since the seventies. She has always had my support because of her work on behalf of children. Women and families. This is the first time that a presidential candidate really knows what children and parents face in terms of health, education, poverty, income equality etc. I have not always agreed with her every action but I have always felt that she worked to obtain the best resolution available. She is honest, trust worthy, she understands and respects the Constitution, she is respected around the world. Much of the false statements about her and her work reflect the very narrow views of men and women who are threatened by a smart, strong woman who does her best to help make us a better nation and the world a better and safer place.

    • Ken Duerksen August 5, 2016 at 6:02 am #

      Children’s Defense Fund founder and President Marian Wright Edelman declared that President Clinton’s “signature on this pernicious bill makes a mockery of his pledge not to hurt children.” Says that “The Clintons are old friends, but we are Political Enemies”

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 5, 2016 at 6:27 am #

        Can you provide evidence of this please?

      • JS August 5, 2016 at 8:39 am #

        I have no idea whether this is true or not, and I would like to see the source. More importantly , if we are to avoid sexism in this discussion, I think we must refrain from judging a woman by her husband’s actions.

      • chaplynn03 August 5, 2016 at 10:55 am #

        JS, so well put, so simply. Thank you!

      • Dale Nichols August 5, 2016 at 12:17 pm #

        The quotation is imprecise, and its imprecision is significant. It is also ancient history, from 9 years ago. The actual verbiage is, “Well, you know, Hillary Clinton is an old friend, but they are not friends in politics.”

      • NV August 5, 2016 at 7:29 pm #

        Thanks for the link, Dale. From the context, it basically sounds like Wright-Edelman was saying that Hillary Clinton (as Senator) was working toward goals that the two of them share using a political strategy she disagreed with…namely, the very same incrementalist strategy that separated her from Sanders.

    • Mike Land August 5, 2016 at 8:17 am #

      Was a Goldwater Girl and she said she was proud to be a member of that elite group of strong women. Martin Luther King protested against Goldwater Girls for overt racism.
      Was against gay marriage for NY state and repeated the stand many times.
      Supports abortion up to the due date.
      Told Putin he’s another Hitler. He told her he had a good heart and a good mind. He could take anything she threw at him.
      Lied about landing under sniper fire in Balkans (there is actual footage of the lie happening).
      Lied about immigrant grandparents. Only 1 was an immigrant.
      Was for commercial investment in Iraq during the war there to justify her support of it.
      Has numerous close relationships with big media corporation who feed each other with helpful actions such as feeding questions in advance and revealing the strategy for a particular presser. It’s like a defendant texting a judge during a trial as to what motions he should pass and not pass.

      • darleenmb August 5, 2016 at 10:37 am #

        You just proved the writer’s point. You have no solid evidence, no facts, just slanderous gossip to pass on as though it were gospel.

      • Mick Ebert August 5, 2016 at 11:08 am #

        OMG, you go back to when she was a kid, working for the running Senator because that’s what her parents suggest would be a good thing to do, work for Goldwater-she wasn’t a racist then either.
        The gay issue isn’t an issue, nor is abortion. It’s none of your business!
        Putin is another Hitler, he’s constantly attacking his own country.
        Maybe she felt like she was under fire in Balkans, just like she is every day in her own country!
        Both her grandparents are immigrants, otherwise she’s part Native American & that would make her twice as special to be the president of the US but that isn’t so, idiot. We’re all immigrants except Natives!
        Who wasn’t for commercial investment in Iraq?
        She can’t have many relationships in big media corporations the way they judge & chastise her constantly.
        Just face it, you have no real facts on the woman & you hate her because of the rhetoric the republicans constantly inflict upon her!

      • Sandra Beyerle August 5, 2016 at 11:48 am #

        Mike . . . with all due respect for your opinions . . . the various critiques you have are mostly slanted to justify “why” you villify her. Do you mean to say that each and every ego-strong/centered man who is in politics or the military does not have the same (or even more) self interest than Hillary? That’s exactly the point the author of this article is making! Good grief! Reflect on your comments a little more deeply, please.

      • Jaysue August 5, 2016 at 2:51 pm #

        Supports abortions up to due date? Hilarious. Fact check maybe. Nobody “supports” abortions at any time, they support who chooses what happens to their body, the woman or the government. Read the amendment and see what other freedoms are part of it. Just admit her work for children and women and her experience so admired scares you. That list of yours pales by comparison to Trump’s malicious lies and vicious conduct which has his own party appalled.

    • jack mens August 5, 2016 at 10:07 am #

      …..they feel threatened by a smart, strong woman…. I could not have said it any better !!

    • Rachel Schmidt August 5, 2016 at 10:39 am #

      I fully appreciate what you and others have said about Hillary. I have actually had a growing respect for her in this election – so I have walked a similar path as the author of this article. I think Hillary is very deserving of the presidency. My gut feeling is that she is a bit of an introvert who values her privacy – and unfortunately that has hurt her. Given Hillary’s past experiences, who can blame her for protecting herself?! I, for one, recognize and respect that desire for privacy in this era when everything is shared ad nauseam. But, we are not very forgiving of people who wish some privacy – at least privacy on issues that don’t impact governing or national security.

      People say that Sanders has never wavered in his stance on issues. I think that is admirable. But, I think the same can be said for Hillary. She has never wavered in her attempts to create and facilitate a better life for the common American – never! Yes, she has changed her stance on some specific issues, but who among us has not? I am not the same person with the exact same beliefs that I had 20 years ago. I do have the same values, but it is how I apply those values, based on gathered and changing facts, that has impacted my beliefs today!

      It would appear that many of the criticisms leveled against the Democrats regarding our current national/world problems have originated with and been fueled and supported by the GOP. For example, the declining middle class (totally linked with the GOP starting with the Reagan presidency), job creation (amazing that statistics show numbers of jobs created are always greater under Democratic watches), the burgeoning deficit (for starters let’s just look at the aught years under G.W.). I believe the list can go on and on, but these facts get lost in the current rhetoric! Additionally, I have read that the memory of voters is about 6 months — we as voters have to change that. If we rely on that limited memory, we will not make good decisions – decisions that could impact our future for years to come.

      • Bill August 5, 2016 at 2:30 pm #

        Heck, my ex-wife was against gay marriage once. Now she is in one.

  393. originalfern August 4, 2016 at 8:52 pm #

    Thank you for your eloquent words, Michael. For the very reasons you cite, instead of these weighty political and civic matters the only one I am burning to comment on is the Armani jacket snipe she received. Certainly women are judged by a set of criteria that are often chosen just to prove an a priori assumption : that women are and should be judged for their fashion. But DT is the ultimate “fashion victim”. His appalling appearance garner him much more fashion shade, but I don’t mind because I agree. I just find it rofl funny that finally a woman in the public eye can make her fashion critics look like the fools they are, at a time when her political opponent actually deserves that kind of critical scrutiny.

  394. jbmenzies August 4, 2016 at 9:32 pm #

    Thank you for this wonderful piece. I went through the same journey back in April. I decided to set aside all the headlines and just get to know Mrs.Clinton better (and Bernie Sanders too.) I really grew to admire Mrs.Clinton and am appalled by what amounts to a Salem Witch trial by the right while others (from the right and the left) stand by or join in for their own reasons.

    The media doesn’t investigate or clarify or call those making false claims to task because they want the readership. And scandal–even phony scandals–get clicks.. We see it in comments here. Benghazi!! Emails!! Goldman Sachs speech!! Nothing specific.

    This form of political hazing is just like gaslighting, a form of psychological abuse in which a victim is manipulated into doubting their own memory, perception, and sanity by repeated false accusations and lies over and over–to the point of bizarre staged events. In this case, lies are repeated over and over and over until readers and voters doubt the veracity of the memory and sanity of the person being abused. Trump rallies are the bizarre staged events. FOX News and a bunch of right wing talkers have built fortunes on politically gaslighting Hillary Clinton. Just blame her and everybody goes along. Repeat, repeat, repeat. For example, she is now being called responsible for Kahn’s death in Iraq. He died during the George Bush administration before Obama was even elected. You know, the guy who actually started the war in Iraq? And all these Sanders supporters accusing her of war crimes like the Secretary of State runs wars. The Secretary of State can make recommendations, but, it’s the President and the Department of Defense who run wars.

    The only way Trump–who is crazy as a bedbug–gets away with it is because of the way the press has been putting down an uppity woman who has the gall to run for president.

    By the way, Sanders people. Her Goldman Sachs speech has been on YouTube for months. It was about Women Entrepeneurs–and she gave the speaking fee to charity. Look for yourself.

    • Ben Whitmore August 5, 2016 at 8:41 am #

      This speech is a Clinton Global Initiative speech, attended by some people from Goldman Sachs. It is NOT one of the three paid speeches for Goldman Sachs that she has been requested the transcripts of. Those were NOT recorded, by her rules.

      • Bill August 5, 2016 at 2:41 pm #

        The commentor provided links and evidence. You provided heresay, as foretold by the OP (original prophecy).

      • Tally August 5, 2016 at 11:20 pm #

        And *crickets* about men like her husband getting paid to speak – 2x and up from what Hillary gets paid. Nope. Hillary is bad for taking money to be a professional speaker. No complaints about men. Why aren’t all the men and HillHaters™ crying about the fact she doesn’t get equal pay to speak??? That’s okay, because why….?

  395. Joan McCarthy August 4, 2016 at 10:04 pm #

    I have loved Hillary since she said in a womens magazine article that “not all women/mothers want, or need, to stay home and bake cookies. I admired the way she handled the press when they incessantly critizied her hair styles. But when she spoke at the Womens Conference of the role of women in society, she spoke for me. I only hope the country gives Hillary the chance to show once and for all just how accomplished she is.

  396. Don Corley August 4, 2016 at 10:15 pm #

    I agree she is not progressive enough. A big problem still for me is the fact that did not condemn the actions of Debbie Wasserman Schultz, then made her honorary chair of her campaign. Also, I need her to come out strongly against TPP and fracking. Finally, the Democratic party’s turn to big money started with Bill Clinton’s presidency and Hillary seems comfortable with this approach – inequality continues to advance – what is she really going to do for the middle/working classes?

    • SLM August 5, 2016 at 8:27 am #

      HAHAHA – you can throw around a lot of words but it still comes down to misogyny – 1- she does not have to condemn Wasserman-Shultz to be an excellent president. 2- Where do you get your “info” that big money to DEMS started with BILL Clinton? 3- If YA would BOTHER to do your research you would see her LONG, distinguished record of what she has done for the people starting as First Lady of AK – it’s NOT a secret – but you DON’T want to know. And as for not being progressive enough – more BS – she voted the same way as burny SCAMders 93% of the time – and SHE actually got MORE done in 8 years than he did in 25

    • Sheila Mahon August 5, 2016 at 8:34 am #

      HAHAHA – you can throw around a lot of words but it still comes down to misogyny – 1- she does not have to condemn Wasserman-Shultz to be an excellent president. 2- Where do you get your “info” that big money to DEMS started with BILL Clinton? 3- If YA would BOTHER to do your research you would see her LONG, distinguished record of what she has done for the people starting as First Lady of AK – it’s NOT a secret – but you DON’T want to know. And as for not being progressive enough – more BS – she voted the same way as burny SCAMders 93% of the time – and SHE actually got MORE done in 8 years than he did in 25

    • D Piper August 5, 2016 at 9:56 am #


    • Paula Blaisdell August 5, 2016 at 12:16 pm #

      What she did for the children, CHIPS. Maybe many were not middle class at the time, but times have changed and because of the Bush presidency, many of the middle class are eligible. I am grateful for CHIPS for American children. By the way, my children were already grown when CHIPS went into effect.

  397. chaplynn03 August 4, 2016 at 10:20 pm #

    Thank you Michael! I’ve been having a gut response about Hillary, and I thank you for adding information to her story. I realized during the convention, especially during Bill’s speech that she has suffered from 1) being a woman in a man’s world, 2) the meanness of women to other women 3) and as you mention, sexism. No surprise, but as a woman who has worked out in the world and experienced hearsay gossip and “facts” about myself, it dawned on me big time during the speech that this is what was happening. She was doing good, not blowing her own horn, and then being burned and retreating again. A powerful woman scares many of us, and at times I have experienced jealousy toward women who have done things I think I can’t. I’m not jealous of Hillary! I don’t want her job, but I admire her effort, her unstoppable effort. And like you I have gone from being a proud Bernie supporter (still am) to an excited and proud Hillary supporter.

    Hillary is a great choice for our country. I’m with her!

    • Jan Scott August 5, 2016 at 8:01 am #

      You say it so well. I was a Bernie supporter, also. So now, I am a Hillary supporter! I cannot imagine this country in the hands of Donald Trump!!

    • Carol S August 5, 2016 at 9:39 am #

      I’m with Her too, but not hostile…

    • Irene J August 5, 2016 at 1:19 pm #

      Beautifully said! Hillary is a wonderful, STRONG AND CARING Woman! She’s doing this for all of us. Never only for her own selfish reasons. She will be remembered positively in the history books. 🙂

      • Allison August 5, 2016 at 8:46 pm #

        Yes!!! She will…regardless of the outcome. Which I hope is in her/ our favor

  398. colleenscakesandcookies August 4, 2016 at 10:32 pm #

    An excellent article! I appreciate the effort you put in to researching this, as well as you keeping an open mind throughout the process. Thanks so much! I can only hope that we all put half as much effort into deciding who to vote for in November. For me, Hillary Clinton is the right person for the job. I appreciate all she’s done. She’s somehow stayed strong, and hasn’t let the haters stop her from working to make the world a better place.

  399. Sherrie Frantz August 4, 2016 at 10:49 pm #

    You have proved by your own actions Hillary that you are a very big liar and a thief. I will never forgive you and your cohorts for Benghazi. When you and Mr. Clinton left the White House the last time you were caught stealing over $200,000.00 worth of things from Air Force One and the White House. Why would anyone want you back in the peoples house.? Do you think we are all stupid naive people?

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 5, 2016 at 6:35 am #

      Did you even read the article?

      • April redbird August 5, 2016 at 1:41 pm #

        I read the article, while I don’t think a woman should be condemned for the actions of her husband there was a great deal of talk about how their partnership went beyond just husband and wife… While Hillary was being a political help mate to her husband NAFTA was passed which hurt the American working class and sent factories out if the country it also seriously hurt the Mexican economy. It did this by massively helping the GMO Monsanto type huge agribusiness because we shipped our corn into Mexico, which seriously hurt and in some cases actually be destroyed some small farmers in, Mexico hence more migration from there to here. The most regressive anti crime bill was passed on her watch which she commented on and approved of and which imprisoned many many young black men for things like one joint, now if they are out of jail, many can’t vote. She was a Goldwater gal. She was anti gay marriage until it became politically expedient to change her opinions about it, it was the same with her pro fracking and her pro TPP views. Hillary was a Goldwater girl while visiting Bernie was marching in civil rights marches. When the Democratic Party was participating in Voter fraud this year and it benefitted Hillary there was no comment from the Hillary camp. There was obvious matters if corruption under Wasserman Shultz, Hillary didn’t respond to it. She could easily have found a more progressive vice president candidate. And what about the California votes which when they were finally found Bernie the final winner in California. I am an old mostly white, feminist who would love to see a woman in the White House but I would prefer Elizabeth Warren not Hillary who I realize might be more useful in the Senate. I will vote for her because Trump is so much worse than a joke he could destroy the concept of American democracy, at least Hillary is a policy wonk with experience in government. I just hope with her hawkish ways she won’t get us into another war. She became “progressive only when she saw the huge amount of support for Bernie Sanders. My sadness is that at my age Bernie was the last time I will ever have a chance to have a progressive President. She like Trump is part of the 1%. I don’t think with her 200 million dollars will or can relate to me a former middle class woman who has lost most things of value. I don’t think she will make it worse, I just don’t think she will make our society better. But better status quo than the kind of serious damage Teump can do with his uneducated angry white working class voters who don’t seem to understand that Trump screwed up and lost most of his business but was bailed out by his rich dad, and they are not threatened by Trump’s violent, misogynist, racist, anti science views because that is their view point also😢

    • Barbara V August 5, 2016 at 7:55 am #

      Be specific; did they steal money from the White House? What items did they steal that were worth $200K? I’m no longer accepting general statements like yours without the facts to back them up.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 5, 2016 at 8:00 am #

        And there is already a link to evidence that proves they stole nothing!

    • Sheila Mahon August 5, 2016 at 8:33 am #

      you need to take your meds – you are PROOF of what he just said in the article – guess there’s no fixing stupid

      • Carol S August 5, 2016 at 9:38 am #

        Really?! This really adds to the discussion…

      • He Ike Suekama August 5, 2016 at 12:53 pm #

        the problem with you democrats, as soon as you don’t like an opinion other than yours, you resort to name calling.

      • Tally August 5, 2016 at 11:27 pm #

        @He Ike Suekama – And the problem with you Republicans is that home schooling never taught you that you’re mostly always wrong, reading articles before responding makes you look less ignorant, that you’re not the center of the universe, and facts exist.You’re also ironic when you don’t mean to be.

    • Margaret August 5, 2016 at 8:53 am #

      Benghazi was proven to be the responsibility of the republicans who voted against increased security. The stuff they “stole” were gifts they received while in office that were released to them by the curator’s office as NOT belonging to the White House. She returned everything anyway to avoid conflict. It simply wasn’t that important for her to keep it. Snopes is your best friend right now in weeding through the bs for any rumor that pops up.

      • T.Victoria Symonds August 6, 2016 at 2:45 am #

        Exactly, Benghazi was a set up, she was framed. Duh. She is so freakin squeeky clean “they” had to pigeon hole her into making difficult choices, none to her favor…typical behavior of insecure, threatened egotistical mysogynistic add infinitum.

    • Carol S August 5, 2016 at 9:41 am #

      So you’d rather have Trump?

    • Lea Beckett August 5, 2016 at 4:46 pm #

      Nothing was stolen from the White House – Presidents are given gifts by foreign governments and domestic entities and individuals when in office. There are rules about what they can keep and what belongs to the government. The rules for the President are different from those of the Congress and Senate. They are allowed to keep some things and not others – the Park Service governs the White House and makes these decisions. If there is a dispute about what is theirs to keep and what must stay, the Park Service rules. The total value of gifts during their term was just under $200,000 – actually about $190,000. It was furniture, china, momentos, etc. It was moved to their home when they left office – when the park service did an audit they decided some of it fell under the rule and must be purchased or returned. The Clintons purchased about $60,000 of it and paid the Park Service with a check and they returned about $25,000 of it to the White House. Those are the facts. Look it up…. it is a matter of record. It is something all POTUS do at the end of their term.

  400. Buttah Gettah August 4, 2016 at 10:59 pm #

    This concept would have more pull with me if I had perhaps ever listened to anything Repubs had said about Hillary, but I haven’t. I don’t generally listen to them about anything, and certainly wouldn’t let them sway me against a fellow Dem. In fact, this whole premise seems odd to me. So many do not like her. So many Dems and Independents. So many people who are not likely to fall for Republican ploys. I do think it’s great, though, that you’ve discovered your prejudices in this instance. I just don’t agree that this is the case for many people who dislike her. I think most are not ‘with her’ because they don’t agree with her on important issues, not because of her outfit, her hair, the way she talks, her reaching for her power, or anything like that. (Although I don’t doubt those things could play a small part in the minds of some. We are still very much a male-dominated society, after all.)

    • Sheila Mahon August 5, 2016 at 8:36 am #

      Some dems and independents don’t like her – like the brain dead millennials because SCAMders adopted the repuke lies and used them to lather his rapid followers into a hate frenzy – you see most of them still can’t let go – get over and look up her REAL record

  401. J-Alice Hofler August 4, 2016 at 11:11 pm #

    Hillary reminds me of a cross between Jackie Kennedy and Graham Richardson. Jackie in the mid to late 1950s accepted $2 million from papa Joe NOT to divorce Jack as becoming the first Roman Catholic to become President was going to be hard enough. The first divorced Roman Catholic would have been impossible. (Remember what $2 million was worth in the 1950s and how RCs looked at divorce.) Graham Richardson said it all in the title of his book–“Whatever it takes”. At least he was honest about being dishonest if that was what was needed to get elected.

    • Sheila Mahon August 5, 2016 at 8:40 am #

      you remind me of cross between an ass and an ass

      • Carol S August 5, 2016 at 9:37 am #

        You sound like a Trump supporter…all hate and name calling…. let’s not.

      • Betsy Johnstad August 5, 2016 at 9:53 am #

        Sheila, thank you for that comment! It really pushes an interesting debate forward. If only more people contributed in that way we could solve important problems in the world. “you remind me of cross between an ass and an ass,” how eloquent and deeply observant.

      • Sally August 5, 2016 at 12:47 pm #

        You Sheila are a very rude person. I guess other people’s opinions are worth nothing unless you agree with them. How very intolerant of you…

  402. Lorraine Forseth August 4, 2016 at 11:14 pm #

    How dare she ask for what are fundamentally human rights. Her negative reputation is perpetuated by the good old white boys who don’t want an uppity woman upsetting their little apple cart of power.

  403. Andree Frieze August 5, 2016 at 12:53 am #

    Reblogged this on Action Against Apathy and commented:
    Really pleased to read this analysis as I’ve never understood the general dislike for Hilary.

  404. momsthoughts1 August 5, 2016 at 2:28 am #

    Same. I was an enthusiastic Bernie supporter who had lingering suspicions of Hillary’s corrupt nature. Then I researched this and realized it was a false narrative started around the time she declared she wasn’t interested in baking cookies. She’s endured decades of attacks and she still serving. That in itself is so admirable. I’m converted. This country owes this woman an apology. I’m excited to finally have a woman in charge next January

    • Tally August 5, 2016 at 11:32 pm #

      You nailed it: “This country owes this woman an apology.” Indeed!!!

  405. kirk8 August 5, 2016 at 3:03 am #

    The right-wing conspiracy appears vast-er that I thought! I don’t know personally anyone who hates Hillary, nor have I ever heard anyone say that they personally hate Hillary. I trust her to continue to be authentically consistent with who she is.
    How many Pinocchios was it that the Washington Post gave her last weekend?
    I think that noone involved with the loss of life in Benghazi should EVER be involved in governing again at ANY level.
    And the thought of Bill ever being allowed to roam the halls of the White House is odious.
    I hope that this time, after her term(s) are over, the staff at the White House remembers to nail down the furniture.
    I’m old enough to remember wondering what info was removed from Vince Foster’s office before the investigators arrived.
    Surely she’s given us plenty of NON-SEXIST reasons to find the thought of voting for her as President disgusting, but proposing I remember these things because I hate her is a stretch.

    • Lucy Ferriss August 5, 2016 at 6:55 am #

      Try to extend your reasoning here to other politicians. If no one involved in Benghazi should be involved in governing, what say you to the continuing governance by George W. Bush (and his reelection) after 6 deadly embassy attacks on his watch during his first term? If Bill roaming the halls of the White House is odious, what of the philanderers George H.W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, and John F. Kennedy? And yes, you wondered about what was removed from Vince Foster’s office, but hear this: there is no evidence that Hillary Clinton removed anything or had anything to do with the man’s death. Your wondering is not the same thing as evidence. We tend to “wonder” things about people we hate and regard our wondering as if it constituted some form of proof.

    • Kbro15 August 5, 2016 at 7:40 am #

      And yet, I’m sure after reading your comment that you voted to re-elect GW Bush after the horror of 9/11. The double standard of people who swing the Benghazi Bat is really remarkable. The fact is, many many many horrible things went wrong to lead up to both events. Those terrorists were not attacking the compounds in Benghazi because they hated Hillary or wanted to get at Hillary or at her request. They had another agenda, and most likely many agendas! The idea that you can blame all of those things on one person is ridiculous. There were enough mistakes made by everyone, unfortunately and including those on the ground. And that led to horrible loss of life. And men and women once again put in harms way to die for our country.

    • Bill August 5, 2016 at 2:38 pm #

      By that I assume you mean that you have voted out all the Republicans from congress who failed to provide additional security to the embassy. Benghazi is like a Republican sneeze induced by the sight of Hillary. I don’t think this incident with the body count of a small auto accident would even be remembered anymore if not for irrational Hillary-hate.

    • Tally August 5, 2016 at 11:35 pm #

      Where is your proof? Link please. Breitbart or Drudge don’t count. Better yet – try first.

  406. kaykopit August 5, 2016 at 3:56 am #

    Michael, a magnificent blog! Thank you!

    For many years I distrusted Hillary Clinton and proudly supported President Obama in 2008.
    I started to take notice when he appointed her Secretary of State. I began studying Hillary and was shocked to discover a modern day witch hunt by men lacking in courage and intelligence. I was almost ashamed of my unfair judgement of her. It has opened my eyes to the unbalanced reporting of the Clinton’s for the last 25 years.

    I am now a staunch supporter and loyal defendent. I am presently working on a short video for YouTube in Hillary’s honor to be uploaded before the election.

    Again, thank you for seeing the light and then expressing the truth from your heart.

  407. Jamie August 5, 2016 at 4:01 am #

    Here we go again the great right wing conspiracy someone’s record has nothing to do with how people perceive them from Monica Lewinsky all the way through Benghazi

  408. Sally Bergquist August 5, 2016 at 4:31 am #

    Thank you for this excellent article and for being intelligent and willing to find out the truth about Hillary Clinton. I am with her and always have been!

  409. Mary Taylor August 5, 2016 at 4:33 am #

    Thanks for this. I’m always amazed that people so love to “hate Hillary”. I’m so excited that she will be our first woman President. Watching her over the last thirty years has made me appreciate how strong and tough she truly is. As someone who has studied “Womens’ issues I can tell you your piece is right on-and the sad thing is how many women buy into it!! We couldn’t ask for a better Presidential candidate!!

  410. Vicky August 5, 2016 at 4:34 am #

    You have articulated quite well what I have not been able to. Why I have supported her. But never believed the lies. No facts. Thank you!

  411. Kerrin Winter-Churchill August 5, 2016 at 4:38 am #

    What a foolish, naive story. Let’s all just believe what the nice lady tells us. How can you say you’ve done research when you ignore all the facts. This woman is a white-collar criminal who cares not one red cent for you or _me. With all due respect, you are a fool.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 5, 2016 at 6:32 am #

      With all due respect, you are very mean spirited and very unkind, and you provide no evidence. Good Day.

      • Alberta pepin August 5, 2016 at 8:54 am #

        With all due respect, the evidence is there…you just choose not to comment on it. I voted for Hillary twice…there will not be a third time. When NY State senator, she promised 200,000 new jobs for upstate NY. O, gee, not one materialized. She did nothing for NY except to use position to run for presidency. The misogynist you speak of is Hillary herself… Read or hear on video what has been said by the women Bill Clinton raped or had afairs with. Hillary went after them with a vengence. She is no feminist! To say that she is honest is a lie itself. FBI Director said she lied… She did a “go around” with FOIA via her private e-mail server. After all, can’t allow the American people to know what’s going on. Clinton Foundation is a farce, a slush fund for her family and Democratic loyalists. Don’t get me going on the Middle Eastern countries, Syria, Libya, especially Benghazi. Lied to all of America but told the truth to her daughter… ABC…get it?

      • Tally August 5, 2016 at 11:41 pm #

        @alberta First, the word “respect” doesn’t mean what you think it means, which makes your entire post ridiculous. will help with that. Also, as Michael requested – and if you’d actually read the article, you’d know – link proof please. What your brain believes doesn’t count. Try first.

  412. Julie Jeffery August 5, 2016 at 4:38 am #

    Michael………TWO words….THANK YOU !!!!!!! I read her bio years ago and knew this day would come…….her running for President……… many people are just Sheep following along w/o knowing anything. I encounter this all the time when asking “why not Hillary “, no one can answer except to say ” in this video etc”, Please keep posting this……I sent it to the campaign headquarters too……..Hope Hillary reads this ……

    Julie Jeffery

  413. PapaReptevia August 5, 2016 at 4:59 am #

    @Michael Hulshof-Schmidt You’ve stated a lot of opinions in your piece, but it is very sparse on fact. Your responses ring hollow as you respond by praising or thanking people who agree with you, ask people for evidence of their opinions when you have offered almost none for your own opinions, and if a criticism is well thought out and includes evidence, you don’t respond. How are we not to see this as a fluff piece fawning over Hillary and your responses to criticism so mired in confirmation bias? I stand by my comment above. (which you didn’t respond to) I will vote for her because I must. I’m not going to pretend she is a good candidate though.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 5, 2016 at 6:31 am #

      Your narcissism is rather profound here! There are over a 1,000 comments and I’m not replying to them all. I do have a job, need to eat, need to sleep. You are woefully misinformed and have proven the veracity of this article. Good Day!

    • Mia August 5, 2016 at 9:49 am #

      In other words, if my monkey were on the ticket with a (D) behind his name, you would vote for him?!! Straight ticket voter? I’m assuming this by your statement “I will vote for her because I must” You are a prime example of someone who does not think for himself/herself and why (in my opinion) the 2 party system should be done away with. This leaving us with a popular vote where ALL our votes count. Are you too lazy to look up your own facts – must they be spoon fed by someone who offers up something, ANYTHING that suits your basic beliefs? Thank you Michael for a most informative, well written article.

      • Tally August 5, 2016 at 11:45 pm #

        I’d rather not usher in the apocalypse, and I’m not economically free enough to survive a Trump [PENCE] presidency. Neither is the population of Earth.

  414. Laurie August 5, 2016 at 5:01 am #

    I’m familiar with this sort of bias – my 1995 doctoral dissertation found implicit misogyny in how observers perceive negotiation behavior. And yet I didn’t see it in the responses to Hillary Clinton – that’s how deep it runs. (FYI, I feel the Bern, and I’m enthusiastically supporting Hillary Clinton.)

  415. David Seligman August 5, 2016 at 5:36 am #

    Ditto!!! I will vote for Hillary and look forward to presidency of intelligence and integrity. And an incredible beginning of large groups of Americans participating in ‘solution think tanks’ rather than mindless criticism.

  416. Sharon August 5, 2016 at 6:01 am #

    So.. you ;are; telling me that she didn’t say she was under sniper fire when she wasn’t? You are telling me that she didn’t say her daughter was jogging around the World Trade Center on 9/11? You’re telling me that she doesn’t condone killing 40 week “fetuses?” You’re telling me that she didn’t lie just a few days ago on national tv about what the FBI director said? You’re telling me she didn’t vote for a wall in 2006 and then in 2008 when she reneged on her 2006 vote said it was because she thought it was going to be a fence? If I had more time I would list more… I have very specific reasons for thinking Hillary is the worst possible person we could ever even consider for president. And a lot of my opinions have come from listening to her own words. I didn’t see you refute one single lie she has supposedly told.. And lets not even get into the first hand accounts of how she treats subordinates…..And the fact that people and insurance companies are going broke trying to pay for Obamacare.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 5, 2016 at 6:28 am #

      Are you getting your news from Fox?

      • Danny Palmer August 5, 2016 at 7:09 am #

        Can’t answer Sharon’s questions, eh Mike? Figures.

        When you can’t handle the facts, just throw in a reference to Fox News. That’ll automatically win your argument!

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 5, 2016 at 7:10 am #

        Yes, that’s it. You keep thinking that Danny! Good Day!

      • Danny Palmer August 5, 2016 at 7:12 am #

        Let go of the fear, Mike. You can do it. Just answer Sharon’s questions. I believe in you.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 5, 2016 at 7:35 am #

        Dan, you have taken up enough space here!

    • Lea Beckett August 5, 2016 at 5:09 pm #

      I will answer Sharon’s inaccurate rant – there was sniper fire going on – but no shots at her plane……. don’t know about Chelsea jogging, but who cares?….no one “kills a 40 wk fetus” – at 40 wks a fetus is term and it would be a stillbirth and murder if the mother were killed and no one ever does an abortion at 40 weeks (Did I tell you I am an obstetrician??) (where do you get this stuff??)….she did not lie – the FBI director stated in his hearing that of 30,000 emails 3 had some markings but no headers and that she could have not recognized the small (c) at a paragraph showing classified content since the required header was missing. Of the other 110 emails that contained classified content – none were marked classified in any way – so, when she said to her knowledge there were no classified emails on her server, she was telling the truth as she believed it. Which is why he did not prosecute her – he was convinced she had no intent to mis-use classified material and no intent to lie about it. Of the 3 emails casually marked in text – 2 were later deemed NOT classified……. she voted for a partial fence (there are lots of fences on the border and they have to be funded by Congress and Senate)…….insurance companies are making good money on the ACA (Obamacare to you) but, they want more. Insurance Co pay their executives millions per year and have 30% administrative costs (compared to about 1% administrative costs for Medicare) – they have plenty of room for profit, but they are greedy. I wish some of them would go broke…., they are corrupt…… and most of those, including Senate Republicans and Congressmen & women who have worked with and for Hillary Clinton are impressed by her work ethic and her integrity, honesty, and concern for families and children.. Quit watching Fox News, Glenn Beck, and listening to Rush Limbaugh. Read something.

      • WhiteTrashGal August 13, 2016 at 8:28 pm #

        Bravo. Unfortunately, the Clinton-haters don’t read or hear anything but Right Wing and Russian-promoted lies. They don’t have time for Facts; they ignore and dismiss those out of hand, as it confuses the simple GOP narrative of fear and hysteria created to keep power in the hands of the one percenters.

        The abortion rights issue is a red herring. Most of America has been in favor of abortion rights for decades. I don’t believe one member of the GOP will hesitate to utilize birth control pills or abortion procedures if they deem it is needed in their own lives.

        They hate Hillary because she’s a woman who is smarter, more experienced, competent, and better suited for the job than all of those running for president this election cycle. Emails, Benghazi, emails, healthcare, emails, age, emails, her health, emails–not one of her opposition candidates is slammed half as hard for any of their actual, notorious weaknesses, bad actions, openly traitorous behaviors, scandalous histories, pure ignorance, or good-old-boy networking that got them where they are. The GOP attack dogs have no problem openly lying about and attacking her because she’s the figurehead for a future in which women participate equally–and a Democrat. That scares the hell out of them: they can’t be beaten by a girl!

  417. Ken Duerksen August 5, 2016 at 6:06 am #

    I don’t give a rip about ANY GOP lies and scandals – never have. I DO object strongly to Mrs. Clinton’s overt Influence Peddling, and her belligerent butterfly-wing diplomacy, geared, it seems, to endless Foreign Intervention and regime change. Where ARE those damn “FOR SALE” $peeches, by the way??

    Also – I cannot abide a cheater #StupidLittleParty #BernieSanders2016

    • Tally August 5, 2016 at 11:52 pm #

      “Overt Influence Peddling”? WTF does that mean? Oh wait – there it is…. the speeches… Hey Ken, what do MEN get paid for speeches? No complaints about any of them, eh? No… men are fine, right? Men don’t Influence Peddle™ ever, do they? Nor do you have a problem if they did. Bet you haven’t given it much thought Sounds a bit misogynistically hypocritical.

  418. Shar August 5, 2016 at 6:22 am #

    Wow. Convicting. Thank you,

  419. Nancy August 5, 2016 at 6:34 am #

    It is so very frustrating that the people who need to read this (all of my white affluent Republican friends, which are pretty much all of my friends) won’t even consider reading this because they refuse to believe it. Love you Hillary….supporting you ALL the way!!!

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 5, 2016 at 6:40 am #

      Nancy, such sad evidence that so many (not all) Republicans have no capacity to tolerate cognitive dissonance. Peace, Michael.

  420. Nancy Howard August 5, 2016 at 6:37 am #

    Thank you. Unfortunately, I find that conservative women cannot let go of the misogyny we have imbibed. I’ve finally started to be more than an apologist for Hillary and tell people that the issues of Benghazi and the emails are settled. I’m tired of re-documenting the findings and extant misogyny through do many tired examples. Enough already!

    Also, I have developed respect for David Brooks. I nonetheless found the criticisms by Brooks and PBS News Hour to be offensive after her acceptance speech. Maybe she didn’t “reveal her real self” or whatever (quotes mine) because she just isn’t ready to release her updated chocolate chip cookie recipe.

  421. Rita Marocco August 5, 2016 at 6:45 am #

    Thank you for your clear, concise description of Hillary Clinton. It is the same message I have tried to articulate to my granddaughters who are avid Bernie supporters. I have tremendous respect for what Bernie Sanders has added to the Presidential debate this year but have always been a supporter of Hillary. I watched in horror as Hillary was attacked for trying to push for universal health care when she was First Lady. this was the true national flashpoint of the misogynist rhetoric laid on Hillary like a laser. The negative narrative has only put to rest when she “keeps her head down” and quietly works to get things done for the good of the people she represents. How she has survived among the most heartless sharks she has swam with should be a testament to, not an indictment of her class and character.

    • Deborah Foster August 5, 2016 at 3:37 pm #

      That is how I remember it. Universal Healthcare was the big issue. But wasn’t the first misogynistic story the one about her role in firing the White House travel staff? If I remember correctly there was resentment about her active participation in the White House as more than the nation’s hostess. Michael is right. Time to look up those old stories.

  422. alohamichaeldaly August 5, 2016 at 6:57 am #

    … trouble is Ms Hilary has adopted all the worst attributes of warmongering Alpha males – the makers of false wars austerity and Globalization.
    Get off it – she deserves all the critismism she gets – she is a corporate whore and lies are her second nature.
    If you want to find a genuine feminist female leader among us, one urgently needed to help get us on track to sustainability and away from capitalist business as usual then write about, support and vote for Jill Stein, Green Party.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 5, 2016 at 6:58 am #

      Did you even read the article?

      • alohamichaeldaly August 8, 2016 at 3:49 pm #

        Michael, Yes, I read your article. I agree that Hillary Clinton has been subject to a torment of sexism, which, I imagine why her overwhelming joy at “breaking the glass ceiling” at DNC nomination matters.
        Having broken it your essay is a little late and exaggerated. It was most disheartening to me to see the much worse misogyny in the 2008 election.

        I know their is plenty more to door women’s rights.

        You might but also keep in mind that she get a big lift this go-around just being potentially the first woman President.

        All of this has nothing to do with the fact that the candidate is unfit for office.

        …maybe this where my prior comment leads from:

        “…trouble is…”

        {resubmitted/ note I redacted the bit about you being unfit to vote}

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 8, 2016 at 5:05 pm #

        Gee, how kind of you to redact the part of me “being unfit to vote.” Am I so supposed to be grateful?

      • alohamichaeldaly August 8, 2016 at 3:59 pm #

        Michael – you are dismissive to me.

        “Did you read the article?”

        then later:

        “Actually, there is a great deal of negative talk around Jill Stein. Much of it is credible. Please do your homework.”

        I’m sure with a power like you and similar/s any negative deal around Jill Stein or the Greens can be fixed. Maybe all that’s missing is you (the numbers) – I don’t know what you are talking about because you are curt – their is a desperate need for the Green Party in USA Government.

        I see the streaming flood of dirt on CLINTON and TRUMP and their parties – I don’t see any scandals on STEIN and Greens. I’ve followed US politics for many decades and I’m in awe of Ralph Nader who is yet to have his place in US history – up their with John Adams and Martin Luther King.

    • Irene J August 5, 2016 at 1:58 pm #

      Jill Stein is not a good choice, imo. Voting for her just so you don’t vote for Hillary is just as ridiculous as voting for Hillary because “there is no other choice”. I wonder exactly how many voters are voting for Stein and don’t have one clue what her policies are? I bet we would be shocked to find out.

      And if I may, everyone lies. If you say you don’t then you just lied. Per Politifact, out of herself, DT, Ted Cruz and BSanders, Hillary had the highest honesty percentage.

      Not only that, please remember that all Republicans ALSO voted for a war on Iraq, as the lies were being spun by GWB/Cheney. She was personally affected by 9/11 being the Senator of NY at the time. She had to personally seek out funds from GWB to help with recovery efforts. So, calling her a war-hawk just speaks of your simple mindedness and unwillingness to look at the big picture.

      Hillary had personal affiliation with Washington, DC and that will be something most needed when it comes to fighting for the rights of the people of all origins. Please tell me what has Jill Stein done so far that would have me give her my vote?

      One last thing, you like throwing around names such as “whore” which, why would I even believe you care about the advancement of gender equality when you feel the need to call Hillary Clinton such foul names?

      I don’t expect you to have any real answers. It’s always easy to spot someone who doesn’t know any facts about HRC, and those who just keep throwing out the same lies like sprinkling candies on a cake.

      • alohamichaeldaly August 8, 2016 at 3:17 pm #

        Irene J: JILL STEIN of the GREEN PARTY may pick up some protest-Clinton votes but its insignificant to her overwhelming pro-action voters – (note that some 70-90% of votes for both REPUG and DEM are going to be PROTEST VOTES – its a disgusting state of affairs)

        Even if Jill Stein were to pick up ALL SANDERS SUPPORTERS and many more its very impossible for me to how any of them are motivated by blocking Hillary out of fear, since:
        a) Stein is not at this stage a force that can topple Clinton
        b) fundamentally regarding general policies and the need for SUSTAINABILITY and ENDING USA IMPERIAL WARS, voting Green is aligned with the platform and decades of work of Bernie Sanders.

        All round the Greens are a positive choice – nothing significantly negative to talk about.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 8, 2016 at 3:20 pm #

        Actually, there is a great deal of negative talk around Jill Stein. Much of it is credible. Please do your homework.

  423. Dennis Dinius August 5, 2016 at 7:26 am #

    “where does this seemingly irrational antipathy for Hillary Clinton come from?” Your premise is incorrect. People simply don’t like her. During the primary I went to 3 rallies, 1 that drew about 500 people, 1 that drew about 9,000 people and 1 that drew over 18,000. Care to guess which was the Hillary rally? Why don’t people like her? It’s simple, she lies.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 5, 2016 at 7:34 am #

      Dennis, I fear you are missing the entire premise of the article here. I’m not sure you understand systemic misogyny.

  424. SAM August 5, 2016 at 7:26 am #

    I’ve believed Hillary should be President of the United States since 1992 when President Bill Clinton began his campaign. I was lucky enough to see her speak at a commencement in New York State when she was a Senator. I found her to be very caring and genuine. She spoke of helping small businesses in rural areas get access to the Internet so that they could stay in business. I have noticed that the Republican Party in general has disrespected women and people of color. The disrespect they showed President Obama has been disgraceful. I’ve always voted based on the person and not the party but I can no longer support the Republican Party.

  425. Harriet Heath August 5, 2016 at 7:55 am #

    Thank you for stating the case so clearly.

  426. Mike Land August 5, 2016 at 8:13 am #

    Was a Goldwater Girl. Martin Luther King protested against Goldwater Girls.
    Was against gay marriage for NY state and repeated the stand many times.
    Supports abortion up to the due date.
    Told Putin he’s another Hitler. Putin replied he has a heart and a mind, his mind is sharper than his heart and he can take anything she throws at him.
    Lied about landing under sniper fire in Balkans (there is actual footage of the lie happening).
    Lied about immigrant grandparents, she said all 4 were and only 1 is.
    Was for commercial investment in Iraq during the war there to justify her support of it.
    Has numerous close relationships with big media corporation who feed each other with helpful actions such as feeding questions in advance and revealing the strategy for a particular presser. It’s like a defendant texting a judge during a trial as to what motions he should pass and not pass.

  427. Ben Whitmore August 5, 2016 at 8:19 am #

    Saying that, she’s not the only warmonger, and she’s not the only liar. Even Jill Stein lost a bit of my respect as she tried to claim that the reason Bernie Sanders wasn’t joining her ticket was because he prefers the two-party system. She knows as well as I do that the real reason is he doesn’t want to split the Democrat vote and let Trump in. Oh well, at least she’s not a sell-out, a murderer or a friend of murderers.
    But give me a truly honest politician like a Bernie Sanders or a Jeremy Corbyn any day.

  428. Sarah August 5, 2016 at 8:24 am #

    Thank you for confronting your feelings about Hillary and women in general. Very few men in my life have been able to do this. You are a rare, good person.

  429. Allison Whitaker August 5, 2016 at 8:24 am #

    Apparently the writer is not aware of Hillary Clinton’s view on homosexuals up until three years ago. There were 4 decades where she actively fought against us.
    She also lied about the Reagan’s involvement with the AIDS crisis. She sat right there and said their involvement in the response to aids was progressive. The truth is they never ordered a word about it in public until the very end of his presidency.
    To say Bernie’s views on guns makes him not progressive enough, you’re in for a world of disappointment with Hillary Clinton is concerned. Unless of course just the fact that she’s a woman is enough for you.

  430. D. A. F. RUBINO August 5, 2016 at 8:28 am #

    The American public is much smarter than you think Mr. Hulshofschmidt. Throwing a very prolonged commentary written primarily from the pages of Roget’s Thesaurus does not make your post any more plausible than Roger Rabbit’s love for Jessica. Your attempt to canonize a true criminal is appalling and the lengths that you go to make yourself sound “intellectual” to the vast majority of the middle class is simply degrading to the public. Take your “facts” and publish a book… won’t be a bestseller but at least we won’t have to read it and you will be happy to admire your work. Or to make this retort brief, please shove it and let us know when you have done so. You have not helped Ms. Clinton by wasting everyone’s time. Your rhetoric could put Congress to sleep within 10 min. Good day!

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 5, 2016 at 8:41 am #

      “Roget’s Thesaurus”? This is my natural speaking voice. I’m sorry that the education system let you down in such a tragic way as to now allow you to present as someone so poorly educated. Good luck to you, for you will need it!

  431. marysoko August 5, 2016 at 8:50 am #

    Thanks for this!

  432. Nelly August 5, 2016 at 8:51 am #

    As an African woman watching US politics, i have been greatly appalled by the willingness of what i expected to be an educated Nation to willingly choose; what looks like an extremely prejudiced and racist person over a clearly intelligent, pragmatic expert. i had a sneaky feeling, it was an anti feminist issue and your article clearly outlines it. The world is watching and American politics do not currently look like the thinking one would expect from a ‘world leader’ ‘great nation’ or to lead to ‘making America great again’. Perhaps American’s have been too shielded and comfortable and are able to stand on lofty rooftops of criticism and take this nation to an abyss. Should you indeed end up with DT, as you tramp on Hilary, the days of the great nation may indeed be close to an end. It has happened to many other nations. Perhaps you are ready to allow China to occupy that space. The choice is all yours.

  433. Veronica Madore August 5, 2016 at 8:55 am #

    All I have wanted to say while watching this play out in your country is…..would a man be asked to be “softer” while being “strong”?

  434. WhiteTrashGal August 5, 2016 at 9:10 am #

    Those women among us who have lived in HIllary’s generation know exactly what you stated as truth because we have lived it all our lives. I’ve watched and waited decade after decade for anything but libelous, slanderous smears against her to be proven, yet they never are, just repeated as truth. It’s sickening, as a woman who has lived with these prejudices undermining our every effort, to claw our way to this point in history only to find little has changed.

    Of course Hillary is honest, if human: a devoted public servant who has spent her life working, an accomplished lawyer, a compassionate human being, a wife and a mother. She has withstood more gov’t. investigations than anyone I know in modern history. Still the GOP and the media go after her with their infinite political witch hunt, all the while they promoted a convicted, admitted serial child molester to their highest position, Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, for 8 years.

    I initially thought Bernie Sanders was indeed a profoundly needed voice in America, but I knew two things: he had no experience with international governments, a critical part of the job of president; and as a loudly proclaimed socialist, he would never be able to win the votes of many Americans who lived with the Cold War all our lives. Then his supporters started tearing down Hillary just like the GOP does, and I was appalled because once again it was sit down, woman, and give the job to a man, through she’s unquestionably more qualified. Repeat repeat repeat.

    So thank you for at least taking the time to figure out what is truly gong on here: women have a much more difficult time on the job; we have to work harder, fight harder, and live with harassment and discrimination, and take less credit and compensation. It’s just a fact of our lives. HRC soldiers on while the world piles on her because she is a competent, strong woman. People hate that worse than anything. I fear for her life every day.

    • manzanita August 5, 2016 at 1:23 pm #

      Sad that even the left believes the right’s propaganda and that an eminently qualified WOMAN must battle for her life with a buffoon.I wonder if she ever wishes she had just stayed home and baked cookies.

      • WhiteTrashGal August 13, 2016 at 5:53 pm #

        I doubt it. Right now, she’s the only hope we have to keep our country, and the world, safe from the despots like Trump and Putin who would sell our skin and organs for a buck.

  435. D Piper August 5, 2016 at 9:55 am #

    Thanks for a very eloquent article. I am guily to a degree myself here. I am unhappy with so many parts of our elected government, ignoring reality,(hearing and confirming post ie: SCt.) law, good faith, and common decency as to how the less haves amongst us are treated and not supported. I am referring here to the innane amounts of $$ that ex congress people, ex presidents etc receive as their “retirements” whilst wanting to gut some very needed programs like SS or Medicare….that’s another convo.
    This one about HRC, yes. I did not care for when she said it was a vast right wing conspiracy when Bill cheated, and I have been dumbfounded at some of her less than stellar responses to issues like the emails etc…. at times, but, on the whole she has done amazing work for many, many, many years! I even voted Bernie at our primary, knowing she was to take the nom b/c I want to push his sane agenda and frankly she REALLY needs to be pushed left. Thank you and good on you for growing with the times…we will keep on you once in office because this Country really does need real change.
    Infrastructure! Climate truth! NO GMO’s etc., etc., etc.
    Thank you HRC, you have my vote

  436. Nicki August 5, 2016 at 10:56 am #

    FINALLY!!!!!!! Someone who was probably not part of the women’s rights movement of the 70’s gets it!!!! And states it very eloquently. Thank you!

  437. Jill Haroer August 5, 2016 at 11:08 am #

    What an excellent article. My 39 year old, high school principal son and I have asked these same questions. I think that Hilary will make an amazing president and I feel that she has not gotten credit where credit is due. Thanks for the enlightening article!

  438. April Denny August 5, 2016 at 11:53 am #

    I am in agreement with you about Hillary Clinton. I think she will be a great President. I don’t care what she wears or how she wears her hair. I have a feeling she us just a good person. I really grow tired of the false accusations and wacky claims against her integrity. Let us pray that she gets elected. The other candidate is a frightening prospect.
    Thank you.

  439. Marion August 5, 2016 at 12:56 pm #

    What about the Hero’s she let die in Benghazi? How come in support of her no one ever offers up something meaningful to even defend her… Under her watch these Hero’s died all because she didn’t want to upset someone? I have a son in the Navy… I can’t bet on someone who is worried about our image when my son’s life is on the line. Sorry all his faults I know Trump would not do that and so to saves lives I vote Trump.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 5, 2016 at 1:07 pm #

      How very sad! You are like the Nazis.

    • manzanita August 5, 2016 at 1:20 pm #

      Can’t you at least do some research before you answer? There are some good, non-partisan sources like PolitiFact. Many more lives were lost under Bush. Besides, wouldn’t it be fairer to blame Republicans who responded to multiple requests from Benghazi for better security by CUTTING funding?

    • Lea Beckett August 5, 2016 at 4:34 pm #

      Hillary Clinton did not let anyone die in Benghazi – you have not read the Benghazi report, the objective analysis, or anything else about the subject or you would know – you are repeating what you hear in sound bites on Fox News. Benghazi is NOT an embassy – the embassy for Libya is in Tripoli – that is where Chris Stevens, the Ambassador was posted. He went to Benghazi with his 2 man security detail because his friends in Benghazi (he spoke Arabic and Farsi) told him of the unrest and riots. He thought he could help calm them. There were riots in Cairo over the video by the crazy Texas pastor – by Islam extremists – and everyone thought they had spread to Libya (another northern Africa nation). In fact, a terrorist attack on the US Benghazi outpost had been planned and took place while Stevens was there. It happened and was over in just a couple of hours, the initial bombing and assault was over in less than an hour – by the time the US govt knew about it – it was over and they could not get assets there in less than 6 hours to assist. They started planning an evacuation – for 24 hours they did not know what happened to Chris Stevens – they could not find his body and had no intel. In fact, his Libyan friends had rushed to the building when they saw the explosion and fire and found him gravely injured – they took him to the hospital where he died. But, his Libyan friends had no way to contact the US govt or the State Dept – and finally through channels got the info to them through other friends and contacts. Clinton monitored the situation along with the national security assets throughout and until the body of the Ambassador was returned. It is true the embassy in Tripoli and in fact, most of the US embassies had asked for more assets and more security. The tea party element in Congress had cut funding to the State Dept and additional funds for more employees and more security was not available. However, it was not the SOS function to make those decisions – they were made by military and by security executives within the pentagon and the executive branch. That is what the Benghazi report – with bipartisan participation states. Read it before you speak again.

  440. Mbird August 5, 2016 at 1:37 pm #

    I did a silicate yet less extensive post this is well done I hope people will read it and question their own reasons she has fought for equal rights for children for vets programs and is well respected around the world. Thank you for your research

    • Rosemary Zabcik August 6, 2016 at 7:23 pm #

      I was sold on Hillary after seeing a documentary of her as Secretary of State…what a killing job that was !!! and yet, she sailed right through it…I am for her 100%…

    • Lance August 7, 2016 at 10:40 am #


  441. aberrebi August 5, 2016 at 1:47 pm #

    Reblogged this on Alain V Berrebi's Blog and commented:
    What an insightful look at Hillary’s career and what she’s done for our country.

  442. Deborah Rahn August 5, 2016 at 2:10 pm #

    Couldn’t agree with you more, Michael. Thank you for a great article and all of the thoughtful, supportive responses. I’m with Her, as well, after many ups and downs. She is my hero and I will not lose any sleep with her at the helm as I would with the other absolute maniac in charge. He isn’t fit to be in the same arena with her.

  443. Will B August 5, 2016 at 2:24 pm #

    Not only is Hillary by far the most gualified and experienced person for the presidential job, she is the first woman to have a realistic shot at it. If she were to lose, there is no telling how long it would be before a woman becomes president. Obama will go down in history as one of the finest presidents we have ever had. The resistance he had to deal with from the GOP congressently was disgusting, absolutely racial and embarrassing. The GOP called themselves “the party of no” and blatantly said they would vote no on everything Obama’s administration brought to the table. This includes the refusal to select a new Supreme Court Judge. The GOP is so afraid that Obama will have a positive history that they try to destroy or make negative everything he doesn’t. The GOP is the party of the wealthy, not the middle class or the less fortunate. Hillary will continue to fight for the less fortunate and the middle class, she gets my vote.

    • Minedga Archilla Mcnamee August 6, 2016 at 5:59 am #

      I agree!!! Though I am a Bernie fan! Saint Petersburg,Fl/D.C.

    • Eric August 6, 2016 at 8:11 am #

      On the contrary….the GOP is absolutely the party of the less fortunate. Just look at the Trump rallies. They couldn’t be less fortunate. Look at the demographics of so much of the GOP base….across the deep south…poorly educated, under-employed, poor health and living conditions, lacking state support abd adequate safety nets…..just as the GOP wants them (and in large pat, put them). The GOP is absolutely the party of the less fortunate…they are just not the party FOR the less fortunate.

      • Sue Kaufman August 7, 2016 at 6:57 am #

        I couldn’t agree more Eric. Most people I know who are repubs that support Trump are downtrodden, poor and feeling stepped on. That they are stepped on by the party they root for hasn’t occurred to them. I have been curious about that link for a while now and I see the logic of your statement. Thanks.

      • Theresa August 7, 2016 at 7:32 am #

        Perfectly stated.

      • joedee August 7, 2016 at 11:26 am #

        What a consise and well spoken statement.

    • Laurie August 6, 2016 at 8:41 am #

      Please tell me what she has accomplished during her long career. What bills, laws, rules etc. has she actually initiated and seen added to our system? Tell me also why someone with so little integrity that has lied to you and I deserves either of our votes? Tell me also just how she has the country’s interest at heart when she has personally profited so profusely from her tenure in government? Tell me how you can watch the long trail of scandal, trail of deaths that occur around her, and trail of people going to jail over the years related to her behavior and not be outraged? Tell me how you can watch her lie over and over and not be angry at the betrayal and condescending attitude she presents in doing so. Tell me why there are no consequences? Tell me how she will fight for the less fortunate and middle class… raising the tax on the middle class as she stated? That comment blatantly shows she does not understand the economy. Tell me why you would ever ever ever vote for someone like that because I just do not get it. I have higher standards and I will not settle.

      • Alena August 6, 2016 at 11:22 am #

        Honestly, none of the questions you raised would have been raised if she was a man. Your comment itself is an example of the misogyny this country is plagued with, and the reason feminism is necessary–to bridge the gap. Also, many of the questions you’ve raised aren’t even relevant, let alone is she guilty of any of your insinuations.
        I beg you to please actually READ the article first, rather than scroll down to comment your prejudiced opinion on the contrary. Thank you.

      • D. Seifer August 6, 2016 at 11:53 am #

        Higher standards?? Has Trump done anything you’re questioning of Hillary? How do you know how little integrity she has? Just another who bought into the decades long body of distortions and lies perpetuated by the Republicans to keep a good woman/Democratic candidate down.

      • Michelle Valenzuela August 6, 2016 at 1:40 pm #

        Laurie, if you are voting for Trump, you have absolutely NO standards. Don’t act like your moral if you’re voting for a man without any morality whatsoever. Hillary is a true American. Trump is a true narcissistic, send his business overseas, bigot

      • Rachael August 6, 2016 at 2:18 pm #

        Wait, you do know that she said she would NOT raise taxes on the middle class right? Did you watch the speech? Where are you getting this from? Trump? Fox? (I make those 2 assumptions because they are the ones who perpetuated this lie). I’ll source myself of course with soundly back science, because if you don’t fact check, you should.

      • Never Hillary August 6, 2016 at 3:25 pm #

        Integrity … A word no one can say this woman (Hillary) has or will ever have. I refuse to vote for someone who can’t tell the Truth, or doesn’t support our Military or Vets, she’s like a greased pig, not easily caught and when she is they can’t hold onto her very long.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 6, 2016 at 5:39 pm #

        You are woefully misinformed. I am sad for you.

      • Barbara August 6, 2016 at 3:46 pm #

        Why don’t you do your own research and stop asking other people to tell you what to think. Seriously. The facts are out there if you really want to know or maybe you just prefer to hide your head in the sand. The record of her accomplishments is quite long. If you don’t start using your own brain it may begin to atrophy.

      • Aliza Mesbahi August 6, 2016 at 4:32 pm #

        How about affordable health insurance coverage for ALL of our nation’s children? I hate how tight the Clintons are with Wall Street, but my four kids have excellent healthcare thanks to Hillary Clinton.

      • katsimo August 6, 2016 at 9:00 pm #

        Perfectly stated

      • jdubbiyou August 6, 2016 at 9:01 pm #

        Re: raise taxes….Are you referring to the vid of her speaking at a rally where many anti HRC types thought she said, “we ‘are’ going to raise taxes on the middle class”? Did you listen a 2nd time and realize she actually says ‘aren’t’…. I mean really?
        Yeah, the Clintons will take your money and anyone else’s no matter who you are or what you’ve done because they believe they can do better with it than you can. Their ideals haven’t changed. Do you really think they’re in it for personal wealth? As rich as they are now and both approaching 70, why, with only a limited number of quality years left ahead of them, wouldn’t they at this point be living an opulent, leisurely lifestyle on some private island indulging grandchildren and hosting dignitaries from around the world instead of working long, long days pursuing their goal to help the less fortunate? Because that isn’t who they are…….

      • Susan August 6, 2016 at 9:32 pm #

        No, you do not get it.
        Tell you why….. your opinions, those to which you are definitely entitled, seem to be based largely on little basis of fact, misinformation or no information. Conspiracy theories by pundits on cable news, right wing radio, in blogs and by our politicians of both sides are in great abundance. They will suck you in, make it easy to adopt these ideas as your own, but please be smart! I would encourage a small bit of unbiased research regarding your claims and charges and do please read a fact-driven biography of Hillary Clinton, who like everyone else is not perfect. Perhaps start with Wikipedia. You may dislike her policies and disagree with her liberal views, her voice, her decisions or you may just hate her for being a powerful woman.
        …..opinion is not fact.
        Out of curiosity, could you please share examples of those who meet your high standards.

      • Linda Gifford August 6, 2016 at 10:21 pm #

        You have done exactly what so many others-read republicans- do. You make sweeping statements but don’t provide facts to back them. Why has she no integrity? What are the lies you allege? Show where she said shed raise taxes on the middle class.
        You referenced the “trail of deaths” and scandals. Can you not see those silly conspiracies for what they are.? I know if you trash talked me as you do her, I would certainly want some legitimate proof of your accusations, not just oft repeated innuendo.Grow up, open your mind, and make intelligent choices.

      • Torben Kyhl Sørensen August 6, 2016 at 10:22 pm #

        Please back up your accusations with facts, don’t just throw unbacked accusations into the air. Right now you seem like a perfect example of what the article calls; When I try to ask people for specific examples of why they “hate” Hillary, or how has she been dishonest, all I get is “everyone knows she is,” or “that’s just the way I feel.”

      • griffjones August 7, 2016 at 9:02 am #

        Wonderful rebuttal of this ‘paid for advertisement’ piece. Thank you so much for writing it.

      • Flo August 7, 2016 at 1:26 pm #

        Dear Laurie
        You idiot! you are buying that deliberate restatement of what H really said. the only place you find that BS is from the BS master himself. The Donald put out an ad, for you who need your hand held in order to keep your prejudice, and put false words under the video. Perhaps the truth is not among your high standards so get going and practice mooing you wouldn’t want to be left behind when they go over the cliff.

    • Rachel August 7, 2016 at 9:41 am #

      Actually, both parties are the elite and wealthy. Their number one interest is keeping themselves in power (getting re-elected) and staying wealthy. Of course they have to give the appearance of helping the less fortunate to keep getting votes. Hillary’s greatest supporters are the big banks. They have bought her to keep laws favourable for them. Look up the repeal of Glass-Steagall. Look up who created the law that said student loans can’t even be discharged during bankruptcy. Look at the republicans who have been in power most of their lives. They don’t want Trump either. He will upset the corrupt status quo and they are worried about their own wealth and power. This has nothing to do with real anti woman feeling. Maybe in the past but for woman under about 45 who have been raised being told they can do anything and that they are strong, etc…it is not about having a female as president. It is about who will do the best job. I am scared for Hillary to be president because she can be bought. Foreign gov. donations to the Clinton foundation coincide with favourable legislation being passed especially for Saudi Arabia. She also put national security at risk by using a non gov. Protected private server out of her home. A really great place to get research and facts from is the Armstrong Economics website. Lots of historical facts too about the USA gov.

  444. Elsa August 5, 2016 at 2:41 pm #

    I for one always weigh the expeeience and track records. Some are minute and some are overwhelmingly validation of practical expertice. Who knew she would be running 16 years ago?? Her eight years as first lady only put her in the lead…that is aside of all her accimplishments. Meaning that she had first hand exposure being by Presidents side in ALL aspects, giod and some not sobgood. Overall, ahe is the MOST qualified, experiened and prepared in this coming election. Id she wasn’t, she wouldn’t be there. Sexondly to see History made a second time ? Im all for it! A WOMAN? YES!! Let’s show our competencies loud and clear!

  445. Elsa August 5, 2016 at 2:45 pm #

    I for one always weigh the experience and track records. Some are minute and some are overwhelmingly validation of practical expertice. Who knew she would be running 16 years ago?? Her eight years as first lady only put her in the lead, aside of all her accimplishments. Meaning that she had first hand exposure being by the Presidents side in ALL aspects, good and some not so good. Overall, she is the MOST qualified, experiened and prepared in this coming election. If she WASN’T, she wouldn’t be there. Secondly to see History made a second time ? I’m CERTAINLY all for it! A WOMAN? YES!! Let’s show our competencies loud and clear!

  446. John Smith August 5, 2016 at 4:03 pm #

    You only need to travel outside of the tourist destinations to witness the systematic effect of long term systemic political decision making on people’s humanity – poverty to the absolute extreme. The net effect of the flawed trickle down economy resulting in poverty for most and obscene wealth for the privileged few – no matter whether you are or are not a Hilary supporter – she is the top 1% of town and will not tackle the issues of poverty that will enact change to the masses who struggle on a daily basis. Visit Skid Row!

    • Dave Amordë August 6, 2016 at 8:08 am #

      Just because she has amassed wealth, doesn’t mean she can’t empathize with those who haven’t any wealth. The Clinton’s started with a good education, but made the money on their own. They know what it is like to start “near” the bottom and work up. She has spent her entire college and professional life working to lift up the disadvantaged. That is far more than I can say for Trump or any of his ilk.

    • D. Seifer August 6, 2016 at 8:49 pm #

      And you think any Republican president will?

  447. David Organ August 5, 2016 at 4:20 pm #

    This is a very compelling and thoughtful piece. I appreciate the fact that I came from the pen of a man, such as I who is a hardcore Bernie Sanders supporter. I also appreciate the fact that this is what many women of influence & power have been writing and telling me for quite sometime. To those who read, think and listen to these women speak of misogyny/sexism in popular political discourse, there is no new revelation: but it needs to be written, spoken, named & acknowledged by men. I have heard some woman rationally argue that at this stage of global patriarchy, white supremacy, material ineguality, insecurity and crisis, men have largely abdicated the right to speak on any issues that are ethical, moral or spiritual. But this we must still do! And I am so glad that the author did. He is spot on. There is very little to refute.
    My only points of departure are that:
    1) If presidential politics we’re not so steeped in the cult of personality, tainted by the scourge of entertainment news and reality television, we would be able to focus on the real issues of the day, rather than the false narratives and incessant lies that the corporate media has us focusing on.
    2) If one looks behind and beyond the inherent misogyny and sexism of anti-Hilary Bias, one would soon realize that Billiary is the primary source of their concern. They don’t trust silvery forked tongue of Bill Clinton and the Democratic Party he morphed into the Republicratic Party by realigning its relationship to Wall Street, Big Pharma, Big Oil and both the Prison and Military Industrial Complex.
    3) Our choice is clear this presidential election, where we’re faced once again with choosing between what (we are told) is the lesser of two evils. The real, overarching evil is the role of big money interests that are extracting the life out of our country & democracy.
    4) The co-option of racial & gender identity politics by these same big money interests (& reactionary backlash they will continue to unleash) may unknowingly in the end bring about the desired change that we seek: economic & ecological justice for all through greater civic participation & government accountability.

    • jbmenzies August 6, 2016 at 9:07 am #

      The New York Times today has a breathless, huge long article about Hillary putting her hand on her heart during a speech. Basically, the underlying logic is that any woman with the gall to run for president must be cold, calculating, overly ambitious, and inhuman. So she must have been taught to put her hand on her heart by some pr flak. Could not possibly do it naturally by herself.

      Seriously? This is what the New York Times is calling political reporting on Mrs. Clinton? How Dare she put her hand on her heart during a speech! OMG, she’s wearing a designer jacket! OMG she blinked! When the NYT is a sorry excuse for a paper, imagine all the other media.

      Meantime, Donald Trump is pondering why the heck can’t he use the nuclear option. Why not destroy NATO? Hey Putin loves me.

      My eyes are getting sore I have been rolling them so much.

    • Steven J Goering August 7, 2016 at 6:10 pm #

      I was a Sanders supporter because he advocated for policies that I believe are objectively better than what Clinton offered. Thanks to him staying in the race, he has pulled her to the left, and I am grateful for it. Honestly, I don’t hate Clinton and never did. What has always offended me is the idea that my choice of candidate is a product of misogyny. I’m not saying that I am somehow, miraculously, misogyny-free. One could, undoubtedly, offer up many examples of how my views of women politicians, and women in general, are tainted by that misogyny. But, it is simply illogical to say that this means that anytime I prefer a particular male candidate to a female candidate, the but-for cause of that is misogyny. It’s hard enough to fight the deeply-rooted American hatred of anything with the label “socialist” attached to it, and it’s, frankly, infuriating to have those who should be allies in the larger cause for social justice to use the misogyny tag as political tactic to try to bring down a candidate of the (further) left.

      Bottom line: I am voting for Clinton because she is clearly the superior candidate of those who remain standing. But I will support any effort to keep the pressure on the soon-to-be President Clinton from the left. I actually believe that, in her heart, she is very sympathetic to the left, would welcome the activism of those on the left, and would be more than happy to be “forced” to accommodate it in her policy positions. I, maybe naively, believe she actually gets where I am coming from. I just wish I could say the same for all of her supporters.

      • Rkm August 8, 2016 at 12:20 pm #

        Well said. Thank you.

  448. Nancy Toney August 5, 2016 at 5:35 pm #

    I love Hillary!!! She will win and we can finally get done what needs to be done. The GOP stopped everything that Obama tried to accomplish. A Supreme Court justice should have been appointed! So many things were not accomplished!!! But Hillary will do it when the Progressives take over!!! That narcissist (Trump) will go to jail or shipped to Russia! The GOP went on vacation rather than get the money for Zika together to save the babies. Shame shame shame!!!!!

  449. Rob Halman August 5, 2016 at 7:11 pm #

    Couldn’t agree more. The sad fact of the matter is it’s going to be difficult to recondition the Pavlovian masses, who have been bombarded with the misinformation and character assassination served up by the right and disseminated by the media for the past 3 decades, in just over 3 months.

  450. slideadmin August 5, 2016 at 8:59 pm #

    We had the same issue here in Australia with our first (and so-far only) female Prime Minister, Julia Gillard. Tarred with the nickname “Juliar” she eventually succumbed to the non-stop negativity and vilification from both male and female in the media and parliament. In hindsight it is now obvious that she ran most of the most effective governments in many years.

  451. Richard Stark August 5, 2016 at 10:59 pm #

    NAFTA. Remember?

  452. rick August 5, 2016 at 11:32 pm #

    I still find it astonishing that of all the talent available in the US, that these two are the best you can come up with.

  453. T.Victoria Symonds August 6, 2016 at 2:29 am #

    Being a Woman who has worked her entire life in this white mans world, beginning with becoming 1st Female Aircraft Director 81-85 aboard USS Lexington AVT-16, to presently owning and operating a paint contracting business because the USN sent me packing with an OTH ( Other Than Honorable ), TOTALLY love reading the truth about Hillary for once…because I knew the truth all along.

    • Minedga Archilla Mcnamee August 6, 2016 at 6:01 am #

      If she wins, she MUST have the best experienced in Middle East situation. Bush Sr.,Bush Jr. Clinton did not and certainly, Kissinger was horrible!!!

      • Griffith W Jones August 7, 2016 at 6:45 pm #

        Sorry, but Kissinger is HRC’s idol for diplomacy. Libya, Honduras, Ukraine, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Killing climate conferences, pushing fracking globally, approving Keystone XL- what about looking to her record as Sec of State before gushing because she’s female?

      • Rkm August 8, 2016 at 12:25 pm #

        Thank you.

  454. Bonnie Ross August 6, 2016 at 4:51 am #

    I remember when Hillary came on the scene. She was belittling women who chose to stay home and raise their families. It takes a village is a lovely sentiment, but look at how it has turned out. First you have to make sure your village isn’t full of village idiots. I was able to see her health care package up close and personal as the woman I worked for at the time was a huge Clinton supporter and volunteered me to make copies. I don’t remember the specifics, but in my opinion it was seriously flawed. When I learned that Bill’s brother was an alcoholic, I assumed the entire family was dysfunctional as is typically the case.I was right. Bill was a dog and Hillary an enabler. Not a shining example of a cohesive, stable family. I could go on AND ON, but I have work to do. And I am not enamored with Trump. My conclusions were drawn years ago.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 6, 2016 at 5:10 am #

      Do you have evidence to support your assertions here?

      • Confused August 6, 2016 at 8:06 am #

        When she said that “she didn’t want to stay home and bake cookies”, she said it with such disdain towards the women that did stay home to raise their children. As one of those women, who left a law firm with influential clients, I was extremely insulted by that comment. Because staying home to raise a family is one of the most selfless acts a woman can do and to belittle that by saying that all we do is “bake cookies”, which code for “nothing important”, is unacceptable. Raising children is not only baking cookies, it is being responsible for working with their schools, their teachers, their doctors, friends, etc., making sure that their health, education, talents and socialization are tended to, nurtured, encouraged and supervised. Not everyone is married to a governor and can afford to hire “a village” of nannies to look after their children; most of us have to do it ourselves and have no choice to stay at home to afford housing, food, etc. Since I was one of the lucky ones who had a husband who could more than adequately support our growing family, I chose to stay at home to raise our 5 children while maintaining a small real estate law practice from a home office. I was able to “have it all” – I baked cookies with my children AND had (and still have) a career. The two are not mutually exclusive, but Hillary’s statement made it sound like they had to be and that she was too good for staying home to raise her daughter. That was was when I began to dislike her.

      • katsimo August 6, 2016 at 8:18 am #

        Why does she need evidence to prove her personal feelings towards something? I do however commend her for a great job in politely responding to you…

  455. Francesca Holladay August 6, 2016 at 5:05 am #

    Regarding your article… Dear Hillary: How very dare you. I appreciate the recognition of the prejudice. In my opinion it is that same prejudice that exists today with our President. The objection..he is black. I have been amazed how littke this has been called out as the primary root of all the opposition to him, his actions, his policies… I realize in today’s society to call it out in black and white would be a “little” inappropriate even for the right… But the truth is that the old regimen have hated that there is a black man in the white house calling the shots. Will the popular media ever take reality and print just the “facts”?

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 6, 2016 at 7:17 am #

      Francesca, you are absolutely right!

    • P Reusch August 6, 2016 at 6:57 pm #

      The race card, again. I don’t know one person who dislikes Obama because he is part black. But, I do know a number of people that would not hesitate to vote for a black person who is qualified, and very good names have been thrown around.

  456. Dionne R August 6, 2016 at 6:12 am #

    Three words….
    I’m with Her….

  457. Martha Wetherholt August 6, 2016 at 6:52 am #

    Thank you for your thoughtful insights. I had wondered at my cognitive dissonance about Hillary. I think you cleared it up nicely.

    I go forward with full hearted support and only the usual doubts about what any president can accomplish.

  458. Patrick P Daley August 6, 2016 at 7:09 am #

    I’ll vote for Hillary, the better of the two candidates. But I don’t like her and it is naive of you to assume it has anything to do with lies spread about her. As the U.S. surrounded Iraq in preparation to invade, Hillary was then a NY Senator. I emailed her office imploring her to use her influence to stop this madness. I reminded her that Iraq had nothing to do with the 9/11 disaster and suggested this planned invasion was a disaster and not the way America behaves. She emailed back saying that Saddam was a menace who must be stopped … among other things of course. It was a long email that she sent me, and I deleted it in disgust. America had gone from a protector of other nations to a paranoid invader. When the war took its toll on us and lost popularity, Hillary changed her mind. “if I knew then what I know now……” Duhh. MANY of us knew it was a terrible idea. Why did not a prominent leader as she know? Even if Saddam did have WMAs, he was a tyrant, not a madman. What made her think that attacking us or Israel was imminent? He remembered what happened to him when he invaded Kuwait. There was no evidence to suggest he would soon be using any WMAs. But we were paranoid and we attacked. We killed about half a million Iraqis to save them from a tyrant who killed fifty thousand of his own people. If Hillary had opposed the Iraq war, she would have been severely ostracized, but that would have been the right thing to do. She smart, and she learns, and let’s hope and pray she has learned from this. She helped lead us into one of the gravest mistakes the United States has ever made. I’m still with her over Trump, but let’s hope she has learned.

  459. Sue August 6, 2016 at 7:19 am #

    I have not been a supporter of Hillary in the past, favoring Bernie, who I still wish was in the race.

    What I recently noted, was that Hillary bore one child, but her family is huge! We are her family, she is the Mama bear! She will fight for us to the bitter end, even if it costs her personally! I can’t imagine waking up and facing each day knowing I would be fought with, and shredded by nearly half of my family, much less, my country’s people. Hillary has good instincts, well intended plans, but more importantly, her heart is in this.

    Sometimes mistakes are made. The question should be more about intent, and premeditation. My observation lately, is that the big picture, and greater good is the compass used by Hillary. That is a much better guidance system than the GOP candidate seems to use.

    One thing I do NOT see, is Hillary seeking power for personal gratification. This alone is why she will get my vote.

    • Lucille August 6, 2016 at 8:27 pm #

      I love this reply, Sue! I think you are right on the money! Her heart IS in this. I can’t believe the strength she must have to listen to all the vitriol spun about her and at her every day. Is she perfect? No, but who is. As you said, the question should be more about intent… and you mention the big picture. So true! So true!

      • chaplynn03 September 11, 2016 at 8:52 pm #

        Agreed! Thank you for this.

    • Hugh Robertson August 7, 2016 at 10:15 am #

      Bernie is still a factor in this race, he’s still a sitting Senator and could become the Majority Leader if things go well. A position just as powerful as the President in many ways. Congress passes legislation, the President can only propose it. And Hillary has proven herself to be open to new ideas and can be influenced by good people. She is not a hard liner, my way or the highway, type. I would prefer Joe Biden but I’ll vote for Hillary. At least she lives on the same planet and doesn’t have her head in the clouds like some others.

  460. Jean August 6, 2016 at 7:47 am #

    I’ve said this for years. Ever since she was the First Lady of a state, people have been trying to put this “uppity” woman in her place.

  461. Ronnie Dansby August 6, 2016 at 8:43 am #

    This is only the tip of the iceberg my friends, there is a reason that no past Republican President is on the stage; it is called the Logan Act!

  462. Diane August 6, 2016 at 9:15 am #

    Excellent article and thank you. I had to come to terms with the systematic misogyny that I had towards Hillary over this past year. I am so done the blatant double standard in the media coverage for women. Thank you Hillary for waking me up!

  463. Antonia Cabal August 6, 2016 at 9:27 am #

    I’ll be sure to vote. But not for her.

  464. Candace Lyle Hogan August 6, 2016 at 10:34 am #

    As a longtime feminist (and journalist reporting on Title IX and the NCAA’s heated opposition to it in the 1970s), i’ve witnessed the vicious hatred and punishment directed at women courageous in their perseverance in support of equal opportunity for all girls and women. So it’s especially moving to see this deep-seated misogyny being recognized for what it is and how it pervades our national knee-jerk reaction to our best chance so far to benefit from the leadership of a strong and wise woman. Thank you, sir, for taking the time to think and understand this hidden history. We all stand on the shoulders of many visionary women of heart, like Hillary, many who sacrificed everything to give us this chance to step up and see what real human beings can do as a team.

  465. Laura August 6, 2016 at 10:43 am #

    My issue is that for the first time in my lifetime (I’m 40) there was an honest politician who grew up poor, and who listened and fought for the poor and middle class. He inspired the world to believe that American politics could be changed with this election. The fact that the DNC worked directly against his campaign to help the first female candidate does not resonate as being a fair election, which we were disillusioned to think. I hate that the first woman has positioned herself to look as if she cheated to win–I’m a female in a male dominated career field (maintenance) in the military and I’ve seen this behavior from many females who try to move up into positions of power or get out of the dirty work and even leave the military. I hate feeling as if American voters are held hostage to fear of a Trump Presidency and that Hillary is our only hope despite Sanders beating Trump in all the polls… I cannot contribute or participate in the rancidly corrupt status quo system. Hillary doesn’t need my vote when the system will work to steal the election anyway. I’m not worried that she will win, your right she’s positioned herself as a woman who knows what she wants and knows how to get it. And I’m sure she will.

  466. Mary Major-Waisbrot August 6, 2016 at 11:02 am #

    I have admired Hillary Rodham Clinton and the work she has done since her husband first ran for POTUS in the 90’s, and I have been shocked and dismayed at the vitriol thrown at her from nearly the beginning. To read this article was almost a shocking relief to me.

    Thank you for this examination of a wholly fabricated and continually fortified misdirection against a person who has defied the odds through years of focused defamation. We would do well to put such a thoroughly tested individual with her degree of fortitude, and with her ability to maintain an even keel, in the White House, even if she had a more worthy opponent.

  467. Tanya Leah August 6, 2016 at 11:19 am #

    It seems that the author must project honesty and trustworthiness onto Hillary Clinton in order to feel sound about voting for her in November, but let’s not sugar coat things: the only reason that most of us Bernie’s supporters will be voting for Hillary Clinton is because we don’t want Trump.

  468. Sally Moe August 6, 2016 at 11:29 am #

    I started out as a Hillary distruster and made the same belief arc you did. The change began when I questioned where all this visceral hatred and distrust buzzing about Hillary actually came from, and how it had become “conventional wisdom.” Now I believe her to be a caring, high-functioning achiever who never gives up.

    I know how misogynistic this society is, and the “don’t confuse me with the facts” missionary zeal of Trump supporters. Our country has voted stupid before and it will vote stupid again. I just pray it’s not this year.

  469. muyungamukasa August 6, 2016 at 11:40 am #

    Reblogged this on Welcome.

  470. Susie Philips August 6, 2016 at 12:50 pm #

    Great article. I wish anyone making strong claims against Hilary would take the time to research them and take a good look at all the work she’s done for nearly 40 years fighting for the American people. I know it’s easier to just sit around and complain, but the truth is, people have been trying to take her down for at least 30 years and never been able to do so. Why is that? Have all the investigators and prosecutors been stupid. I think not. Maybe just maybe the claims were trumped up. No pun intended. The bottom line is this, if you don’t like Hilary don’t vote for her, but before casting a vote for Trump please think long and hard about what a Trump White House will look like. He is narcissist, he is unqualified, he is a racist, he can’t focus and he’s really not very smart. Just because he’s been able to build things doesn’t mean he’s qualified to be president. It’s a huge job. And consider that Trump started out with millions of dollars from his father. Wouldn’t that be nice. And don’t forget that he’s had six bankruptcies and countless other failings throughout his life. But worse then all that, there is nothing in his history that even remotely suggest that he cares about anyone besides himself. So think long and hard about your choice. Please.

  471. alteregoliz August 6, 2016 at 12:59 pm #

    Reblogged this on alteregoliz.

  472. Marissa Schillaci-Kayton August 6, 2016 at 1:28 pm #

    My mother in law sent this to me. I read and loved the whole thing and then realized the author was one of my favorite professors ever. Thank you for this.

  473. TJ August 6, 2016 at 1:49 pm #

    Funny…. I have supported Hillary for years and still to this day I can’t say I really like her. I always thought the whole voting for a President I would like to have a beer with was silly. Even though I hear Hillary can do some shots! It doesn’t matter to me if I like our PResident or not, I want the best person for the job. Plain and simple, she is the best cadidate. So lets stop talking about her clothes, her hair, her voice, her smile, her laugh, etc. Lets talk about policies, accomplishments, and qualifications. That’s what you need to tell your friends. I seriously feel like she is a work until it gets done kind of person. If it means a hundred phone calls and a few promises, she will do it.

  474. Elena August 6, 2016 at 2:14 pm #

    I love the analysis of Hillary, and totally on target.

  475. Elsa August 6, 2016 at 4:40 pm #

    Very well spoken… I have a 3 year old granddaughter. She is feisty, strong, stubborn, creative and very smart… I want her to grow up in a world where she can be anything she wants… to live in a world that cares for all people… the young, the old, the strong, gay, straight, trans, all races, all ethnic groups… Trump will not permit that for my Annie. Hillary has already proven that service comes easy to her, she will continue to graciously serve and protect our country.

  476. Christopher Pilafian August 6, 2016 at 5:43 pm #

    Thank you for articulating this shift in perspective. So difficult to perceive broadly held, systemic attitudes because they create their own norm and become invisible like, as you write, the air we breathe.

  477. rogerorestes August 6, 2016 at 9:58 pm #

    where is misogony? i couldnot get past your first sentence… if u think Sanders was the the solution and now u vote Clinton, u didnot get nothing!! obviously voting Clinton is better, but!! u think the Centurion army of the USA will stop bombing you are wrong… Obama is a more refined and cosmetic Trump, … the option was a SOCIALIST like Sanders.

  478. Marcello Leonard Mazza August 6, 2016 at 10:40 pm #

    Great article. The only flaw is that nowadays, white, heterosexual, middle class (which is today a highway to poverty and sleeping under a bridge) divorced fathers are amongst the most discriminated groups in the western world.

    Guess that tpu have to update your analysis of discrimination within society.

  479. MTinMO August 6, 2016 at 11:43 pm #

    I have supported Hillary since she first came into the national public light. I have watched the lies, the misogyny and the flat out hatred of a strong, smart woman and I’m sick of it. She is the woman for the job and she will be a wonderful president.

  480. Deborah stover August 7, 2016 at 1:45 am #

    All I can say is EXCELLANT!! You nailed it completely! I am a white middle class woman but I do not support her B/C she is a woman nor b/c I’ve ever needed healthcare or fair wages. I support her b/c so many American DO need her voice, her compassion, her listening. And b/c we ALL
    need her intelligence, her ability to get things done, her experience, her knowledge n subsequent wisdom. I also believe she prays and has faith in God though she doesn’t flaunt it ( and then act opposite to those ideals as so many I’ve seen do) The propaganda against her is largely due to the green monster of jealousy of all her attributes. I truly don’t know how she ( and Obama too) stay strong, focused and determined to serve amidst the political wars against them. But I admire their fortitude and perseverance to continue to do the right things!

  481. Anne Smith August 7, 2016 at 7:05 am #

    This is ,by far, the most thoughtful analysis of the Hillary Clinton issues I have read. I was not a Sanders supporter, but I would characterize my support of Hillary, initially, as apathetic. I now fully & unequivocally support her. I agree that often David Brooks presented the sanest and fairest Republican voice thus far. I will share this now .

  482. Mark August 7, 2016 at 7:33 am #

    I’m skeptical of any person who has spent their untied life in political office and somehow came out with a net worth of $111 million. Doesn’t happened without corruption and favors. It just doesn’t. She’s a better alternative to Trump but there’s good reason for the distrust American has for this woman.

  483. Sharla Nafziger August 7, 2016 at 7:58 am #

    I agree wholeheartedly! I was a Bernie supporter, then a reluctant Hillary supporter, now I’m all in and very excited to have her as POTUS! I have suspected for a long time that her unpopularity and “dishonesty” are the result of media spin for decades. Thank you for this article!

  484. Laura August 7, 2016 at 8:08 am #

    I try to read the facts on the candidates and have an open mind when choosing for whom I will cast my vote. That’s one reason I read this article. However, I refuse to take your article seriously when the wording of your document would suggest I should apologize for being a white, heterosexual, Christian. I guess being female is acceptable. Hilary is definitely a strong woman. But God help our country if we vote for someone based solely on their gender or race, or because they’ve made mistakes for 30 years and learned from them. This article is a prime example of the lack of effective communication between parties. Describing Trump supporters as ignorant does nothing but further divide us, just as putting down Hilary supporters does the same.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 7, 2016 at 8:39 am #

      Laura, no where in my article does ask anyone from the dominate discourse to apologize. I would invite people from the dominant discourse to acknowledge disproportionate power and privilege.

      • Neal Barkett August 7, 2016 at 11:44 am #

        I was a Bernie supporter, for the main reasons of breaking up the biggest players in the industries that are just too corrupted. Do you feel she is the person that will be the “trust buster” when it comes to big pharma and healthcare in general, the banking and financial industry, the major media, the military and prison, industrial complexes? I will vote for her if Trump doesn’t self destruct on purpose or otherwise.
        When it comes to a women president I have no issue with a female filling that position what so ever! The 800 pound x 10 Gorilla, issue is, getting the corruption in DC back to a manageable point. Will she be the true champion to demand real reforms on lobbying and campaign financing? You tell me? Being a skeptic by nature, I hope I am wrong and she leaves a great legacy for herself and for all women in the future, my daughter included. She will no doubt get that opportunity to and I will get on board and hope she puts my concerns at ease. God speed to all of us.

  485. David McCullough August 7, 2016 at 9:34 am #

    Oh my, it wasn’t Hillary Care, it was the cookies! Last week or so, my friend Renee shared a post of mine and many of her friends started sharing their stories of misogyny in the work place, as they had experienced it over the years. Renee had mentioned an event where Hillary and former First Lady Barbara Bush were in some sort or competition (put upon them, I’m guessing) over making the best cookies. I have no recollection of this, to this day. After reading this article, I read the comments and this is what one woman said: “”When she said that “she (Hillary Clinton)didn’t want to stay home and bake cookies”, she said it with such disdain towards the women that did stay home to raise their children. As one of those women, who left a law firm with influential clients, I was extremely insulted by that comment.”” This, I remember. Clearly. As clear as if it were yesterday. So much so, that these two sentences from her ring as a verbatim lift from the many, many news stories from that time. This “part” of the story was all over the news. The cookie baking competition, to give Hillary’s statement context…was not. Even without the context, though, I felt back then that there was something self-hating about women jumping in and censuring her publicly as being anti-woman. Like she was not of them, but had somehow dressed herself in the clothes, words, and ideals of their captors, and had in fact not become the captor, but worse…a traitor. She is often called a traitor, to this day. On Renee’s thread, I asked why women can be complicit, and try to take down other women’s accomplishments as I see that it still, to this day, happens. Back then, very, very much so. I’ve brought up Stockholm Syndrome in the past few weeks and I really do think that it applies to many situations, where you just cannot understand why…why…why do people do what they do, that seems so against their own best interests? Why do they seem to swallow the rhetoric from Trump, from Republicans (in this case) that are not to their benefit? Not all prisons are physical constructs with walls and shackles. Fear is a prison. Poverty is a prison. Abusive relationships are a prison. The list goes on. Recognize this, and it becomes easier to forgive many people for the actions and words that you just cannot fathom that they would ascribe to when you say…wow…you are beyond repair, I don’t care…you just don’t seem to care for yourself. We need to have a lot of compassion and work toward repair, when this is over.
    The article questions the complicity of news outlets: Members of the press, in their misguided attempt to be “balanced”, love to point out that we face a presidential contest between the two least-popular candidates ever. What they fail to do is analyze their own complicity in blindly adhering to the cartoon version of Hillary Clinton. They were complicit then, and they are complicit now.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 7, 2016 at 11:16 am #

      David, thank you for taking the time to share this with everyone! I hope all will read what you have shared. Peace, Michael.

  486. jarongubernick August 7, 2016 at 10:58 am #

    I might be wrong, but I think you’re drawing an incorrect conclusion because of you’re making an incorrect implicit assumption.

    For starters, I, like you, was a strong Sanders supporter. Then I realized how Clinton was undoubtedly one of the adults in the room, which got me listening to what she had to say on the different issues. I still had loads of reservations about her honesty, integrity, and potential influences. But, as I’ve looked more and more at her, I’ve found myself less concerned about those reservations. And a lot of that has to do with recognizing how much those reservations were based on explicitly sexist however narratives. In other words, once I finally took off the “Bernie glasses,” I was able to see her clearly.

    However, I think the assumption you’re making that’s incorrect is the following:

    “If you buy into a sexist narrative, then you’re doing so for sexist reasons.”

    Although I might be mistaken in saying that you were implicitly making this assumption, I think it’s something that’s still important to address, since I’m pretty sure I’ve encountered it a bunch from Clinton supporters.

    When people say they “distrust” Clinton, what is it that they’re actually saying? Is it that they already have a belief that women shouldn’t be in power, so they’re seeking a rationalization (“Oh. I’m not actually sexist. I just don’t like how dishonest she is.”). I don’t think this is the case. Instead, I think it’s because there’s this narrative out there (we’re forgetting for the sake of argument exactly where this narrative came from) of her being dishonest, and then our brains fall into the trap of confirmation bias, where everything she does then fits that narrative.

    In the latter case, sexism is not the *proximate cause* for a specific person distrusting Hillary Clinton. While the original narrative appears to be rooted in sexism, the reasons that any given person subscribes to the narrative can be many and varied.

    I mean, when we already have reason to dislike a politician (say, they’re not progressive enough for us), then it can be incredibly easy to find opinions that reinforce and intensify your dislike of that politician. This narrative of Clinton being dishonest is just out there, waiting for somebody who already has a low opinion of her to latch onto it.

    I look back at my distrust, my profound dislike, of Clinton back in my Sanders days, and I don’t see sexism. Whatever bits Clinton had between her legs were (and still are) completely irrelevant to my opinion of her as a public servant (of course I’m only talking about conscious bias here. I obviously can’t comment on the stuff that was going on “behind the scenes” in my mind).

    So here’s what I think is actually going on about Clinton’s alleged dishonesty: she’s bad at articulating exactly what ideas are in her head and she tries too hard to fit into a box of what she thinks politicians should be. There have been so many times when I’ve wanted her to just give her honest opinion about something, but I’ve felt like she dances around the truth. She’ll get there eventually, but she follows an unnecessarily circuitous path. And when people see that, they think she has something to hide, that she’s dishonest.

    Basically, what I’m saying is that the claim “All of the opposition to Hillary Clinton is due entirely to sexism” is suspect. While it might be true, in some sense, when we’re talking about original causes for things (e.g. the dishonesty narrative), I think that definition of ‘sexism’ is too broad to have any kind of useful explanatory power. For instance, surely Elizabeth Warren, being a woman, should have the same kinds of narratives working against her if all of this is rooted in sexism, no? But they’re not there.

    In other words, I think you’re coming up with an answer (“sexism”) that’s too easy for the problem (“Why is Hillary Clinton so disliked by so many different people who have so many different backgrounds?”). My default assumption is that complicated problems likely have complicated answers. And if we come up with an easy answer, the burden of proof is on us to demonstrate why it’s true.

    • Confused August 7, 2016 at 7:54 pm #

      Exactly! The author’s conclusion that the only reason for people’s dislike of Hillary is misogyny is wrong, because there are so many other women in politics to whom people do not have the same reaction. Elizabeth Warren is the most prominent example, but there are others: Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, to name a few. It is not misogyny that causes people to distrust Hillary, it is Hillary who causes it. And if she hasn’t recognized this in the 30 or so years that she has been in the public eye, then she never will and has no one to blame but herself for this perception of her.

      • David McCullough August 8, 2016 at 7:31 am #

        Confused. I live in California. I can tell you that I’ve heard a constant barrage of misogynistic phrases and sentiments toward Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein and Barbara Boxer for years. There were certain relatives and friends of my mother’s husband (upon remarrying, she married a very, very uneducated man along with which came his like-minded friends) who were constantly around. Nancy Pelosi and Barbara Boxer were their targets of choice. They chose the nearest and most visible and regionally prolific targets. Myopic in thoughts, myopic in choice of target. Elizabeth Warren, a senator from another state? They had NO idea of her existence. She also hadn’t run for President in 2008.

      • Rkm August 8, 2016 at 12:28 pm #

        Thank you. Your thoughts seem clear to me–not confused.

  487. Annette Johnson August 7, 2016 at 11:30 am #

    This is an excellent article, sorry you left her under the bus for so long! I think so many of us sit on our lazy asses and go along with the crowd cause it’s so easy to believe a lie and not question it. I knew if she had done all of that work for civil rights, women and the disabled, she would work hard for us as our president. Not to mention what she did for NY and made the ballish decision to kill Bin Laden! The men with the real balls didn’t do jack! Too bad these uneducated, misguided cause I wanna be fools, that watch Fox News will never know the real truth about Hillary Clinton. I rest my case….

  488. David McCullough August 7, 2016 at 11:58 am #

    Oh my, it wasn’t Hillary Care, it was the cookies! Last week or so, my friend Renee shared a post of mine and many of her friends started sharing their stories of misogyny in the work place, as they had experienced it over the years. Renee had mentioned an event where Hillary and former First Lady Barbara Bush were in some sort or competition (put upon them, I’m guessing) over making the best cookies. I have no recollection of this, to this day. After reading this article, I read the comments and this is what one woman said: “”When she said that “she (Hillary Clinton)didn’t want to stay home and bake cookies”, she said it with such disdain towards the women that did stay home to raise their children. As one of those women, who left a law firm with influential clients, I was extremely insulted by that comment.”” This, I remember. Clearly. As clear as if it were yesterday. So much so, that these two sentences from her ring as a verbatim lift from the many, many news stories from that time. This “part” of the story was all over the news. The cookie baking competition, to give Hillary’s statement context…was not. Even without the context, though, I felt back then that there was something self-hating about women jumping in and censuring her publicly as being anti-woman. Like she was not of them, but had somehow dressed herself in the clothes, words, and ideals of their captors, and had in fact not become the captor, but worse…a traitor. She is often called a traitor, to this day. On Renee’s thread, I asked why women can be complicit, and try to take down other women’s accomplishments as I see that it still, to this day, happens. Back then, very, very much so. I’ve brought up Stockholm Syndrome in the past few weeks and I really do think that it applies to many situations, where you just cannot understand why…why…why do people do what they do, that seems so against their own best interests? Why do they seem to swallow the rhetoric from Trump, from Republicans (in this case) that are not to their benefit? Not all prisons are physical constructs with walls and shackles. Fear is a prison. Poverty is a prison. Abusive relationships are a prison. Holding on to anger is one of the most confusing and self-inflicted prisons.
    The list goes on. Recognize this, and it becomes easier to forgive many people for the actions and words that you just cannot fathom that they would ascribe to when you say…wow…you are beyond repair, I don’t care…you just don’t seem to care for yourself. We need to have a lot of compassion and work toward repair, when this is over.
    The article questions the complicity of news outlets: Members of the press, in their misguided attempt to be “balanced”, love to point out that we face a presidential contest between the two least-popular candidates ever. What they fail to do is analyze their own complicity in blindly adhering to the cartoon version of Hillary Clinton. They were complicit then, and they are complicit now.

    • DCook August 7, 2016 at 3:28 pm #

      Take a look at the interview she said it in. It was blatantly stated that she was somehow wrong for not being willing to sit home and bake cookies. If you just take her answer, it does seem disdainful of women who chose to be stay at home moms. But when you look at the whole interview, you get that it was simply frustration with being told that was the proper option.

      • theotherdavid August 7, 2016 at 9:21 pm #

        Sounds Benghazi-like. Her non-emotion filled response was a little to cut and dry for so many. Had a male military General delivered it the same…not much traction.

      • chaplynn03 August 10, 2016 at 3:44 pm #


  489. Donna M Brown August 7, 2016 at 12:12 pm #

    this an excellent article that I wish could be published everywhere. I’ ve been so disgusted with the lies perpetrated by the Republicans and I do believe misogany carried by so many men, and women who don’t approve of women with power. The media for the most part doesn’t help although I’ve seen a couple articles that admit she has been unscrupulously attacked, discounted,you name it. her entire career.

  490. Lucy August 7, 2016 at 12:30 pm #

    I’m not going to read through all of the comments to see if this has been addressed–it probably has–and I like and appreciate your article….but when do we ever call a man in Hillary’s position “bright”? Just a little suggestion that you use “intelligent” “smart” or even “a whole lot smarter than the majority of people.” — “Bright” is for children.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 7, 2016 at 2:51 pm #

      Rather agist of you!

      • chaplynn03 August 10, 2016 at 3:46 pm #

        We can’t call a man “bright”? If bright is just for children, maybe we should use it only to describe lightbulbs!?

  491. Pamela Bundy August 7, 2016 at 1:51 pm #

    While I am not a fan of Trump we do have:
    1. Her blaming Monica Lewinsky during that fiasco
    2. Whitewater
    3. Benghazi
    4. Emails

    She gets that rep because many things, while not outright negligent or illegal (or are unprovable) just don’t seem quite right, and these are only the big things. I really haven’t looked in detail. While she is very bright and ambitious, and I applaud her for this and will probably vote for her unless I go Libertarian, she does seem awfully slippery.

  492. Donna August 7, 2016 at 2:06 pm #

    Great piece. Do you really think Trump’s wife or daughter got their dressrs for the convention at Kmart?
    People need to wake up before it’s too late with that stupid Trump. He has a nasty mouth, is not intellegent and acts like a child. The Republicans are going to have their hands full if he gets elected and so will the public.

    • Nelle August 7, 2016 at 3:16 pm #

      What about all the lies from Hillary, some just do not get it, it is that simple…

      No, you are wrong and the daughter has her own designer clothes business. They are not sack type and did not cost twelve hundred dollars. You voters need to wake up and see the real world. Anyone being in politics for 30 years and has nothing to show for it needs to go home and try baking cookies.

      • Cpartist September 5, 2016 at 6:10 pm #

        Actually her daughter’s clothing line has been shown to be in copyright infringement in that she’s copying others designs. And Trump’s daughter didn’t wear her own design for the convention. She wore a designer’s and then decided to sell her version.

  493. Jeannie Zeck August 7, 2016 at 2:07 pm #

    Absolutely. The misogyny against Secretary Clinton is intense while Trump’s unethical behavior and assertions are energetically accepted by many voters. I appreciate your article. We need to be aware of sexism and reveal it in the media, in our schools, our churches, our government, and ourselves; only then can we eliminate it.

  494. Ruth reid August 7, 2016 at 2:38 pm #

    I am so thankful to be alive to see Hillary nominated and hopefully become president. Our country still favors men over women and the republicans have tried to destroy this strong intelligent woman without success may she continue the fight she is a great role model to my four grand daughters hopefully their lives as women won’t be as difficult as previous generations of women

  495. Craigs lynch August 7, 2016 at 2:56 pm #

    I never SAW HILLARY CLINTON as the press portrayed her. The press is generally in its analysis in its efforts to gain ratings. Great Republicans can produce no credible evidence against her. Actually, they can’t find credible candidate to run in general elections since Bush. Great article.

  496. Juan Flores August 7, 2016 at 3:44 pm #

    She has to be our next leader !!!!!!!!!!!!

  497. Donna August 7, 2016 at 4:19 pm #

    I agree with everything you have written. I’ve been a Hillary supporter since the beginning. She deeply cares about people and our country. I have never understood people’s intense dislike of her.

  498. Julia Montrond August 7, 2016 at 5:16 pm #

    This is an excellent article. The press needs to repeat a lot of this instead of constant FOX News and other right wing propaganda. There has been a concerted effort to trash her in the medea over a long period–even those who should know better than to repeat vicious propaganda. How un likeable is someone who gets million of votes?

  499. edward p August 7, 2016 at 5:22 pm #

    you got it right when you wrote ” a woman who asks for what she wants and needs. How very dare you, Ms. Clinton? How dare you have a mind of your own? How dare you be bright and powerful? How dare you ask for what you want and need? Don’t you know these rights are still exclusively for white, Christian, cisgender, able-bodied, heterosexual men?”.

    replace “woman” w/ many other words and it still is pretty true.

    if you dont have power and want some power/responsibility, those w/ power will do what they can to keep from giving much less sharing any power to/with you.
    yes, there are those who have kept struggling & fighting to gain power.
    and what’s usually said of them? uppity, brash, unruly, shrill, etc.
    and how many times have you heard people say they had to work twice as hard as a white male in order to be given some credit??

    we all are human!!! and we should all be accorded the respect that others receive.
    “do unto others what you would have others do into you!”.
    not “them w/ the gold rules!”

  500. Mark Gruben August 7, 2016 at 5:23 pm #

    I was a fan and supporter of Bill Clinton way back in the early 1980s, and knew nothing about Hillary. When Bill became President, I (like most people) learned about her for the first time…..and I have continued to follow the careers of both Clintons very closely. I don’t consider myself a hard-core Democrat, I think I’m reasonably intelligent, I follow national and world news quite closely, and I’m not “blinded by the light” where I’d be apt to just ignore negative things I might get from the media. In all that time, I have NEVER seen or heard of anything I would consider criminal, treasonous, unethical, or dishonest – NOTHING. In fact, if I had to say something “negative” about her, it might be that she’s very ambitious and driven – but that would hardly be a negative, especially for a potential President. It amazes and angers me when I hear people call her “murderer” or “traitor” or some of the other things. Those charges are just pure political backstabbing….probably because the GOP does see her ambition and drive. And they just can’t bear to see a Democrat, especially a female Democrat, achieve at that level. They’ve been despicable toward her!

    • Nama August 7, 2016 at 8:43 pm #

      Are you also a fan of all the blowjobs he got too?

      • Manzanita August 8, 2016 at 5:41 pm #

        Oh, low blow! Or should I say you’re really hitting below the belt? What a stupid question. Why should the public be so interested in someone’s sex life?

  501. jimstoic August 7, 2016 at 8:02 pm #

    I enthusiastically supported her in 2008, but gladly switched my support to Obama when he became the nominee. I don’t think she is a liar. I do think she genuinely seeks to do good. She has been the most-admired woman in the annual Gallup poll more often than anyone–20 times! No man has been the most-admired man that many times. But as soon as she seeks power, as you point out, the tide shifts. Here’s hoping she wins and that we can resume admiring her. I know she will earn that admiration, given the chance.

    • chaplynn03 August 10, 2016 at 3:37 pm #

      I agree! Why does our country have such a problem with women in power? Ambition and drive in a man are lauded. She’s the only one who can take the reigns and succeed.

  502. NOMA August 7, 2016 at 8:35 pm #

    Hillary is equal to a P.O.S

  503. Keith rugg August 7, 2016 at 9:49 pm #

    Being an old fart of 91+,I’ ve been mentally challenged to generate the word landscape description you’ve so aptly built defending Hilary, our only POTUS hope for tomorrow, against the political fiction, lies and fantasy facts of Repub losers, desperate Trump followers and hungry media

  504. Linda August 8, 2016 at 12:54 am #

    Love this article and agree totally with the writers honesty. I really believe in Hillary!! I am not an American voter it’s just what I have researched myself regarding Hillary

  505. Jean Register August 8, 2016 at 10:32 am #

    I love this. She is the best candidate. She is not perfect, but who among us is?

  506. Kelly Carter August 8, 2016 at 12:34 pm #

    Being from Canada I don’t get the same news, and antiHilary propaganda. Having said that I have never liked her, but can’t really put my finger on why. She for sure should be commended on her political career. She has done a lot, all of which battling the old boys club. I personally do not like her policies, and would not vote for her based on that. Having said that I dislike Trump even more so I don’t envy Americans on their upcoming elections.

    More importantly though both sides of the political spectrum and all parties are terrible for anti whomever propaganda. In my opinion this is what needs to stop. If you are a right wing supporter you are automatically labeled as a racist bigot (mostly untrue unless your name is Trump). If you are a left wing supporter you are automatic labeled a communist hippy, and again mostly untrue. BOTH sides are guilty of being idealistic, and not making decisions based on science or sound reasoning. The ones who lose are the hard working tax payers. It is time our governments start working for the people!

  507. Kristin Bunde August 8, 2016 at 2:53 pm #

    Brilliant–I have had many discussions over the last few months that people need to do their own research & not be spoon fed information.
    Excellent piece.

  508. Cam Mclellan August 8, 2016 at 10:34 pm #

    Thank you for writing this, almost made me cry. This is what had become so deeply hurtful and disappointing, people not seeing the misogyny and especially liberals perpetuating this along with repeating GOP decades long propaganda. Such an attack toward so many who have spent their lives working for social justice. Thank you and thank you to those who are willing to think about this deeply with honesty.

  509. Jessie August 9, 2016 at 6:56 am #

    Sorry to see all the negative comments. Trolls are the worst. Thanks for writing what I’ve been thinking.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 9, 2016 at 7:05 am #

      Jessie, thank you for your comment here. Sadly, I did not even allow the worst of the comments. Sad to see so many very personal attacks. Peace, Michael.

      • David McCullough August 9, 2016 at 8:21 am #

        I was wondering why there weren’t so many negative comments on this site, like there are on Facebook and the seminal sites of any articles on Hillary Clinton. I was curious how people come to this site. I came via my reposting this article to my Facebook page, then coming to the source.
        I don’t mean negative in the sense of being cynical or pessimistic or trying to negate your article, or the comments. I mean negative in the sense of putting out zero substance, regarding Hillary, then subtracting from zero with the multitudinous shared pejorative terms like b***h, Killary, Hitlery… The method is maddening to a critical mind and saddening to anyone compassionate and empathetic.
        Oddly enough (but thank you) these comments are rife with examples speaking directly to, and supporting, the core of your article.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 9, 2016 at 8:55 am #

        David, sadly, some of the comments have been exceedingly ugly and cruel to me personally and to HRC–and most of the negative comments do prove the veracity of my article. Peace, Michael.

      • chaplynn03 August 10, 2016 at 3:43 pm #

        Michael, your article is beautiful. At the moment I’m not very eloquent, but wanted to let you know that I support you and what you have to say. It makes perfect sense to me. Those who must trash Hillary would trash anyone. I thank you for your writing and your thoughts! Lynn

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 10, 2016 at 5:40 pm #

        Thank you, Chaplynn03! Peace, Michael

  510. Reed Sandra August 9, 2016 at 8:59 am #

    Amazing analogy, thank you. As a woman, who was a pioneer in law enforcement, I can verify everything you have said. The faction to “Make America Great Again” is not new, it is the old hardline of Women belong in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant, people of color belong hidden from sight and all children should be extremely obedient, sturdy and such (Like Lake Woebegone). Thank you for taking the time to do the research and see through the cast net that has been thrown over her time and time again, trying to just make her stop. The fact that she has survived is a miracle in itself. And for the HR haters, I am not, nor would I ever say that a politician…any of them, are lily white and have never colored outside the lines. But I do believe that HRC has, far beyond any male counterpart, done far and above what most would do for the people. I surely think she is by far, more qualified that option B or C. We are at a turning point in history on many levels. Make sure you vote with a clear mind and a pure heart and all of the information you can gather from reputable sources. I try to stay out of the political fray, but I am finding that I am going to need to ramp up unless I want to move to Canada or Thailand…..VOTE….VOTE your conscious from a place of love for your children, not hate for those unlike you…..Namaste’

  511. Terri English August 9, 2016 at 11:15 am #

    Thank you!

  512. Leigh Hamilton August 9, 2016 at 12:52 pm #

    Two Democrats have been irrationally targeted, attacked, lied about and vilified more than any other Democratic candidate by the Republicans – Obama and Clinton. The African-American and the woman. Interesting in my opinion. White male privilege at work. And yeah, it’s that simple. I’m a woman who almost always does the right thing, but I’m not the warmest, fuzziest personality in the room. I’ve recognized that in Clinton. But she has the added burden of having to project her abilities and ideas with confidence and strength – without being a bitch. That has to be difficult in a society that still, whether they admit it or not, want women to be accommodating and “sweet”. Men don’t have to walk that line.

  513. Daryl Boyette August 9, 2016 at 1:26 pm #

    “Hillary Clinton is fundamentally honest and trustworthy.” – Michael Hulshof-Schmidt

    Say what? Either this is satire or you happen to be a pathological liar too. It’s one or the other. There is just no other way to explain it.

    Now if you are going to support her that is your right, but at least be honest about it. At least I could respect that. At least I got a good laugh.

  514. Nora August 10, 2016 at 2:48 am #

    I’m a Bernie supporter now supporting Hillary. That said, why r u supporting the untruth about Jill Stein being ant-vaccine? She’s never said it. Do the research.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 10, 2016 at 4:52 am #

      Actually, there is enough research showing that she is anti-vaccine. Do the research.

  515. Tina Israel August 10, 2016 at 5:54 pm #

    Thanks for this! I have been an excited supporter of hers since 2008! Can’t wait for her to become Madame President!

  516. Liz clark August 12, 2016 at 1:05 pm #

    Given the opportunity I would vote for u Hilary

  517. Travis Sullivan August 12, 2016 at 2:27 pm #

    She’s slow to transition and often on the wrong side of history, which is fine until she is making decisions. She’s still great for the economy (the 1%), not as good for the 1% as Drumph or Gary Johnson (who have all the qualities I don’t like about Clinton and a hundred more unlikable qualities, save for Johnson’s decriminalization of drugs and ending of the drug war).

    If she sticks to the platform, against her corporate donors, I would be happy to vote for her, but she just, like most politicians, goes with the money. I’m hoping this isn’t the case.

    I wanted to like her, but then she was part of the push for private prisons.

    I wanted to like her, but then she was part of the push for increased drone strikes.

    I wanted to like her, but the she dragged her feet on the living wage (which is required in our service economy since the average min wage worker is over 35 years old and most of the jobs created under the Obama economy were service jobs, which isn’t a bad thing since some jobs are better than no jobs, but it’s not something people can live their lives with, all the while the 1% get richer).

    For me, it will all depend on how she campaigns against Drumph. Does she do so talking about facts, or does she do so attacking him? If it’s the latter, I have little hope that she will stick to the platform. This is a big reason I hope Gary Johnson gets 15% in the polls so that he can come on stage and add a fact-based (kind of since libertarians have a weak knowledge of economics and believe in myths such as trickle-down that has been disprove) arguments to show her adherence to the platform.

    If she shows she will stick with the platform, I’ll vote for her. If not, she has to win this own her own, and I’m sure a lot of other progressives will feel the same as me.

    • Manzanita August 12, 2016 at 4:57 pm #

      You sound like you would prefer a candidate with 20/20 foresight. Some of these “wrong side of history” decisions were completely mainstream at the time. Only a few people opposed the Iraq war. Antiwarism isn’t very popular in America, not that I’m happy about that. NAFTA? Who knew? I thought it sounded good at the time. Some people still think it was good for America. It depends what figures you look at — it’s gray, not black and white.

      I also hope she will push to get rid of money in politics. Of course some people would never be elected in a million years without that money, so they will fight to keep it. Rich people don’t tend to want to give up their power without a fight. Conflicts of interest are a big problem. Again, publicly funded campaigns and get rid of super pacs etc.

      Private prisons was another idea that sounded good to some people at the time. It’s a mess. Another place we should get rid of profit-makers — healthcare. Why should the people who make money off denying care get to decide what kind of care we get? I hope Hillary will address these problems. Govt may be inefficient but for vital services I think it’s safer..

      You wanted to like her, but then she was part of the push for increased drone strikes.Yeah, too bad Bush stirred up the hornets’ nest in the Middle East. I am conflicted myself as to whether we should just pull out of the mess we created or stay and try to fix it. Hillary obviously wants to fix it. In this case the cure may be worse than the disease. There aren’t any simple answers.

      I like a living wage as much as you do, but politicians have to be deal makers. Making drastic changes does put stress on the economy. On the other hand, the gap between the rich and everybody else is obscene. Could people settle for a quicker timetable? We have to elect a more progressive Congress to do anything. Will that happen this cycle? Will all the disaffected voters agree to hang in and keep trying to change the system? Or will they give up?

      What about fracking? Global climate change is the biggest challenge of our time. If we don’t fix it, the game is over. It may be too late already. But I understand Hillary’s position. As President, she would have to worry about all the people who would be thrown out of work, and the ripples running through the whole economy if you just ban fracking.

      For me, Hillary is at least pointed in the right direction on many issues. The last few months have shown that there’s a big reservoir of progressive sentiment that has not really been tapped. I hope it will give her the courage to move further left if she gets elected. But we have to give her a Congress she can work with.

      • Beejaym August 18, 2016 at 10:24 am #

        So, she’s not that great, she has flaws, but meh, who cares really? That’s you stance. No chance to at least try to bother with anything better? No hope for humanity? Everyone has their reasons. Blah blah blah blah.

        I’m sure Germans were saying that Hitler was “at least pointed in the right direction” back in the 30’s. And that he wanted what was best for Germany. And that he was making decisions based on political possibilities.

        NONE of those reasons mean anyone, anywhere should be voting people like this into office, let alone writing fluff pieces like this, masturbating over non-existent benefits the candidate can bring.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 18, 2016 at 10:32 am #

        Beejaym, I have to say that comparing Hillary Clinton to Hitler feels diagnostic on your part.

      • Beejaym August 18, 2016 at 1:12 pm #

        But it’s fine to compare Trump to him like every does? I’m not saying she’s killing millions of Jews or promoting violence among the people. I’m saying that US citizens want to overlook all of her flaws for “the good of the country”. I’m sure if you could find any Hitler supporters from the 30’s they would also tell you they felt Hitler was “doing right” by Germany.

        What makes this Democratic blind support for Hillary Clinton any less harmful than the Nazi German’s blind support of Hitler? The fact that you like her message more than Hitler’s? What happened to all of the critical thinking skills and intellect the Democrats are known for? The second they hear the name Clinton, the just start wandering around, drooling at the mouth and chanting her name.

    • jbmenzies August 15, 2016 at 6:56 am #

      Well, at least you have some policy disagreements, not vague repeats of right wing slams. She is sticking to the platform by the way. See her Detroit speech.

      I trust her much more on civil rights issues than any body else, despite the prison problem. She has a lifetime history in the trenches there. There is a reason minorities in the Democratic Party did not vote for Sanders.

      • Manzanita August 18, 2016 at 6:46 pm #

        No one is drooling. Here is just one of several sites that show Hillary voting record.
        Of course Trump doesn’t have a voting record so we just have to go on his business record and his rhetoric. What I have seen does not inspire me with confidence. I have some policy disagreements with Hillary but I can understand why she made the decisions she did, even if I would have made other choices. It’s very convenient that I am not responsible for millions of lives, and livelihoods, if I decided, for example, to ban fracking outright.
        Trump has way more parallels with Hitler than Hillary does, but then I’m probably older than you.

  518. hbsuefred August 13, 2016 at 2:14 pm #

    What you have summarized here is the essence of my reasoning for citing Hillary in something I have written for a group of female high school graduates of the Class of 2016 under the theme of Cultivate Your Individuality. Of course, the other two celebrities that I cited were male, Bob Dylan and Morgan Freeman. My goal in this was to demonstrate to these young girls how much harder this has been for females.

  519. Kathy August 13, 2016 at 6:23 pm #

    My respect to Ms. Hillary Clinton, I don’t know much about her life. I admired two wonderful women, Harriet Tubman, Rosa Park and Ms. Hillary for running to be the 1st female President, more than anything these 2 RIP women, have proving to us Americans, the true meaning of courage, strength, justice, equality, freedom etc., let’s not forget other individuals that help them along the way. (*_*) Thanks to our history, we can see that things can change for the better, but we all need to put our part and not expect someone else to do it. I would Love to see Ms. Hillary become our 1st female President, women tend to be more honest, giving, caring, thoughtful, sympathetic etc. Why not give her a chance, she has my both. P.S. Even if she were a Single mom, I would vote for her, that just proves she cares a big deal, because she has a child and wants the best for her child and the world that surrounds her child.

  520. Kevin Smith August 15, 2016 at 4:34 am #

    She’s a member of the Elite with blood on her hands going back to her Arkansas days.Taken millions from Middle Eastern kingdoms ,among others.She may be a sociopath.She is a pathological liar, i.e. she lies when she doesn’t have to. She has some kind of neurological deficit that is being covered up.Neither she nor her serial philandering and woman abusing husband have law degrees; they were yanked for unethical behavior.Yeah, she’s a role model alright.

  521. catkestler August 17, 2016 at 9:08 am #

    Loved your article! I shared it via email, Twitter and Facebook. I’m hoping that seeing Hillary through the eyes of a Bernie supporter will change the mind of those screeching for Jill Stein.
    I will be showing this to Hillary, herself as I work with her closely on her campaign.
    Thank you, again.

  522. iglengel August 18, 2016 at 6:16 am #

    Well written piece. And you are correct, we should get as many facts as possible, verify them to the best of our ability and most important, get out there and vote for the individual we feel both understands our country’s problems and has our best interests at heart. That is the type individual we need leading our country.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 18, 2016 at 6:18 am #

      Thank you for reading my article and for commenting here. Nice to have a voice coming from Florida. Peace, Michael.

  523. Gronda Morin August 18, 2016 at 6:43 am #

    Dear Michael, You have done a needed service by taking on this debate. Here is another reference which lists all the conspiracy stories (All debunked) against HRC in one blog. Of course, the right wingers are accepting this stuff as gospel.

    The Real Hillary Clinton,,,,Makia Freeman,,Aug 18, 2016.

    Thanks, Gronda

  524. Dean August 20, 2016 at 9:24 am #

    I totally agree with the assessment of the rampant misogynistic attitude towards Hillary! My question is what took you so long to reach this conclusion and why did it take such soul searching? I noticed it when she was campaigning in 2008. For all of the comments about her wardrobe, hairstyle, the tone of her voice. It was constant and although usually started by men, it was picked up and repeated just as harshly by women!!! Conversely, if ANYONE made a comment about Barack Obama that even remotely seemed like it was racist people were all over them before they could even get it !!! It was very clear to me that we had come much further on the issue of race than on gender!!! As for the “everyone knows” and “that’s just the way I feel” comments? Those are the same comments used to explain why they like/support Trump. Because that way they can ignore the facts and reality and vote and support one person while vilifying and disparaging another without there being ANY TRUTH TO THEIR POSITION and ALSO without just coming out and saying the honest truth: I’m not voting for that ni**er or that bi**h!!!

    • Manzanita August 20, 2016 at 10:53 am #

      The advantage blacks have over women as a political group (maybe the only advantage) is that so many women suffer from Stockholm syndrome. That is, they empathize with their oppressors. They don’t even think they are oppressed! So maybe that is part of the reason we have not yet managed to elect a female president.

  525. M Yeadon August 21, 2016 at 7:36 am #

    Michael Hulshof-Schmidt, I agree with most of what you have written; however, I believe you have fallen into your own trap of attacking Jill Stein as Willaim Safire did of Hillary (without presenting any proof) by saying: “Neither is absurd long-shot Jill Stein and her strange anti-science positions.”

    You are very likely right in calling her a “long-shot,” but it was not necessary to say “absurd” long-shot. Why describe her with a negative term like “absurd”? Is Gary Johnson absurd as well?

    In your August 8, 2016 at 3:20 pm reply to a comment, you again denigrated Dr. Stein when you said: “Actually, there is a great deal of negative talk around Jill Stein. Much of it is credible. Please do your homework.”

    Doing homework on negative talk was your job before writing: “Neither is Jill Stein and her strange anti-science positions.”

    Where is your evidence of “anti-science positions”? Jill Stein is a medical doctor although no longer practising. Dr. Stein also ran for president as the Green Party nominee in 2012 and has been focussed on activism and civic service rather than medicine for many years.

    She’s been accused of being supportive of the “antivaccine” movement–granted not directly by you in the OP; however, on August 10, 2016 at 4:52 am you replied: “Actually, there is enough research showing that she is anti-vaccine. Do the research.”

    Again, doing the research was your job before writing: “Neither is Jill Stein and her strange anti-science positions.”

    I heard Dr. Stein explain during the CNN Green Party Town Hall a few days ago that many years ago as a doctor she expressed concern along with many of her colleagues when a study suggested that the mercury then used in some vaccines may be harmful. Since then, use of mercury has been discontinued. End of issue from my perspective.

    Rather than saying: “Neither is absurd long-shot Jill Stein and her strange anti-science positions”, you could just as easily have written: “Neither is long-shot Jill Stein.” Nothing more was needed. Perhaps some unconscious misogyny at play.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 21, 2016 at 10:07 am #

      M Yeadon, may I invite you to do your homework. Here is a link to an article demonstrating how flawed stein is and shows her questionable science.

      • M Yeadon August 22, 2016 at 3:25 am #

        I have no need to do homework as you seem so fond of recommending. I have no vote in your election and I would be unlikely to support Jill Stein if I had a vote. I have been fond of Hillary all along. You miss my point. You hypocritically criticized and denigrated Jill Stein in your OP without producing any supporting evidence. Saffire might have been proud.

        Two commenters questioned your representation of Stein. Each time you told them to research or do their homework. It was you who needed to research and cite it in your original criticism of Stein if you felt it necessary to include it in your piece. You had the option to not frame her negatively, but did choose to remark critically on Stein without backup.

        I am happy to see now that you have done some research and are now prepared to cite it. Even if it is only one source…

      • M Yeadon August 22, 2016 at 1:53 pm #

        I have no need to do homework as you seem so fond of recommending. (You do seem to rely on that response quite a lot.) I have no vote in your election and I would be unlikely to support Jill Stein if I had a vote. I have admired Hillary and her work for many years and I have never bought into the propaganda. You miss my point. You hypocritically criticized and denigrated Jill Stein in your OP without producing any supporting evidence. Saffire might have been proud.

        Two commenters questioned your representation of Stein in the OP. Each time you told them to research or do their homework. It was you who needed to research and cite it in your original criticism of Stein if you felt it necessary to write negatively about her in your piece. You had the option to not frame her negatively, but you did choose to remark critically on Stein without offering anything to backup your statement.

        I am happy to see now that you have done some research and are now prepared to cite it. Even if it is only one source…

    • bevanyardleigh August 22, 2016 at 8:23 am #

      Missing the point, darling. Dr. Stein’s very short political career is already riddled with dog-whistles to anti-vaxxers, bizarre rants about WiFi and some well-documented curiosities about green energy.
      That said, there is a huge difference between the decades-long mesh of lies woven about Sec. Clinton and any casual, provable comment about Dr. Stein’s shortcomings. If the Green Doctor wants to be taken seriously as a candidate, she must take serious positions — not simply whine about her party not getting any respect when it doesn’t make any grassroots effort (see her pathetic rebuttal of Dan Savage) — and be ready to defend those positions when criticized, not simply dance away from them, Trumplike.

      • M Yeadon August 22, 2016 at 5:07 pm #

        I’m not missing the point, rather, you seem to miss mine. I am not defending Stein, simply making a point that Michael Hulshof-Schmidt (‘MHS’) smeared Stein in his OP without backing it up in ANY way in the piece.

        Stein’s political career is nearly 15 years going now–granted that may seem short when compared to Hillary if you include her participation in Bill’s campaigns, not short if you don’t.

        The fact that Hillary has endured much more and for a longer time period is immaterial to the point that MHS should not do what he criticized Saffire for doing: stating allegations as fact without offering any evidence.

        If MHS had facts to back up what he wanted to say in the OP then he should have cited them or passed on making the unneeded attack which I believe did nothing to support the premise of the OP anyhow.

  526. Gentlebreeze August 21, 2016 at 5:43 pm #

    Thank you for seeing the Hillary I’ve seen since I first began voting in 1988.

  527. stevelaudig August 27, 2016 at 11:17 am #

    Under what theory of “lesser evilism” does one vote for a war criminal, evidence: Iraq vote; Libya; Yemen; Syria, Honduras, Ukraine [these are the ones we know about] who pals around and says good things about another greater [indeed possibly the greatest living] evil, Kissinger, while being “hearted” by the neocons and who gives every indication of willing to commit more war crimes once she assumes office? She’s not a peace candidate. Hate her? No. I fear for the foreign civilians, mostly in the Arabic and Muslim world, with some in Latin America, who will be murdered–and murder is what it is because they are no threat to US soil or nationals– during her administration. If I don’t vote for her I have no accomplice liability. I will not be empowering her as a serial, mass murderer. It’s a safe year to vote Green anyway, if the polls can guide our actions. Cheers.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 27, 2016 at 11:21 am #

      Sadly, no. It is not a safe year to vote Green. In my opinion it is a vote of great power and privilege and says you will be the least impacted by a Trump Presidency.

    • Phyllis Mervine August 27, 2016 at 1:52 pm #

      Ignoring your hyperbole to address your question: first, one considers the alternatives. At the moment we have 2 choices. One or the other will be POTUS. Then one looks at the evidence on more than one issue. Killing people is definitely a big deal, but given our long history of regime changing activities, that is not likely to change soon, or to be changed by electing any one person. It’s a cultural thing. I read that Americans are buying more SUVs this year because oil is so cheap. Why is it taking so long to raise fuel standards? We stopped the Keystone only to see the Dakota Access pipeline move forward. We have not made any meaningful progress to address climate change. Solving these issues takes more than electing one person.

      Do you pay taxes? If so, then you are liable for everything the US does, regardless of whom you vote for. I’d rather cast my vote for a person who on many issues is headed in the right direction, even if she has not broken with our tradition of imperialism. Civil rights, addressing income disparity, programs for the poor, equality for women. Many issues Greens support, only we don’t have a viable Green candidate.

      Don’t be lulled into complacency by polls. If we don’t come out for Clinton in large numbers, we will be looking at many years of hell, not only for us, but for the Muslim world as well.

      • stevelaudig September 26, 2016 at 2:49 pm #

        So if you vote for the war criminal and pay taxes you are doubling down. If I don’t vote I don’t risk imprisonment. If I don’t pay taxes I do. I see a difference. a new thought is occurring if Trump is in the pay of the Russians, there’s less chance of the truly dreadful war with another nuclear power. The viability argument is circular, based upon a theory of betting and morally unpersuasive. Trump, oddly, seems the peace candidate. Don’t feel the need to respond. I vote in Hawaii and can safely vote either Libertarian or Green without materially influencing the undemocratic Electoral College.

  528. Laura Garon August 27, 2016 at 1:30 pm #

    Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I loved what you wrote. Thank you for being so honest. Peace. ☮

  529. Barry Delman August 28, 2016 at 6:48 am #

    I’ve been preaching this for years. Republicans and conservative press were out to get Hillary before Bill even appointed her to manage the health care initiative. I was in a heated debate last week and the guys were branding her the typical: awful, deceitful, corrupt, scandalous etc etc… When pressed to provide even one example, all I got was some random funeral of a friend that she did not attend. Jeez!!!!

  530. Ron Prichard August 28, 2016 at 12:27 pm #

    I agree thoroughly, and it saddens me that far to many people who will vote for her will harbor the same reservations because they too have been affected by the constant vilification of Mrs. Clinton.

  531. Shelley Adrienne Mimi Belsky August 28, 2016 at 5:18 pm #

    The bottom line for me is, what happens with the T.P.P. now that it will be on her watch

  532. Michael D. Ray August 28, 2016 at 8:18 pm #

    I do not lie Hilary Clinton. I do not dislike Hilary. I do admire her. I do not always agree with her. And there is nothing wrong with that. But, she is intelligent and honest. She has been drawn and quartered by the GOP for 25+ years and yet, her she is. She is the most qualified and stable candidate for the office of POTUS by far. May God protect her from the insane rabble that surrounds her opponent, who shall not be named, because I am tired of his name. I like the truth, even when I do not wish to here it. In this case it is just fine.
    Sincerely, Michael D. Ray

  533. jerry pippin August 29, 2016 at 5:46 pm #

    to upset a conservative, just tell them a lie, whereas a liberal becomes upset when you tell them the truth!!!!!! Look at the many lies Hillary told the FBI.

  534. Uncle Ñoño “Gwamps” Kingston August 29, 2016 at 9:36 pm #

    I think this article is spot on. I very much appreciate the critical thinking, the clear and intelligent manner of presentation of thoughts, and acknowledging that Hillary is human with faults and imperfections like everyone else which would not be remotely addressed if she was a man. The author of this article demonstrates to me a joy that that there are indeed educated and intelligent, honest, genuine, and articulate Americans after all. Thank you!

  535. ThinkingGirl56 August 30, 2016 at 5:15 am #

    Hogwash! I’m sorry YOU were sucked in to the vilification of Hillary the person, but that is NOT my issue with her. My issue is with her policy decisions, plain and simple. And yes, she is still leaps and bounds better than Trump, but she is still the lessor of two evils in my view. Too many wrong choices to win my unbridled support: Iraq war vote: wrong!; Gay marriage stance: Wrong for years before she got it right; TPP: Wrong until Bernie push her to the left and forced her to change her position. The list goes on. The point is, once she is president, she will have more authority to implement her poor judgment and we will all pay the price. The President and ‘leader of the free world’ has to get it right the first time! My lack of trust in her is based solely on my lack of confidence in her ability to do this, and not because I’m too ill informed to think for myself and allow the rabid right to do my thinking for me.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 30, 2016 at 6:11 am #

      Do you realize you are also pointing to the fact that she is able to evolve and learn from her mistakes? Would that we all had that potential and willingness to evolve.

      • leodfitz September 5, 2016 at 11:59 am #

        An interesting point. I’ve always found it odd that candidates weren’t allowed to change their mind on issues. The problem, in my opinion, isn’t that politicians change their mind, but that they change it so radically. For some reason, they seem to feel that they have to have an opinion on every issue, so they espouse a view that seems reasonable, but that they haven’t actually looked at and considered

        As for my own views on Clinton, admittedly I haven’t done the research that you have, I might not know all of the details that you do. I do not, however, trust her. It is possible, I admit, that some of my distrust is deeply ingrained misogyny. I’d like to think that i’m above that, but just because I want to believe something does not make it true. My issues with her, and my feeling that she is ‘dishonest’ are not related to the facts that she cites, or the memories she shares in her speeches, but to my belief that she is a consummate politician first and foremost. Her interest is in becoming the first female president, not the good that she can do once she is there. I have this same problem with almost all political candidates, and normally I’d just vote for Hillary, as the lesser of two evils, and move on. The issue that I have this year is that there actually was one political candidate who I thought wanted to be president for the good he could do. Bernie Sanders. He was a unique candidate because he did not do what politicians always did. He did not qualify his beliefs to make them more palatable. He did not take money from the wealthy in return for tempering his platform. He was a man who said what he felt was right, and people reacted to that.

        And Hillary is the reason that I cannot vote for that man.

        I don’t know the details of the dnc e-mail scandal. I don’t know if Clinton was involved or not. What I do know is that many of my republican friends would have voted for Sanders in a heartbeat just because they respected his honesty. I know that many people not affiliated with either political party would have voted for him. I know that in a general election, if his name was on the ballot, he would have had a very good chance of being elected. And the democratic party worked very hard to make sure that Hillary would get the nomination over him.

        I can’t forgive Hillary for that.

        She’s still better than trump. I expect, and I hope, that she’ll be the next president, but I don’t respect her. I don’t like her. And I blame her, at least in part, for the fact that I cannot for the first time in my life, vote FOR a presidential candidate instead of AGAINST one.

      • Joe September 6, 2016 at 1:46 am #

        Baa said the brainwashed sheep. Vote Stein if you want change. The other candidates are owned and controlled and their behavior is unethical.

    • tedder130 September 5, 2016 at 1:35 pm #

      Right on, Thinking Girl!

      • Hernan September 6, 2016 at 5:33 am #

        Blaming her? Is she the cause of your unwillingness to vote for your candidate? I was for her when she lost the primaries against president Obama, and I did not blame him for that. I analyzed what he could offer as a presidente and I gave him my vote.
        Since this is the first time you are voting, I assume you are very young and naive person which is a characteristic of most of young Bernie’s followers.

    • Susan Krumdieck September 5, 2016 at 11:59 pm #

      I have never had an issue with Secretary, Senator, First Lady Clinton. Each of the so-called “scandals” just didn’t hold water, but they sure hold on. They have become like mantras that the true believers can recite at the altar. I have agreed with most of the things the Clintons tried to do for the country, but I am very glad for this article, because in the past years, it has felt like back when I actually liked Disco music, but it was ever so cool to hate it. There really can be a pervasive narrative that makes you feel negatively about something even when you know there are no facts to support that narrative. The thing that is making me really disgusted by the press, including NPR, is the blanket coverage of the Trump freak show, and on most days not even one mention of any of the policy proposals or campaign stops or endorsements of Clinton. It is so unbalanced it’s frightening.

    • teresainpa September 6, 2016 at 5:15 am #

      No sorry, she was progressive before Bernie had his first full time job.

    • Hernan September 6, 2016 at 5:20 am #

      Did you read in the article that she has accepted her mistakes and had learn from them?
      Women have learn from men to by mysogenist as well.

    • Andrew Gutman September 6, 2016 at 1:07 pm #

      Kudos to you!

  536. Renée August 30, 2016 at 10:17 am #

    As a Bernie supporter, I was willing to let the investigations go, and to let go of the conspiracy theories because well, the Republicans are crazy. But when Hillary refused to distance herself from Debbie Wasserman Schultz, she lost my support. Not only that, but she hired DWS and stumped for her! Please help me understand why that is ok.

    • tedder130 September 5, 2016 at 1:36 pm #

      Well, it is not OK.

      • chaplynn03 September 5, 2016 at 7:12 pm #

        You’re right, it is not OK. I don’t understand that part of her campaign and do not appreciate the fact that she has “blessed” DWS with her support. I don’t know much of the story, but from what little I can glean, DWS did wrong, and Hillary scooped her up. That said, I will still vote for Hillary. I would have preferred Bernie. Our world is not GOING to hell in a handbasket, we’re already swinging in the basket in danger of falling out! I would love to know what historians will say 100 years from now.

    • lyme2016 September 5, 2016 at 9:04 pm #

      Renee, I don’t expect to change your mind, but think about it. Why should the DNC not favor Hillary, a party loyalist over a guy who just decided to run as a Democrat because we have a 2-party system? I read the emails and I don’t think what Schultz did or said was so outrageous. I thought, is this what all the fuss is about? I love Bernie, even sent him money, but c’mon! Schultz and Hillary have been friends for years. What would people be saying if Hillary dropped Schultz like a hot potato the minute she got in trouble? You have to agree, with Hillary it’s damned if she does, damned if she doesn’t. If you listen to some people, she can’t do anything right. Anyway, this whole thing was a tempest in a teacup — like many of these stories. They really don’t amount to much of anything. DNC, emails, Benghazi, etc. Where’s the beef in any of them? None of the accusations has any substance. The only value they have is as propaganda, and in that way, they have been effective, more’s the pity.

      • Sylvia Skinner September 6, 2016 at 5:17 am #

        Best statement yet, good for you. Why shouldn’t Hillary be candidate over Bernie? She’s better qualified. I agree with a lot of Bernie’s ideas, A Lot of them, but still think she will be a better president. I wanted her to be the candidate in 2008, voted for her in the primary, and wrote her name in at the General Election. I did vote for Obama in 2012, I like and respect him. I will admit , it’s partly because she is a woman, I think it’s time, and I think she is well qualified. I vote for women when I can, I think they are more likely to be concerned with the things that concern us. Thank you for your post .

    • teresainpa September 6, 2016 at 5:16 am #

      What did DWS do? Can you prove it? Link please.

  537. J August 30, 2016 at 1:03 pm #

    Great sign of how racist, vacuous, and immoral modern feminism has become. Clinton is probably the biggest criminal to run for office since Nixon, and I believe this because I’ve looked for myself, not because of the GOP.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 30, 2016 at 1:09 pm #

      And yet you offer no evidence.

      • chaplynn03 August 30, 2016 at 5:00 pm #

        Michael, I was in a thrift store where I volunteer and a man was determined to get into an argument with me, spouting Faux wisdom. Wisdom? I think not! He asked if I wanted a socialist government and I replied, “yes!” and then realized it would be best not to get into an argument. The man wouldn’t give up. He knew Faux was the voice of Reason and all other things manly. I have not seen such anger in one person in a while. It was like social media venom but in person!

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 30, 2016 at 5:02 pm #

        Yes, sadly, I think taking in the constant stream of Fox News (Faux) is the equivalent of taking poison. Worse yet, our culture does not seem to understand what socialism is and thus we have people in poverty voting against their best interest. I appreciate your thoughtful comments here! Peace, Michael.

      • chaplynn03 August 30, 2016 at 5:07 pm #

        Michael, if I can leave the man’s angry face out of the picture, which of course I can’t, I do believe he is truly frightened. He almost screamed at me about the US debt, and at the same time was looking around the book section for one on Bill O’Reilly, spouting off about the Clintons. We hear of angry women and how people don’t like angry women, well, this man is as angry as any furious woman I’ve seen. His world is on edge and he’s out to blame it on the Clinton’s! Thank you for your wisdom, Peace, Lynn

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 30, 2016 at 8:09 pm #

        Makes one wonder why is he so angry? Thank you for commenting, Lynn.

    • chaplynn03 August 30, 2016 at 4:56 pm #

      Vacuous, immoral feminism? Back again to Eve are we? So men are free of sin? (not a word I use lightly). I guess poor ol Hillary can’t help herself from working to feed and educate children while saving others from human trafficking. Since when has following the teachings of Jesus been immoral? Turn away from Faux news and go toward the light…

    • Hernan September 6, 2016 at 5:37 am #

      You must be a white man!

  538. Teresa August 30, 2016 at 2:14 pm #

    Very well said. I’ve read this argument before an I totally agree. She has been drug through the mud by the likes of Rush Limbaugh since the early 1990’s. And why? Because she’s a powerful woman who scares the heck out of good ole boys. Thanks for the discussion of this carefully crafted misconception about HRC.

    • chaplynn03 August 30, 2016 at 5:02 pm #

      Powerful women scare little men.

  539. Almeta Vance August 30, 2016 at 7:34 pm #

    Far to often some people forget that they have a brain and accept what ever they hear, and never research the matters for themselves. I have pledged my vote to you Hillary Clinton, because, I feel that you are qualified for the Job, not because your a Women. Continue on the path that has guided you all of these years, God Bless.

  540. Diane Halstead August 31, 2016 at 4:25 am #

    I have always been a Hilary supporter. I believe she has a vision for us and we are already benefiting from her ideas, or at least the ones she fought for. Before the Clintons were in office there was no family leave policy. We take that for granted. Universal health care is something I support as a Nurse Practitioner. I think the ACA is a step toward that. I think she is amazing and will be a solid responsible leader.

  541. SueD August 31, 2016 at 6:39 am #

    Michael, Thank-you for this excellent and, as others noted, very honest and moving piece. As a person involved in local progressive politics, including in a Hillary Clinton supporting grassroots group active for well over a year, I have many acquaintances who, instead, supported Bernie in the primary. We respectfully agreed to disagree on certain issues and also appreciated that both our candidates did share some significant common ground. But it was frustrating to me when people I knew were intelligent and caring were repeating the tired right wing talking points against Hillary and not accepting that there was misogyny behind them. A couple of these people were borderline “BernieBros” who were into “mansplaining” about why Hillary was so corrupt; but most were just good people who care, both women and men. Sadly, many of the Sanders campaign’s mailings encouraged some of it, certainly questioning her integrity, writing about “money laundering”, being funded by “the 1%”, etc. Politics has some very ugly aspects, not matter how honorable the candidate. Though I’m sure those progressive acquaintances would never want to help Trump win in any way (including by supporting the not very credible Green party candidate), I am not sure how many have been open minded enough to go through the process that you have gone through. Thank-you for studying Hillary and coming to the realizations that led you to write this compelling piece. I was delighted to find it and will share it. You bring a very important perspective to this election.

    • Mary Lopez. September 5, 2016 at 2:16 pm #

      Golly I really thought if I read this thoroughly I could read something to change my .one of this person. But the author just repeated therusual defense–poor woman she is so great and people are wrong about her. So she is honest tbe why did she offer to get out of her foundation of she won. Dosen’t that ring a warning.?

  542. Helen Van Patterson Patton August 31, 2016 at 7:19 am #

    You are a complete idiot & I have a hard time believing you can tie your own shoes or recognize bullshit when it smacks you in the face. Hillary is an FBI Certified Liar with a trail of dead bodies & villified rape victims in her wake. You, lady, are an imbecile.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 31, 2016 at 7:22 am #

      My goodness, you are a fountain of hate here. I would ask that you refrain from posting such toxic comments. I also notice you have no evidence to share.

    • Lisa September 5, 2016 at 2:02 pm #

      With your hyperbole and vitriol, how do you expect to be taken seriously? A little bit of mature discourse and civility go a long way. Besides, the FBI did not certify Hillary Clinton as having perjured herself in the hearings. The FBI stated the direct opposite – that it was determined she did not lie. As for the rest, step away from your TV and turn off Fox “News.”

  543. Tom Hilber August 31, 2016 at 7:54 am #

    First saw this word in high school “Thirty Days To A Better Vocabulary”;

    a person who dislikes, despises, or is strongly prejudiced against women.
    adjective relating to or characteristic of a misogynist: “a misogynist attitude”

    I’m blessed to have had five professional women bosses and hundreds of worker peers & what strikes me is the applied term does not have gender designation women and men are suseptable

  544. donmckelviemaccom August 31, 2016 at 9:17 am #

    While I do think it may be time for a woman president– I can’t forget that Hillary Clinton sent no help to Ambassador Stevens and others who died horrible deaths in Bengazzi. Also, that she stayed with a serial adulterer and womanizer for political reasons. How does that speak to “women’s right’s?” Or, “women’s progress”?
    Way too political for me!
    On the other hand, Trump? Yikes!
    I have voted in many elections and have never felt so cheated of choice! Either way, God help us!

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 31, 2016 at 9:20 am #

      May I ask that you read the comments? Your assertion here has already been proven wrong several times over.

  545. Thomas Marshalek August 31, 2016 at 11:20 am #

    Please list Jill Stein MD’s “strange anti-science positions” with first hand references to her writings and recorded speech. Also explain how those who favor Stein but distrust HRC are being “sexist”. I may still vote for HRC, but I think you are painting with a VERY broad brush.

  546. Larry Dunlap August 31, 2016 at 12:19 pm #

    I to am a Bernie Sanders supporter. I join Michael Hulshuph-Schmidt in asking Hillary Clinton, “How dare you be a person of integrity in spite of the distorted image portrayed by the Media and the GOP?” I am a Sanders supporter voting for Hillary.

  547. Seamus McDermott August 31, 2016 at 4:56 pm #

    There’s no question she will be elected, but not with my vote. Of all the women the DNC could have nominated, she would be far down on my list. Wasserman-Schultz left such a sour taste in my mouth I’ve de-camped the democratic party.
    Trump? A horse’s arse. I almost think he is a boogeyman created by the Clintons to scare people into voting for her. If that’s true, it’s brilliant!

    I will watch her presidency and see that she does. I’ve learned long ago not to put stock in what any campaigning politician SAYS. I will watch what they DO.

    Don’t care for my choice? Too bad. 40 years of voting for the “lesser of two evils” got us here, with a growing income gap, with 1% owning 48% of all there is, with diminishing opportunity and a working class that is being eliminated.

    Would you like fries with that, sir?

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 31, 2016 at 5:04 pm #

      How sad that you have given Debbie Wasserman-Schultz so much power, that you have left the Democratic party. I’m glad you point to the growing income gap, as I hope HRC, should she be elected, will work to address this and work to address those experiencing poverty and homelessness. I do suspect from your comment here you, too, are working to address how communities and individuals are being targeted.

      • chaplynn03 September 5, 2016 at 7:19 pm #

        Michael I have to say that the Debbie Wasserman-Schultz fiasco has disillusioned me big time. I don’t see it as giving her power (I haven’t left the Democratic party either), but HRC’s welcoming her back into the fold did not seem the wisest action at the time. I understand that HRC stands by her friends, and that is great, but what does it say to the Bernie supporters and others?

        Seamus, the growing income gap is all too evident in my household and family. It is a sad and painful revelation.

        Thank you both.

    • iglengel August 31, 2016 at 5:32 pm #

      Your response to this article had been one of the best I have seen, (and agree with) since the article was first posted.

  548. Joyce Alexander August 31, 2016 at 9:35 pm #

    I support Hillary, I appreciate your article it is right on point. It amazes me how people don’t give her the credit she is due. It is the twenty first century and a woman that is powerful still scare the masses. I will vote for her because I know she will get the job done

  549. donaestrella September 1, 2016 at 6:03 am #

    I’ve always been fond of Hillary. At times this was a guarded fondness. Heavily concerned by the piles of controversy that surrounded her.

    When I looked at each they would crumble and fall away. In the end exposing the real liars. Mostly white CIS Old men and women who cede their rights to daddy.

    Blue and prou. We need to take back our country for everyone. Not just the wealthy boys club.

  550. Mark September 1, 2016 at 7:30 am #

    What would be so special about a first lady U.S. president? We already have a first gay U.S. president. Because Bill Clinton would be the first U.S. “First Man”? We already have a first man, Michael Oboma. The only difference is that he dresses up in drag in order to deceive the public into thinking that he is a woman. And the only other difference is that Bill and Hillary actually had their own children together, whereas the obomas adopted the two girls into thier first family in order to help hide the fact that they are two men married to each other. And as for support of the LGBTQ community, Barack Obama already wrote the brief to the U.S. Supreme Court in order to get gay marriage legalized. But now that they are legally married, the obomas still refuse to come out of the closet about their gay marriage and two adopted daughters. And now you wonder about dishonest Hillary’s reputation as a
    Lier? Well Barack Obama appointed her as the secretary of state, so I guess she had a good teacher. But you want examples. Well she always lies about how she and her husband got so much money in the Clinton fund and that she uses it to support her campaign. And she also lied to the FBI about the existence of her private email server and the number and nature of emails that she sent on it and then violated federal law by deleting the vast majority of those email messages before turning them over to the FBI. How much more serious of lies do you need exemples of before you except the fact that she is a pathological lier?

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt September 1, 2016 at 7:32 am #

      What a racist pile of hate you are! Now be gone!

    • Chucky Brown September 5, 2016 at 2:52 pm #

      And that, my friends, is why we should have to pass a sanity test in order to vote.

      • chaplynn03 September 5, 2016 at 7:20 pm #

        or run for president.

  551. Jason September 1, 2016 at 11:46 am #

    “fundamentally honest person?” You had me going there. Don’t think so!

  552. Leticia September 1, 2016 at 2:12 pm #

    I am not american citizen but I as woman, journalist with a master degree on Internationals Affairs, perfectly understand the tremendous attacks to Hillary. Just one word – misogyny.
    Great article.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt September 1, 2016 at 2:13 pm #

      Thank you, and I’m sorry that you also have to face systemic misogyny. Peace, Michael.

  553. Margaret Coe September 1, 2016 at 3:17 pm #

    In addition to your well stated points I have one to add, that of the daddy factor. People crave the charisma, the type of personality we expect from our central figure, “father”. It’s a style based on gender that reassures us that all is well. Thatcher and other female leaders did not exude male charisma. They had a different style as does Hilliary, less ego and charm, but perhaps even more strength of character and intellect.

  554. Elizabeth Behnke September 1, 2016 at 6:47 pm #

    Thank you and being honest. Your article verbalized my thoughts on how and why Hilary Clinton has been systematically villainized by the media and male politicians . I think she is like and represents me, a smart, educated, middle aged woman who worked my tail off to get where I am. I believe that she fundamentally respects people, as I do. I am looking forward to voting for her and I hope the Bernie followers of good faith who care about this country can overcome their bitterness and (as you describe it) irrational antipathy toward her and vote for her as well.

  555. Tim Hedges September 1, 2016 at 8:38 pm #

    TTP and the corporate agenda is the problem. She has just now started to act like she is going to address the working class. The ACA was essential and long overdue. The problem is that corporations surrounding healthcare are retaliating with their focus on consumers.
    They are blantantly violating the Sherman Anti-trust law and some corporations are immune.
    Her agenda now sounds like Bernie Sanders. Is she a chameleon?

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt September 1, 2016 at 9:48 pm #

      Rather ungenerous of you, Tim. Yes, she is adopting part of Bernie’s platform. Isn’t that growth?

  556. Juanita Bishop September 1, 2016 at 9:00 pm #

    I liked this article, and I believe you hit right on that many can’t stand to think there could be a woman as President. You mentioned that she is for the disabled, and I have a case of injustice that I have been trying to get any politician to listen to me and hear my story. So if she’s really into helping the disabled, I would like to communicate with her any way I can. Can you help?

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt September 1, 2016 at 9:49 pm #

      Juanita, I can only hope she, or her team of advisors, are reading this. I do hope she will be an advocate for those with disabilities. Thank you for commenting here. Peace, Michael.

  557. Kathleen Larsen September 1, 2016 at 11:08 pm #

    I have followed HRC for many decades. She is extremely smart and truly believes in serving others. I have always been puzzled by the public vilification of her. “How Dare She” care enough to serve her country front and center. I always try to shake the hands of our folks in the military and thank them for their service. I do the same to police, firefighters, government employees and local folks who volunteer in their community. It’s hard work.

  558. Anne September 1, 2016 at 11:20 pm #

    While I agree that much of the criticism of Hillary comes from sexism, her readiness to rattle sabers at Russia, China, and Iran is truly frightening.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt September 2, 2016 at 5:49 am #

      Anne, can you provide some evidence of “her readiness to rattle sabers at Russia, China, and Iran”?

      • Matthew September 6, 2016 at 4:10 am #

        To say the least, the use of Iran here is insane. Hillary Clinton is the person most singularly responsible for the amazing piece of diplomacy that is the Iran Nuclear deal. Possibly there was a bit of sabre-rattling, WHICH GOT THEM TO THE TABLE!

  559. Phil September 2, 2016 at 5:32 am #

    Michael, this was so well written and I couldn’t agree more. How could anyone not believe that Hillary cares so deeply about the country. She is one of the most investigated and criticized political figure of our time. She could sign a book deal and go on a speaking tour, making plenty of money without the scrutiny. Yet she wakes up everyday and tries to keep America great.
    Thanks for such a non hate laced, reasonable, well written article.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt September 2, 2016 at 5:49 am #

      Thank you, Phil. Peace, Michael.

    • Carmen Acosta September 5, 2016 at 1:06 pm #

      I concur with your comment. That would be the easiest road to a long life but, Hillary knows the giant step women need to take in order to level the playing field and she has a life-long history of being in the trenches doing the hard work.

      #Iamwithher ’til all the ceilings are cracked.

      • chaplynn03 September 5, 2016 at 7:22 pm #

        Carmen, I love your all ceilings cracked comment. There’s plenty more to go!

  560. Juli Hardin September 2, 2016 at 5:44 am #

    I think you and I came to the exact same conclusion at the same moment. I have been struggling with my “opinion” of Ms Clinton since Trump became other choice. I am a strong independent and won’t vote on party lines but I was just not getting my arms around Hilary. I realized, as you pointed out, that my “opinions” were based on nothing more than “she is an elitist.” Really? I am saying this? After years and years of working to get women on equal ground, showing my daughters how to questions invisible barriers, opening my own business because I did not like the management style of men I have worked for– I found myself responding exactly like sexist people I say I abhor! I am a hypocrite just like the established white, Christian male-dominated class. Or am I? At my core I am a “women’s libber.” At my core I want women to fly free of the attachments our society wrongly connects. I have no other direction but to start hastagging “Imwithher.” Hilary has my vote too.

  561. Rob September 2, 2016 at 12:11 pm #

    maybe it has something to do with this:

    Was removed from her House Judiciary Committee staffer job because of incompetence and lying.

    • The Whitewater scandal.

    • Married a serial liar and cheater, who occasionally had sexual encounters with nonconsenting partners.

    • Lied about “sniper fire” in an attempt to simulate exposure to danger in a war zone.

    • The subject of a “vast right-wing conspiracy” that led to the impeachment and disbarment of her husband

    • Took crockery, furniture, artwork and other items from the White House — had to return and/or pay for them.

    • Said “what difference, at this point, does it make” about four brave people killed in Libya as a direct result of her failure to protect them on the anniversary of 9/11.

    • Totally ignored the structure and rules for the handling of sensitive national security information.

    • Amassed a personal fortune with “speaking fees” and payments from private sector political donors and foreign governments into transparent “foundations” in obvious exchange for future political favor.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt September 2, 2016 at 12:22 pm #

      Rob, you have done a marvelous job of proving the veracity of this article. Thank you.

      • Rob September 2, 2016 at 12:57 pm #

        I would have used a different word then veracity Michael.. Then again our own definitions and prisms from which we decipher truth are reflections of our differences.

  562. Kate September 2, 2016 at 7:31 pm #

    Thank you! A wonderful article, and a cautionary tale for all women… especially those who think they have it made and don’t realize that they, too, are likely to be under mined one of the days.

  563. Phil September 3, 2016 at 8:50 am #

    What you are about to witness now is more of the packaged anti-Hillary machine. Trump’s newest hire for deputy campaign manager is the original architect of the hit machine on the Clinton’s.

  564. Maryann DeYoung September 3, 2016 at 8:54 am #

    I could care less what sex our president is. My only condition being they preserve what our founders have so wisely created so long ago.

    I am a moderate conservative. Have not always agreed 100% in either party, because they are human and as is their job to sell themselves to the American people, inherently I wait for them to earn my trust. Sadly, each politician will eventually learn that one must compromise their initial promises if they are to have any measure of success in their job.

    How do I know? I grew up in the shadow of the USAF, worked in government agencies managing their money, and now am forced to withhold information from government agencies just so that my mentally ill child and terminally ill father can receive the help they need. Otherwise, I lose what little ground i have gained in improving their quality of life.

    Mrs. Clinton is a woman to be worthy of filing a shoe typically reserved for men. However, she has had a long internship with the American people and I am not sold on her 30 yr performance on our behalf. If her mistakes weren’t so grave in nature, it would be easier to listen to your argument.

    And yes, I do agree with your opinion of the general connections just by her sheer female presence. But that is not just America perpetuating the stigma of men. The world at large is unwilling to work with women. Where are the female candidates in the other power house countries? I would like you to consider, factually, the recent number of failing female employees in the position of world leader recently: Germany and Brazil. Margaret Thatcher, to my knowledge, is the only female in the past century who gained the respect of her peers while maintaining her feminism.

    Resumes can be impressive, but actually doing a good job is where my fact checking begins. So far, I see no reason to endorse anyone who seeks their own gain above the needs of others. Regardless of their sex.

  565. Nancy Simpson September 3, 2016 at 9:38 am #

    I found this blog post very interesting and reposted it on FB. . While I am thankful for the opportunity to vote in the US, as an American citizen, I am equally thankful that I have lived in Canada for over 30 years where many different races and genders live in harmony, where I don’t have to lose sleep over healthcare or treatment and where my children had stellar educational experiences. I can only hope that Hillary can tackle these absolute rights for US citizens.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt September 3, 2016 at 9:44 am #

      Nancy, thank you for commenting and for sharing the article. Yes! Health Care is an absolute human right! When people go without health care it becomes a serious community health issue. Peace, Michael.

  566. Sandy Grisham September 3, 2016 at 11:59 am #

    Right on … I have asked HH (Hillary haters) for evidence….they never have it. I’m with her, too. Good article.

  567. Sandy Grisham September 3, 2016 at 11:59 am #

    Right on … I have asked HH (Hillary haters) for evidence….they never have it. I’m with her, too. Good article.

  568. Phyllis Koenig September 3, 2016 at 12:50 pm #

    Wow wow wow – tears for this piece. So beautiful I’m he explanation, with such clarity and crystal clear explanations (same thing oops!) – thank you for this post – sadly, tho, as often happens, preaching to the so called choir

  569. Neil Robertson September 3, 2016 at 3:26 pm #

    I’ve used the following argument with Hillary Haters who are so certain that she’s dishonest and so obviously guilty of everything. There are three possibilities:

    1/ Although she’s fundamentally dishonest like the HH say, she’s really really smart – smart enough to withstand the millions of dollars and congressional investigations the GOP have thrown her way

    2/ Although she’s fundamentally dishonest like the HH say, the GOP are so inept that they’ve failed to convict her, even though it’s really really obvious she’s guilty, after wasting millions of dollars

    3/ Maybe just maybe the HH are wrong and she is a fundamentally honest and trustworthy person

    These options pretty much cover the spectrum, but the interesting thing is – whichever option an HH thinks is true, that’s an argument for Hillary.

  570. Dr. Michael D. Nascimben September 3, 2016 at 4:34 pm #

    A note to all Americans
    I have been a democrat for 50 years. I have been a card carrying union member for 54 years. I have voted for a Democratic ticket in every presidential election. I am a veteran. I will be voting for Mrs. Clinton in this election cycle as I believe she has the most to offer this country. I do not like Mrs. Clinton. She does not come across well. She needs elocution lesson especially when she is speaking to large audiences. She appears to have a hard and harsh personality. Take a minute and compare Mrs. Clinton’s style to President Obama’s style. She does have baggage but she has many things going for her. She is a woman. If you don’t think that is going to make a difference, wait until November. She has experience in the upper levels of our government. She is intelligent, rich and powerful. And the strongest point of all is that she has Mr. Trump as her opponent. It is unfortunate that we have two candidates with flaws. Mr. Trump’s flaws will give Mrs. Clinton a more then 10% victory. Mr. Trump will fade into obscurity unless he revives his TV show. This has been the worst campaign for president that I can remember. Never before has there been such vitriolic talk from one side to the other. If you have read comments from both sides on face book you should be frightened out of you wits that we have such animosity toward one party or the other or toward one group of people or the other. As a patriotic American I would like to see all of us put down the club, stop the ugly, foul sniping that is going on in all the media and try to be rational and really listen to what is coming out of the candidates mouths. We have enough problems with our crumbling infrastructure, our involvement in the Middle East, our immigration issues, our national debt and probably most of all with our government. We need to make this election about a plan for the future of America. Vote with intelligence for America today and for our children tomorrow.
    Thank you for taking the time to read this message.

  571. Lynn September 3, 2016 at 8:41 pm #

    Well said. As a nation we resent woman who speak up, speak out, or Dare to have their own opinion. When Bill Clinton was president one of my brothers respectfully www questioned who she thought she was “advising” the president, as we had not “elected” her. I reminded him that we do not “elect ” any of the presidential cabinet. He could not conceive that a man could have that kind of respect for his wife….still doesn’t get it!

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt September 4, 2016 at 7:43 am #

      Lynn, thank you for your comments here. Let us hope that you are able to influence your brother and help him on his journey. Peace, Michael.

  572. Madeleine Sklar September 4, 2016 at 7:54 am #

    Thanks for your post. Please continue to help me feel better about voting for Hillary.what makes me uncomfortable with her are her corporate ties, her promotion of NAFTA, and her seeming ease of seeing war as a solution.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt September 4, 2016 at 8:01 am #

      Hi Madeleine, thank you for commenting here. You have been very thoughtful here. I, too, share your concerns around her “ease” in using military force. My hope is that she will listen to the people and re-evaluate her position on military force. What I do appreciate is that she is evolving and she does re-evaluate her stands. Peace, Michael.

  573. Nathan September 4, 2016 at 1:49 pm #

    I watched numerous videos of her lying and contradicting herself over the years. I watched the election process not even bother to cover their tracks in the wake of the rigged DNC. When asked about her perceived dishonesty by a young Sanders supporter, her reply was a vague, “People have said all sorts of things about me, but I keep going.” Bernie gave us actual solutions to actual problems all while maintaining a consistent track record. Since receiving the nomination, all I’ve heard from the Hillary camp is, “vote for Hillary so we don’t get Trump.”

    If this election has taught me anything, it’s this — Votes don’t count. Money does.

  574. Sonja Cobb September 4, 2016 at 6:20 pm #

    Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I have admired Hilary since sha was First Lady of Arkansas. And it’s especially nice, thrilling even, to read this from a man. Siting other sources gives even more credence to your words. I will happily pass this on.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt September 4, 2016 at 7:08 pm #

      Thank you for your comments, Sonja. Thank you also for sharing it. Peace, Michael.

  575. Peter Gillis September 5, 2016 at 2:11 am #

    The author make a valid arguement. I agree about the double standards endemic to our culture but the fact that she voted for an illegal, preemptive war, the second Gulf War in Iraq, disqualifies her from any future vote of mine. I feel the same about all the other politicians that did so, regardless of their gender.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt September 5, 2016 at 6:05 am #

      Peter, she has repeatedly stated that she should not have supported the war in Iraq. What more do you need from her?

  576. Diane Lehnen September 5, 2016 at 5:07 am #

    Thank you. I, too, have been a full supporter of Bernie Sanders. I was crushed when he dropped out of the election. I wanted him to go all the way to the convention. When he spoke at the convention in support of Secretary Clinton, though, I loved how he expressed what had been accomplished and how Hillary has taken him and his supporters seriously. It still took me some time to get past my disappointment, but I am on board with Hillary now. Thank you for writing this piece.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt September 5, 2016 at 6:04 am #

      Thank you, Diane. Yes, I, too, thought Bernie was quite passionate and eloquent in his support for Hillary. Gratefully, Bernie had seriously informed the Democratic platform. Peace, Michael.

  577. Bruce September 5, 2016 at 6:36 am #

    I will never vote for someone that has openly stated she is against the constitution of th US. She took an oath to uphold !

  578. Me September 5, 2016 at 11:16 am #

    Absolute corruption corrupts absolutely.
    Shame the first Woman President will usher the end of America as we know it. The party in power will become a dictatoship, just by demographics, the true reason why she will bring millions of aliens to have their votes.
    She will enjoy the riches, pomp, go down in History. So sad she sold her soul. How nice it would have been if she would turn around the decline of our nation…

  579. canardmom September 5, 2016 at 11:51 am #

    I agree that I’ve too easily bought into the misogynistic negativity. I would still prefer progressive Bernie. I’m just that far left in my leanings. But, of the choices we have today, Hillary is the ONLY electable person who won’t bring catastrophe to the country. I may never jump on the excited bandwagon, but I may very well vote for her.

  580. R C Bates September 5, 2016 at 1:51 pm #

    Before this woman was government she was a practicing attorney. One of her cases was a male charged with rape. She vilified the female. Freed her client knowing he was guilty. Appeared on national television admitting her actions and laughing about it. This is who you want for a president ? One who does evil to another for monetary gain is the worst evil there is.

  581. Brad Gunelson September 5, 2016 at 2:12 pm #

    Michael, it is obvious you are either DUMB, BLIND, or no your HISTORY, very well, or your just a DUMB ASS DEMOCRAT, she is a DISGRACE TO AMERICA and the AMERICAN PEOPLE, and after Benghazi, I she should be wearing ORANGE coveralls,

  582. Tim September 5, 2016 at 2:18 pm #

    “So your’e saying there are actually people who want this half dead old lady as president… WWWAAAATTTTTTTT!”

  583. Peter Volpigno September 5, 2016 at 7:41 pm #

    Speaking of mysoginistic comments without evidence you offer up Jill a Harvard trained top of her class physician while offering absolutely no evidence to back that libelous statement. She is not anti- vaccination as the Clinton Campaign and supporters such as yourself seem to imply and as for GMOs may not acutely effect us they are banned for good resin many are engineered to withstand Roundup and other extra strength pesticides and not bred for nutritional bioavalibity they are capable of cross pollination with our natural food supplies and once this happens you cannot unring that bell. She speaks of not having Pharmaceutical companies having neutral oversight placed over quality control as a safeguard to the dominance of these mega conglomerates as a responsible scientist she encourages unrestrained free speech and inquiry because now of this is absolute and conclusive. Because you question you are exhibiting a scientific inquiry and the narrative that you’ve apparently bought into is that she is anti-science. I am in this field and I can tell you that she is more measures and duly cautious than all of these people threatened by here caution. How are you not exhibiting the same biased skew in this instance. She is not fringe and she is unflinchingly for much of what you’ve started you found admirable in Senator Sanders. It’s not spin on Hillary that makes me distrust her it’s the NATO forces along the Russian border and the destabilization of the Middle East and her tirade about military action for cyber attacks and mentioning Russia. This from a lady with an unsecured private server bemoaning being hacked and having to draw a line?

  584. Landon N Tom September 5, 2016 at 10:38 pm #

    She is a BEAST of a politician.. meaning she lies, cheats and steals better than probably all of her male counter parts. Hell, she basically got away with murdering several ppl who were going to testify against her in one way or another. One by having a barbell “accidentilly” fall on his neck the day before he was to testify… Fundamentally honest Hahahahhaa (From a former Hillary fan, this article is complete Kool-Aid)

  585. Landon N Tom September 5, 2016 at 10:39 pm #

    Oh and then theres her being fired for burying evidence and lying during the Watergate scandal to keep Nixon in office.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt September 6, 2016 at 5:53 am #

      Landon, do you have any evidence?

    • jbmenzies September 6, 2016 at 2:21 pm #

      I just have to correct the facts here. This comment is wrong on all counts. The only thing you got right was that she was a staffer for the Senate Watergate committee. One of many.

      First of all, the claim you are referring to was that she was fired by her Supervisor Jerry Zeifman “because she was a liar.” This comes from an article written much later by partisans. Zeifman himself says that she was never fired by him or anybody else. She stayed working for the committee until Nixon was impeached and the staff work shut down. Furthermore, he never called her a liar.

      Second of all, the claim was that she confiscated files which you have morphed into “burying evidence” was completely false. Zeifman plainly stated in his book that Hillary Rodham didn’t “confiscate” files related to the Douglas impeachment case. Rather, he asserted that it was her supervisor, John Doar, who — with Chairman Rodino’s assent — took possession of those files, writing that “Doar got Rodino’s permission to place all of our Douglas impeachment files in his exclusive custody.”

      “To keep Nixon in office” is an assigned motive you got from? Where? . She was a Democrat and all of her supervisors were Democrats. Nixon was a Republican and there were Republican committee members and staffers, although it was chaired by Democrat Peter Rodino. This lie about Hillary got binned decades ago. FALSE

    • Amy Sarah Gillespie September 6, 2016 at 5:57 pm #

      You wanna be held responsible for a mistake you made 40 years ago? Me either.

    • brianarbenz September 6, 2016 at 7:09 pm #

      Keep Nixon in office? Did someone keep Nixon in office? My recollection is that he resigned. … I don’t know if the forgoing post by you is meant seriously. However, independent reviews of the criticism of young Hillary Clinton during the Watergate investigation have shown that actually, one lead investigator criticized the whole group staffers on the case and that group included Hillary Clinton; she herself was never accused wrongdoing, and the lead’s criticism was found to be based on personal malice toward the group.

    • Gary Hein September 6, 2016 at 8:44 pm #


    • gloria rico September 7, 2016 at 11:02 am #

      Im wondering who is paying Michael to write this insulting piece of crap. He knows nothings or chose not to know anything about the Clinton’s crimes and Hillary’s crimes. It is ashame that decent writer do this to us. They become accomplices
      I can tell u about all their crimes in LatinoAmerica alone
      OMG OMG we have lost all sense of dignity and truthfulness

  586. Hernan September 6, 2016 at 5:17 am #

    Great article. This is the way I always wanted to defend Hillary, but unfortunately my English as a second language stopped me to explain it so well. I totally agree with you and #ImwithHer. I am a male btw

  587. Rudy Rocker September 6, 2016 at 7:52 am #

    Propaganda at its BEST! Hillary supporters have no qualms about lying. Whatever it takes, you can see that in the primaries.

  588. Jaclyn Jones September 6, 2016 at 9:20 am #

    The vilification of Hillary shows the fear of many.

  589. Glomar September 6, 2016 at 10:10 am #

    I agree with you. I been asking the people that wright nasty notes. Why you do not trust her. No one answer me.

    When i was young our parents will tell us men can sleep with muddy pigs get up in d morning clean his self and no one will say any thing. But if a woman do it she will take her a long time to get rid of the mud.
    Trump, his father and grandfather has done terrible things in their life, never help the poor, most of his donation were to politicians.
    But Hillary is never forgiven for any thing. This people has done a witch hunt on Hillary and poison peoples mind. It is sad that this people call themself christians I think God is ashame of them.

    • htwhyppe September 6, 2016 at 7:46 pm #

      She stole the nomination.

    • Amy Turner September 7, 2016 at 10:15 am #

      Why don’t you ask the men and women of the Military.included my daughter who lost her hearing, and Hilary stated she was one on a committee who has changed military lives by buying improving all services personal equipment. Wrong… My daughter six yrs later still has no hearing aids.keep up the great lies.only a liberals believe them.

  590. Ophelia September 6, 2016 at 10:16 am #

    I think Hillary Clinton is a server for the people. She tries to use her platform to say and do the right thing for the people. She is a hard working Christian woman fueled by the desire to be of the people and for the people. And why not Hillary Clinton, as Donald Trump said, what is there to lose.

  591. Frank Poliat September 6, 2016 at 10:43 am #

    I’m tired of repeating myself, so from here on out, I will post this little boiler-plate response that should cover most occasions.
    1. YES, I will vote for the bitch. BUT…
    2. Let us set aside the myriad pieces of evidence that point to HRC being a sociopath and boil it all down to two incontrovertible facts:
    A. She voted for the war in Iraq. It was not rocket science to figure out why this was insane and I am NOT going to get into that here. Anyone who was an adult in 2003 would have to have been either in government, big business or an idiot to have thought that this was a good idea at the time. Maybe I’ll make that another open letter, but I don’t want to get off track.
    B. HRC presents Henry Kissinger’s endorsement of her as presidential candidate as her prime evidence of her suitability, probity and good judgement. And, again, maybe that will be the subject of ANOTHER open letter, but for now, all I will say is that if does not strike fear and terror in you, then no logic or fact will sway you.
    That is all.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt September 6, 2016 at 12:48 pm #

      The fact that you call her a “Bitch” says all we need to know about you, Frank. How sad.

    • brianarbenz September 6, 2016 at 7:12 pm #

      I am glad you won’t be repeating yourself any more, because people who call women bitches are not emotionally mature enough to be commenting in a public forum.

  592. Rosalind Dobson September 6, 2016 at 11:21 am #

    I am astounded and dumbfounded at the level of animosity toward Hillary Clinton! I keep asking why? What has she done to inspire such rabid hatred?
    This piece answers my question to my satsfaction. I hope others read it.

  593. Andrew Gutman September 6, 2016 at 11:35 am #

    How dare you paint me as a sucker for Republican talking points and a misogynist. I don’t believe any of the crap the right wing is slinging about Hillary Clinton. I listen to her with an open mind hoping to find some glint of genuine concern for the issues at the heart of the progressive movement today. I don’t find much. More than that, I use my 48 years of experience interacting with other humans to assess her authenticity. I trust my judgement long before I will submit to your accusation that I have been brainwashed by right wing propaganda that I despise. You are the one that has been brainwashed by people telling you not to trust your own judgement.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt September 6, 2016 at 12:47 pm #

      And you have just said that you do not welcome any type of reflection on your part. That your “48 years of experience” is enough. How sad for you.

  594. Andrew Gutman September 6, 2016 at 1:06 pm #

    That is incorrect Michael. The 48 years of experience is about understanding people. That is the backdrop used for current moment understanding of what I see and making a judgement on it. I live very much in this moment and reflect quite deeply in it. Adding my 48 years of experience to that is quite enough. By the way, I am not arguing to vote against Hillary. I am just disappointed in my friends who must lie to themselves about Hillary to make them feel good enough to vote for her. One should be able to admit that she, as an oligarch, is not a good solution to our country’s populist issues and still vote for her.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt September 6, 2016 at 1:09 pm #

      Andrew, you certainly present as a very entitled white heterosexual male. I guess you have never heard of implicit bias and how you and all of us participate in systems of oppression including misogyny.

    • Walter E French September 6, 2016 at 9:51 pm #

      But you have to understand that when I only had 48 years of experience, I too, was very certain about everything. Now that I am 79, I have more experience to guide me. This is not a contest between Hillary Clinton and our idea of a perfect person (see Plato’s forms theory), it is a contest between two flawed individuals. We are all, by the way, flawed. This is a choice. When I consider that choice between Hillary Clinton with her flawed background and Donald Trump, with his flawed background, I have to decide which of the two flawed backgrounds I prefer. In this case, I prefer Hillary’s flaws. By the way, in the years since my 48th, I earned a Ph.D.

  595. Bonnie Faraone September 6, 2016 at 7:37 pm #

    I have followed Hillary since she became the first lady. I did not want to like her. But as I found out more about her and her brilliant mind and read her book she should have been the president then instead of Bill. Maybe. She will do us right and prove yo many doubters she eill be an excellant choice for presidency

  596. Scott September 7, 2016 at 1:44 am #

    The Arnovitz piece is full of intellectual dishonesty and oversimplification which ignores other factors. It’s biased beyond reason. Not to mention these “fact check” pieces on her honesty deal directly with campaign policy issues. They do not deal with her lies about previous actions. That again is the type of side stepping that goes on when trying to defend her. Not to mention that people who are not likable are always exposed more while campaigning than they are once they take office. Hillary wasn’t seen or heard as much as Senator or Secretary of State as she has been as they bombard us all with her during a campaign. Increased exposure to less than genuine people leads to more dislike regardless of sex. I have no issue with people voting for Hillary when you see the option. Just quit applying a serious issue like sexism where it doesn’t belong just to defend a candidate or worse yet shut down legitimate concerns by labeling people that don’t agree with you sexist. There are plenty of factual, well reasoned arguments on why someone would have a problem trusting her that explain her image before you leap to misogyny. Cancer like sexism is real too, but before you throw that diagnosis around you better be damn sure the other more reasonable explanations have been ruled out.

    • lyme2016 September 7, 2016 at 11:30 am #

      Hillary’s big problem is that she has such a long and highly visible history in politics. Republicans have criticized her for decades for every little thing , including issues associated with misogynistic views of the proper role of women. So in this campaign Republican critics were able simply to add to the accumulation of negativity they had been inventing for years. They didn’t have to start from scratch. People, even left leaning liberals who normally would support Hillary, were willing to buy the partisan spin of her record, even though all of the allegations were spurious. After all, they had been hearing things, and where there’s smoke, there must be fire, right? They don’t bother to look at the evidence in detail, like the context of her decisions, or her voting record on liberal causes.
      We don’t always have good choices, but a leader still must choose. Hillary has been fighting an uphill battle. It appalls me that this race is so close. Whoever is our next president had better pay serious attention to the widening gap between rich and poor in this country. I think many people have a gut feeling that it is unamerican to have so much wealth at the top and such hardship at the other end. Trump’s supporters have legitimate complaints about the unfairness of the system, they are just wrong about how to solve it. They are cynically being played by the very people who got us to this sorry state. How many years of Republican Congresses, now?

  597. Barbara Goldsmith September 7, 2016 at 4:23 am #

    For once, an honest endorsement of Hillary. It amazes me that no one goes back to see what she has done in her life as service to people of color, people who are poor and people who have been abused by the system. As for the other candidate, he has managed to never champion anyone, screw people who did work for him so that he didn’t have to pay them, and take money from kids who only wanted an education and never got that. And then they say she is a liar and a cheat. How tough in this world to be a bright, articulate woman.

  598. dadlek September 7, 2016 at 8:55 am #


    I LOVE Bernie Sanders and still have his “action figure” on my desk. I wish I could vote for him in November and think that, if the DNC had been neutral, he would be the nominee now. That being said, I agree on all points regarding Mrs. Clinton. She’s not perfect, no one is, but she is far more progressive than people give her credit for. And it’s not like her job stops when she wins the presidency; we citizens can still put pressure on her to follow through on the most progressive platform the Democratic Party has adopted in generations.

  599. Zak September 7, 2016 at 8:57 am #

    In a two person race you have to add up the “plusses and minuses” to see where the advantage lies.
    Trump has his faults but they are nothing like Hillary’s. Trump at least represents a break from the “business as usual” that has led us to the brink of disaster. Where as Hillary is more of the same, and maybe even worse because of her memory problems and penchant for lying.
    Hillary is a criminal, inept and most certainly not suited to be President. Trump is largely unknown but next to Hillary is a good reason to recommend voting for him.
    As Trump said to the blacks, “What have you got to loose?” That sort of applies to the rest of us, as well.

    Think about it,….. A certain loss with Hillary vs. a possible gain, or at the very least, survival of the country as an economic and military power with Trump.

  600. Cratewasher September 7, 2016 at 11:01 am #

    It’s one thing to do what you have to in the voting booth to prevent a Trump presidency;
    It’s another to pretend that Hillary is a progressive who deserves our confidence.

  601. Marsha Haas September 7, 2016 at 11:27 am #

    I found this article to be very enlightening and very informative. I have always been a supporter of Hillary. She is so smart and seemingly unflappable especially when being questioned and grilled by those seeking to pull her down. Her answers are always well thought, directly to the point, repeatedly the same, unwavering in her position. When you are telling the truth, you don’t have to remember what you said or to whom. It is the liar that keeps changing their story. Haters will not be swayed regardless of proof and facts. She is the easy target to blame instead of Congress and their failures to pass or act on issues that later come back to bite them. It must be Obama’s fault (because he is black) and next it will be Hillary’s fault (because she is shrill) . I am afraid of the hate that Trump has fostered in encouraging followers to engage in violence. By laying the ground work of a rigged system there will be rioting when Hillary wins in a landslide. Can’t wait for debate where Hillary will castrate Trump.

  602. YourGrannie September 7, 2016 at 1:02 pm #

    The only reason #ThisAwfulWoman has any significance, is that she MARRIED someone who gained notoriety.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt September 7, 2016 at 1:23 pm #

      Why is she awful?

      • YourGrannie September 12, 2016 at 9:14 am #

        Mendacious, Obfuscating, Demeaning, Arrogant, Dismissive. Need I go on?

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt September 12, 2016 at 9:21 am #

        Sadly, you continue to behave in a quite ugly manner and you have yet to provide evidence, unless these were adjectives you were using to describe yourself.

  603. Hilary September 8, 2016 at 2:20 am #

    Thanks for writing this important article!
    Perhaps having a female President will help shape people’s perceptions of women and power more wisely! Have to hope it’s

  604. Tim Jagoe September 8, 2016 at 10:25 pm #

    ? The normal niche. ?

  605. Mae Kapenga September 8, 2016 at 10:37 pm #

    Just to be clear, I am a Sanders’ fan. I am aware that the GOP has spread a lot of bogus crap about Clinton, but I have also watched many interviews where she blatantly lies, even when confronted with video of her contradicting herself. I will vote for her to keep alive Bernie’s platform, but I do not find her to be an honest person. Someone linked politifact, a very decent organization, in an attempt to make the claim that Clinton is MORE honest than Sanders. I could see how, at first glance, their graph insinuates that. However, if you add up all of Hillary’s “truths (and) mostly truths” you get 125. Then add her “half truths (half lies), mostly lies, lies, and pants on fire” – you get 123. Do the same for Sanders and you get 55 to 51, and he doesn’t have a single “pants on fire lie” … So, I am left thinking that this chart has some innate bias in how it is laid out. Just saying.

  606. Pamala September 9, 2016 at 4:53 am #

    Hillary Clinton just happens to be in bed with so many people with conflicts fact that she takes so much money from these people with conflicts of interest is disturbing enough. I’m not even going to try to analyze all this b******* I give this a big fat F for !!!! !!!

  607. Jan Cushing September 9, 2016 at 10:50 am #

    Another passive way to degrade women is to call them by their first name. Calling her Hillary along and Trump Trump adds to the not qualified thing.

  608. David McCullough September 9, 2016 at 11:34 am #

    Subtle adjustments to keep the misogyny going. Anyone notice the abrupt change from the past year and a half by the media to talk of “the appearance of scandal” used to describe Hillary Clinton to “optics”? I guess after a year and a half of that, someone pointed out that in its constant overuse, and wholly used to bring Hillary to the same low talking table as Donald by all of the political pundits, that it kind of smacks of misogyny, of judging two candidates with a different measuring apparatus. Kind of like, in rape cases. Although the rapist has raped, which is patently undefendable, they bring the woman to the table, and talk about her appearances…how was she dressed, how was she appearing to act prior, and on and on and on. Bringing her to the low talking table.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt September 9, 2016 at 11:42 am #

      Good points and observations, David. Matt Lauer’s interview with HRC was a sad example of awful misogyny.

      • David McCullough September 9, 2016 at 12:01 pm #

        Then to have CNBC and CNN start their assessments of the two candidates. What they came up with? Hillary wins for substance. Trump wins for style. They were both winners!?

        Yes, both winners. Hillary didn’t “smile enough”. She also was “very defensive”. Then, within minutes, a clip was shown from the 27th minute of Hillary’s portion when asked, “How will you determine when and where to deploy troops directly into harm’s way, especially to combat ISIS”? She said that we have to defeat ISIS and said that we would do it “with air power, with MUCH MORE support for the Arabs and Kurds” also that they (from us) already have “special forces, they have enablers, they have surveillance, intelligence, reconnaissance, they are not getting ground troops, we are not putting ground troops…” Where the clip started, which was all over many channels was with “they are not getting ground troops”. They didn’t talk, in their assessments, about where she said “never” and it’s implications…which, would have been just semantics, anyway, but necessary to talk about. Her “never” was clearly her answering her determination that it be never, not that it might not happen. Remember…she’s a hawk. Donald is not a hawk? I guess Hawks just want to kill soldiers and terrorists, not their children and family members. Yeah…semantics.

        Then CNN started the day with Hillary in front of her plane, and they honed in on her saying “special forces” and saying that she, like Trump, flip-flops, hedges… The point is…they spent hours of the next day talking about a non-issue, and having Clinton surrogates on who did not address the simple fact that she said that the night before, 4 sentences before the clip they were showing. The Trump surrogates, of course, got hours of airtime talking about..not the clip, but Benghazi, name it. My mind is about at the breaking point, to be honest.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt September 9, 2016 at 12:33 pm #

        Yes, their collective review was excruciatingly painful and felt like pablum.

      • chaplynn03 September 9, 2016 at 6:07 pm #

        Another reason that I have not watched the news much lately. The idea that the “news” media is covering minutiae instead of practicing real journalism is so disheartening. It is as if we are all in a giant reality show, with a master (or minor) puppeteer gleefully controlling everything. So what if there are floods or people protesting a pipeline through Native American lands? There is so much that is real and significant that could and should be shared with the public. Instead, its Nielsen ratings that count. So, for now my TV is off, and may just stay off, taking a few dollars away from the cable monoliths, while soothing my anxiety and fear for our country. Peace to all.

  609. Christine September 9, 2016 at 6:13 pm #

    Im relieved to hear that a former Sanders supporter will vote for Hillary Clinton. She was never the hip choice for president. During the primaries I stayed quiet about her on social media because Sanders supporters were so passionate about their candidate, but I knew I would vote for Hillary. She has a very progressive voting record, she’s a deep listener, and she gets things done. I have faith that she will lead us toward the inclusive, humane, optimistic future that Barack Obama has embraced. I hope Bernie will play an important role in her administration. Maybe she will implement some of the economic agenda that Bernie and the progressive movement have given voice to. I hope it happens. I’d love to see our country level the playing field. We need to take care of each other, not fight each other.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt September 10, 2016 at 7:23 am #

      Christine, I’m glad that Bernie has played such a key role in informing the platform. Yes, I, too, hope he will be instrumental in a HRC administration. Please do share the article, as I hope it will give people pause. Peace, Michael.

  610. Sooner September 10, 2016 at 7:23 am #

    The trouble with this conversation is that the truth doesn’t matter! Everyone is ideologically cemented into immovable stances. The truth literally does not matter. Most of you fashion your truth into something you can ideologically support. Forget the facts. We are moving toward a civil and race war. Deference to reason and an unbiased search for truth is dead. People adopt the litany of lies that suits their biases. Congratulations people, you have become part of the problem and are contributing to the demise of our republic. The last best hope of mankind is dead! RIP

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt September 10, 2016 at 7:26 am #

      Charles, you seem to set the example of your assertions. Perhaps you did not read the article, for I demonstrate how serious reflection does allow us to move and evolve and change our stance.

      • Sooner September 10, 2016 at 7:57 am #

        I read the article. I wasn’t referring to your article as much as the irrational and emotional responses of those who responded to your article. Things are so vitriolic between the two sides and it will NOT end well. The TRUTH of the matter is that BOTH sides are way off base! We have strayed far afield of the Constitution and its’ founding principles. The life expectancy of a Democratic Republic, which we are, is 275 years which we are approaching. Why you ask? Because when people figure out they can vote themselves ‘entitlements’, it eventually bankrupts the system. WE are there! Our only hope at redemption is to return to the principles, values and constitutional limitations on the federal government that made its great in the first place.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt September 10, 2016 at 8:03 am #

        Charles, I really do appreciate your willingness to engage here, in as much as that is possible given the forum of a blog. What “entitlements” are you referring to here? Yes, the vituperative tone of many of the comments has been more than just a little bit disturbing. The comments that have been either threats against, or personal attacks on me and my family I have not even bothered to publish.

  611. Tracey Gullaksen September 10, 2016 at 8:25 am #

    Considering that I was a huge supporter and defender of hers going back to 1992, I can tell you this is not my problem withHillary Clinton. I got more inspired by Bernie Sanders’ message and policies. Hillary represents the status quo, she is not proposing change! She is pro fracking, Mkndanto , Wall Street and Mondanto backed. She’s more inclined to start wars. I saw that she played dirty and lied. I saw that media colluded with her as well as the DNC, I saw voter suppression and fraud. Honestly, her ne t to Bernie Sanders, the gold standard of politicians, she could never shine as bright or inspire me in the same way! She has not even tried to capture the Progressives, instead she leans Republican, the best she inspires is anti Trump. Sad day.

  612. Steve Johnson September 10, 2016 at 9:31 am #

    Puff piece. How’s the kool-aid taste. There are so many examples of her dishonesty and lack of transparency but I will just confine myself to the email issue. She has “revised” her statement 3 times. Each time admitting a little more. Comey clearly stated that she did not tell the truth (lied) about it.
    Anybody else would have gone to jail or lost their job.
    Her claim that she did not know they were clashifted is complete crap. Who should know better what material is secret than the secretary of state. If a republican had done this the left would be all over him. Stop being an apologist for her.
    I am not against a woman for the presidency. Just this woman.

  613. Jami September 10, 2016 at 4:42 pm #

    I also find this “lumping us in the same basket” offensive, though not as offensive as most things trump says, But thats the point int it?, Its all relative. To say that my apprehension of a president Hillary is rooted in misogyny is absurd. Though certainly a sexist underpinning of our history has contributed toward “false narratives” of Hillary, That doenst mean my reasons for mis-trust are not well founded. For instance, if I stood up today as a life long liberal who is “Pro-Life” would I be lumped into the “Basket of Deplorables” as Hillary put it? I fear all of us have been played by two “competing” sides that never were REALLY competing. And after Obama (whom i strongly supported) continued and even increased the very policies that made us liberals say Bush was a “War Monger” I feel it is both my right and duty, but also prudent for me to be overly cautious , and to be aware that BOTH sides have used us. P.S. No propaganda can counter act my personal “read” of someone, Trump and Clinton failed this “smell” test.

    If i had to choose between only these two, It would be Hillary Clinton as of now, because I worry that Trump would just be an open door for NEW special interests, not to mention…Is he a Russian Agent? (more serious than you might think)

    Main fear with Hillary, the Monsanto “revolution” CEO’s get rich, more GMO more health problems for us, She knows the science but still took 5 million from Monsanto and within a year her State Dept. Approved a massive GMO expansion and protection initiative ( too help the giant GMO companies from being sued when it turns out thier crops cause health problems) Now maybe she would have done this regardless of the 5 million donation to the Clinton foundation, who knows, I dont even care, I only care that a grown women, with a child, knew the science of this , and STILL made that descision.

    Please believe this criticism is not based in Misogyny

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt September 10, 2016 at 4:45 pm #

      I’m curious how you identify as a “life-long liberal” and also identify as someone who is anti-choice? Also, your term of “Pro-life” I find rather offensive, as though all of us who are very much pro-choice are anti-life.

    • Manzanita September 10, 2016 at 8:42 pm #

      Is one allowed to be “pro-life” and “pro-choice”? That’s the problem with these baskets. They’re too general. They tend not to recognize shades of gray.
      If you look at the playing field rationally, we have 2 choices. We can’t order pizza in the ice cream parlor. Well we can, but we won’t get any.
      One of two candidates will win. We can either weigh in for one of them or basically opt out by voting for someone else. The someone else will not win, though some people may temporarily feel better. After the winner takes over, though, that post-election euphoria will fade and we start living with the reality of someone who now has the most powerful official position on earth.
      You may not agree with everything that person believes or does. We don’t even agree with everything the person we marry believes or does. You can review Hillary’s voting record and see whether she is aligned with your values or not. She is good on most of mine — not all — but much better than the other viable choice. I used to be a Green, but I don’t intend to waste my vote this time.

  614. bevanyardleigh September 13, 2016 at 6:19 am #

    @Elishia – you ask for proof of Trump’s hate? Oh, dear, you do live a sheltered little life while you’re generously deigning to date men of color and vote for basic human rights!
    Happily, many have catalogued his words and deeds that you may learn! I commend to you DiversityInc’s horrifying compendium of Trumpian bile: Happy reading!

  615. lagunadeb September 14, 2016 at 7:45 am #

    I absolutely love it when men look at their worldview and link it to a broader framework that includes ‘woman can be smart, aggressive and powerful’. I really believe it is a world opened to them that men, as a generalized whole, dismissed and ignored as they did the cleaning lady who works hard, but is considered a part of the landscape not a part of the power structure.

  616. fwanger September 17, 2016 at 10:06 pm #

    I’m sorry but I completely disagree with you. Like you, I have lived through every Clinton controversy. I was alive and paying attention to them all. From Whitewater, Lewinsky/Braddock, to the emails and the DNC’s deplorable treatment of Sanders and her snatching Schultz up while the ink was still drying on her resignation. She might not be guilty of it all, but she is guilty.

    And it is very wrong of you to generalize the population as being mysoginists because we remember the slut shaming Lewinsky went through, the outright dismissal and acts against Ginnifer Flowers and a plethora of other questionable behavior.

    Call me an idealist; I don’t care. But when running for the highest office in the land one wants someone above reproach. She is not. Apologies, you need to give me more than “I studied the controversies and realized My own foibles were allowing my delusions.” (Paraphrase)

    Vote for her if you want. I won’t. And no I won’t be voting for Biff either.

  617. Janet Cull September 20, 2016 at 10:09 am #

    You stopped me from going far at the start. ” (I realize facts are immaterial when talking to many Trump supporters)” I don’t identify myself as a “Trump supporter” but I find that ignorant and insulting. If your thing is facts, then state facts and let people decide, without degrading those who come to different conclusions than you have come to.

    Just wondering, have you been watching any of the House Oversight Committee meetings as they investigate Hillary’s e-mail scandal? What do you do with all those facts? “Oops, I’m not tech savvy and didn’t know what I was doing, but I am smart enough to know what I should hide, smash, and lie about. ”

    I’m not wild about Trump but I *KNOW* for sure I don’t trust Hillary Clinton!

    • Cranberry September 20, 2016 at 4:05 pm #

      Just to focus on this issue for a moment, IMO the whole email “scandal” has been way overblown, as is most of this rhetoric. If you care more about the emails than about all the other things Hillary has been working on, that’s your call. But you should at least examine her voting record on the issues you care about at a site like I have done this and find that she has been fighting for many of the things I care about. There is a lot of tedious detail but this is the kind of work you have to do to run a country, If you are a progressive who wants someone who understands the give and take of political decision-making, and who knows how to get things done, vote for Hillary. Emails be damned.They’re a red herring thrown into the debate by people who don’t want you to think about the real issues, like why the 1% are sucking up all the wealth in this country and why the rich are able to buy elections and how Republicans are working to prevent huge blocks of citizens from exercising their right to vote. And climate change. These are the issues we should be debating.

  618. Alice September 20, 2016 at 1:11 pm #

    You are being a true supporter of Bernie: He asked us to support Hillary, stating that this is not the election to make a “protest” vote. When I think about whose version of America I want to see, Hillary’s is so much closer to my ideal of a good nation–the ideal that I saw in Bernie’s campaign, that there is no way I would encourage any one with an ounce of humanity to vote for any candidate except her. Voting for third party candidates is running the risk that Trump will win. How would you explain your vote to anyone who is a member of any of the minorities Trump has spoken against or demeaned as their life got worse and worse as actions against them became acceptable due to self serving votes for anyone except Hillary?

  619. juliaschoettleoutlookcom September 20, 2016 at 1:18 pm #

    Reblogged this on mindfulness941 and commented:
    Makes me think

  620. C.W. Horn September 21, 2016 at 3:00 am #

    The idea that Trump must be stopped is clear. Obviously anyone opposed to him winning needs to vote for someone else. The DNC and plenty of Americans have provided Clinton the necessary means to be his main rival. With third parties largely ignored, those who are against Trump are being brow beaten into having to vote for Clinton. I wouldn’t mind it if said brow-beaters would simply say, “Welp, we’re fucked, if you really don’t want Trump, Clinton is the only realistic bet.” However, it’s not that simple. The brow-beaters want to sell her not just as the only realistic and most qualified opponent, but also as a woman villified, a woman we must sypathize with and a true liberal. I’m sick of hearing that she has created the most progressive platform. It’s just crumbs. No one with a good head on their shoulders believes for a second that this “platform” is going to stick. To the average American, it’s a platform of complacency. Clinton will at best continue Obama’s brittle policies of gender equality and lull liberals into a false sense of security. Just like the neocons that have an excuse for every cop that kills an unarmed black person, Clinton supporters have excuses for her support of Bill’s crime bill and welfare reform. Outside U.S. borders we will see neoliberal (or republican, same dif, right?) warmongering. Her support of the bombing of women and children speaks volumes about her pedestrian feminism. I like real feminists. There are plenty of powerful and wealthy women to admire and respect. I don’t have to like Clinton because I don’t like Trump, OK? Simply because I am a white male that does not like Clinton seems to to leave me villified by the brow-beaters. I was never Bernie or Bust. I’ll say it- I like Stein. Stein has the right idea. Does she have a chance? Probably not. Why vote for her? Because she seems genuine and I have to stand for what I believe is right. We can no longer afford the luxury of baby steps to positive change. Go ahead, brow beaters, call me privileged. Tell me I’m either throwing away my vote or helping Trump. Fuck you, I’m not.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt September 21, 2016 at 6:11 am #

      C.W.Horn, ending your rant here with “Fuck you,” really helps make your case (hear sarcastic tone).

      • brianarbenz September 21, 2016 at 7:30 am #

        Well said, Michael!

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt September 21, 2016 at 10:23 am #

        Thank you! I can only tolerate so much ugly! 🙂

      • C.W. Horn September 25, 2016 at 11:19 pm #

        Yeah, I took it a level too far. I’m sick of people praising Hillary like she’s a godsend and then lashing out at liberal-minded thinkers who don’t like her. This election has a lot of us heated up. I got caught up in the moment. A passionate post can sometimes get ugly. Thanks for reading!

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt September 26, 2016 at 5:40 am #

        Thank you for circling back! I hope there is space for civil engagement and reflection for us all.

  621. Emanuele Ciriachi September 21, 2016 at 4:00 pm #

    Wow, what a “blog”. Let me guess – the “bigot of the week” is occasionally different from you?

  622. Martina Christie September 21, 2016 at 5:50 pm #

    I concur with your observations, if she had been a man, this would be a non-event. I can only hope that other naysayers give her a chance, she is smart, concerned for the right reasons, and has weathered a toxic political stage as no other.

  623. Lesleigh Norris September 26, 2016 at 8:59 am #

    I have spoken out about and witnessed “systemic misogyny” for half a century since I was in college. Of course, at that time we just called it “hatred of women”. Much more to the point, don’t you think? I have faced discrimination in so many ways over such a long period of time, I would be hard put to list them all. Yes, I am voting for Hillary Clinton because I like her, but even if I didn’t I would do it to rub mens’ collective noses in it. Pay back’s a bitch.

  624. Elizabeth O'Connor September 27, 2016 at 11:20 am #

    Excellent article. Thank you from all the women yelling at the TV during the debate while Trump lied, interrupted and talked over Hillary through the entire debate!

  625. Marilyn Kohn September 27, 2016 at 10:40 pm #

    The bar for acceptable behavior has been set higher for Hillary than other mere mortals. The most recent example is her use of a private email account. It has been readily recognized that other officials have made use of private email accounts (which is actually shocking. Ending that practice is an upside to this whole debacle).

    The outrage against Hillary comes from use of her own server. Yes, this is a departure that seems overly controlling. Looking past that, though, would there be the same prolonged outrage if someone else had done it? How many emails did her predecessors delete? Could they be recovered if an examination were necessary? Nobody has publicly questioned whether Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice or Colin Powell sent sensitive documents from their email accounts.

    More generally, it’s acknowledged that Donald Trump is a liar but he is being questioned about his version of events only recently. He hasn’t been pressed about his tax returns as Hillary has been about her email account. More of an issue was made over the president’s birth certificate than his legal difficulties with Trump University.

    But this appears to be an advantaged enjoyed by the Republican Party. They have shut down the government, caused our financial rating to be downgraded, and generally acted against America’s interests, but their power remains undiminished. Their friends profit off the exploitation of public land and still receive federal subsidies. Their seeming invincibility defies belief.

    I’ve gone beyond the topic here. I believe, though, that what we see in Hillary’s presentation is an exaggerated example of how the treatment of public officials

    • lyme2016 September 28, 2016 at 9:41 am #

      Great comment. After listening to various interviews with people at Trump rallies and reading many many comments from Trump supporters, I can only hope and pray that those who support Hillary are putting their money where their mouths are by sending significant money to Emily’s List, which is trying to elect progressive women to the Congress, and MoveOn, which is putting boots on the ground to get the vote out in critical states. This is no cakewalk and we can’t get complacent.

    • Cranberry September 28, 2016 at 11:54 am #

      Great comment. After listening to various interviews with people at Trump rallies and reading many many comments from Trump supporters, I can only hope and pray that those who support Hillary are putting their money where their mouths are by sending significant money to Emily’s List, which is trying to elect progressive women to the Congress, and MoveOn, which is putting boots on the ground to get the vote out in critical states. This is no cakewalk and we can’t get complacent.

  626. Peggi Garvey September 28, 2016 at 11:20 am #

    I have always been a Hilary supporter, even though I supported President Obama when he got the nomination. I also would have been happy with a Sanders nomination, because they were not that far apart on many issues and values. I think that she will do so much more good than people expect, especially for jobs and small businesses. We just need to get behind her and support her!! She is the bravest candidate we have ever had!!!!!

  627. Angela Welch Stucker September 28, 2016 at 3:09 pm #

    When I read this piece, I wanted to cry. I actually kind of did.

    I’m younger than Hillary Clinton, but old enough that I remember the day I understood for the first time that boys had rights I did not. I was in elementary school and my mom had left the house early, leaving my step-father with the task of getting me ready for school. It was a cold day and he laid out my favorite cold weather outfit, plaid wool pants and a fisherman’s sweater, certain that he’d made a good call. All I could think was, how could he not know that girls weren’t allowed wear pants to school? It wouldn’t be long before we could, but until that day arrived I’d continue wearing shorts under my skirts so I could play on the jungle gym, and continue to be cold on winter days. I remember when my mother, who had worked her entire life, couldn’t get a credit card without my step-father co-signing her application. I remember finding out in my first job, student manager in my college dorm cafeteria, that my co-worker who had started working there after I did, who had a job of less responsibility than mine, and who, oh yes was male, was being paid more than me. When I asked my boss, a woman, why, she looked at me a bit perplexed and said, well because he’s a man.

    I remember when Hillary became First Lady in 1992. I was impressed with her resume (it even made me wonder why it was Bill placing his hand on that Bible instead of her) and her desire to be more than decorative and to do more than decorate. I was excited with her goal to implement universal health care, and was disappointed and perplexed when that endeavor failed. Then I watched as she was vilified. Again and again. I didn’t understand why. Then I did. “What you said.”

    I never had any doubt that I would vote for Hillary, yet for many months of this campaign, I didn’t talk about it. Believe me, telling people what I think is normally not an issue for me. So I had to look long and hard at my reasons, and it was simply this – I didn’t want to deal with the responses I knew I would get. That I was naive, ignorant, that I didn’t get it, that I hadn’t done enough research, that I had bought the lies of the “establishment.” While I knew that none of this was the case, I didn’t want to deal with having to defend myself, and didn’t want to be told yet again that my perceptions of my personal reality of living in a misogynistic culture that refuses to acknowledge that bias, were not valid.

    And then I had to admit that I was being a coward. And for what? I didn’t have to worry about losing my job, being dragged out of my apartment in the middle of the night, being thrown in jail, or facing attack dogs, or a rope. Then I was ashamed.

    Thinking upon it further, I realized the secret of Hillary’s resilience, which has always amazed me, is this – she understands that this is how things work. The first “anything” doesn’t get to walk down the red carpet beaming from victory, doesn’t get the accolades, the awards, the commendations. While examples of this are replete throughout history, we need look no further than the tenure of our current president. The first “anything” gets to do this – do the work they wanted to do in the first place, while continuing to deal with the attacks lobbed at them all along their way to this point, and then hopefully to ease the battle a little for the next guy. Or girl. Or trans person. Or person of color.

    So I “came out’ and said I’m with her. And I asked the people who pummeled me with the expected responses, to please, please, look into their heart of hearts, and ask if there wasn’t the tiniest possibility that there might be a wee bit of misogyny in there somewhere, knowing that I most likely wouldn’t hear any yeses, or even any maybes.

    That’s why I wanted to cry when I read this. Thank you for acknowledging what one half of the population on this planet lives with every day. And thank you to Hillary Rodham Clinton for staying the course.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt September 28, 2016 at 3:49 pm #

      Angela, I can’t thank you enough for your comment here. Sharing this part of your narrative is so critical to why all of us need to understand the damaging impact of systemic misogyny! You have honored us all by sharing this! I hope people take the time to read your comment here! Peace, Michael.

      • Angela Welch Stucker September 28, 2016 at 5:03 pm #

        Thank you Michael.

        This stuff is hard. When you grow up in a society where bias is present, and I suppose no society is exempt, it’s very difficult to see it, let alone admit to it. I don’t think it’s possible not to internalize bias, even if you’re on the receiving end of it. Some of the most virulent comments I got in response to my support of Hillary were from young women. And I was expected to be the one offering proof that she wasn’t a liar, crooked, a “scum bag” as one friend called her, but they didn’t seem to feel any obligation to offer proof of their assertions that she was. It’s crazy making.

        We have to ask ourselves what we are so afraid of. I don’t have the answer to that, all I know is that for those of us committed to social justice the first step is always to listen, to validate another’s experience, and then to look at ways that we might be complicit.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt September 28, 2016 at 6:44 pm #

        Yes, it is sad that we as a culture seem to lack the ability for reflection and the ability to tolerate any type of cognitive dissonance. I am not surprised that women younger than you are not supporting Hillary, as the misogynistic narrative constructed by the right wing for over 30 years has been so destructive and unfounded. Again, I am so grateful for you. Peace, Michael.

      • alohamichaeldaly September 29, 2016 at 11:28 pm #


        Is this a Wall Street / Democratic Party sponsored blog?

        The way to convert Bernie Sanders’ rally supporters to real Clinton voters where it counts as the rubber meets the road.

        Such lowlife, headed by Debbie Wazzerman Shultz in the Democratic Party failed the fair election of Bernie – and Sanders, he too knew his roll in the primary play – the swell for him was far greater than expected, proving the real sentiment or ordinary USA voters – but alas the elections are a fake in the USA – both parties, nominees and the Offices controlled and bought for by tans nationalists.

        And, for lowlife Democrates the upset of him winning or causing a stir, is long past. The idea of him protesting the voter fraud is as unlikely as Al Gore (D) protesting the 2000 Bush (R) appointment. And the false flag event of 9/11 comes just months later – what better man to be appointed to bring forward our forever War on Terror.

        These Democrates and Republicans are frauds who talk the talk, but in the end are mere politicians who play their roll and usher the path for demons – and at the same time their purpose is to quell any uprising.

        Young liberals at this blog are being fooled by the peace, gay and feminist symbols on the header and a call of Hillary for feminism in the content – but it is absolutely in compatible for Clinton, a corporate tool and war monger to have much of any humanity, truth, civil rights force or empathy for the people – like Obama (D), Clinton (D) knows the language and buzzwords but their action for their corporate masters produce death to innocent people abroad, death and police state at home, poverty, racism, survelience, and toxicity for life on the planet.

        Look for something GREEN.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt September 30, 2016 at 6:10 am #

        Your hate here is duly noted. You must come from enormous privilege, as you are probably not going to be impacted by a Trump win, as all targeted communities will be.

  628. F.Behrens September 29, 2016 at 7:47 pm #

    Thank you very much. ..I have observed, and been a fan of Hillary for 30 years. I recognize that she’s not perfect, but who is. Her core values are something to be admired and I stand with her 100%.

  629. Lilieth Clacken September 30, 2016 at 8:34 am #

    Wow! I am totally in agreement with this article. I am so anxious to welcome the first FEMALE PRESIDENT OF THE GREAT UNITED STATES OF AMERICA..HILLARY CLINTON. A very hard worker..a smart intelligent experienced and sympathetic leader. I ADMIRE HER STRENGTH AND RESOLVE..VOTE FOR HILLARY TO SAVE AMERICA

  630. flamidwyfe October 10, 2016 at 5:27 am #

    Reblogged this on Flamidwyfe's Blog and commented:
    Very thoughtful commentary. It begs the questions; How much do we really know? And how is it that we allow the media and others to shape OUR opinion?

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt October 10, 2016 at 6:01 am #

      Thank you for reblogging this, Flamidwyfe. Peace, Michael.

      • flamidwyfe October 13, 2016 at 10:10 pm #

        You are very welcome!

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt October 14, 2016 at 6:06 am #

        Let us hope our collected efforts help guide the country to a Hillary victory and help us unite and heal as a nation. Peace, Michael.

      • flamidwyfe October 15, 2016 at 8:57 pm #


  631. K Elle Bee October 13, 2016 at 10:49 am #

    Wonderful piece, and your gut instinct is baked up by numbers: Sexism is the strongest (and only) predictor of voting for someone other than Clinton in the upcoming election (among men). This is over and above other attitudes that differentiate the electorate, such as homophobia, Islamophobia, and Conservative ideologies! When looking at what predicts a vote for a third party candidate or being undecided, there are two predictors: Sexism and Islamophobia. The higher you are in sexism, the more likely you are to be undecided or voting third party. The lower you are in Islamophobia, the less likely you are to be voting third party or undecided. So Trump is pulling the Islamophobic votes, while Third Party candidates are benefiting from sexism.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt October 13, 2016 at 11:35 am #

      Thank you, Karen. Let us hope this election turns out well and that we can repair the damage and unite the disparate voices! Peace, Michael.

  632. Barbara Jernigan October 16, 2016 at 7:12 am #

    Oh! So right! And what I like about David Brooks is that he did what he has done throughout this campaign..He has not defended his conservatism by supporting the status quo as many Republicans have dine..and continue to do …regardless of the facts, including the ones presented here.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt October 16, 2016 at 7:35 am #

      Barbara, good point. And, I’m discouraged that Brooks has offered no repair. His conservative voice has helped to pave the way for someone like Trump to become the nominee, as so many GOP voices have been the architects of the misogynistic, racists, homophobic, and xenophobic circus we are witnessing today. Thank you again for making a good point. Peace, Michael.

  633. CONCERNED AMERICAN October 19, 2016 at 12:02 pm #

    They all love hillary because they all are socialst or commies like her. Any one who don’t believe inGOD or constitution doesn’t belong in AMERICA. Everyone wants on the power,greed and no morals wagon. If hellary wins, AMERICA IS DOOMED.


    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt October 19, 2016 at 2:47 pm #

      Wow, Francis. I am embarrassed for you. May I invite you to read the constitution? Perhaps take a history course?

    • brianarbenz October 23, 2016 at 10:27 am #

      Darned Commie Goldman Sachs!

  634. Anne Macq October 22, 2016 at 4:17 pm #

    Thank you.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt October 22, 2016 at 5:58 pm #

      Thank you, Anne. May I please ask that you please share this? I really want this election to prove helpful to the entire country. Peace, Michael.

  635. Michele Morton October 23, 2016 at 10:03 pm #

    As a Canadian I follow American politics rather closely because of the interconnection between our 2 countries. I have always thought that Hillary was an amazing person with a great intellect and a compassion for all. I have therefore been extremely puzzled by the incredibly biased and unfavourable light she has been portrayed in by many Americans and your media. I long ago came to the conclusion that it was the misogyny that is so prevalent even in 2016. As the mother of a bright, articulate and hard working daughter I find this unacceptable. Hillary is truly completely able and competent to become the next president. Actually she is more prepared than anyone who has ever sought to serve your still very great nation!!

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt October 24, 2016 at 6:20 am #

      Thank you, Michele. Yes, the vilification by the GOP in the past 35 years of Hillary is bizarre and sad that people don’t question it. You are lucky to have Trudeau as your Prime Minister. Peace, Michael.

    • Cactus Joe October 24, 2016 at 6:24 am #

      I concur. Nonetheless, we have come ridiculously close to electing a tyrant (Trump) and this had better be an eye opener for Dems that the people have had enough, and get crackin’ on infrastructure and ending corporate control of government. Clinton will be challenged by the latter but if she crushes it on the former, people might be OK with it. But there is no margin for error.

  636. Mike November 6, 2016 at 12:07 am #

    Your article is so inaccurate that it borders on incompetence. Hillary Clinton has been investigated and had to sit before multiple grand juries dating back 20 years. Right now there are five Federal investigations pending from the IRS the FBI, both personally and into her foundation. Five of her close aides are getting investigated. Perhaps I just have different Integrity standards than you do. You may want to check out Wikileaks as they’ve also uncovered a tie to child trafficking of all things. She funded and paid for the attorney for a convicted sex offender who is charged with trafficking. The Clinton Foundation has donated less than 6% of what it reports to actual Charities they keep the rest. But it appears they don’t report even what they take in as there’s 10 billion missing from Haiti. At Hillary’s last hearing she pled the 5th 125 x’s. You must be absolutely crackers. Have a nice day.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt November 6, 2016 at 7:00 am #

      Your explication here seems to only prove the veracity of the article. Name calling is always a good way of trying to reach people. I feel quite sorry for you.

  637. James Bourgeois December 5, 2016 at 6:24 am #

    Hillary Clinton has been in office for 30 something years has done nothing for nobody but her self. I don’t mind a woman president but for damn sure not Voting for Hillary. So let me get this straight you want me to vote for destroying jobs in this Country 11 million jobs has left our country under the Obama administration. Then you want me to vote for her Security to protect us in the US as her Emails that got soldiers killed in Bengazi?Then you want me To vote for higher Taxes? Obama raised them twice Hillary will do it twice in her term said she would if she was elected and also then put us in a war in Russia and Syria.Then you want me to vote for Hillary because she protected a Child Molester and helped get him off with a couple months serve in jail and got out. Then you want me to vote for Hillary when she was a gold water girl and proud of it she said it on tv. That stood against civil rights as Bernie Sanders walked along side of Martin Luther King jr. And you want me to give up my gun rights? And you are against fixing our economy in the US. Just To Protect The Gays & Transgenders & Illegals And Same Sex Marriages? For our unemployment and welfare that the working class pay for. That you vote against? As Our Country Is Falling As Your Voting Has Cause This Catastrophe. No I Might Add How Dare You!!!! I vote Trump to fix this Country tired of Lies And Scandals that come out of the Democrats and Liberal mouths. The Working Class Woke Up In America as your political policy are trying to destroy it.

    • Anita Stuever December 5, 2016 at 11:01 am #

      What “office(s)” has Hillary held for 30-something years?

    • brianarbenz December 5, 2016 at 4:58 pm #

      Where did you get those facts, James, Facts R Us? Classic post-truth Trump methods! Hillary has been in office 30 years, Obama raised taxes twice. Keep making things up out of thin air! Expressing opinions is so much easier when you don’t have to do the hard work of becoming informed.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt December 5, 2016 at 5:06 pm #

        Yes, our poor James is woefully misinformed and his language is beyond offensive. Sadly, his racism, homophobia, and his litany of bigotry has only been sanctioned by the man he voted supported.

  638. Guest January 28, 2017 at 2:18 pm #

    The Dems should have nominated a better candidate.

    Since they didn’t, we now have Trump in the White House.

    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt January 28, 2017 at 6:51 pm #

      Curious how you don’t include your name here. I’m almost tempted to share your email address publicly, but I won’t! and you probably gave a false address anyway. It is also curious to me how you seem to ignore a Republican obstructionist and racist government for the past 8 years and then blame the democrats for why Trump is in office. I’m sad for you and your inability to think critically.

      • Guest January 28, 2017 at 9:51 pm #

        “Curious how you don’t include your name here.”

        It appears that I’m not the only reader to not use my real name, but I don’t recall you calling out others who don’t so long as they agree with you.

        “I’m almost tempted to share your email address publicly, but I won’t!”

        Well, thank you for remembering the “(Address never made public)” rule. I’m sure you know how it feels to be outed in public if you don’t want to be.

        “I’m sad for you and your inability to think critically.”

        Ah, so anyone who doesn’t agree with you can’t think critically.

        Obviously, your first sentence in your commentary indicates that you thought another candidate was the better candidate during the primaries until Clinton got the nomination. I shared the same stance before the nomination, but, unlike you, I maintained my stance after the nomination.

        “It is also curious to me how you seem to ignore a Republican obstructionist and racist government for the past 8 years and then blame the democrats for why Trump is in office.”

        Except that the government in DC wasn’t Republican for all of the past eight years.

        Did you forget that the Dems controlled the White House and both chambers of Congress from 2009 to 2011? They still controlled the White House and one chamber of Congress until 2015.

        So, during the first six years of Obama’s presidency, when he had a more cooperative Congress, the country didn’t get much beyond a compromised healthcare act that provides insurance, but not necessarily affordable healthcare.

        Where were Obama and most of the Dems in the fight to strengthen labor rights? During his first campaign he promised card check and to walk that picket line. We know how that turned out. Had the Dems done that, they wouldn’t have lost their majorities in Congress and Obama’s Dem successor would have won this election handily.

        I get no pleasure from writing this because I’m sure you and I are on the same boat on most issues. I was just as surprised as you were when Trump won, even though I saw that Clinton had some weaknesses that neither she nor the Dems could address effectively.

        So, the proverbial ball is now in the Dems’ court. How do they plan to hit it? Just hope that Trump turns out to be so bad that any Dem could win in 2020? I hope not.

      • jurassicpork January 29, 2017 at 8:31 am #

        Mikey, m’ boy, if you think that Hillary was a better nominee than Sanders, then perhaps you might consider retiring from this line of work. For you to completely render as conspiracy theories the Podesta emails (who gives a fuck who hacked them? They’re nonetheless genuine) and the incontrovertible evidence of the DNC’s collusion and corruption, the Pay to Play scheme with her Foundation and all other facts pointing to her vast unsuitability for the Office of President, then you’re simply too unfit to even be near writing implements of any kind. In fact, I’d propose that you be barred from crayons, lumps or coal or anything that can be used for communicating what passes for your thoughts by an Act of Congress.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt January 29, 2017 at 8:38 am #

        Wow! You are truly a most ungenerous and awful human being. I feel quite sorry for you. Your privilege is all over the place!

      • brianarbenz January 29, 2017 at 8:52 am #

        JurassicPork: The emails purportedly showing collusion to prevent Bernie Sanders from getting the nomination have revealed to be edited and falsely chronicled so their meaning was distorted. Looks like you are the one whose ability to use crayons should be called into question, as you were unaware of this. Or for that matter, because you trusted Wikileaks to be honest!

    • brianarbenz January 29, 2017 at 7:54 am #

      I cannot agree that a weak nominee by the Democrats was the problem. Russian and FBI sabotage forced Trump on the nation and that coup would have carried out no matter the Democrat opponent. False proportioning of issues against Hillary was the tactic and different issues would have been used to similarly defame Bernie Sanders, regrettably. Far more than a weak candidacy is fundamentally wrong with our electoral system.

      • ninime February 1, 2017 at 9:01 pm #

        Can you point me to some evidence that “The emails purportedly showing collusion to prevent Bernie Sanders from getting the nomination have revealed to be edited and falsely chronicled”? That’s the first I’ve heard that and I cannot find anything about. I’d like to read about it. Thanks.

      • brianarbenz February 2, 2017 at 7:57 am #

        After work today, I’ll post that info.

  639. penguinlad January 29, 2017 at 10:52 am #

    @jurassicpork – Porky, m’lad, you’re a bit sad and delusional. Your ad hominem attacks and thought police threats are truly tragic, as is your reasoning.
    There was no Pay for Play. The DNC emails, to the extent that any of it was accurate, were a tempest in a teapot. Sanders is a wonderful Senator and a decent fellow. He was NOT a great candidate and would have run at least as badly as Clinton in the general election.
    I’m sorry you buy into decades of slurs and baseless character assassination rather than focusing your energy on the horror we’re living through now because people like you refused to suppor the Democratic nominee.

  640. Robert Hulshof-Schmidt August 5, 2017 at 7:23 am #


    • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 5, 2017 at 7:26 am #

      I imagine most of the country is still with her. More than profoundly sad as to where we are now because of 45. 😦

      • brianarbenz August 5, 2017 at 7:55 pm #

        Trump has dismal favorablity ratings . But he did on Election Day, too. And he finished second then. So his current 33 percent approval rating is not the sure sign it may seem that he is doomed. Our election system is broken. Birch Bayh’s constitutional amendment to end the Electoral College was up for a vote in Congress 6 times between 1967 and ’77, and we progressives let it languish. A series of disastrously missed opportunities.

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 5, 2017 at 9:06 pm #

        Hi Brian, yes! We most certainly need to abolish the obsolete Electoral College. For those they still support 45, all I can say is that I am exceedingly sad that we have a portion of the population who are in fact fascists. 😦

      • brianarbenz August 5, 2017 at 8:03 pm #

        Still, there is plenty of good out there. The resistance is winning the day. We have stopped Betsy Devos’ plan to restructure student loans that would have harmed borrowers even more, and the Trump nominee for the head of the Office of Personnel Management has been withdrawn because of opppsition to his anti-union history. I have a growing sense of accomplishment from having participated in the Resistance and am eager to keep fighting on!

      • Michael Hulshof-Schmidt August 5, 2017 at 9:07 pm #

        Brian, we most certainly need your wonderful voice and your resistance! Always grateful for you! Peace, Michael.


  1. Dear Hillary: How Very Dare You!  – Comments From The Peanut Gallery - August 3, 2016

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  2. Dear Hillary: How Very Dare You! « Reading, Drinking and Dancing with a Chaser of Snark - August 3, 2016

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